1822 - 1831 H.M. Senhor Dom Pedro I, by the Grace of God and the Unanimous Aclamation of the People, Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil. b. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, 12th October 1798, educ. privately. Became Prince of Beira and Infante of Portugal on 11th June 1801, and Prince of Brazil, and 22nd Duke of Bragança, 19th Duke of Guimarães and 17th Duke of Barcellos, 21st Marquis of Vila Viçosa, 23rd Count of Barcellos, 19th Count de Guimarães, d’Ourem, de Faria, and de Neiva, and 25th Count d’Arrayolos, 20th March 1816. Created Prince Royal of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, 9th January 1817. Appointed Regent of the Kingdom of Brazil by his father King Dom João VI on his departure for Portugal, 22nd April 1821. Cdr. of the Orders of Christ, São Bento d’Aviz, and São Thiago da Espada. Acclaimed as Constitutional Regent and Perpetual Defender of Brazil, 13th May 1822, and proclaimed the absolute independence of Brazil, on the banks of the Ipiranga River, São Paulo, on 7th September 1822. Proclaimed as Constitutional Emperor of Brazil, at Rio de Janeiro, 12th October 1822. Crowned at the Imperial Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Carmo da Antiga Sé, Rio de Janeiro, 1st December 1822. Promulgated the Brazilian Constitution, 25th March 1824. Succeeded his father as Dom Pedro IV, King of Portugal, etc. 10th March but abdicated that throne in favour of his eldest daughter, 29th April 1826. Abdicated the Imperial throne of Brazil in favour of his only surving son, 7th April 1831. Regent of Portugal on behalf of his infant daughter Queen Maria II da Gloria, 1834. Founder and Grand Master of the Imperial Orders of the Southern Cross (1.12.1822), Pedro I (16.4.1826), and the Rose (17.10.1829). Rcvd: GC of the Orders of the Tower and Sword, for Valour, Leadership and Merit (20.12.1834) and of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa (6.2.1818), Knt of the Orders of the Golden Fleece of Spain (8.11.1801), and St Hubert of Bavaria, GC of the Orders of the Netherlands Lion (20.9.1825), Carlos III (8.11.1801) and Isabella the Catholic of Spain (27.7.1815), St Stephen of Hungary, and St Micheal of Bavaria. m. (first) at Vienna, 13th May (by proxy) and at the Royal Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Carmo da Antiga Sé, Rio de Janeiro, 5th November 1817 (in person) H.M. Dona Maria Leopoldina, Empress of Brazil (b. at Vienna, 22nd January 1797; d. at Rio de Janeiro, 11th December 1826, in the Imperial Chapel, Monumento à Independência, Ipiranga, São Paulo), Crowned with her husband at Rio de Janeiro, 1st December 1822, Dame of the Orders of Pedro I, Southern Cross, and Rose of Brazil, GC of the Order of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa of Portugal (6.2.1818), and Dame of the Orders of St Elisabeth of Bavaria and the Starry Cross of Austria, née H.I.R.H. Archduchess Maria Leopoldine Josefa Carolina, fifth daughter of H.I.M. Franz I, Emperor of Austria, KG, by his second wife, H.I.M. Empress Maria Thereza, eldest daughter of H.M. Ferdinando I, King of the Two Sicilies. m. (second) at Munich, Bavaria, 2nd August (by proxy) and at Rio de Janeiro, 17th October 1829 (in person), H.M. Dona Amélia, Empress of Brazil (b. at Milan, Italy, 31st July 1812; d. at Lisbon, Portugal, 26th January 1873), rcvd: Dame of the Orders of St Isabel of Portugal, St Elisabeth and St Theresa of Bavaria, née H.H. Princess Amélie Auguste Eugènie Napoleona, third daughter of H.R.H. Eugène Rose Napoléon de Beauharnais, Duke of Leuchtenberg and Prince of Eichstädt, sometime Viceroy of Italy and Ach Chancellor of the French Empire, by his wife H.R.H. Princess Augusta Amalia Ludovika Georgia, Duchess of Leuchtenberg, eldest daughter of H.M. Maximilian I Josef, King of Bavaria. He same d. at Queluz Palace, Sintra, Portugal, in the room in which he had been born, 24th September 1834 (bur. in the Imperial Chapel, Monumento à Independência, Ipiranga, São Paulo), having had issue, three sons and five daughters:
1) H.H. the Serene Senhor Infant Dom Miguel Raphael Gabriel Gonzaga de Bragança, Prince of Beira. b. and d. at Rio de Janeiro, 24th April 1820 (s/o Dona Maria Leopoldina).
2) H.H. the Serene Senhor Infant Dom João Carlos Pedro Leopoldo Miguel Raphael Gabriel Gonzaga de Bragança, Prince of Beira. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 6th March 1821 (s/o Dona Maria Leopoldina). He d. there, 4th February 1822.
1) H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Maria da Gloria Joanna Carlota Leopoldina Isidora da Cruz Francisca Xavier de Paula Michaela Gabriela Raphaela Gonzaga de Bragança (d/o Dona Maria Leopoldina) , who succeeded as H.M. The Most High, Serene and Potent Senhora Dona Maria II, by the Grace of God, of Portugal and the Algarves, and above and below the Seas of Africa, Lord of Guinea, of the Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and the Indies, Most Faithful Queen (her history and descendants being beyond the scope of this work).
2) H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Januária Maria Joanna Carlota Leopoldina Cándida Francisca Xavier de Paula Michaela Gabriela Raphaela Gonzaga de Bragança [H.R.H. Princess Senhora Dona Januária de Bragança, Countess of Aquila]. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 11th March 1822 (d/o Dona Maria Leopoldina), educ. privately. Heiress Presumptive with the title of Princess Imperial of Brazil and style of Her Imperial Highness 1835 - 23rd February 1845. Entitled to the style of Her Royal Highness from her marriage, 28th April 1844. Rcvd: Dame of the Orders of the Starry Cross of Austria, and Maria Luisa of Spain. m. at Rio de Janeiro, 28th April 1844, Admiral H.R.H. Prince Luiz Carlos Maria José de Bourbon, Prince of the Two Sicilies, Count of Aquila (b. at Naples, 19th July 1824; d. at Paris, 5th March 1897), Hon. Admiral in the Brazilian Navy, sometime Adjutant-General, Vice-Admiral and Presdt. Council of Admiralty of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, rcvd: Knt of the Order of the Golden Fleece of Spain, GC of the Orders of the Southern Cross, Christ, São Bento d’Aviz and São Thiago da Espada of Brazil, and San Fernando and Merit of Sicily, sixth son of H.M. Francesco I, King of the Two Sicilies, by his second wife, H.M. Queen Maria Isabella, fifth daughter of H.M. Carlos IV, King of Spain. She d. at Nice, France, 13th March 1901, having had issue, three sons and one daughter.
3) H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Paula Mariana Joanna Carlota Leopoldina Cándida Francisca Xavier de Paula Michaela Gabriela Raphaela Gonzaga de Bragança. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 17th February 1823. She d. there, 16th January 1833 (bur. at the Imperial Mausoleum, Cathedral of São Pedro de Alcântara, Petrópolis).
4) H.H. the Serene Princess Infanta Dona Francisca Carolina Joanna Carlota Leopoldina Romana Xavier de Paula Michaela Gabriela Raphaela Gonzaga de Bragança [H.R.H. Princess Senhora Dona Francisca Carolina de Bragança, Princess of Joinville]. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 2nd August 1824 (d/o Dona Maria Leopoldina), educ. privately. Entitled to the style of Her Royal Highness from her marriage, 1st May 1843. m. at Rio de Janeiro, 1st May 1843, Vice-Admiral H.R.H. Prince Senhor Dom Francisco Fernando Filippe Luiz Maria de Orléans, Prince of Joinville (b. at Neuilly, 14th August 1818; d. at Paris, France, 16th June 1900, bur. at the Orléans Mausoleum, Royal Chapel of St Louis, Dreux), rcvd: Knt of the Order of the Golden Fleece of Spain (1846), GC of the Orders of the Legion of Honour of France and Southern Cross of Brazil, third son of H.M. Louis Philippe I, King of the French, KG, by his wife H.M. Queen Marie Amélie, sixth daughter of H.M. Ferdinando I, King of the Two Sicilies. She d. at her house in the Avenue d’Antin, Paris, France, 27th March 1898 (bur. at the Orléans Mausoleum, Royal Chapel of St Louis, Dreux), having had issue, two sons and one daughter.
Emperor Dom Pedro I also had issue by Clémence Saisset, a son:
4) Senhor Dom Pedro de Alcántara Brasileiro de Bragança. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 1821. He d. young.
Emperor Dom Pedro I had furher issue by H.E. Senhora Dona Domitila de Castro Canto e Mello, 1st Marchioness de Santos and a Gandeza of the Empire (cre. 12/10/1826) and Viscountess de Castro (cre. 12/10/1825) (b. at São Paulo, 27th December 1797; m. firstly, 13th January 1813 (div. 21st May 1824) Senhor Dom Alferes Felício Pinto Coelho de Mendoça. m. second, Brigadier Senhor Raphael Tobias de Aguiar, and d. 3rd November 1867), rcvd: Dame of the Order of St Isabel of Portugal (4.4.1827), daughter of Colonel Senhor Dom João de Castro Canto e Mello, 1st Viscount de Castro (son of Dona Ines de Castro, sometime mistress to King Dom Pedro III of Portugal), by his wife Dona Escolástica Bonifacia de Oliveira Toledo Ribas:
5) Senhor Dom Pedro de Alcántara Brasileiro de Bragança. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 7th December 1825. He d. there March 1826.
6) H.H. Senhora Dona Isabel Maria de Alcántara Brasileira de Bragança, Duchess de Goyaz. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 23rd May 1824, educ. privately. Legitimated 24th May 1826 and granted the title of Duchess de Goyaz with the style of Her Highness, 4th July 1826. m. at Munich, Bavaria, 17th April 1843, Ernst Joseph Johann Fischler, Count von Treuberg (b. at Holzen, near Donauwörth, 1st June 1810; d. there, 14th May 1867), Court Chamberlain to the King of Saxony, son of Franz Xavier Nikolaus Fischler, Count von Treuberg, by his wife Countess Marie Crescentie, youngest daughter of H.S.H. Karl Friedrich, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. She d. at Murnau, Upper Bavaria, 13th November 1898, having had issue, two sons and two daughters.
8) Senhora Dona Maria Isabel de Alcántara Brasileira de Bragança. b. at São Paulo, 28th February 1830, educ. privately. Recognised by her father in his testament. m. at Rio de Janeiro, 6th February 1846, as his second wife, H.E. Senhor Dom Pedro Caldeira Brant, 1st Count de Iguassú and a Grandee of the Empire (b. at Baia, Brazil, 30th June 1814; d. at Rio de Janeiro, 18th February 1881), rcvd: Cdr. of the Order of Christ, Knt 1st class of the Order of St Stanislas of Russia, third son of H.E. Senhor Dom Felisberto Caldeira Brant Pontes de Oliveira e Horta, 1st Marquis de Barbacena, Senator of the Empire, by his wife Dona Anna Constança Guilhermina de Castro Cardoso dos Santos. She d. at Rio de Janeiro, 13th September 1896, having had issue one son and three daughters.
1831 - 1889 [1891] H.M. Senhor Dom Pedro II, by the Grace of God and the Unanimous Aclamation of the People, Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil, KG (5.7.1871). b. at the Palace of São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, 2nd December 1825, educ. privately. Succeeded on the abdication of his father, 7th April 1831. Reigned under a Council of Regency until he was declared of age, 23rd July 1840. Crowned at the Imperial Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Carmo da Antiga Sé, Rio de Janeiro, 18th July 1841. Grand Master of the Imperial Orders of Pedro I, Southern Cross, and of the Rose. Became Grand Master of the Military Orders of Our Lord Jesus Christ, São Bento d’Aviz, and São Thiago da Espada, when they were nationalised in Brazil, 9th September 1843. Deposed by a military coup d’etat and went into exile, 15th November 1889. Poet, painter, linguist and man of science. A prince entirely devoted to the welfare of his people and perhaps the only person in Brazil who was not interested in political intrugue, distribution of favours, appointments or similar matters. Rcvd: Knt of the Orders of the Golden Fleece of Spain (1835), Annunziata of Italy, Elephant of Denmark, Seraphim of Sweden (11.6.1844), Black Eagle of Prussia, St Januarius of the Two Sicilies, St Andrew the First Called, Alexander Nevski, the White Eagle, St Anne 1st class and St. Stanislas 1st class of Russia, GC of the Orders of St Stephen of Hungary, Leopold of Belgium (mil.), Red Eagle of Prussia, Star of Rumania, St Ferdinand and Merit of Sicily, Legion of Honour of France, Redeemer of Greece, the Netherlands Lion (21.10.1844), Holy Sepulcre of the Vatican, the Ducal Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Constantinian Order of St George of Parma, the Tower and Sword for Valour, Leadership and Merit and Our Lady of Vila Viçosa of Portugal, the North Star of Sweden, the Order of Malta, and the Order of Nobility (Nishan-i-Majidieh) 1st class in brilliants of Turkey. m. at Naples, Italy, 30th May (by proxy) and at Rio de Janeiro, 4th September 1843 (in person) H.M. Empress Senhora Dona Thereza Christina Maria (b. at Naples, 14th March 1822; d. at Oporto, Portugal, 28th December 1889, bur. at the Imperial Mausoleum, Cathedral of São Pedro de Alcântara, Petrópolis, Brazil,1959), rcvd: Dame of the Orders of the Starry Cross of Austria, St Isabel of Portugal, Maria Luísa of Spain, St Elisabeth of Bavaria, GC of the Order of the Holy Sepulcre of the Vatican, and Dame of Honour and Devotion Sovereign Order of Malta, youngest daughter of H.M. Francesco I, King of the Two Sicilies, by his second wife H.M. Queen Maria Isabella, fifth daughter of H.M. Carlos IV, King of Spain. He d. at Paris, France, 5th December 1891 (bur. at São Vicente de Fora, Alfama, and reburied in the Imperial Mausoleum, Cathedral of São Pedro de Alcântara, Petrópolis, Brazil, 1959), having had issue two sons and two daughters:
1) H.I.H. Prince Senhor Dom Affonso Pedro de Alcántara Cristiano Leopoldo Filipe Eugénio Miguel Gabriel Raphael Gonzaga de Bragança, Prince Imperial of Brazil. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 23rd February 1845. He d. there, 11th June 1847.
2) H.I.H. Prince Senhor Dom Pedro Affonso Cristiano Leopoldo Eugénio Fernando Vicente Gabriel Raphael Gonzaga de Bragança, Prince Imperial of Brazil. b. at Rio de Janeiro, 19th July 1848. He d. at Santa Cruz, 9th January 1850.
1) H.I.H. Princess Senhora Dona Isabel Cristina Leopoldina Augusta Michaela Gabriela Raphaela Gonzaga, Princess Imperial of Brazil - see below.
2) H.H. Princess Senhora Dona Leopoldina Thereza Francisca Carolina Michaela Gabriela Raphaela Gonzaga de Bragança. b. at Paço de São Cristóvão, Quinta de Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, 13th July 1847, educ. privately. m. at Rio de Janeiro, 15th December 1864, Admiral H.H. Senhor Dom Luiz Augusto Maria Eudes, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Saxony (b. at Château d’Eu, France, 8th August 1845; d. at Karlsbad, Austria, 14th September 1907), Hon Admiral Imperial Brazilian Navy (15/12/1864), Rear-Admiral Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy, rcvd: Knt of the Order of St Hubert of Bavaria, GC of the Orders of Ernest the Pious of Saxe-Coburg (8.8.1845), the Ducal Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Pedro I, Southern Cross, Rose, Christ, St Benedict of Aviz and St James of the Sword of Brazil, the Uruguay Campaign Medal, etc, younger son of Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince August Ludwig Viktor of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Saxony, by his wife, H.R.H. Princess Marie Clémentine Caroline Léopoldine Clotilde, youngest daughter of H.M. Louis Philippe I, King of the French, KG. She d. at Vienna, Austria, 7th February 1871, having had issue four sons.