1941 – 1955 H.M. Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Simhahanu Raja Hari Varman Uphata Sujita Visudhibangsa Aka Maha Parasratta Negara Dharma Dharmika Maharajadhiraja Paramanatha Parama Maha Adipati Brhat Jaya Krung Kambuja Adipati [Norodom Sihanouk], King of Cambodia (first time) - see below.
1955 - 1960 H.M. Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Visudha Maha Khattiya Varman Visidha Haribangsa Gunadhiraksha Dharma Achariyadhama Parama Pavitra Brhat Chau Brhat Raja Angachakra Kampuchea [Norodom Suramarit], King of Cambodia. b. at Phnom Penh, 6th March 1896, only son of H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat Raj Ayaku) Naradhama Sudharatta, Prince (Samdach Krum Brhat) Varachakra Ranariddhi, sometime Presdt Royal Family Council and of the Buddhist Institute, by his first wife and half-sister, H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Brhat Ayika Khattiyi Kalyani Raj Sudha) Bhagavati Bangaragama, daughter of H.M. King Norodom I, educ. Wat uon Moniram Monastery, François Garnier Sch, Sisowath Coll., Phnom Penh and Lycée Chasseloup-Laubat, Saigon. ADC and Private Sec to King Sisowath 1918-1925, Head of the Chancery of the Royal Palace 1927-1929, Minister for Marine (Kralahama), Commerce and Agriculture 1929-1938 & 1939-1941, Special Envoy to the Presdt and Govt of France 1939. Advanced to the dignity of Sdach Krum Khun Visudhi Khattiya Varman 12th August 1931. Chair Council of Regency with the rank and title of Samdach Brhat Parama Rajavidiya Visudhi Khattiya Varman Jaya Maharaja Padmapaksha (Great Protector of the King) 25th April 1941. Succeeded on the voluntary abdication of his son, 2nd March 1955. Crowned at the Preah Tineang Tevea Vinicchay, Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, with the title of Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Visudha Maha Khattiya Varman Visidha Haribangsa Gunadhiraksha Dharma Achariyadhama Parama Pavitra Brhat Chau Brhat Raja Angachakra Kampuchea, 5th March 1955. Granted the posthumous title of Brhat Karuna Maha Kancana Kotha. Rcvd: GC of the Royal Order of Cambodia (1941), Knt of the Order of the House of Chakri of Thailand, GC of the the Orders of the Million Elephants & White Parasol of Laos (1955), the Dragon of Annam, Chrysanthemum of Japan, Truth (Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma) of Burma, and the National Order of Merit of Vietnam, GO of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France (Cdr 1939), etc. m. (first) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 1920, H.M. Queen Samdach Brhat Maha Kshatriyani Brhat Sri Svasti Munivarman Kusumaksha Niariratna Sri Vadhana (b. at Phnom Penh, 9th April 1904; d. at Peking, China, 27th April 1975), who subsequently became the symbol, incarnation and representative of the dynasty, after the death of her husband – see below, eldest daughter of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong, by his wife, H.M. Queen Kanvimarna Naralakshmi Devi. m. (second) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Maduratna [Duong Mathuret] (b. 1896), younger daughter of H.R.H. Prince Sri Svasti Duanga Madhura, by his second wife. m. (third) Khun Devi Kanha Subiya [Khun Tep Kanha Sophea] Yeap (b. 25th May 1925; d. at Paris, France, 18th May 1995), youngest daughter of Kim An, by his wife, H.H. Princess Tuji, youngest daughter of H.R.H. Prince Naradhama Raya. He d. at the Chakdomuk Hall, Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 3rd April 1960, having had issue, three sons and one daughter:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Khun) Naradhama Simhahanu [Norodom Sihanouk] [Thoul], who succeeded as H.M. Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Simhahanu Raja Hari Varman Uphata Sujita Visudhibangsa Aka Maha Parasratta Negara Dharma Dharmika Maharajadhiraja Paramanatha Parama Maha Adipati Brhat Jaya Krung Kambuja Adipati, King of Cambodia (s/o Queen Kusumaksha Niariratna Sri Vadhana) – see below.
2) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Sri Ayudhya [Norodom Suramarit Sirivudh] b. at Phnom Penh, 8th June 1951 (s/o Khun Devi Kanha Subiya Yeap), educ. Sisowath High Sch, Phnom Penh, Univ of Paris (M. Econ. 1976). Information Officer for FUNCINPEC at Paris 1981-1982, GCKD delegate to UN 1982-1988, settled in Thailand 1986, Head of FUNCINPEC Humanitarian Assistance Dept 1986-1991, Chief of FUNCINPEC Survey Mission 1991-1992, Sec-Gen. FUNCINPEC 1992-1995 & 2001-2004, Minister for Foreign Affairs & International Co-operation in Provisional National Govt. 1993, MNA for Kompong Cham 1993-1995, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs 1993-1994, exiled to France 1995-1999, pardoned and allowed to return 1999, PC 1999, Senator 2001, Deputy Prime Minister and Co-Minister for the Interior since 2004. Chair Cambodian Institute for Cooperation & Peace (CICP) since 1994. Raised to the rank of Sdach Krum Khun 1st February 1994, and prom to Samdach Brhat 2004. Rcvd: the Order of Freindship of Vietnam (15.8.2005). m. (first) Anak Munang Kusiya [Keo Kosey] (b. at Phnom Penh, 3rd January 1951), daughter of H.E. Keo Kimsan, sometime Governor of Kratie, by his wife, H.H. Princess Amaravati, eldest daughter of H.H. Prince Vijaya Varman. m. (second) AnakMunang Christine Norodom-Alfsen Christine Angèle Alfsen (b. 1st June 1954), educ. l’École Alsacienne, Inst des Langues & Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), and Inst d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Dip. IEP 1978), employed by UNO since 1979, Assoc Economic Affairs Officer with Economic & Social Cmsn for Asia & the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok 1982-1988, Regional Adviser on the Law of the Sea based in Thailand 1988-1990, and with UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) 1990-1992, UNTAC officer in charge of natural resources 1992-1993, Mngr UNESCO Environment Unit in Phnim Penh 1995-1997, Dir Columbia Univ-UNESCO Joint Program on Biosphere & Society (CUBES) 1999-2005, Snr Programme Specialist for Sciences 2005-2009, Dir UNESCO Office in New York City 2009-2010, Snr Adviser Global Sustainability Panel to UN Sec-Gen 2010-2011, Lecturer in Sustainable Development at Inst d’Etudes Politiques 2013-2014, Consultant since 2013, styled Anak Munang Christine Norodom-Alfsen during her marriage to Prince Sirivudh, author of “Urban Biosphere and Society“ (2004), Mbr Siam Soc, etc. m. (third) H.R.H. Princess Norodom Veasna Diva [Veasna Pok] (b. at Phnom Penh, 10th September 1950), naturalized as a US Citizen in California 26th August 1982, MD of Diva Worldwide Inc in San Francisco 1993, Professor in the Tourism Section of the French Studies Dept at Inst of Foreign Languages, Royal Univ of Phnom Penh since 1997, Artistic Dir La Francophonie Festival in Cambodia, Presdt Cambodia 2000 Assoc. He had issue, one son by his first wife, and one son and two daughters by his second:
a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga >Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Siri Ridha [Norodom Siririth]. b. 10th November 1972 (s/oAnak Munang Kusiya), educ. Lycée Léon Blum, and Coll Clément Guyard, Creteil. Consultant with TEGELOG in Paris 2001-2005, Deputy Dir of Information Systems 2006-2010, Project Mngr in charge of Service to the Population Asnieres-sur-Seine 2011-2012, Pre-sales Consultant TEAMNET 2012-2014, Product Owner Agora More 2014-2018, Snr Solutions Consultant Agile Coach at CGI 2018-2019, Agile Coach Wemanity 2019-2020 and Natixis Payments 2020, Platform Delivery Mngr at ADEO Services since 2020. m. at Reno, Clark, Nevada, USA, 11th September 1998, Dr Anne Menvielle-Norodom, psychiatrist at Centre Hospitalier Specialise de Ville Evrard, Neuilly-sur-Marne, France. He has issue, a son:
i) Clément Norodom, educ. Lycée Guillaume Budé, Limeil-Brévannes, Lycée Marcelin Berthelot, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, and l’École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), Champs-sur-Marne, France. Engineer, Treasury Officer Bridge Studies Projects 2018-2019. Mbr Taekwondo Club Limeil-Brévannes.
a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Alexandra Rasmi [Alexandra Rasmi Sophea Norodom]. b. March 1992 (d/oAnakMunang Christine), educ. Milton Acad (MA 2008), Milton, Massachusetts, USA, and the Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. Programme Officer Climate Parliament, Snr Project Mngr International Inst for Environment & Development (IIED). Dir Mulberry Carpets & Floors Ltd 2019-2020.
b) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Sara Surama [Sarah Surama Norodom]. b. 1993 (d/oAnak Munang Christine), educ. Groton Sch, Groton, Massachusetts, USA, and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Communications & Admin Assist American Cathedral in Paris 2017-2018, Communications Mngr École Jeannine Manuel since 2018. Co-author of “The Ethiopian Legend of Solomon and Sheba” (2019). Translator of “From Basel to Alexandria via Sydney”. Mbr Oxford Univ Football Assoc.
3) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Priya Subarna [Norodom Suramarit Preyasophon]. b. at Phnom Penh, 18th November 1954 (s/oKhun Devi Kanha Subiya Yeap), educ. in France. Presdt Assoc pour le Soutien du Bouddhisme Khmer (ASBK) since 2004. m. 8th September 1979, H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Vinayika [Sisowath Vinak] (b. 26th July 1958), second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel H.H. Prince Sri Svasti Isvara, by his wife, H.H. Princess Vadanari, eldest daughter of H.H. Prince Naradhama Sinhara. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Priyaru [Norodom Suramarit Preyaro]. b. 8th July 1981.
a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Vérina [Norodom Suramarit Vérina]. b. at Paris, 11th March 1984.
1) H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Vijara [Norodom Vichara]. b. at Phnom Penh, 17th August 1946, as H.R.H. Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Suriya Amaridha Vijara [Norodom Suramarit Vicheahra] (d/oKhun Devi Kanha Subiya Yeap), educ. Lycée Sisowath, and Lycée Descartes, Phnom Penh, the Univ of Toulouse (BA 1968, Dip. Ed. 1969), and Inst of Political Sciences of Toulouse (M.Ed. 1970), France. MNA for Siem Reap 1998-2003 and Phnom Penh Municipality 2003-2006, Chair Parliamentary Cttee on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Press & Information until 2006. Founder Khmer Classical Ballet Assoc of Paris 1976. Chair “Cambodge 2000” (Paris) 1996. Granted the rank of SamdachBrhat August 2004. Rcvd: GC of the Royal Order of Cambodia. m. (first) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 30th August 1966 (div.) Thep Sombana (b. 10th August 1941), younger son of H.E. Thep Phan, by his wife, Tan Saoyouth. m. (second) at Paris, 26th November 1983, Yves Jean-Marie Paul Dumont (b. at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvalines, France, 22nd April 1950), educ. Lycée Marcel Roby, Saint-Germain-en-Laye; Lycée Le Corbusier, Poissy; Lycée Chaptal, and Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Paris (dpl.), CEO of Green Giant Europe 1984-1990, Tropicana Europe 1990-1995, Reckitt & Colman 1996-1997, Chair Management Brd of Laurent-Perrier Champagne since 1997, Presdt du Conseil d’Administration de Champagne de Catellaneand since 2002, Cdr de l’Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne since 2003, eldest son of Jean-Claude Dumont, sometime financial and company director, by his wife, Jeanine, only daughter of Jean Adolphus Edouard Marie Van Der Haeghen. She d. from lung cancer, at Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France, 28th July 2013, having issue, one son by her second husband.
1960 – [1975] H.M. Queen SamdachBrhat Maha Kshatriyani Brhat Sri Svasti Munivarman Kusumaksha Niariratna Sri Vadhana, Queen of Cambodia. b. at Phnom Penh, 9th April 1904, eldest daughter of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong, by his wife, H.M. Queen Kanvimarna Naralakshmi Devi, educ. Norodom Girl’s Sch Phnom Penh and privately. Advanced to the dignity of Samdach Brhat Raja Thida Kusumana Niarirakshmi Kshatriyi Trung Laksana Akhara Thida Rajavuraja Varman Paramabangsa Pradipada Niariratna Vivadhana Maha Kshatriyi (=the most lovely princess, endowed with all the virtues, the first daughter of the King of the highest lineage, the most loved and greatest of princesses, and the best lady) by her father in 1928, and prom to Samdach Brhat Vararajini Dhananinadha Kusumaksha Rajadeviby her son on 2nd May 1951. Crowned with her husband at the Preah Tineang Tevea Vinicchay, Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 5th March 1955, with the title of Queen Samdach Brhat Maha Kshatriyani BrhatSri Svasti Munivarman Kusumaksha Niariratna Sri Vadhana. Proclaimed as the symbol, incarnation and representative of the dynasty, after the death of her husband, 20th June 1960. Granted official precedence before her son, 18th August 1960. Deprived of her position, style and titles, as a consequence of the proclamation of the Khmer Republic, 9th October 1970. Placed under house arrest by the Lon Nol regime, March-May 1973. Allowed to go into exile in China, 3rd November 1973. Presdt of Honour Cambodian Red Cross Soc 1957-1970. Rcvd: the Collar of the Orders of the White Lion of Czechoslovakia (18.1.1963), and Solomon of Ethiopia (4.5.1968), GC of the Orders of the Legion of Honour of France, and the Million Elephants & White Parasol of Laos with collar (18.4.1963), the Orders of Temasak 1st class of Singapore (9.4.1963), the Grand Star of Yugoslavia (17.1.1968), the Star of the Republic of Indonesia 1st class or Adipurna (1.4.1968), etc. m. (first) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 1920, as his first wife, H.M. Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Suriya Amaridha VisudhaMaha Khattiya Varman Visidha Haribangsa Gunadhiraksha Dharma Achariyadhama Parama Pavitra Brhat Chau Brhat Raja Angachakra Kampuchea [Norodom Suramarit], King of Cambodia (b. at Phnom Penh, 1896; m. second, H.H. Princess Maduratna [Duong Mathuret]. m. third, Khun Devi Kanha Subiya [Khun Tep Kanha Sophea] Yeap, and d. at the Chakdomuk Hall, Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 3rd April 1960) – see above, only son of H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat Raj Ayaku) Naradhama Sudharatta, Prince (Samdach Krum Brhat) Varachakra Ranariddha, sometime Presdt. Royal Family Council, by his first wife and half sister, H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Brhat Ayaki Khatani Kalyani Raj ) Bhagavati Bangaragama, daughter of H.M. King Norodom I – see above. She d. at Peking, China, 27th April 1975, having had issue, an only son:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Khun) Naradhama Simhahanu [Norodom Sihanouk] [Thoul], who succeeded as H.M. Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Simhahanu Raja Hari Varman Uphata Sujita Visudhibangsa Aka Maha Parasratta Negara Dharma Dharmika Maharajadhiraja Paramanatha Parama Maha Adipati Brhat Jaya Krung Kambuja Adipati, King of Cambodia (s/o Queen Kusumana) – see below.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: