i) Lieutenant-General H.E. Sri Svasti Sririksha Mataksha [Sisowath Sirik Matak or Sarimatak]. b. at Phnom Penh, 22nd January 1914 (s/o Yusen), educ. Lycée Chasseloup-Laubat, Saigon, Coll. of Law and Education, Phnom Penh. Enetered state service as a Mandarin 1930, Anouac Montrey 1st class 1947, Governor of Pursat 1948-1949, Varac Montrey 2nd class 1949, Sec-Gen to the Presdt of the Council of Ministers 1951-1952, Sec of State for National Defence 1952-1953, Minister for Defence, Posts and Telecommunications Jan-Jul 1953, Foreign Affairs Jul-Nov 1953, Defence 1955-1956, Defence & National Security Jan 1956, Education Mar-Apr 1956, Defence, Information and Tourism 1957-1958, Insp-Gen of the Kingdom 1958-1961, Delegate to UNESCO 1961-1962, Ambassador to the PRC and Mongolia 1962-1964, Minister of State for Education 1964-1966, Ambassador to Japan 1966-1969, Deputy Prime Minister 1969-1970, prom Maj-Gen 1970, First Vice-Presdt Council of Ministers 1970-1971, prom Lieut-Gen 9/10/1971, Delegated Presdt Council of Ministers & Minister for Defence 1971-1972, Special Adviser ranking as Prime Minister 1972, Mbr High Political Council 1973-1974. Raised to the rank of Prince (Anak Angga Majas) and style of His Highness, but renounced these after the proclamation of the Republic on 9th October 1970. Rcvd: GC of the Royal Order of Cambodia, Cdr. of the Order of Sowathara, and Reign, Anussara and National Defence medals of Cambodia, Cdr of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium, Officer of the Orders of the Legion of Honour and Academic Palms of France, etc. m. (first) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Kidhniari [Kethneary] (b. at Phnom Penh, 31st August 1917; d. at Long Beach, California, USA, 29th May 2011), daughter of H.H. Prince Naradhama Kidhana, by his wife, H.H. Princess Duanga Madhuri, eldest daughter of H.R.H. Prince Duanga Madhura. m. (second) Samrap …, a commoner. He was k. by the Khmer Rouge (beheaded) at the Cercle Sportif, Phnom Penh, 21st April 1975, having had issue, four sons and two daughters:
(1) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Jariya [Sisowath Chariya]. b. 8th April 1939 (s/o Kidhniari), educ. Lycée Descartes, Phnom Penh. Raised to the rank of Brhat Angga >Majas and granted the style of His Royal Highness by King Norodom Sihanouk 8th September 2000. m. (first) Anak Munang Sri Svasti Sieng Dy [Sisowath Sieng Dy], a former singer, actress and television presenter, Mbr Royal Cabinet of the Queen. m. (second) Anak Munang Sri Svasti Sovannari. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
(a) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Jaridiya [Sisowath Charidy] [Chad Morgan Sisowath]. b. 27th March 1971, educ. Woodrow Wilson High Sch, Long Beach, California, USA. Proprietor Westbox Corporation, Texas. m. Anak Munang Katrina Little Sisowath, daughter of Andrew Little, by his wife, Laurel, née Harnish. He has issue, two daughters:
(b) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Dita [Dita Sisowath], educ. Woodrow Wilson High Sch, and California State Univ (CSULB) (BA 1991), Long Beach, California, USA. m. and has issue, one daughter. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
(2) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Sri Svasti Lijaviya [Sisowath Lichavi]. b. 23rd September 1944 (s/o Kidhniari). m. 1967, Anak Munang Brigitte Sisowath, a German national. He was k. 21st April 1975, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
(a) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Sivara [Sivaro Sisowath]. b. 1968, educ. Inst für Sprache und Kommunikation, Berlin, Germany. Joint Editor of “Kambodschanische Kultur (Heft 8)” (2003).
(b) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Chandradeva [Chandeva Sisowath], educ. (dipl. Eng). Engineer.
(3) Major H.R.H. Prince (Sdach Krum Khun) Sri Svasti Siriratta [Sisowath Sirirath] [John S. Sisowath]. b. in Kampong Siem, Kampong Cham Province, 21st June 1946 (s/o Kidhniari), educ. François Fontaine Primary Sch, Norodom Sch, and Lycée Descartes, Phnom Penh, Goring Hall and Earsham Hall Schs, Sussex, Phnom Penh Univ, Sophia Univ, Tokyo, Japan, the Defence Language Inst, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, and Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia, USA. Cmsnd as Sub-Lieut RCAF, 1971, served with 3rd coy, 1st Airborne Dvsn in Vietnam 1971-1974, Private Sec to C-in-C 1972-1973, Dep Head of the Military Inst for Foreign Languages 1973-1974, Private Sec to Presdt Lon Nol 1974-1975, retd as Major 1975, went into exile in the USA, Security Officer at Los Angeles Airport, Chief of Protocol to King Sihanouk, Permanent Representative at UN 1989-1991, Foreign Affairs Adviser to Prince Ranaridh 1991-1993, MNA (Kompong Speu) 1993-1994, Vice-Minister for Public functions 1993-1994, Ambassador to the USA and Permanent Representative at UN 1994-1997, MNA (Battambang) 1998, Co-Minister for National Defence 1998-2004, Vice-Presdt of the Senate since 2004, Counsellor of the Royal Cabinet of the King since 2008. Raised to the rank of Sdach Krum Khun with the style of His Royal Highness 8th September 2000. Rcvd: Officer of the Royal Order of Cambodia, and the Orders of Queen Sri Svasti Muni Varman Kusuma Niariratna Sri Vadhana (1966), Muni Sarabarna (1966), and Suvadara (1970), Sena Jayasedh Decoration with gold star, and the National Defence Medal with three bronze stars (2001).m. (first) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 12th August 1970 (div.), H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Rajaputri Brhat) Anujaya Naradhama Aruna Rasmi [Arunrasmy] (b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 2nd October 1955; m. second, H.E. Keo Puth Reasmey), youngest daughter of H.M. King Norodom Sihanouk, by his wife, Mom Munivarni Barni Varman. m. (second) 15th February 1991, Anak Munang Nuri [Nory], née Uch, a Cambodian lady from Modesta, California, USA. m. (third) Marina Sisowath. He has issue, two sons and one daughter by his first wife, one son and one daughter by his second, and one son by his third wife:
(a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Sri Svasti Nakia [Sisowath Nakia J.] [Kia Sisowath]. b. at Torrance, California, USA, 4th August 1975 (s/o Aruna Rasmi), educ. Victor Valley High Sch, Victorville,California, and Univ of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Sometime professional dancer and instructor, Founder and Dir of the Dance Asylum in Costa Mesa, Artistic Dir and Choreographer of the Kiana Dance Theatre.
(b) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Sri Svasti Nanda [Sisowath Nando]. b. at Torrance, California, USA, 16th June 1977 (s/o Aruna Rasmi). Employed with Apple Inc. m. before 28th December 2008, Anak Munang Julie Seng-Sisowath, née Chouly Seng.
(c) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Narivarman [Sisowath Noryvong] [Nikko]. b. 24th January 1992 (s/o Nuri).
(d) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Narinda [Sisowath Norindo]. b. at Phnom Penh, 21st January 1999 (s/o Marina).
(a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Sri Svasti Sirikit Nathalie [Sisowath Sirikith Nathalie] [Lilly Sisowath]. b. at Torrance, California, USA, 9th October 1979 (d/o Aruna Rasmi), educ. Pepperdine Univ, Malibu, California (MBA), USA. Branch Mngr with Wells Fargo Bank, Long Beach, California. m. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 16th December 2004, Charles Melvin Hyde (b. 1973), bank manager. She has issue, one daughter:
(b) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Narita [Sisowath Narita] [Bijou]. b. 1996 (d/o Nory Uch).
(1) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Santhana [Sisowath Santa]. b. at Phnom Penh, 1940 (d/o Kidhniari), educ. National Univ, California, USA (MSc. Psychology). MNA for Kratie since 1998, Mbr Public Health, Social & Women’s Affairs Cttees, and Trustee Pannasastra Univ. m. H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Luang) Sri Svasti Duanga Jivindra [Doungchivin] (b. 1933; k. by the Khmer Rouge, 17th April 1975), sometime Minister for Agriculture and Governor of Kandal, eighth son of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong, by his eighth wife, Neth Ous, second daughter of Chum Tuoth, by his wife Mey. She had issue, two sons and four daughters – see below.
(2) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Ulariya [Sisowath Olary]. b. 1943 (d/o Kidhniari). m. Sidney Soth Kysoth (b. 1928). She had issue, one son and one daughter.
(3) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Kanika [Sisowath Kanika]. b. after 1946 (d/o the second wife), educ. Leland Stanford Middle Sch.
ii) Colonel H.R.H. Prince (Samdach) Sri Svasti Simhahanu Mathavi [Sisowath Sihanouk Méthavi]. b. at Phnom Penh, 22nd December 1922 (s/o Yusen), educ. Cambodian Military Sch, Phnom Penh. Capt 1954, Military Attaché Cambodian Embassy Paris 1966-1969, Presdt & Dir-Gen Air Cambodge 1969, prom Col 1969, Ambassador to East Germany 1969-1970. Raised to the posthumous title of Samdach Sisowath Sihanouk Méthavi with the style of His Royal Highness 7th June 1994. m. H.R.H. Princess Sri Svasti Nanette Mathavi (b. at Phnom Penh, 15th June 1934; k. by the Khmer Rouge, November 1978), née Anne-Marie Izzi, previously, Anak Munang Sri Svasti Nanette, raised to the posthumous title of Princess Sisowath Nannette Méthavi with the style of Her Royal Highness April 2003, elder sister of H.M. Queen Naradhama Muni Natha Simhahanu, and daughter of Jean-François Izzi, sometime Dir Crédit Foncier, by his wife Mme Pomne, daughter of Peang. He was k. (presumed tortured to death by the Khmer Rouge, at Beng Trabek Sch.) by the Khmer Rouge, November 1978, having had issue, four sons and two daughters:
(1) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Dharmika [Sisowath Thomico]. b. at Phnom Penh, 6th August 1952, educ. Coll militaire de St Cyr, Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole, Yvelines, France. Renounced his titles of Brhat Varman and style of His Excellency after the proclamation of the Republic on 9th October 1970, and prom to the rank of Brhat Angga Majas and style of His Royal >Highness April 2003. Mbr KPNLF, Personal Sec to King Norodom Sihanouk 1979-2005, Joint Editor Website of the Royal Website, Founder and leader of the Sangkum Jatiniyum Front (SJF) Party 2006-2007, Senior Adviser FUNCINPEC 2007, Mbr of the Royal Cabinet of Advisers since 2008. Author “Norodom Sihanouk and the Khmer Factions” Indochina Report [Singapore], No. 9, 1986. m. at Phnom Penh, 6th August 1971, Leng-Sisowath Marina (b. 25th March 1953), repatriated from the USA to Democratic Kmpuchea ca 28th July 1975, later settled in France. He had issue, two sons and three daughters:
(a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Dharmissara [Sisowath Thomissaro]. b. at Phnom Penh, 4th June 1971. Repatriated from the USA to Democratic Kmpuchea ca 28th July 1975.
(b) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Jiraviraksha [Sisowath Chiravirak]. b. 1976.
(a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga >Majas) Sri Svasti Solenzara Devi [Sisowath Solenzara Devi]. b. 21st June 1972. She went missing during the chaos of the Khmer Rouge takeover, presumed d. 1975.
(b) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Munawira [Sisowath Monavira]. b. in France, 26th June 1974. Repatriated from the USA to Democratic Kmpuchea ca 28th July 1975. m. ... She has issue, two daughters:
(c) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Ekkariya [Sisowath Ekaria] [Mme Ekaria Imhaus Sisowath]. b. 1979, educ. Colls Musselburgh and Les Boullereaux, Champigny Sur Marne, and Jean Charcot, Joinville Le Pont, Lycée Hector Berlioz, Vincennes, and Cours Henri IV, Saint Maur des Fosses, France. m. 2003, as his second wife, Pierre François Jacques Imhaus (b. at Paris, France, 13th May 1951), eldest son of Georges Jean Joseph Imhaus, of Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, and Paris, France, by his wife, Hélène, daughter of Charles Raymond Carrier. She has issue, one son and one daughter:
(i) Keo Soryan Imhaus. b. 20th October 2006.
(i) Keo Okaelyn Imhaus. b. at Neuilly-Plaisance, Seine-Saint-Denis, France, 26th June 2008.
(2) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Dakavidha [Sisowath Tackavit]. b. at Phnom Penh, 1957. He d. 1st August 1966.
(3) H.E. (Brhat Varman) Sri Svasti Amarinda [Sisowath Amrindo]. b. at Phnom Penh, 14th July 1956, educ. Coll militaire de St Cyr, Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole, Yvelines, France. He d. at Paris, France, May 1999 (bur. there at Père Lachaise).
(4) H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Jidhara [Sisowath Chittara] [Piou]. b. at Phnom Penh, 18th November 1959, educ. Coll militaire de St Cyr, Saint-Cyr-l’Ecole, Yvelines, France, and Univ of Peking (Dip. Phil. 1979), China. Employed as a banker and insurer in France, Dir of Security to the Head of State 1982-1985, Head of the Cabinet of the Minister for Health 1985-1989, Personal Sec of State to the King 2008-2015. Vice-Presdt (Europe) with Central Investment Group Ltd, Dir Ste Nouvelle Industrielle Thermique des Fluides S.N. I.T.F., etc. m. (first) 1985 (div.), Michèle Tourneur. m. (second) 7th January 1996, Anak Munang Sudhiari Sri Svasti [Sotheary Sisowath] (b. 6th July 1969), née Oum Sotheary. He d. from heart failure, at Phnom Penh, 20th February 2015, having had issue, one son by his first wife, and two sons by his second wife:
(a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Charles Henri Muniravarman [Sisowath Charles Henri Moniravong]. b. in France, 13th January 1986 (s/o Michèle).
(b) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Suriyabangsa [Sisowath Suryapong]. b. in Thailand, 28th December 1996 (s/o Sudhiari).
(c) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Indra Varman [Sisowath Indravong]. b. in France, 26th October 2002 (s/o Sudhiari).
(1) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Sudhari [Sisowath Suthari] b. at Phnom Penh, 7th May 1954 (twin with her sister Sophani). Advisor to the Royal Secretariat of the King ranking as Secretary of State since 2010. m. at Waltham Forest, London, 1993, Tim Carstairs, educ. St Edward’s Sch, Oxford, Univ of Reading (BA), and the Inst of Directors, certified QMS Auditor 2007, Consultant Logos Communications Consultants in France 1990-1992, Campaign Mngr Handicap International 1992-1994, Campaign Mngr/Co-ordinator with UK Working Group on Landmines 1994-1997, Dir of Communications Mines Advisory Group (MAG) 1997-2002, Sec & Treasurer MAG America Inc 2001-2007, Dir of Policy & Communications Mines Advisory Group (MAG) 2002-2008, Head of Communications & Fundraising Rigpa International 2008-2010, Head of Communications & External Relations Geneva Call since 2010. She had issue, a son:
(2) H.R.H. Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Suphani [Sisowath Sophana] b. at Phnom Penh, 7th May 1954 (twin with her sister Suthary), educ. Univ de Montréal - HEC Montréal, Québec, Canada. Sec to the King-Father Sihanouk (ranking as Under Sec of State) since 2005. Mbr FUNCINPEC. m. (first) …m. (second) at the Throne Room, Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 13th July 2002, Bertrand Pétigny de Saint Romain. She has issue one daughter, by her first husband:
Prince Sri Svasti Simhahanu may also have had issue by Ket Borei:
(3) Sisowath Noraknorin Dararith [Chenda]. b. 1942 (d/o Sisowath Sihanouk and Ket Borei). Described in the Khmer Rouge records as "a member of the Royal family, permanently residing at Lok Sang Hospital, Phnom Penh. Before 1975, she traded things at O Roussei market". Arrested by the Khmer Rouge 29th August 1978, sent to camp S-21. m. Nuon Nirdei (d. 1973). She was k. (executed) at Camp S-21, 14th October 1978, having had issue, six children, including one daughter.
ii) Lieutenant-Colonel H.R. H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Isvara [Sisowath Essaro]. b. at Phnom Penh, 2nd May 1920 (s/o Yusen), educ. Royal Sch of Admin, Phnom Penh, and Sch of Physical Education, Phanthiet. Chief Clerk in the MOD 1947-1951 and the Interior Ministry 1951, Chief of Police, Sec-Gen Royal Sch of Admin, Under Sec of State of State to the Presdt Council of Ministers responsible for Sports, Youth and Primary Education 1953-1954, Minister for Education & Information 1954, prom Lieut-Col 1954, Udama Mantri 1st class, Ambassador to UNESCO; Dir-Gen “Maison de Cambodge” at Paris 1966-1970. Presdt. Nautical Soc of Cambodia, Khmer Scouts, Soc for the Assistance of Infants, and Assoc pour le Soutien du Bouddhisme Khmer (ASBK) 1982-2004. Vice-Presdt Cttee for Social Action. Raised to the rank and title of Prince (Anak Angga Majas) with the style of His Highness, and to the posthumous rank of Brhat Angga Majas and style of His Royal Highness May 2003. Founder-Mbr Southeast Asian Peninsula (SEAP) Games Federation 1959. Rcvd: GO of the Royal Order of Cambodia, and Order of Munisaraphon, Suramarit Gold Medal of the Reign, Anussara Gold Medal, Labour Gold Medal, Cambodian Sports Silver Medal, and the National Defence Medal of Cambodia, Officer of the Order of Academic Palms, and Medal of Honour of France. m. 18th May 1944, H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Vadanari [Norodom Wathanary] (b. at Phnom Penh, 11th November 1924; d. at Courcouronnes, Essonne, France, 25th November 2009), eldest daughter of H.H. Prince Naradhama Sinhara, by his first wife, H.R.H. Princess Devisa Ruangsiri Nari Varman, second daughter of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong. He d. at Paris, 12th August 2004, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
(1) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Tissa [Sisowath Tesso]. b. 10th August 1963, educ. Lycée Emmanuel Mounier, Châtenay-Malabry, France. MNA, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Tourism since 2007. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
(1) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Vinayika [Sisowath Vinayika]. b. 26th July 1958. m. 8th September 1979, H.R.H. Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Priya Subarna (b. 18th November 1954), third son of H.M. Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Suriya Amaridha [Norodom Suramarit], King of Cambodia, by his third wife, Khun Devi Kanha Subiya Yeap, daughter of Kim An. She had issue, one son and one daughter – see below.
(2) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Daravati [Sisowath Theravady]. b. 7th April 1960. m. 8th September 1979, H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Varajata (b. 14th June 1951), fourth son of H.H. Prince Sri Svasti Vijaya Varman, Presdt Council of Ministers, by his third wife, H.H. Princess Sridha Ruangsiri , daughter of H.R.H. Prince Naradhama Chandralekha. She had issue, two sons – see above.
i) H.E. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Sri Svasti Binari [Sisowath Phinari] [Phin Phin] (s/o Trung Yun). m. (first) H.E. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Sri Svasti Chutta Naraksha. m. (second) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Jidhibangsa (b. 1889; d. 1st May 1952), second son of H.R.H. Prince Sri Svasti BungIsvara, by his third wife, Anak Srattap. She had issue, by her second husband, five sons and three daughters – see below.
ii) Khun Hing (d/o Krip).