1815 - 1816 H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhora Dona Maria I, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, and above and below the Seas of Africa, Lord of Guinea, of the Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and the Indies, Most Faithful Queen. b. at Lisbon, 17th December 1734, as H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Maria Francisca Isabel Josefa Antónia Gertrudes Rita Joanna de Bragança, eldest surviving child of H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhor Dom José I, by the Grace of God, King of Portugal and the Algarves, etc. by his wife, H.M. Queen Dona Mariana Vitória, daughter of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Lord Don Felipe V, by the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies, etc. Granted the title of Princess of Beira by her grandfather, King Dom João V at birth. Became Princess of Brazil, 31st July 1750. Succeeded on the death of her father, 24th February 1777. Proclaimed at Lisbon, 13th May 1777. Became mentally unstable and was forced to accept a Regency from 10th February 1792. Left Portugal with her family on the invasion of her kingdom by the French, 29th November 1807. Landed at Rio de Janeiro, 7th March 1808. Proclaimed as Queen of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, 16th December 1815. m. at the Palace of Nossa Senhora d’Ajuda, Lisbon, 6th July 1760, her uncle, H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhor Dom Pedro III, King of Portugal and the Algarves, and above and below the Seas of Africa, Lord of Guinea, of the Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and the Indies, Most Faithful King, 19th Duke of Bragança, 16th Duke of Guimarães and 14th Duke of Barcellos, 18th Marquis of Vila Viçosa, 20th Count of Barcellos, 16th Count de Guimarães, d’Ourem, de Faria, and de Neiva, and 22nd Count d’Arrayolos (b. at Lisbon, 5th July 1717; d. at the Palace of Nossa Senhora d’Ajuda, Lisbon, 5th March 1786, bur. São Vicente de Fora), rcvd: Knt of the Military Orders of Christ, São Bento d’Aviz, São Thiago da Espada, and Spanish Order of the Golden Fleece, who reigned jointly with his wife, née H.H. the Serene Senhor Infant Dom Pedro Clemente Francisco José António de Bragança, fourth son of H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senor Dom João V, by the Grace of God, King of Portugal and the Algarves, etc. by his wife, H.M. Queen Dona Maria Ana Josefa, daughter of H.I.M. Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor. She d. at the Convent of Nossa Senhora do Carmo da Antiga Sé, Rio de Janeiro, 20th March 1816 (bur. Basilica of Estrela, Lisbon), having had issue, four sons and three daughters:
1) H.H. the Royal Prince Senhor Infant Dom José Francisco Xavier de Paula Domingos António Agostinho Anastácio de Bragança, Prince of Brazil and 20th Duke of Bragança, 17th Duke of Guimarães and 15th Duke of Barcellos, 19th Marquis of Vila Viçosa, 21st Count of Barcellos, 17th Count de Guimarães, d’Ourem, de Faria, and de Neiva, and 23rd Count d’Arrayolos. b. at the Palace of Nossa Senhora d’Ajuda, Lisbon, 20th August 1761, educ. privately. Styled Prince of Beira at birth, and became Prince of Brazil 24th February 1777. Succeeded his father as Duke of Bragança, etc. 5th March 1786. Rcvd: Cdr. of the Orders of Christ, São Bento d’Aviz, and São Thiago da Espada, and Knt of the Order of the Golden Fleece of Spain (1785). m. at Lisbon, 7th February 1777, his aunt, H.H. the Most Serene Princess Infanta Dona Maria Francisca Benedita Anna Isabel Joanna Antónia Laura Inácia Gertrudes Rita Rosa de Bragança (b. at Lisbon, 25th July 1746; d. there, 10th August 1829), Rcvd: GC of the Order of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Dame of the Orders of St Isabela of Portugal (25.4. 1804), and Maria Luísa of Spain (9.10.1816), youngest daughter of H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhor Dom José I, by the Grace of God, King of Portugal and the Algarves, etc. by his wife, H.M. Queen Dona Mariana Victória, daughter of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Felipe V, by the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies, etc. He d.s.p. at Lisbon, 11th September 1788 (bur. São Vicente de Fóra).
2) H.H. the Serene Senhor Infant Dom João de Bragança. Stillborn at the Palace of Nossa Senhora d’Ajuda, Lisbon, 20th October 1762.
4) H.H. the Royal Prince Senhor Infant Dom Dom João Maria José Francisco Xavier de Paula Luis António Domingos Raphael de Bragança, who succeeded as H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhor Dom João VI, King of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, etc. - see below.
5) H.R.H. the Serene Princess Senhora Infanta Dona Maria Anna Vitória Josefa Francisca Xavier de Paula Antonieta Joanna Domingas Gabriela de Bragança. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 15th December 1768, educ. privately. m. at Lisbon, 12th April (by proxy) and at Aranjuez, 23rd May 1785 (in person), H.R.H. Don Gabriel Antonio Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno José Serafin Pascual Salvador de Borbon y Sassonia, Infant of Spain (b. at Portici, 12th May 1752; d. at San Lorenzo de Escorial, near Madrid, 23rd November 1788, bur. there in the Royal Mausoluem), Grand Prior of the Hospitaler Order of St John of Jerusalem for Castile and Leon, rcvd: Knt of the Order of the Golden Fleece of Spain (1752), fourth son of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos III, By the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies, etc, by his wife, H.M. The Most Serene Princess Señora Doña Maria Amalia de Sassonia y Habsburgo, eldest surviving daughter of H.M. Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. She d. at San Lorenzo de Escorial, near Madrid, 2nd November 1788 (bur. there in the Royal Mausoluem), having had issue, two sons and one daughter.
6) H.H. the Serene Princess Senhora Infanta Dona Maria Clementina Francisca Xavier de Paula Anna Josefa Antónia Domingas Feliciana Joanna Michaela Julia de Bragança. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 9th June 1774. She d. at Lisbon, 27th June 1776.
7) H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Maria Isabel de Bragança. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 12th December 1776. She d. at Lisbon, 14th January 1777.
1816 - 1822 H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhor Dom João VI, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, and above and below the Seas of Africa, Lord of Guinea, of the Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and the Indies, Most Faithful King, KG (13.2.1822). b. at Lisbon, 13th May 1767, educ. privately. Succeeded his elder brother as Prince of Brazil and 21st Duke of Bragança, 18th Duke of Guimarães and 16th Duke of Barcellos, 20th Marquis of Vila Viçosa, 22nd Count of Barcellos, 18th Count de Guimarães, d’Ourem, de Faria, and de Neiva, and 24th Count d’Arrayolos, 11th September 1788. Acting Regent of the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves, from 10th February 1792 and declared Prince Regent from 15th July 1799. Revived the Order of the Tower and Sword 13th May 1808. Grand Master of the reformed Military Orders of Christ, São Bento d’Aviz, São Thiago da Espada and the Tower and Sword from 5th July 1809. Grand Prior of Crato and the Order of St John of Jerusalem in Portugal. Founder of the Order of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa, 6th February 1818. Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves from 16th December 1815. Succeeded on the death of his mother, 20th March 1816. Aclaimed as King at Rio de Janeiro, 6th February 1818. Appointed his eldest surviving son as Regent, 22nd April 1821 and returned to Portugal. Recognised his son as Emperor of Brazil and assumed that style himself for his own lifetime, 29th August 1825. Rcvd: Knt of the Orders of the Golden Fleece of Spain (8.5.1785), the Holy Ghost and St Michael of France, Elephant of Denmark, Black Eagle of Prussia, St Andrew, Alexander Nevski, and Knight 1st class of the Order of St Anne of Russia, GC of the Orders of the Netherlands Lion, Legion of Honour of France, St Stephen of Hungary, Leopold of Austria, Carlos III (1796), St Ferdinand (1824) and Isabella the Catholic of Spain (27.7.1815). m. at Madrid, 27th March (by proxy) and at Lisbon, 9th June 1785 (in person), H.M. Queen Dona Carlota Joaquina (b. at Aranjuez, 25th April 1775; d. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 7th January 1830, bur. in the Royal Mausoleum, São Vicente de Fora, Alfama), founder of the Noble Order of the Ladies of Sta Isabela 25th April 1804, rcvd: GC of the Order of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Dame of the Order of Maria Luísa of Spain (1792), née H.R.H. the Serene Princess Señora Infanta Doña Carlota Joaquina Thereza Cayetana de Borbon y Borbon, eldest daughter of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos IV, King of Spain and the Indies, by his wife, H.M. The Most Serene Princess Señora Doña Maria Luisa Teresa de Borbón y Borbón, Queen of Spain and the Indies, second daughter of H.R.H. The Most Serene Prince Don Filippo de Borbone, Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, Infant of Spain, etc. He d. at Lisbon, 10th March 1826 (bur. in the Royal Mausoleum, São Vicente de Fora, Alfama), having had issue, three sons and six daughters:
1) H.H. the Serene Senhor Infant Dom António Francisco de Assis de Bragança e Bourbon, Prince of Beira. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 21st March 1795, educ. privately. Rcvd: Knt of the Order of the Golden Fleece of Spain (1795). He d. at Lisbon, 11th June 1801.
3) H.H. the Serene Senhor Infant Dom Miguel Maria do Patrocinio João Carlos Francisco de Assis Xavier de Paula Pedro de Alcántara António Raphael Gabriel Joaquim José Gonzaga de Bragança e Bourbon, who ascended the throne as H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhor Dom Miguel II, by the Grace of God, of Portugal and the Algarves, and above and below the Seas of Africa, Lord of Guinea, of the Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and the Indies, Most Faithful King (his history and descendants being beyond the scope of this work).
1) H.H. the Serene Princess Senhora Infanta Dona Maria Thereza Francisca d’Assis Antónia Carlota Joanna Josefa Xavier de Paula Michaela Raphaela Izabel Gonzaga de Bragança e Bourbon [H.R.H. the Serene Princess Señora Doña María Teresa de Braganza y Borbón, Countess of Molina]. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 29th April 1793, educ. privately. Styled Princess of Beira 29th April 1793 to 21st March 1795. Rcvd: GC of the Order of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818) and Dame of the Noble Order of Sta Isabela (25.4. 1804), and Maria Luísa of Spain (10.11.1801). m. (first) at Rio de Janeiro, 13th May 1810, her maternal first cousin, Admiral-General H.R.H. the Serene Prince Señor Don Pedro Carlos Antonio Rafael José Javier Francisco Juan Nepomuceno Tomas de Villanueva Marcos Marcelino Vicente Ferrer Raymundo Nonato Pedro de Alcántara Fernando de Borbón y Braganza, Infant of Spain (b. at Aranjuez, 25th April 1775; d. at Rio de Janeiro, 4th July 1812), Admiral-General of Portugal (13.5.1810), Grand Prior of the Order of St John of Jerusalem for Castile and Leon, rcvd: Knt of the Order of the Golden Fleece (1786), GC of the Orders of Carlos III of Spain, and Christ, São Bento d’Aviz and the Tower and Sword of Portugal, eldest son of H.R.H. the Serene Prince Señor Don Gabriel Antonio Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno José Serafin Pascual Salvador de Borbón y Sassonia, Infant of Spain, Grand Prior of the Hospitaler Order of St John of Jerusalem for Castile and Leon, by his wife, H.R.H. the Serene Princess Señora Doña Mariana Victoria Josefa Francisca Javier de Paula Antonietta Juana Dominga de Braganza y de Braganza, daughter of H.M. Dona Maria I, Queen of Portugal and the Algarve. m. (second) at Salzburg, Austria, 2nd February (by proxy) and at Azcoitia, 20th October 1838 (in person), as his second wife, her maternal uncle, H.R.H. the Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos Maria Isidro Benito de Borbón y Borbón, Count of Molina (b. at Aranjuez, 29th March 1788; d. at Trieste, 10th March 1855), Head of the Carlists under the style of Carlos V, rcvd: Knt of the Orders of the Golden Fleece of Spain and the Order of St Januarius of the Two Sicilies, GC of the Military Orders of Calatrava and Alcântara of Spain, St Ferdinand and Merit of Sicily, and Legion of Honour of France, widower of her younger sister, and sixth son of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos IV, King of Spain and the Indies, by his wife, H.M. The Most Serene Princess Señora Doña Maria Luisa Teresa de Borbón y Borbón, Queen of Spain and the Indies, second daughter of H.R.H. The Most Serene Prince Don Filippo de Borbone, Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, Infant of Spain, etc. She d. at Trieste, 17th January 1874 (bur. there at the San Giusto Cathedral), having had issue, an only son by her first husband.
2) H.H. the Serene Princess Senhora Infanta Dona Maria Isabel Francisca d’Assis Antónia Carlota Joanna Josefa Xavier de Paula Michaela Raphaela Isabel Gonzaga de Bragança e Bourbon [H.M. The Most Serene Princess Señora Doña Maria Isabel de Braganza y Borbón, Queen of Spain and the Indies]. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 19th May 1797, educ. privately. Grand Mistress of the Order of Queen Maria Luísa of Spain (29.9.1816, Dame, 10.11.1801). Rcvd: GC of the Order of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Dame of the Order of St Isabela of Portugal (25.4. 1804). m. at Cadiz, 4th September (by proxy) and at Madrid, 29th September 1816 (in person), as his second wife, His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Fernando VII, by the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies, King of Castile, Leon, Aragon, and Navarre, of the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, Granada, Toledo, Valençia, Galiçia, Majorca, Minorca, Seville, Cerdena, Cordoba, Corcega, Murçia, Jaen, the Algarves, Algeciras, Gibralta, and the Canary Islands, of the Indies, and of the Ocean Sea; Archduke of Austria; Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, and of Milan; Count of Hapsburg, Count of Flanders, Tyrol, and Barcelona; Lord of Biscay and Molina; etc. (b. at San Ildefonso, 13th October 1784; d. at Madrid, 29th September 1833), fifth son of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos IV, King of Spain and the Indies, by his wife, H.M. The Most Serene Princess Señora Doña Maria Luisa Teresa de Borbón y Borbón, Queen of Spain and the Indies, second daughter of H.R.H. The Most Serene Prince Don Filippo de Borbone, Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, Infant of Spain, etc. She d. at Madrid, 26th December 1818, having had issue, two daughters.
3) H.H. the Serene Princess Senhora Infanta Dona Maria Francisca d’Assis da Maternidade Xavier de Paula e d’Alcántara Antónia Joaquina Gonzaga Carlota Mónica Senhorinha Soter e Caia de Bragança e Bourbon [H.R.H. the Serene Princess Señora Doña María Francisca de Braganza y Borbón]. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 22nd April 1800, educ. privately. Rcvd: GC of the Order of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Dame of the Order of Sta Isabela of Portugal (25.4. 1804) and Maria Luísa of Spain (10.11.1801). m. at Cadiz, 4th September (by proxy) and at Madrid, 22nd September 1816 (in person), as his first wife, her maternal uncle H.R.H. the Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos Maria Isidro Benito de Borbón y Borbón, Count of Molina (b. at Aranjuez, 29th March 1788; m. second, his late wife’s elder sister, H.R.H. Doña María Teresa de Braganza y Borbón, and d. at Trieste, Trieste, 10th March 1855 - see above), sixth son of His Most Catholic Majesty The Most Serene Prince Señor Don Carlos IV, King of Spain and the Indies, by his wife, H.M. The Most Serene Princess Señora Doña Maria Luisa Teresa de Borbón y Borbón, Queen of Spain and the Indies, second daughter of H.R.H. The Most Serene Prince Don Filippo de Borbone, Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla. She d. at Alverstoke Rectory, near Gosport, Hampshire, 4th September 1834, having had issue, three sons.
5) H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Maria da Assumpcão Anna Joanna Josefa Luisa Gonzaga Francisca de Assis Xavier de Paula Joaquina Antónia de Santiago de Bragança e Bourbon. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 25thh June 1805, educ. privately. Rcvd: GC of the Order of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Dame of the Orders of Sta Isabela of Portugal, and Maria Luísa of Spain (9.10.1816). She d. unm. at Santarem, 7th January 1834 (bur. São Vicente de Fora, Alfama).
6) H.H. the Serene Princess Senhora Infanta Dona Anna de Jesus Maria Luisa Joaquina Michaela Raphaela Sérvula Antónia Xavier de Paula de Bragança e Bourbon [H.H. Dona Anna de Jesus Maria, Duchess of Loulé]. b. at Mafra, 23rd December 1806, educ. privately. Rcvd: GC of the Order of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Dame of the Orders of Sta Isabela of Portugal, and Maria Luísa of Spain (9.10.1816). m. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 1st December 1827, General H.E. Senhor Dom Nuno José Severo de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, Duke de Loulé and a Peer of Portugal (cre. 3/10/1862), 2nd Marquis of Loulé, 9th Count de Vale Mendoça, 24th Senhor da Azambuja, 12th Senhor da Povoa and Meadas, etc. (b. at Lisbon, 6th November 1804; d. there, 22nd May 1875), sometime Minister-Presdt, Counsellor of State, and Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King, rcvd: GC of the Order of the Tower & Sword, for Valour, Leadership and Merit, and Vila Viçosa, Cdr. of the Order of Christ, Knt of the Orders of the Black Eagle of Prussia and Anunziata of Italy, GC of the Orders of SS Maurice & Lazarus of Sardinia, the Ducal Saxe-Ernestine Order, Carlos III of Spain, Leopold of Belgium, the Netherlands Lion, Red Eagle of Prussia, Rue Crown of Saxony, Pius IX of the Vatican, Dannebrog of Denmark, and the Sovereign Order of Malta, eldest son of H.E. Senhor Dom Agostinho Domingos José de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, 1st Marques de Loulé, 8th Count de Vale de Reis, 23rd Senhor da Azambuja, 11th Senhor da Povoa and Meadas, sometime Gentleman of Honour to King Dom João VI, by his wife, Dona Maria Margarida do Carmo de Meneses, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-General H.E. Senhor Dom Diogo José Vito de Meneses Noronha Coutinho, 5th Marquises de Marialva and 7th Count de Contanhede. She d. at Rome, 22nd June 1857, having had issue, two sons and three daughters.