H.M. King Norodom I, had further issue: Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- 5) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Duanga Chakra [Norodom Duong-Chacr]. b. at the Royal Palace, Udong, 1861 (s/o Khun-Than), educ. privately. An active supporter of the uprising against the French in 1885-1886, he was disowned by his father, arrested and placed in chains on French instructions in April 1890. Later allowed to escape to Bangkok in 1891, he travelled to Paris in June 1893 where he lobbyed for the dismissal of the French Resident-Superieur. Arrested and exiled to Algeria in August 1893. Rcvd: Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France (1887). m. (first) Anak Ramadini [Romdenh], daughter of a court poet. m. (second) Anak An, daughter of a commoner. m. (third) Anak Ouk (m. second, ca. 1903, Peang, and became the maternal grandmother of H.M. Queen Naradhama Muni Natha Simhahanu), daughter of a Sino-Cambodian. He d. at Djelfa, Algeria, 25th March 1897, having had issue, two sons and two daughters:
- a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Mandhandanaya [Norodom Monthonthanay]. b. 1881 (s/o Ramadini). m. (first) Chum Padma [Pathoum] (b. 1883; d. at Phnom Penh, 8th August 1965). m. (second) Lamoun. He d. before 1906, having had issue, one son:
- i) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Mandhana [Norodom Monthon]. b. at Phnom Penh, 18th March 1902 (s/o Lamoun), educ. Doudart de Lagree Sch, Sisowath Coll, and the Royal Sch of Admin, Phnom Penh. Entered the Nuon-Moniram Monastery 1921, joined the Administrative service 1922, Deputy Governor of Kandal 1927-1930, Governor of Baray 1930-1933, of Baphom 1933-1934, Kampot 1937 and of Kampong-Speu 1937-1939, Insp of Landowners 1939-1941, Minister for Defence & National Economic Affairs 1941-1945, for Religious Affairs 1945 and 1954, National Economy Mar-Aug 1945, Agriculture Aug-Oct 1945, Culture, Public Health, Social Action & Labour Apr-Jul 1954, and Education Jan-Sept 1955, Minister of State for Sports, Youth & Public Instruction 1953-1954, Mbr High Council of the Throne 1948-1955, Mbr 2nd Royal Assembly 1953, Presdt National Consultative Council 1953, Privy Council 1963-1964 (Principal PC 1951-1963), and the Council of the Kingdom 1964-1967. Tennis Champion of Cambodia in 1929. Rcvd: GO of the Royal Order of Cambodia, Cdr of the Order of Sowathara, Officer of the Order of Munisaraphon, Gold Medal for Sports, Gold Medal of King Munivong, Gold Medal of the Reign, GO of the Orders of the Dragon of Annam and the Million Elephants & White Parasol of Laos, Gold Medal of Laos, Knt of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France. m. several wives, including (a) H.H. Princess Naradhama Pumabajaya [Norodom Poumbacya]. m. (b) Chang Sang Van (b. 1915; d. 29th March 1950). He d. after 1967, having had issue, seven sons and four daughters:
- (1) Colonel H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Valiya [Norodom Baley Antonie]. b. at Phnom Penh, 27th August 1931 (s/o a junior wife), educ. Lycée Sisowath, Faculty of Law, and Royal Flying Sch, Phnom Penh, and École Militaire de l’Air, Salon de Provence, France. Cmsnd as Sub-Lieut Navigator Royal Khmer Aviation Corps (AVRK) 1955, Lt-Col Khmer Air Force (KAF) 1971, Military Liaison Officer with USAF Training Cmnd in the USA 1973-1975. Settled in Houston, Texas. m. Anastasia Norodom (b. 1937), a US national. He had issue:
- (a) H.E. Princess (Brhat Varman) Vudhijatra [Norodom Wudhicheat]. b. 1961 (possibly same as V. Norodom. b. 2nd February 1961 and d. at Washington, USA, 15th February 1989).
- (b) H.E. Princess (Brhat Varman) Somajatra [Norodom Somacheat]. b. 1964. m. at Harris, Texas, USA, 15th November 1986, Phally Svay (b. 1959), son of Set Svay, of Houston, Texas. She has issue, one daughter. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- (2) H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Kiriratna [Norodom Kirirat] (s/o a junior wife). m. 1963/1965 …
- (3) Lieutenant-General H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Vadhvani [Norodom Vatvani]. b. at Phnom Penh, 17th May 1935 (s/o a junior wife), educ. Royal Flying Sch, Phnom Penh, French Air Force Advanced Traning Sch, Marakesh, Morocco. Officer Cadet Royal Khmer Aviation Corps (AVRK) 1954, prom Sub-Lieut 1955, Cdt Royal Flying Sch and Royal Air Force Acad 1958-1970, Lt-Col Khmer Air Force (KAF) 1970, Cdt Battambang Air Force Base (BA 201) 1970-1972, prom Col 1971, Cambodian Representative with US Forces in Vietnam 1972, Dir Direct Air Support Centre1972-1973, Military Liaison Officer USAF Base Udorn in Thailand 1973-1975, settled in the USA 1975, returned to Cambodia and prom Maj-Gen RCAF 1993, C-in-C RCAF 1993-1997, prom Lt-Gen 1996. Settled in California. Presdt Cambodian Veterans Org (Air Force Branch) 1975-1993. Mbr Experimental Aircraft Assoc (EAA), Aéroclub Khmer, etc. m. (first) 1964, … m. (second) in California, USA, 1969, Anak Munang Sosony Norodom (b. 2nd January 1950), daughter of …de Monteiro, sometime judge. He d. at Calmette Hospital, Phnom Penh, 23rd December 2012, having had issue, one son by his first and one son and four daughters by his second wife:
- (a) H.E. Prince (Brhat Varman) Naradhama Duangavadhana [Doun Wathana Norodom]. b. 1968 (s/o the first wife).
- (b) H.E. Prince (Brhat Varman) Naradhama Narabangsa [Norapong Norodom]. b. 17th December 1979 (s/o Sosony), educ. Buchanan High Sch, Clovis, California, USA. Motivational Sales Trainer at Lithia Automotive Inc. m. (div.) … He had issue, one daughter:
- (i) H.E. Princess (Brhat Varman) Narindra Hannah [Norindra Hannah Norodom]. b. 2nd January 2000.
- (a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Kshatriyi) Somasiri [Soma Serei Norodom]. b. at Phnom Penh, 29th October 1969 (d/o Sosony), educ. Chaffey High Sch, Ontario, and California State Univ (BA 1993, MA 1996), Fresno, California, USA. Front Counter Rep & Customer Service Rep Continental Cablevision 1991-1996, PR & Communications Assoc at Maceys 1996-2004, Marketing Coordinator Vision One 1999-2001, Marketing Communications Writer & Customer Relations Facilitator Pelco 2001-2006, Marketing Coordinator CMAC Inc 2007, Actor StarMaxx Media 2007-2008, Snr Marketing Coordinator/Account Mngr with Global Connection Inc 2008-2010 and Sports Commentator/Dir of Marketing at Sweet Lemon Tree Films 2008-2010, PUC Radio Talk Show Host & Media Mngr for Pannasastra Univ of Cambodia (PUC) 2010-2012, Columnist for Phnom Penh Post since 2012. Mbr Fresno State Alumni Assoc, California Raisin Industry Miss California Pageant, Judges Cttee Miss America Organization, Toys for Tots Special Olympics, Boys and Girls Club of America, Breast Cancer Fndn, Los Angeles Lakers Dan Agency, Atlanta Models & Talent, Georgia Independent Film & TV, Hosea Feed The Hungry and Homeless, Nick Conti's Professional Actor's Studio, Imperative Talent Management, Houghton Talent, Pelco Past & Present, Pannasastra Univ of Cambodia (PUC) Cambodia International Film Festival, Cambodia Professionals SE Asia Media Professionals Telecommunications in Cambodia, Media & Advertising in Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos NPR Supporters and Listeners, International TV Professionals, Asian Correspondent, Cambodia Business Network, etc. Raised to the personal rank of Anak Angga Kshatriyi (from Brhat Varman) together with the style of Highness (from Excellency) 21st May 2011. m. (div. 2005) Everett Raymond Balber (b. at Fresno, California,
USA, 1st June 1962), educ. Merced High Sch, Mersed, California, son of Raymond G. Balber, of Fresno, California, USA, by his wife, Mary C. Castro.
- (b) H.E. Princess (Brhat Varman) Ratnasiri [Ratana Serei Norodom] [Tana S. Norodom]. b. 2nd January 1972 (d/o Sosony). m. Tydus Oran Winans (b. at Los Angeles, California, USA, 26th July 1972), educ. Carson High Sch, Carson, and California State Univ, Fresno, California, USA, an American professional football player, NFL/CFL wide receiver with the Washington Redskins 1994-1996 and Cincinnati Bengals 1996. She has issue, one son:
- (i) Tydus Oran Winans II. b. 16th September 1994.
- (c) H.E. Princess (Brhat Varman) Sedasiri [Seda Serei Norodom]. b. at Seattle, Washington, USA, 5th April 1982 (d/o Sosony), educ. Univ of California, Davis (BA 2005), and Hastings Coll of Law (LLD), San Francisco, California, USA. Legal Consultant at BNG Legal.
- (d) H.E. Princess (Brhat Varman) Sudhavisiri [Sothavy Serei Norodom [Suthéavi Sisowath]. b. at Fresno, California, USA, 7th July 1989 (d/o Sosony), educ. Wilson Classical High Sch, Long Beach, California, USA.
- (4) H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Jaradha [Norodom Chharath]. b. 1939 (s/o a junior wife). Teacher at Siemrap High Sch. m. at Phnom Penh, 1970, H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Hujiya, youngest daughter of H.R.H. Prince Naradhama Chandralekha, by a junior wife. He was k. near Kien Svay, by the Khmer Rouge, shortly after 24th April 1975. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- (5) H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Bhanuraksha [Norodom Pheanureak] (s/o Poumbacya). m. at Phnom Penh, 1955, … He had issue:
- (a) H.E. Prince (Brhat Varman) Naradhama Bhanurudha [Norodom Pheanurath]. Settled in Virginia, USA. m. Ramy, educ. Pannasastra Univ (PUC), Phnom Penh.
- (6) Professor H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Vusidha [Norodom Phousith]. b. 13th March 1945 (s/o Chang Sang Van).
- (7) H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Didkara [Norodom Ditkan] (s/o Chang Sang Van)
- (1) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Ramarindra [Norodom Ramrinn] (d/o a junior wife). Teacher. m. before 1963, Keo Sangwath. She had issue, eight children.
- (2) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Padma [Norodom Botoum] (d/o a junior wife). m. before 1963, Som Savay.
- (3) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Vivaridhi [Norodom Vivareth] (d/o a junior wife). Served with the National Bank of Cambodia. m. before 1963, Pong Su, son of Meuv Su, by his wife, Touch Mineau, daughter of San. She had issue, two children.
- (4) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) … m. before 1965, Kuoch Vannak.
- (5) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Himani [Norodom Hemany] (d/o Chang Sang Van).
- (6) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) … (d/o Chang Sang Van). m. before 1965, Ou Beng.
- b) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Ridharasiri [Norodom Ritharasi] [Dr Ritharasi Norodom]. b. 1894 (s/o Ouk), educ. Lycée Chasseloup-Laubat, and Paul Bert High Sch, Saigon, Cochinchina, at Hanoi, and at the Faculté de Médicine de Paris (MD 1929), France. He returned to Phnom Penh after his graduation as the first Cambodian to qualify as MD, and treated the poor free of charge for the rest of his life. Author of “L’évolution de la médecine au Cambodge” (1929). He d. 1949.
- a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Prabapakshmi [Norodom Praphayphakh]. b. 1881 (d/o Ouk). m. (first) as his seventh wife, H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Navaratna (b. 1853; d. at Phnom Penh, 1891), sixth son of H.M. Brhat Raja Samdach Brhat Hariraksha Rama Suriya Maha Isvara Adipati [Ang Duong II], King of Cambodia, by his thirteenth wife, Anak Nang Nungi (Khan-than), daughter of a Mandarin. m. (second) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Nuba Varman (b. before 1886), only surviving son of H.R.H. Prince Nila Varman, by his wife, Anak Tat. She d. 195x – see above.
- b) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Vilaya Lakshmi [Norodom Vilaylakh]. b. 1891 (d/o An). m. H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Muni Varman, younger son of H.R.H. Prince Navaratna, by his fifth wife, Anak Sambat, daughter of H.E. Sao, sometime Minister to King Norodom. She d. 8th August 1970, having had issue, an only daughter – see above. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- 6) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Himara [Norodom Hemara]. b. at the Royal Palace, Udong, 1863 (s/o Maha Hangsa). He d. before 1890.
- 7) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Mayura [Norodom Mayoura]. b. at the Royal Palace, Udong, 1864 (s/o Ep). He conspired with the Governor of Battambang to oust the French, but was condemned to death for his part in the revolt in Kompong Chhang Province 1896-1897 (commuted to life imprisonment in Saigon). Exiled for life to the remote northern Laotian town of Xieng Khouang in 1916. m. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, his half sister, H.R.H. Princess
(Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Karanikakeva (b. 1864; d. before 1920), daughter of H.M. King Norodom I, by his wife, H.R.H. Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Ubulavara, daughter of H.M. King Angga Duong. He d.s.p. in Vietnam, 1918.
- 8) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Priya [Norodom Pie]. b. 1866 (s/o Ubulvarni). He d. before 1888.
- 9) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Sukanabatya [Norodom Sokonabat]. b. at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, 1867 (s/o Pok). He d. before 1888.
- 10) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Magavara [Norodom Mackhavan]. b. at the Royal Palace, Udong, 1867 (s/o Khun-Than), educ. He d. 1914.
- 11) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Uraya [Norodom Raya]. b. at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, 1868 (s/o Soum).
- 12) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Mayuratta [Norodom Mayuret]. b. at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, 1869 (s/o Ep). He d. before 1890.
- 13) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Jamranaridha [Norodom Chamroeunrit]. b. at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, 1868 (s/o Kunari). m. Anak Prien, daughter of a commoner. He d. at Phnom Penh, January 1910, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
- a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Sarangridha [Norodom Sarangrith]. b. 1896 (s/o Prien).
- a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Duanga Chindra [Norodom Duong Chinda]. b. 1894 (d/o Prien).
- 14) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Kitsara [Norodom Kethsara]. b. at the Royal Palace, Udong, 1869 (s/o Busaba), educ. privately. m. (first) … m. (second) Anak Munang Prang, daughter of a commoner. m. (third) … m. (fourth) Anak Munang Savat (b. 1884; d. 10th June 1963). m. (fifth) his half sister, H.R.H. Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Somavathi (b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 1869; d. after 1926), sixteenth daughter of H.M. King Norodom I, by his thirteenth wife, Anak Nang Nungi (Khan-than), daughter of a Mandarin. He d. 1909, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
- a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Kidhana [Norodom Kethana]. b. 29th June 1889 (s/o Prang). Voreac Montrey and Chef of a bureau wihin the Ministry of the Royal Palace, Finances and the Fine Arts in 1932. m. H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Duanga Madhuri (b. 1894; d. 1974), eldest daughter of H.R.H. Prince Duanga Madhura, by his second wife. He d. at Phnom Penh, 1st June 1974, having had issue, an only daughter:
- i) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Kidhniari [Norodom Kethneary]. b. at Phnom Penh, 31st August 1917. m. Lieutenant-General H.E. Sri Svasti Sririksha Mataksha (b. at Phnom Penh, 22nd January 1914; k. there by the Khmer Rouge, 21st April 1975), eldest son of H.H. Prince Sri Svasti Rattari, by his first wife, Anak Munang Trung Yun. She d. at Long Beach, California, USA, 29th May 2011, having had issue, four sons and one daughter – see below.
- b) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Mama Kidhukariya [Norodom Mom Ketokanya]. b. 1903 (d/o Savat). Guardian to King Norodom Sihanouk 1922-1935. She d. at Beijing, China, 1st March 1993. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- 15) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Padma [Norodom Pathama]. b. at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, 1870 (s/o Nhek). He d. before 1909.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
continued on the next page.
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Copyright© Christopher Buyers
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Copyright© Christopher Buyers, July 2001 - January 2013