
The Yi Dynasty


Kumch'ok Taehunjang (the Grand Order of the Golden Ruler): founded by Emperor Kwangmu on 17th April 1900. Conferred on Heads of state, princes and very rarely on certain selected individuals already holding the Grand Order of the Auspicious Stars. Awarded in one class only (Grand Collar with Grand Cordon).


The Grand Order of the Golden Ruler - sash badge (L) and breast star (R).

Sosong Taehunjang (the Grand Order of the Auspicious Stars): founded by Emperor Kwangmu on 17th April 1900. Awarded in one class only (Grand Cordon). This decoration actually functioned as the second class of the Grand Order of the Golden Ruler. Copyright©C J Buyers

The Grand Order of Auspicious Stars, sash badge (L) and breast star (R).

Lihwa Taehunjang (the Grand Order of the Plum Blossoms): founded by Emperor Kwangmu on 17th April 1900. Awarded in one class only (Grand Cordon) and conferred on holders of the Grand Cordon of the Taeguk Order of Merit. This decoration was actually the superior class of the Taeguk Order of Merit.

The Grand Order of Plum Blossoms, breast star (A) sash badge (B)
(Copyright© OMSA).

Chaungjang (the Order of the Purple Falcon): founded by Emperor Kwangmu on 16th April 1901 as a reward for distinguished military services. (1. Grand Cordon, 2. Second Class, 3. Third Class, 4. Fourth Class, 5. Fifth Class, 6. Sixth Class, 7. Seventh Class, and 8. Eighth Class), the last two being equivalent to a gold and silver medal of a European order. Copyright©C J Buyers

The Order of the Purple Falcon - Grand Cordon, sash and sash badge.

Taegukjang (the Taeguk Order of Merit or, the Order of the National Crest): founded by Emperor Kwangmu on 17th April 1900. Awarded in a superior class (Lihwa Taehunjang) and eight ordinary classes (1. Grand Cordon, 2. Second Class, 3. Third Class, 4. Fourth Class, 5. Fifth Class, 6. Sixth Class, 7. Seventh Class, and 8. Eighth Class), the last two being equivalent to the gold and silver medals of a European order.

Left: The Taeguk Order of Merit - Grand Cordon, breast star (A) sash badge (B)
(Copyright© OMSA).

Right: The Order of the Eight Trigrams - Grand Cordon, breast star (A) sash badge (B)
(Copyright© OMSA).

P'alwaejang (the Order of the Eight Trigrams): founded by Emperor Kwangmu on 16th April 1901. Awarded in eight classes (1. Grand Cordon, 2. Second Class, 3. Third Class, 4. Fourth Class, 5. Fifth Class, 6. Sixth Class, 7. Seventh Class, and 8. Eighth Class), the last two being equivalent to the gold and silver medals of a European order. Copyright©C J Buyers

The Order of the Auspicious Phoenix - Grand Cordon, sash and sash badge.

Bongjang (the Order of the Auspicious Phoenix): founded by Emperor Yunghui as an order limited to ladies only. Awarded in eight classes (1. Grand Cordon, 2. Second Class, 3. Third Class, 4. Fourth Class, 5. Fifth Class, 6. Sixth Class, 7. Seventh Class, and 8. Eighth Class), the last two being equivalent to the gold and silver medals of a European order.

Copyright©Christopher Buyers
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
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Copyright©Christopher Buyers

Copyright©Christopher Buyers, August 2000 - July 2008