The Manchu Dynasty
(Ta Ch'ing Ch'ao )
- continued from the previous page.
- Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- H.I.M. Emperor Tao-kuang [Hsüan Tsung Huang Ti], had further issue:
- 6) Field Marshal H.I.H. Prince (Huang Tzu) Yi-hsin (=Yi Xin) [Chung], 1st Prince Kung (Kung Ho Shê Ch'in Wang=Gongzhong Qinwang) (cre. 1850). b. 11th January 1833 (s/o Empress Hsiao Ching), educ. privately. Granted the additional title of To Lo Pei Lê 1864, and to the first rank with perpetual inheritance 1872, reduced to a prince of the second rank 10th September 1874, restored 1874. Grand Counsellor 1853-1855, 1861-1865, 1875-1884 and 1894-1898, Lt-Gen. of a Banner Corps 1854, Presiding Controller Imperial Clan Court 1854-1855, Senior Chamberlain Imperial Bodyguard 1857, Peace negotiator with the British 1860, Presdt. Brd. of Foreign Affairs 1861-1865, 1875-1884 and 1894-1898, Presdt. of the Grand Cncl. 1886, and Presdt. of the Imperial Clan Cncl. 1898, Mbr. Admiralty Brd. and War Cncl. 1886. m. at Peking, 1848, H.H. Princess Consort (Fu Chin) …(b. 1834; d. 1880), tenth daughter of General H.E. Kuei-liang [Wen-tuan], of the Gualgiya clan, sometime Grand Counsellor, Governor-General of Fukien, Chekiang and Chichli. He d. at the Kung Wang Fu, Peking, 29th May 1898, having had issue, four sons and at least six daughters, including:
- a) H.I.H. Prince (To Lo Chün Wang) Tsai-cheng. b. 1856, educ. privately. Received his name, 7th October 1858. Raised to the rank of To Lo Pei Lê 1862, prom. to To Lo Chün Wang 14th February 1874 (degraded 10th September 1874) but later restored. Adopted his nephew, Prince P'u-wei, as his heir and successor. m. at Peking, 1874, …He d.s.p.m. 1885 (succ. by his nephew, Prince P'u-wei).
- b) H.H. Prince Tsai-ying [Zhai Ying], 2nd Prince (To Lo Pei Lê) Chung. Received his name, 30th April 1861, educ. privately. Adopted by his uncle, Prince Yi-chia [Yi-ho], 1st Prince Chung, an succeeded him as Chung To Lo Pei Lê 27th December 1868. Lieut-Gen. Bordered Yellow Banner, Supt. of Customs at Peking 1894-1895, Lieut-Gen. Bordered Red Banner 1895-1900. Deprived of his styles and titles for his part in the Boxer rebellion in August 1900 but posthumously restored by Dowager Empress Lung Yu. He d. 30th September 1909, having had issue, three sons:
- i) H.I.H. Prince P'u-wei, 2nd Prince (Ho Shê Ch'in Wang) Kung. b. at the Kung Wang Fu, Peking, 1880, educ. privately. Adopted by his uncle, Prince Tsai-ch'eng and succeeded his grand father as 2nd Prince Kung, 1898. Presdt. Anti-Opium Cmsn. 1909-1911. He d. 1936, having had issue, ten sons, including:
- (1) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung) Yü-lin. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- (2) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung) Yü-yuan.
- (7) H.I.H. Prince Yü-chan, 3rd Prince (Ho Shê Ch'in Wang) Kung (succ. 1937). b. at the Kung Wang Fu, Peking, educ. privately. Imprisoned by the Soviets in Siberia, 1945-1950 then by the Chinese Communists at Fu Shun Detention Centre, Harbin, Manchuria 1950-1957. Calligrapher and employee of the Chinese Acad. of Arts, Peking. m. Kao Chin-hua, a Han Chinese lady.
- ii) H.H. Prince P'u-ju (=Pu Ru), 4th Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu) Chung (succ. 196x). b. at Wanping, September 1896, educ. privately and at Univ. of Berlin (PhD 1917). A distinguished painter, illustrator and calligrapher under the nom de plume 'Pu Xinyu'. Mbr. Pine Breeze Painting Soc. Painter and Poet known as 'the Northern Pu', Lecturer at Peking National Univ. and Inst. of Fine Arts, MNA (Manchu) 1947-1949, fled to Korea in 1949and later settled in Taiwan 1950, teacher at the Taiwan Normal Univ. The foremost upholder of the classical scholarly tradition of painting and chaligraphy during his lifetime. m. Lady (Fu Jen) Li Mo-yun. He d. at Taipei, Taiwan, 18th November 1963. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
- (1) H.H. Prince (Fêng Ên Chên Kuo Kung) Yü-li [Loi Li] [Hsiao hua]. b. 24th May 1924. Settled in Taiwan.
- (2) The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün) Yü-chi [Loi Ling]. b. 27th May 1925.
- (1) Princess (Hsien Chün Kung Chu) Yao-chao, educ. in Italy.
- iii) H.H. Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu) P'u-hui [Pu De]. b. 1906, educ. privately. m. Pu-hoi, Tzu Shu-ming. He had issue, one son. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- c) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Chên Kuo Kung) Tsai-chun. b. 1864. He d. 1866.
- d) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Chên Kuo Kung) Tsai-huang. b. 1880. He d. 1885.
- f) H.I.H. Princess (Ku Lun Kung Chu) Jung-shou. b. 1854. Adopted by the Empress Dowager Hsiao Chin. m. 1866, H.H. Prince (Ku Lun E Fu) Chih-tuan (d. 1871), a descendant of H.E. Ming-jui, 1st Prince Ch'eng-chia I-yung. She d. 1911.
- 7) General H.I.H. Prince (Huang Tzu) Yi-huan (=Yi Xuan)[Hsien], 1st Prince Ch'un (Ch'un Ho Shê Ch'in Wang=Chunxian Qinwang) (cre. 1850). b. 16th October 1840, educ. privately. Lt-Gen. of a Manchu Banner Corps, Adj-Gen. and Chamberlain of the Imperial Bodyguard 1861, Assist. cdt. Peking Field Force 1862-1875 (cdr. 1876), Controller of the Admiralty Brd. 1885. Granted the title of Ho Shê Ch'in Wang Ch'un 1872 (made perpetually inheritable 1875). m. (first) H.I.H. Princess (Fu Chin) ... (d. 1875), sister of the Grand Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, and daughter of Captain Kuei Siang, of the Ye'honala clan. m. (second) Lady (Ts'e Fu Chin) Tsui (b. 1868; d. 1925), daughter of a groom. He d. 1st January 1891, having had issue, seven sons and one daughter:
- a) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung) Tsai-han. b. 1865 (s/o the princess). He d.v.p. 1866.
- b) H.H. Prince (Fêng Ên Fu Kuo Kung) Tsai-t'ien (=Zhai Tian)), who succeeded as H.I.M. Emperor Kuang-hsü [Teu Tsung], Great Emperor of the Great Ching Dynasty (s/o the princess)- see below.
- c) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung) Tsai-li. b. and d. 1875 (s/o the princess).
- d) H.I.H. Prince Tsai-fêng (=Zhai Feng), 2nd Prince Ch'un (Ho Shê Ch'un Ch'in Wang), GCVO (22.6.1911). b. 12th December 1877 (s/o Lady Tsui), educ. privately. Succeeded his father as 2nd Prince Chun, 1st January 1891. Lieut-Gen. Plain White Banner 1901, Special Ambassador to the Emperor of Germany 1901, Raised to the hereditary rank of Ho Shê Ch'in Wang 13th November 1908, Lieutenant of the Empire and Prince Regent (Chien Kuo Shê Chêng Wang) for his infant son, 13th November 1908 to 6th December 1912. Thereafter, private school director and teacher. Rcvd: Knt. of the Orders of the Black Eagle of Prussia (27.1.1910), and the Annunziata of Italy, the Collar of the Order of the Chrysanthemum of Japan (2.11.1909), and GC of the Orders of the Legion of Honour of France (19.12.1909), Red Eagle of Prussia (27.1.1910), King George V Coron. Medal (1911), etc. m. (first) at Peking, in the Autumn of 1902, H.I.H. Princess Consort (Fu Chin) Kua Erh Chia Shih [Thai Ri] [Jung Hui] (b. 1884; d. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 30th September 1921), eighth daughter of General H.E. Baron Jung Lu [Wen-chung], of the Gualgiya clan, Viceroy, PC, Grand Counsellor and Grand Secretary. m. (second) …He d. at Peking, 30th March 1951, having had issue, five sons and seven daughters:
- i) H.I.M. [P'u-yi] Hsüan-t'ung [K'angiTeh], Great Emperor of the Great Ching Dynasty (s/o Kua Erh Jia Shih) - see below.
- ii) H.I.H. Prince P'u-chieh (=Pu Jie), 3rd Prince (Ho Shê Ch'in Wang) Ch'un, Head of the Imperial Ch'ing Dynasty (s/o Kua Erh Jia Shih) - see below.
- iii) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Chên Kuo Kung) P'u-chien. He d. at the age of one year.
- iv) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Chên Kuo Kung) P'u-chi. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 4th October 1916. He d. there, 25th September 1918.
- v) H.H. Prince (To Lo Pei Lê) P'u-chen (=Pu Ren). b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 17th August 1918 (s/o the second wife). Renamed Chin Yü-chih after the Chinese revolution. Schoolteacher, Mbr. Cttee. Peking West City Dist. Political Consultative Conf. m. (first) … m. (second) Lady (Fu Jen) Chang Mao-ying. He had issue, three sons and two daughters:
- (1) H.H. Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu) Chin Yü-chung (=Jin Yuzhang). b. 1943 (s/o Lady Chang Mao-ying). Sec. to his uncle, Prince P'u-chieh. Dep. Dir. of Peking Ethnic Affairs Cttee. and Vice-Mayor of Chongwen dist. m. a Han Chinese lady. He has issue, a daughter:
- (a) Princess (Hsien Chün Kung Chu) Jessica Jin. b. 1977. Computer graduate serving with Motorola. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- (2) The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün) Chin Yü-lan (=Jin Yu-lan). b. 1949. Schoolteacher.
- (3) The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün) Chin Yü-chüan (=Jin Yu-quan) (s/o Lady Chang Mao-ying). Vice-Presdt. Energy & Environment Protection at Beijing Univ. Mbr. Cttee. Caoyang Dist. Political Consultative Conf.
- i) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Yun-ying [Gege Ta Ko Ko]. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1909 (d/o Kua Erh Jia Shih). m. 192x, a son of H.E. Prince Jung-Yuan, of the Manchu White Banner Corps and the Kokol clan, sometime Minister of the Imperial Household. She d. 1926.
- ii) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Jun-ho [Erh Ko Ko] [Ping-hssi]. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1911, educ. UK. Renamed Chin Hsin-ju after the revolution. Employee at the former Imperial Palace after the Communist revolution. m. at Hsinking, 1932, Cheng Yun-kai, educ. Univ. of London, eldest son of Cheng Ch'ui, Chief Sec. to his father, and grandson of H.E. Cheng Hsiao-hsu, sometime Prime Minister of Manchuria. She had issue, one son and three daughters, including:
- (1) Cheng Ying-ts'ai. b. at the home of Sir Robert Ho Tung, London, 15th February 1933.
- (1) Cheng [Zheng shuang]. b. in Manchuria, 1936, educ. Central Acad. of Fine Arts, Peking. A distinguished painter and master of Chinese watercolour wood block print. Teacer at the May Seventh Sc. 1968-1973, Professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Vice-Chair. Guangdong Artist's Assoc., Mbr. Standing Cttee. Chinese Graphic Artist's Assoc., and of the Chinese Artist Assoc. m. 1968, ... She had issue, one son. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- (2) Another daughter.
- iii) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Yun-ying [San Ko Ko] [Lily]. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1913 (d/o Kua Erh Jia Shih). Renamed Chin Hua-hsiu after the revolution, becoming a dressmaker. Mbr. East City District Political Consultative Conf. m. 1936, H.H. Prince (Chün Chu E Fu) Jung Ch'i [Jack Gubolo Ronqi] (b. at the Gubolo Mansion, Peking, 1912; d. there, 1999), educ. in Japan, imprisoned at the Shun War Criminals' Detention Centre at Harbin in 1945, released from confinement 1957, later assigned work in the Inst. of Legal Research within the Chinese Acad. of Sciences, retd. 1987 and took up acupuncture, Mbr. National Consultative Cncl. and People's Consultative Cttee., brother of Empress [Chih-lien] Hsiao Hung-ch'iu [Jung Wan], and son of H.E. Prince Jung-Yuan, of the Manchu White Banner Corps and the Kokol clan, sometime Minister of the Imperial Household. She d. 1992, having had issue, one son:
- (1) Tsung-yen, educ. in Japan. Imprisoned with his mother, he suffered from ill health and eventually succumbed to malnutrition at the age of eight years.
- iv) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Yun-hsien. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1914. Fled to Taiwan after the revolution in 1948 but returned to Peking with her second husband in 1982. m. (first) the Chief of Staff to Chang Hsun. m. (second) Zhao Qifan, a Mongol who worked as an artist, sometime Mbr. Mongolian-Tibetan Affairs Cttee. in Taiwan, and of the Municipal Cmsn. of Nationality Affairs in Peking after 1982.
- v) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Yun-hsiang. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1917. Imprisoned at Fushan War Criminals Detention Centre at Harbin 1945-1949, worked as an accountant and a dressmaker in Peking after 1949. m. Wan Jiaxi (d. at Peking, 1972). She had issue five children, including three sons and one daughter.
- vi) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Yun-yü [Liu Ko Ko] [Fo-erh]. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1919. Painter at the Peking Painting Acad. m. Wang Li-min [Wang Ailan]. She d. 1982.
- vii) H.H. Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) Yun-Huan [Ch'i Ko Ko]. b. at the Pei Mansion, Shichahai, Peking, 1921. Renamed Chin Chih-chien or Chin Huan after the revolution. Schoolteacher. m. (first) 1939, Wu Chi-lun (k. by a Kuomintang assasin, at Shanghai, 4th March 1940), Attorney-at-Law. m. (second) at Peking, 1950, Ch'iao … She had issue, two sons and one daughter, by her second husband:
- (1) Ch'iao-min. b. 1952. He has issue, one son:
- (2) Ch'iao-tai. b. 1953. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- (1) Ch'iao-ying. b. 1951. m. and has issue, one daughter:
- e) H.E. Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung) Tsai-kuang. b. 1880 (s/o the princess). He d. 1884.
- f) Admiral of the Fleet H.H. Prince Tsai-hsün, 2nd Prince Tuan (To Lo Tuan Pei Lê), GCB (c 26.11.1909). b. 20th May 1885 (s/o Lady Tsui), educ. privately. Succeeded as 2nd Prince Tuan, 15th July 1902. Cmsnr. for the reorganisation of the Navy 1909-1910, Min. of Marine 1910-1911. Rcvd: the Order of the Double Dragon 1st class 2nd grade, GC of the Orders of Leopold of Austria (3.1.1908), and the Red Eagle of Prussia (5.1.1908). He d. 1949 (succ. by his nephew and adopted son, Prince P'u-kuang).
- g) General H.H. Prince Tsai-t'ao, 3rd Prince Chung (To Lo Chung Pei Lê) (cre. 15th July 1902). b. 1887 (s/o Lady Tsui), educ. privately. Adopted son and successor of Prince Yi-mo. C-in-C Imperial Guards dvsn. 1908-1910, COGS 1910-1911, representative of the Manchus in the National Peoples' Congress 1954, Mbr. Regional Cttee of the Advisory Political Conf. of the PRC 1954. Rcvd: the Order of the Double Dragon 1st class, 2nd grade, GC of the Orders of the Red Eagle of Prussia (5.1.1908) and Leopold of Austria (1910). He d. at Peking, September 1970, having had issue, five sons, including:
- i) H.H. Prince P'u-kuang, 3rd Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu) Tuan (succ. 1924). b. June 1904, as P'u-chien, educ. privately. Adopted by his uncle Prince Tuan and given the new name of P'u-kuang. Succeeded his adopted father, 1949. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- ii) H.H. Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu) P'u-chia. b. 9th June 1908, educ. at the Imperial Palace, Peking. m. … He had issue.
- iii) The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün) P'u-an.
- i) A daughter. m. 1931, Darjia.
- a) Princess (Chün Chu Kung Chu) …(d/o the princess). She d. young.
- b) Another daughter by Lady Tsui, who also d. young.
- c) A daughter. m. General H.E. T'ieh-liang, Grand Counsellor 1906, Presdt Brd of War 1906-1910, Tartar General at Nanking 1910-1911.
- d) A younger daughter. m. Chao Kuo-chi, of the Kharachin tribe of Mongols.
- 8) H.I.H. Prince (Huang Tzu) Yi-ho [Tuan], 1st Prince Chung (Chung To Lo Chün Wang) (cre. 1850). b. 21st February 1844, educ. privately. Adopted his nephew, Prince Tsai-ying 1868 (see above). He d. 17th December 1868.
- 9) H.I.H. Prince (Huang Tzu) Yi-hui, 1st Prince Fu (Fu To Lo Chün Wang) (cre. 1850). b. 1845, educ. privately. He d. 1877, having had issue:
- a) H.H. Prince Tsai-shu, 2nd Prince (To Lo Pei Lê) Fu (succ. 1877). Adopted his cousin, Prince P'u-chin. Dean of the Coll. of Art, Fujen Univ. Rcvd: the Order of the Double Dragon 1st class, 2nd grade. He d.s.p. 1966.1) H.I.H. Princess (Kung Chu) Tuan-min (d/o Empress Hsiao Shen-sheng). She d. 1819.
- 2) H.I.H. Princess (Kung Chu) Tuan-…She d. young.
- 3) H.I.H. Princess Tuan-shun (Ku Lun Tuan-shun Kung Chu) (d/o Empress Hsiao Kuan-sheng). She d. young.
- 4) H.I.H. Princess Shuo-an (Ku Lun Shou-an Kung Chu). b. 1826 (d/o Empress Hsiao Kuan-sheng). m. 1841, H.H. Prince Demchüghjab (Ku Lun Demchugjab E Fu), son of Aghwangduwadijab, a Mongol prince and cdr. of the Naiman Banner of the Juu-uda League. She d. 1860.
- 5) H.I.H. Princess Shou-chang (Ho Shê Shou-chang Kung Chu). b. 1829 (d/o Empress Hsiao Ching-sheng). She d. 1856.
- 6) H.I.H. Princess Shou-en (Ku Lun Shou-en Kung Chu). b. January 1831 (d/o Empress Hsiao Ching-sheng). m. 1845, H.H. Ching-shou, 5th Prince Cheng-chia I-yung (Ku Lun Cheng-chia I-yung E Fu) (d. 1889), Mbr. Cncl. of Regency 1861, grandson of General H.E. Hui-lun, 2nd Prince Cheng-chia I-yung. She d. 1859.
- 7) H.I.H. Princess Shou-… (Kung Chu).
- 8) H.I.H. Princess Shou-hsi (Ho Shê Shou-hsi Kung Chu). m. 8th December 1863, H.H. Prince (Ho Shê E Fu) Jalafengge, son of Major-General Xilabu of the Niohuru clan. She d. September 1866.
- 9) H.I.H. Princess Shou-chuang (Ho Shê Shou-chuang Kung Chu).
- Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- continued on the next page.
- Copyright© Christopher Buyers
- Copyright© Christopher Buyers
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- Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers, January 2001 - March 2008