[1958 - 1970] Major-General H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Zeid, GCVO (16.5.1956), GBE (m 19.5.1920). b. at Stinia Palace, Yenikoy, Bosphorus, Turkey, 28th February 1898, fifth son of H.M. Hussein ibn 'Ali, Caliph al-Islam, King of the Hijaz, Commander of the Faithful, Grand Sharif and Amir of Mecca, GCB, by his third wife, H.M. Queen Adila Khanum, daughter of Salah Bey, educ. Ghalata Serai Coll, Istanbul, Turkey, and Balliol Coll, Oxford. Joined his father and brothers in the great Arab Revolt 1916, Deputy Cdr Arab Northern Army 1916-1919, appointed as Colonel of Cavalry in the Iraqi Army 1923, prom Maj-Gen 1933, Iraqi Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Turkey 1932-1933, and to Germany 1935-1938, Ambassador at the Court of St James’s 1946-1958. Deputy Regent of the Kingdom of Iraq 1933-1935, and Regent on several other occasions. Succeeded as Head of the Royal House of Iraq as a consequence of the assassinations of King Faisal II and Crown Prince 'Abdu'l-Illah, 14th July 1958. Rcvd: the Grand Order of the Hashimites, the Orders of Faisal I 1st class and the Two Rivers 1st class of Iraq, Renaissance (special class) (5.5.1918) and Independence 1st class (1921), the Ma’an Medal (5.5.1918), and Independence Medal (1921) of the Hijaz, Iraq Active Service Medal (1926), 39-45 War Medal (1945), Victory Medal (1945), Faisal II Installation (1953), and Queen Elizabeth II Coron (1953) medals, GC of the Order of Merit of the German Eagle of Germany (1938), etc. m. at Athens, Greece, November 1933, H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Fakhr un-nisa Zeid [Fahrelnissa Zeid] (b. on Prinkipo, Turkey, 1901; d. at Amman, Jordan, 5th September 1991, bur. there at Royal Mausoleum, Raghdan Palace, Amman), educ. Buyukada Elimentary Sch, Notre Dame de Sion, Pension Bnagiotti, Acad of Fine Arts, Istanbul, Turkey, and Ranson Acad, Paris, France, a gifted abstract artist and painter of the 'New Paris School', rcvd: the Order of the Two Rivers 1st class of Iraq, the Order of the Star of Jordan 1st class, and Cdr of the Order of Arts & Letters of France, Faisal II Installation (1953), and Queen Elizabeth II Coron (1953) medals, former wife of Izzet-Melih Bey Devrim, and third daughter of Brigadier-General H.E. Muhammad Shakir Pasha Kabaaj, sometime Ottoman Ambassador to Greece, by his second wife, Sara Izmat Khanum, a Cretan lady. He d. at Paris, France, 18th October 1970 (bur. Royal Mausoleum, Raghdan Palace, Amman, Jordan), having had issue, an only son:
- 1) H.R.H. Prince Ra’ad, Head of the Royal House of Iraq - see below.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
[1970] H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Ra’ad, GCVO (26.3.1984, KCVO 19.7.1966). b. at Berlin, Germany, 18th February 1936, only son of Major-General H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Zeid, GCVO, GBE, Head of the Royal House of Iraq, by his wife, H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Fakhr un-nisa Zeid, educ. Victoria Coll, Alexandria, Egypt, and Christ Coll, Cambridge (BA 1960, MA 1963). Succeeded on the death of his father as Head of the Royal House of Iraq, 18th October 1970. Research Assist at the Middle East Centre, Cambridge Univ 1960-1963, 1st Chamberlain to the Royal Court of Jordan 1963-1965, Dir-Gen Jordanian Youth Welfare Org 1965-1974, Minister of the Royal Court 1974-1975, Lord Chamberlain since 1975. Presdt Cttee for the Restoration of the Tombs of the Companions of the Prophet, Jordanian Radio Amateur Assn, Friendship Soc for the Blind, Friends of the Jordan Eye Bank, Jordan Sports Fed for the Disabled, Soc of the Friends and Relatives of the Disabled, Jordanian-Scandinavian Friendship Soc, Jordanian-Swedish Medical Soc, Petra National Trust, Jordanian Special Olympics Org, and Jordan Olympic Cttee, Hon Presdt Jordanian-French Medical Assoc, Chair Royal Jordan Radio Amateur Soc, Vice-Presdt Jordanian-American Centre for Archaeological Research, Hon Dir Petra National Fndn (USA), former Mbr of the Brd Arab Council for Child Development and the International Fund "Sports for the Disabled". Rcvd: GC of the Orders of Hussein ibn 'Ali (20.9.1999), Renaissance (special class 18.11.1992, GC 1966), Independence, and the Star of Jordan (1967), King Feisal II Coron. Medal (1953), GC of the Orders of St Sylvester of the Vatican (9.5.1964), Sayyid Muhammad bin Ali al-Sanussi of Libya (20.8.1967), Civil Merit of Syria (19.6.1975), the Aztec Eagle of Mexico (30.10.1975), Sacred Treasure of Japan (2.3.1976), Isabela the Catholic of Spain (18.2.1977), Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (5.11.1978), Merit of the Republic of Italy (26.11.1983), National Merit of France (21.11.1984, GO 1.8.1980), and the North Star of Sweden (8.9.1989), the Grand Decoration of Honour for Merit in gold with sash of the Republic of Austria (24.2.1978), the Order Tudor Vladimirescu 1st class of Rumania (2.7.1975), GO of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium (9.8.1964), the Order of King Abdulaziz 2nd class of Saudi Arabia (21.1.1975), Cdr of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France (4.1.1965), etc. m. at Södertälje, Sweden, 30th June 1963 (civil), and at the Royal Palace, Amman, 5th August 1963 (nikah), H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Majda Ra’ad (b. at Arboga, Sweden, 5th September 1942), née Margaretha Inga Elisabeth Lind, Founder and Presdt Al-Hussein Soc since 1971, the Board of the Occupational Therapy Coll 1985-1996, and of the Soc for Care of Neurological Patients 1986 -1996, Hon Presdt Scandinavian Ladies of Amman since 1985, Jordanian Swedish Friendship Assoc since 1986, and Philadelphia Inner Wheel Club since 1987, Dir Bandak Fndn 1998, Hon Dir Petra National Fndn (USA), Founder Mbr Petra National Trust Brd 1988, rcvd: GC of the Order of the North Star of Sweden (8.9.1989), daughter of Sven Gustav Lind, by his wife, Carin Inga Birgitta Gunlaug, daughter of Assar Grönwall. He had issue, four sons and one daughter:
- 1) H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Zeid bin Ra’ad. b. at Amman, Jordan 26th January 1964, educ. Reed’s Sch, Cobham, Surrey, Johns Hopkins Univ (BA 1987), Baltimore, USA, and Christ Coll, Cambridge (Ph.D. 1993). Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Jordan Arab Army 1989, served with Desert Police 1989-1994, Political Affairs Officer with UNPROFOR Bosnia 1994-1996, Deputy Permanent Representative to UN General Assembly New York 1996-2000, Vice-Presdt Maputo Conference on Anti-Personnel Landmines 1999, Permanent Representative to UN General Assembly New York 2000-2007 & 2010-2014 (concurrently Ambassador to Mexico and Cuba), Presdt of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 2002-2005, Ambassador to the USA 2007-2010, Chair UN Security Council 2010, and UN Peace Building Cmsn for Liberia 2010-2012, UN High Cmsnr for Human Rights (HCHR) since 2014. Chair Informal Negotiations on Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, and War Crimes 1999–2000, Consultative Cttee for the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) 2004-2007, Non-Aligned Movement Working Group on Peacekeeping, Working Group on the Crime of Aggression of Rome Statute 2010. Special Adviser to the UN Sec-Gen on Sexual Exploitation & Abuse in Peacekeeping 2004. Dir Bandak Fndn. Mbr Advisory Cttee of the Inst for Historical Justice & Reconciliation, World Bank Advisory Council for the World Development Report 2011, International Advisory Brd of the Auschwitz Inst for Peace & Reconciliation, m. at Amman, 5th July 2000, H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Sarah Zeid (b. at Houston, Texas, 1st August 1972), educ. Prior’s Field, Godalming, and Hurtwood House Coll, Dorking, Surrey, Univ of St Thomas, Houston, Texas, USA, and SOAS, London (MSc), employed with UNO New York, and served in development programme, peace-keeping dept, and UNICEF, Hon Dir Petra National Fndn (USA), etc, née Sarah Antonia Butler, daughter of Dr Godfrey Phillip Butler, of Houston, Texas, USA, British petroleum geologist and consultant to international oil companies, by his wife, Jean Hamilton Butler. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
- a) H.H. Prince (Amir) Ra’ad bin Zeid. b. at New York, USA, 17th May 2001.
- a) H.H. Princess (Amira) Hala bint Zeid. b. at New York, USA, 13th March 2003.
- 2) H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Mir’ed bin Ra’ad. b. at Amman, Jordan 11th January 1965, educ. Reed’s Sch, Cobham, Surrey, The Hun Sch, Princeton, New Jersey, Tufts Univ, Boston, Massachusetts (BA 1987, MA 1993), Christ’s Coll, Cambridge (MPhil 1988), and RMA Sandhurst, Camberley, Surrey Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Jordan Arab Army 1990, retd as Maj 1995. Chair the Hashemite Charitable Soc for Soldiers of Special Needs (HCSSSN) 2001, National Cttee for Demining & Rehabilitation (NCDR) 2004, Special Envoy of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production & Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines & on their Destruction (Ottawa Treaty), Chair Supreme Council for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities 2014-2017 and The Supreme Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2017-2021, Chief Secretary of the Royal Hashemite Court since 2021. Rcvd: GC of the Order of the North Star of Sweden (15.11.2022). m. at Amman, Jordan, 1st July 1992, H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Dina Mir’ed (b. at Amman, Jordan, 12th October 1965), née Khalifeh, educ. Sch of Industrial & Business Studies, Univ of Warwick (BSc 1988), Warwickshire, and Reading Univ (MA 1991), Reading, Berkshire, employed with Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte in London 1989-1990, Project Researcher for Political and Socio-Economic Issues in the Office of Crown Prince El-Hassan bin Talal 1991-1992, Dir Al-Hussein Soc for the Habilitation/Rehabilitation of the Physically Challenged 1992-2003, Dir King Hussein Cancer Fndn (KHCF) since 2003, Mbr Mediterranean Task Force for Cancer Control, etc. He has issue, two sons and one daughter:
- a) H.H. Prince (Amir) Rakan bin Mir’ed. b. at Amman, Jordan, 20th November 1995.
- b) H.H. Prince (Amir) Jafar bin Mir’ed. b. at Amman, Jordan, 4th September 2002.
- a) H.H. Princess (Amira) Shirin bint Mir’ed. b. at Amman, Jordan, 19th May 1993.
- 3) H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Firas bin Ra’ad. b. at Amman, Jordan, 12th October 1969, educ. Philips Exeter Acad, New Hampshire, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore (BA 1991), SAIS, Johns Hopkins Univ, Washington DC (MA 1993), and Harvard Univ, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (MPhil 1997). Chair. National Council for the Welfare of the Disabled, Private Sec for Health Affairs to King Abdullah II 1997-2003, Fulbright Scholar at Harvard Univ 2001, Visiting Professor at the Univ of Toronto 2003, Public Health Consultant to the World Bank. Presdt Soc for the Care of Neurological Patients 1996, Hon Presdt Jordan Europe Business Assoc, Patron Middle East Assoc for Managing Hearing Loss (MEHA) 1998, Chair Jordan National Cleaner Production Programme (NCPP), the High Council of the National Inst for Community Based Rehabilitation (NICBR) 1999, etc. author and lecturer on health issues. m. at Amman, Jordan, 7th August 1999, H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Dana Firas (b. at Amman, Jordan, 27th October 1970), née Toukan, educ. Boston Univ, Massachusetts, USA (BA 1991), LSE, London (MSc), and John F. Kennedy Sch of Govt (Fulbright Scholar), Harvard Univ, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (MPA), employed with King Hussein Fondn, rcvd: GC of the Order of the North Star of Sweden (15.11.2022), daughter of Nabeel Salah Toukan, engineer. He has issue, two daughters:
- a) H.H. Princess (Amira) Safa bint Firas. b. at Amman, Jordan, 26th July 2001.
- b) H.H. Princess (Amira) Haya bint Firas. b. at Washington DC, USA, 7th March 2003.
- 4) H.R.H. Prince (Amir) Faisal bin Ra’ad. b. at Amman, Jordan, 6th March 1975, educ. International Baccalureate Sch, Amman, Lawrenceville Sch, New Jersey, Brown Univ (BA Religious Studies 1998), and Roger Williams Univ, Bristol, Rhode Is, USA (LLB 2003). m. at Amman, Jordan, 7th July 2004, H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Lara Faisal, sometime reporter with the Associated Press, daughter of Munjed Munir Sukhtian, Chair Al Munjed Group, of Amman, Jordan. He has issue, two daughters:
- a) H.H. Princess (Amira) Hanan bint Faisal. b. at Amman, Jordan, 3rd September 2006.
- b) H.H. Princess (Amira) Mariam bint Faisal. b. at Amman, Jordan, 25th July 2008.
- 1) H.R.H. Princess (Amira) Fakhr un-nisa [Fakhrelnissa] bint Ra’ad. b. at Amman, Jordan, 11th January 1981, educ. Brown Univ, Providence, Rhode Is, USA (BA History 2002), and Univ Coll, London (MSc in Building and Urban Design in Dvpt 2004). Employed with MAWARED National Resources Investment & Dvpt Corp 2004-2005. m. at Amman, Jordan, 10th July 2005, Sharif Hajjar, Gen Mngr Trans-Orient Engineering and Contracting Co (TROCON), elder son of Radwan A. Hajjar, Chair Trans-Orient Engineering and Contracting Co (TROCON). She has issue, two sons:
- a) Radwan Hajjar. b. at Amman, Jordan, 8th August 2006.
- b) Faisal Hajjar. b. at Amman, Jordan, 14th December 2007.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
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Copyright©Christopher Buyers, August 2000 - June 2023