H.M. Brhat Karuna Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Naradhama Simhahanu Brhat Maha Viraksha Kshatra [Norodom Sihanouk], Great King of Cambodia, Great Father of Independence, of Territorial Integrity and of Khmer Unity, had further issue:
4) General H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat) Maha Isvara Naradhama Chakrabangsa. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 21st October 1945, as Prince (BrhatAnggaMajas) Naradhama Chakrabangsa [Norodom Chakrapong] [Tak] (s/o Princess Bangsaramuni), educ. Norodom Sch and Lycée Descartes, Phnom Penh, at Marseille, France, the Khmer Military Coll and Royal Air Acad, Phnom Penh, and Yugoslav Air Force Staff Coll, Belgrade. Cmsnd as Sub-Lieut Navigator RCAF Royal Khmer Aviation Corps (AVRK) 1963, in exile in China 1973-1975 and France 1975-1993, Chief of Protocol GRUNK 1975, Cdr Royal Guards, prom Maj-Gen 1985, First Deputy COS 1985-1991, Co-Minister for Health & Social Affairs 1991-1992, Vice-Presdt of the Council 1992-1993, prom Gen Royal Cambodian Army 1993, Minister for Civil Aviation 1993, Vice-Presdt of the Council of Ministers and Minister to the Presdt 1992-1993, MNA (Kampong Cham) 1992-1994, exiled to Malaysia 1993-1994 and France 1994-1998, pardoned and allowed to return to Cambodia 1998, Presdt Norodom Chakrapong Proloeng Khmer Party 2002-2003, Sec-Gen FUNCIMPEC 2006, Vice-Presdt Norodom Ranariddh Party (NRP) 2006-2007, Senator 2006-2007, PC since 2007. Chair Kampuchea Airways 1991-1993, Royal Phnom Penh Airways 1999-2005, and the Norodom Racvivong since 2007. Raised to the rank of Sdach Krum 1st February 1994, and prom to Samdach Brhat Mahaisvara 31st August 2004. m. (first) (div.) Anak Munang Soeun (b. 1st August 1943), of the Hun family, a former ballerina with the Royal Ballet of Cambodia. m. (second) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 18th November 1965 (div.) Anak Munang Kethy [Mrs Kethy Tioulong] (b. 5th August 1951; m. second, … Farras), sometime Special Counsellor for Education in Malaysia to the Dir-Gen of UNESCO, daughter of Lieutenant-General H.E. Samdach Chakradipati Nhiek Tioulong, sometime Vice-Presdt High Council of the Throne and Insp-Gen of the Royal Cambodian Army, by his wife, Lok Chumtiev Measketh Samphotre. m. (third) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 10th November 1967, Anak Munang Naradhama Diyathi [Norodom Diyath] (b. 5th April 1948), MNA 1998, Vice-Chair of the Brd of Dirs of the National Library of Cambodia Fndn 2001-2003, Mbr Cambodian National Cmsn to UNESCO, née Diyath Duong. m. (fourth) at Peking, China, 1974 (div.), Anak Munang Yani [Yany] (b. 4th February 1953). m. (fifth) 1984 (div. 1993), Anak Munang Yaruvani [H.R.H. Charuvan, Princess Norodom Chakrapong] (b. 11th April 1956), née Charuwan Duangchan. m. (sixth) Anak Munang Munirimi [Monirem]. m. (seventh) Anak Munang Kachanipha. He had issue, nine sons and four daughters:
a) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Buddhabangsa [Norodom Buddhapong]. b. 13th December 1966 (s/o Soeun), educ. Lycée Léon Blum, Creteil, France, and Plymouth State Univ, New Hampshire, USA (B.Sc.). Went into exile in France 1973, returned to Cambodia in 1992. Dir Royal Phnom Penh Airways, Solaris International/Apsara TV. Head of the Cambodian delegation to the SEA Games at Bacolod 2005. m. Anak Munang Janet Norodom (b. 29th April 1971), née Totong, a Thai lady. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
ii) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Bangsamuni Rajadevi [Norodom Pongmonirathtevi]. b. at Phnom Penh, 16th July 1994.
b) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Amararidhivarman [Norodom Amarithivong]. b. 3rd December 1967 (s/o Soeun), educ. White Mountain Regional High Sch, Whitefield, and Plymouth State Univ, New Hampshire, USA (BA). Assist Dir of Sales at Sunway Hotel in Phnom Penh, Mngr (Premier Banking) with ANZ Royal Bank. m. (first) 9th August 1992 (div.), Anak Munang Crystal (b. 14th December 1971), née Crystal Soheap Hul, daughter of Sangiem C. Hul, of Longbeach, California, USA. m. (second) Anak Munang Ling, née Hui Ling Teoh, from Taiping, Perak, Malaysia.
c) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Naravarman [Norodom Naravong] [Nara]. b. at Phnom Penh, 1st August 1970 (s/o Soeun). mAnak Munang Kirstine Norodom Tan.
d) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Naradhibangsa [Norodom Narithipong] [Nari]. b. at Phnom Penh, 5th July 1972 (s/o Soeun), educ. Lycée Léon Blum and Coll Louis Issaurat, Creteil, and Lycée Polyvalent Louis de Cormontaigne, Metz, France. m. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 13th March 2003, Anak Munang Ermine De Rose Norodom (b. 17th September 1968), educ. Lycée Villars, Valenciennes, Coll Jean Moulin and l’Ée Du Centre, Centre, Wallers, France, Mngr Le Marais Fashion, Founder & Patron Shanty Town Spirit, Volunteer The Bong Paoun Project. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
i) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Teo Norodom. b. 2009, educ. Lycée Francais René Descartes, Phnom Penh.
i) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Orfea Norodom. b. 16th October 2006, educ. Lycée Francais René Descartes, Phnom Penh.
e) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Idhibangsa [Norodom Ithipong] [Ithy Da Palma]. b. at Paris, France, 15th December 1972 (s/o Diyathi), educ. Lycée Léon Blum, and Coll Louis Issaurat, Créteil, Val-de-Marne, France. Mngr of Parmat SARL since 1995. m. Manuela Da Palma Norodom. He has issue, a son:
i) ?H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Idhivara Muniridhi [Norodom Ithyvan], educ. Lycée Léon Blum, Créteil, Val-de-Marne, France.
f) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Ravichakra [Norodom Ravichak]. b. at Canton (Guangzhou), China, 1st January 1974 (s/o Soeun), educ. l’École Blaise Pascal, and Coll Louis Issaurat, Créteil, Val-de-Marne, France. Advisor to the Royal Cabinet. Presdt Norodom Ravichak Fndn since 2008, and B&N Conseil et Strategie since 2016. Chair Assoc Savoir Aimer. m. at Phnom Penh, 28th August 2005, Anak Munang Leopoldina Norodom Dos Santos, a French and Portuguese citizen. He has issue, one son:
i) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Raja Varman) Naradhama Norodom Mattéo Muniridhi [Norodom Mattéo Monirith] [Rithi Norodom]. b. at Phnom Penh, 20th March 2001.
h) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Charuraksha [Norodom Charurak]. b. 1985 (s/o Charuvan). m. Anak Munang Res Suphorn Norodom.
i) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Bangsamuniratna [Norodom Pongmonireth]. b. 2000 (s/o Munirami), educ. British International Sch of Pnhom Penh (BISPP).
a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Nandadevi [Norodom Nandathep] [Nanda Devi Kettenmeyer]. b. 28th September 1966 (d/o Kethy). m. at Paris, France, 29th August 1992 (div.) Jean-Marie François Joseph Cambacérès (b. at Nimes, Gard, France, 5th June 1949), educ. ENITA, Bordeaux (B. Agri. Tech. 1971), IEP, Grenoble (B. Pol. Sci. 1977), INALCO and ENA, Paris (dipl 1980), Counsellor Nice Admin Tribunal 1980-1981, Mbr Cabinets of the Ministers of State for the Interior 1981-1984 and Planning 1984-1986, Head of the Office of the State Mediator 1986-1988, Special Adviser to the Minister of State for Education 1988, Deputy (Gard 2) 1988-1993, Special Civil Adstr Ministry of he Interior 1993-1999, Presdt AGIR 1992-1997, Assoc France-Asie & Assoc Cambodia 1993-2000, Counsellor for Foreign Trade since 2004, Dir-Gen Transasia Development, Mbr MEDICIS Cttee, Monaco-Asia Soc, and Advisory Brd of The European Homeland Security Assoc, rcvd: GO of the Order of the Legion of Honour (30.1.2008, Knt 2.4.1999), and Knt of the Order of Arts & Letters of France, son of Jacques Cambacérès, Victualer, by his wife, Jacqueline, née Savvaire. m. (second) Etienne François Pierre Kettenmeyer, Country Mngr for Cambodia BSP Finance, CEO i-Finance Leasing, MD of Toyota Tsusho Finance (Cambodia), Dir Central Gate Development Co Ltd since 2017, Treasurer Benelux Cambodia, Mbr Cambodian Equestrian Fed, Cambodian Country Club, etc. She has issue, an only daughter:
i) Keo Amrita Norodom Kettenmeyer. b. 24th April 2008. Equestrian.
b) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Vimaliya [Norodom Vimalea]. b. 28th January 1969 (d/o Diyathi). Mngr Visual Merchandiser Chez Sovereign Retail. m. 1991, ...
c) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Pusbari [Norodom Bophary]. b. 15th January 1971 (d/o Diyathi), educ. Maison d’éducation de la Legion d’Honneur, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. Judge Miss Cambodia contest 1994. Chair NCJ Empire Studio Co Ltd since 2020. m. a French national. She had issue, two daughters:
5) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Khun) Naradhama Simhahanu Naradipa [Norodom Naradipo]. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 10th February 1946, as Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Naradipa [Norodom Naradipo] (s/o Princess Naralakshamuni Kisana), educ. Phnom Penh and Peking. Arrested and sentenced to five years imprisonment for alleged subversion by the Lon Nol regime in 1971. Released in May 1973. Disappeared during the purges of the Khmer Rouges, 1976. Raised to the posthumous rank of Samdach Krum Khun Naradhama Simhahanu Naradipa, 7th June 1994.
6) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Khun) Naradhama Simhahanu Khimanuraksha. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 26th September 1949, as Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Khimanuraksha [Norodom Khemanourak] (s/o Princess Bangsaramuni), educ. Peking. Raised to the posthumous rank of Samdach Krum Khun Naradhama Simhahanu Khimanuraksha 7th June 1994. m. at Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 20th October 1966, Anak Munang Surienne (b. 1949), eldest daughter of H.E. San Yun, Akkaraja Maha Mantri, sometime Prime Minister, Minister of the Royal Household, and Dir of Services at the Royal Palace. He disappeared during the purges of the Khmer Rouges, September 1976, having had issue, a daughter:
7) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat) Paramanatha Naradhama Simhamuni [Norodom Sihamoni] [Tokyo], who succeeded as H.M. Brhat Karuna Brhat Pada Samdach Brhat Paramanatha Naradharma Simhamuni, King of Cambodia (s/o Queen Muninatha) - see below.
8) H.R.H. Prince (Sdach Krum Khun) Naradhama Narindrabangsa [Norodom Narindrapong]. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 18th September 1954, as Prince (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Narindrabangsa [Norodom Narindrapong] [Keuheu] (s/o Queen Muninatha), educ. Preah Norodom Sch and Petit Lycée Descartes, Phnom Penh; and Lomonossov Univ, Moscow. Prisoner of the Khmer Rouge 1976-1979, Adviser to the Presdt Khmer Unity Party 2001-2003, Hon Presdt Khmer Unity Party 2003. Posthumously raised to the rank of Sdach Krum Khun, 5th November 2003. m. (first) 23rd July 1983 (div. 1987), Anak Munang Sri Nuoni [Sinuon] (b. May 1959), daughter of Sonn Ek, and niece of Khun Brhat Munang Kesaramali Ekka-nathi, wife of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong. m. (second) … He d. from heart failure, at his home, No 10 Avenue Boutroux, Thirteenth Arrondissement of Paris, France, 7th October 2003, having had issue, two daughters:
a) H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Sri Munarini Ahinghsa [Norodom Simonarine Ahinghsa] [Nanique]. b. 23rd September 1983 (d/oAnak Munang Sri Nuoni), educ. École Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM), Bordeaux, France. Advisor to the Royal Secretariat of the King ranking as Under Secretary of State since 2010.
b) H.H. Princess (AnakAnggaMajas) Naradhama Muninakshi [Norodom Moninouk]. b. 18th March 1987 (d/oAnak Munang Sri Nuoni), educ. École Supérieure de Commerce de Bordeaux-École de Management (BeM), Bordeaux, France, and Tecnológico de Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Marketing Assist with Groupe La Martinière. Advisor to the Royal Secretariat of the King ranking as Under Secretary of State since 2010.
1) H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Rajaputri Brhat) Rama Naradhama Puspa Devi [Norodom Bopha Tevi]. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 8th January 1943, as Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Puspa Devi [Norodom Bopha Devi] [Poit] (d/oAnak Munang Phat Kandara), educ. King Norodom Coll, Phnom Penh. Active with Ballet Royal du Cambodge since 1958, and prima ballerina from 1961, Professor of Culture & Traditional Dance 1965-1970, Deputy Minister for Culture & Fine Arts 1991-1993, Advisor to the Ministry for Culture & Fine Arts 1993-1998, Vice-Presdt Cambodian Red Cross Soc 1993-1997, Minister for Culture & Fine Arts 1999-2004, High Privy Counsellor to the King. Presdt Cambodian Chinese Assoc (2000). Raised to the rank of Samdach Rajaputri Brhat Rama, 24th January 1994. Rcvd: GC of the Royal Order of Cambodia (15.3.2006), and GC of the Orders of Queen Kusuma Nariratna Sri Vadhana (22.10.2001), and Muni Sarabarna (16.5.2001), Cdr of the Order of Arts & Letters of France (4.6.2010), etc. m. (first) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 5th February 1959 (div. 1960) H.H. Prince (Anak Angga Majas) Naradhama Narindraradha Varman (b. at Paris, France, 12th March 1935; d. 1970), eldest son of H.R.H. Prince Naradhama Narindatta Sudha Bhinurinuchakra, by his first wife, Anak Munang Neal Line, daughter of H.E. Akkara Neal Phleng. m. (second) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 1960 (div. 1962) H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Luang) Sri Svasti Munijivara (b. 29th October 1932; d. 1975), tenth son of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong, by his twelfth wife, Khun Brhat Munang Puspa Naralakshmi [Yim Tadh]. m. (third) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 1963 (div.) Bruno Forsinetti (b. 5th October 1943; d. at Paris, France, 1971), Costumier to Ballet Royal du Cambodge 1964-1965, Hon Consul-Gen for Italy, Chief of Protocol 1969, younger son of Dr Angelo Maria Forsinetti, sometime Hon Consul for Italy in Phnom Penh, by his wife, Emilia, née Lefer. m. (fourth) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, June 1967, H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat) Sri Svasti Jivandra Muniraksha [Kaleup] (b. 1st February 1936), sometime First Vice-Presdt of the Senate, former husband of H.R.H. Princess Padma Puspa, and son of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong, by his twelfth wife, Khun Brhat Munang Puspa Naralakshmi [Yim Tadh]. m. (fifth) at Pinellas, Florida, USA, 17th March 1986, as his second wife, H.E. Khek Vandy (b. 1929; d. at Calmette Hospital, 31st July 2012), Dir of Foreign Trade 1964, Delegate UN Conference on Trade & Development 1964, Vice-Chair 2nd African-Asian Conference (Jaakarta) 1964, Cmsnr Gen for EXPO ’70 in Osaka 1970, Presdt & MD of Magasin d’Etat 1971, Personal Diplomatic Representative of Prince Sihanouk 1984, Chair Co-ordinating Ctee for Public Health & Social Affairs 1985-1989, Mbr Paris Peace Conference 1989, CEO & Chair Cambodian Shipping Corp (CSC) 1995-1998, MNA for Kampong Cham 1998-2003 and Takeo 2003, State Sec in Ministry of Commerce 1998, former husband of a sister of Queen Monique. She had issue, one daughter by her first husband, two daughters by her second husband (see above), one daughter by her third husband, two sons by her fourth husband (see below), and one son by her fifth husband:
a) Keo Sakara Khek [Chika], educ. Univ Panth�on Assas (LLB 1994), Paris II, France. CEO & Chair Cambodian Shipping Corp (CSC) 1998-2002, CEO ADIDAS Franchise for Cambodia 1999-2004, CEO Marine Consultants & Assocs 2001-2012, Head of Corporate & International Acount DHT Group 2012-2014, Customer Relationship & Business Development Mngr Advanced Technical Suppliers (ATS) since 2014.
a) Keo Naradhama Chandra Sita [Norodom Chansita] [Chansita Forsinetti Norodom]. b. at Phnom Penh, 13th July 1965. Adopted by Prince Sri Svasti Jivandra Muniraksha [Sisowath Chivan Monirak] [Kaleup], and thus sometimes styled H.H. Princess (Anak Angga Majas) Sri Svasti Chandra Sita [Sisowath Chansita]. Employed with Raffles Le Royal Hotel in Phnom Penh. King’s Representative for the Sacred Furrow Ceremony Project 2012. m. (first) at Swindon, Wiltshire, September 1996 (div.) Nicolas Edward Wood [Nick Wood] (b. at Marylebone, London, 2nd November 1961; m. second, Davan Mey, a Cambodian national, by whom he has a further son), educ. Santa Clara Univ, Santa Clara, California, USA, writer and film maker, freelance producer, director and cameraman for news corporations and NGOs including BBC, CNN, Channel News Asia, the ILO, and UNO, Dir Navigator (Locations) Ltd 1998-2001, MD & Producer Navigator Communications since 2000, Assoc Producer/2nd Camerman National Geographic TV 2003, Dir Producer for Craft Network 2004, and ILO 2005, Producer/Cameraman/Reporter for BBC World News in South-East Asia since 2005, Cameraman Asia Development Bank (ADB) 2010-2013, Joint MD of Partizan Creatives since 2013, MD Blu-Wind srl (Asia-Pacific), Trustee Nginn Karet Fndn for Cambodia (NKFC), son of John R. K. Wood, sometime organiser Kensington branch of the Union Movement and editor “The North Kensington Leader”, by his first wife, Lovene, daughter of Sidney Grundy, of Harrow, Middlesex, photographer, sometime organiser Union Movement. m. (second) Kristijan Cvetić. She has issue, one son by her first husband:
i) Jonah Marith Bruno Wood. b. at Chelsea, London, January 1998, educ. iCAN British International Sch, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and the Univ of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
3) H.R.H. Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Kanthi Puspa. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 1948 (d/o Princess Bangsaramuni). She d. of leukemia, at Phnom Penh, 14th December 1952.
4) H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Krum Khun) Naradhama Padma Puspa. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 18th January 1951, as Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Padma Puspa [Norodom Botoum Bopha] (d/o Princess Bangsaramuni). Raised to the posthumous rank of Samdach Krum Khun 7th June 1994. m. (first) at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 27th July 1963 (div. 1967), H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Brhat) Jivandra Muniraksha [Kaleup] (b. 1st February 1936; m. second, June 1967, his sister-in-law, H.R.H. Princess Puspa Devi – see above), First Vice-Presdt of the Senate, son of H.M. King Sisowath Monivong, by his twelfth wife, Khun Brhat Munang Puspa Naralakshmi [Yim Tadh]. m. (second) at Chamear Mon, Phnom Penh, 17th April 1967 (div. 1970), H.R.H. Prince (Sdach Krum Luang) Sri Svasti Simhahanu Dussadi [Sisowath Sihanouk Doussady] (b. 9th September 1939; k. by the Khmer Rouges, 1976), second son of H.H. Prince Sri Svasti Angga Indravarman, by his second wife, Samrap Suriyakata Subhani. m. (third) Captain H.R.H. Prince (Samdach Krum Khun) Simhahanu Suputra [Sihanouk So Photra] (he dissappeared (presumed k. by the Khmer Rouges), April 1976), late of the RKAF, raised to the posthumous rank of Samdach Krum Khun Sihanouk So Photra 7th June 1994. She dissappeared (presumed k. by the Khmer Rouge), April 1976, having had issue, two sons by her first husband, two sons by her second, and two children by her third husband (all k. by the Khmer Rouge, 1976).
5) H.R.H. Princess (Brhat Angga Majas) Naradhama Sujata Vadiya [Norodom Sucheatvatea]. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 10th March 1953 (d/oMom Munivarni). m. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 8th December 1967, Lok Soma Chandravati [Som Chanvattei] (b. 1941; k. by the Khmer Rouge, at the Cercle Sportif, 20th April 1975), son of H.E. Akkara Pal Thiourn, sometime Governor of Phnom Penh, by his wife, Vann Bophon (Phan), younger daughter of H.E. Sun Sovann, by his wife, H.H. Princess Puspabungi, third daughter of H.R.H. Prince Hassakara. She was k. by the Khmer Rouge, at the Cercle Sportif, together with her husband and children, 20th April 1975, having had issue, two sons and one daughter (all k. by the Khmer Rouge at the Cercle Sportif in Phnom Penh, after they were told to leave the French Embassy premises, 20th April 1975).
6) H.R.H. Princess (Samdach Rajaputri Brhat Anujaya) Naradhama Aruna Rasmi. b. at the Khemerin Palace, Phnom Penh, 2nd October 1955, as Princess (BrhatAnggaMajas) Naradhama Aruna Rasmi [Norodom Arun Rasmey] (d/oMom Munivarni), educ. Petit Lycée Descartes and Lycée Descartes, Phnom Penh, Mater Dei Convent, Kep, American Vietnam Assoc Sch, Saigon, Vietnam, and US Air Force Base, Lackland, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Ops Officer with Sumitomo Bank, Long Beach, California 1980-1982, served in her father’s office 1982-1984, Foreign Loans Officer Siam Commercial Bank in New York 1985-1990, Chief of Admin of the Personal Office of Prince Ranariddh 1990-1991, Vice-Presdt Cambodia Farmers’ Bank 1992-1997, Mbr Ctee Cambodian Red Cross Soc 1993-1997, Mbr ASEAN Ladies Circle (Kuala Lumpur) 1999-2004 (Presdt 2003-2004), Ambassador to Malaysia since 2005. Raised to the rank of Brhat Angga Majas Rajaputri Brhat Anujaya 21st February 1994, and prom to Samdach Rajaputri Brhat Anujaya 31st August 2004. Rcvd: GC of the Royal Order of Cambodia (2006), Cdr of the Order of Monisaraphom (2004), Officer of the Order of Queen Kusuma Niariratna Sri Vadhana (1993), and Cdr of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France (1996). m. (first) 12th August 1970 (div.), as his first wife H.R.H. Prince (Sdach Krum Khun) Sri Svasti Siriratta (b. 21st June 1946; m. second, 15th February 1991, Nory Uch), sometime Ambassador to the USA and the UN, youngest son of Lieutenant-General H.E. Sri Svasti Sririksha Mataksha, sometime Prime Minister, by his wife, H.H. Princess Kidhniari, daughter of H.H. Prince Naradhama Kidhana. m. (second) at Peking, China, 13th April 1991, H.E. Keo Buddha Rasmi [Puth Reasmey] (b. at Kampong Cham, 1st October 1952), educ. Sisowath High Sch, Univ of the Sorbonne, Paris, France (M. Finance & Econ. 1975) and Univ. of Montreal, Quebec, Canada (dipl. Accounting 1982), Head of Policy, Administrative & Foreign Affairs in Prince Ranariddh’s Office 1985-1991, Ambassador to Indonesia (concurrently to the Philippines) 1995-1999, Malaysia 1999-2004, and Germany (concurrently to Slovenia, Malta & Cyprus) 2004-2006, Presdt. FUNCINPEC since 2006, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Fine Arts, Religious and Womens Affairs 2006-2008, rcvd: GO of the Royal Order of Cambodia, and Cdr of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France. She has issue, two sons and one daughter by her first (see above), and one son and one daughter by her second husband:
a) Keo Gamuni Rasmi Naradhama [Keo Khemoni Rasmey Norodom]. b. at Phnom Penh, 13th August 1997.
a) Keo Punitra Rasmi Naradhama [Keo Ponita Rasmey Norodom]. b. at Peking, China, 26th November 1991.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: