
The Yi Dynasty


continued from the previous page.
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
1495 - 1506 Great King Yon-san [Yon-sanju], King of Korea. b. 11th November 1476, as Yi Yung, eldest son of Great King Song-jong II [Kang-jung T'ae-wang], by his second wife, Queen Yun Pop-yong, educ. privately. Banished from the Court 1483. Succeeded on the death of his father, 29th January 1495. Instigated a reign of terror, becoming obsessed with avenging the death of his mother and reaking vengance on the descendants of those whom he held guilty. Deposed by a group of nobles led by Pak won-jon, 1506. Demoted to the rank of a junior prince (Yon-san-gun) and never honoured with a posthumous regal name. m. (first) Queen Shin [Yon-san-bi] (bur. Yon-san-myo, near Uidong), daughter of Shin Sung-son, Chief Counsellor of State. m. (second) Pak Sun-jun (committed suicide when Yon-san took her as his wife, ca. 1506), former wife of Prince Wolsan, and elder sister of Pak won-jon. m. (third) Lady Chang Nok-su, the Suk-yong (d. 1506), raised to the ranks of Suk-won and Suk-yong 1503. He d. in exile on Kanghwa island, 6th November 1506 (bur. Yon-san-myo, near Uidong), having had issue:
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
1506 - 1544 Great King [Lakch'on] Chung-jong [Kong-hui T'ae-wang], King of Korea. b. 25th April 1488, as Yi Yok, second son of Great King Song-jong II [Kang-jung], by his third wife, Queen Yun Chong-hyon, educ. privately. Styled Grand Prince Chin-sung (T'ae-gun Chin-sung), before his accession. Succeeded on the deposition of his elder brother, 1506. Ascended the Peacock Throne at the Kunjung-jun, Kyongbok Palace, Seoul, 1506. m. (first) 1506 (div. a week later) Queen Shin [Tan-gyong Wang-hu] (b. 16th February 1487; d.s.p. at Ik Ch'ang, 6th January 1558, bur. On-nung, near Uijongbu), raised to the rank of Queen in 1506 but deposed and exiled, restored to the posthumous rank of Queen with the title of Tan-gyong Wang-hu, younger daughter of Shin Su-gun, Prince Ik-ch'ang, Second State Counsellor of the Left. m. (second) Queen Yun [Ch'ang-gyong Wang-hu] (b. 19th August 1491; d. in childbirth, 26th March 1515, bur. Hui-nung, Koyang), by whom he had issue, one son and one daughter. m. (third) 1515, Queen Yun [Mun-jong Wang-hu] (b. 12th December 1501; d. 10th May 1565, bur. T'ae-nung, Yangju), Regent 1545, elder sister of Yun Won-hyong, by whom he had issue, one son and four daughters. m. (fourth) Lady Pak. m. (fifth) 1508, Lady Ahn, the Chang-bin (b. July 1499; d. October 1545, bur. Changbin-myo, Natonal Cemetary, Seoul), who had issue, two sons and one daughter. m. (sixth) Lady Hong I, daughter of Hong Kyong-ju, Fourth Counsellor of State. m. (seventh) Lady Hong II. m. (eighth) Lady Yi (d.s.p.). m. (eighth) Lady Kim. He d. at the Hwan'gyong-jon, Ch'anggyong-won, Seoul, 4th December 1544 (bur. Chong-nung, Kwangju), having had issue, nine sons and eleven daughters:
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
1544 - 1545 Great King In-jong II [Yong-jong T'ae-wang], King of Korea. b. 20th March 1515, as Yi Ho, eldest son of Great King Chung-jong [Kong-hui], by his second wife, Queen Yun Ch'ang-gyong, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his father 4th December 1544. Enthroned at the Myong-jong-jon, Ch'ang-gyong-won, Seoul. m. 1525, Queen Pak [In-song Wang-hu](b. 28th October 1514; d.s.p. 16th January 1578, bur. Hyo-nung, Koyang). He d.s.p. at the Kyongbok Palace, Seoul, 17th August 1545 (bur. Hyo-nung, Koyang).
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
1545 - 1567 Great King [T'aeyang] Myong-jong [Kong-hon T'ae-wang], King of Korea. b. 13th July 1534, as Yi Hwan, fifth son of Great King Chung-jong [Kong-hui], by his third wife, Queen Yun Mun-jong, educ. privately. Styled Grand Prince (T'ae-gun) Kyung, before his accession. Succeeded on the death of his elder half-brother, 17th August 1545. Reigned under the regency of his mother. m. Queen Shim [In-sun Wang-hu] (b. 7th July 1532; d. 22nd February 1575, bur. Kang-nung, Koyong), regent for her nephew from 12th August 1567 to 1568. He d. at the Kyongbok Palace, Seoul, 12th August 1567 (bur. Kang-nung, Koyong), having had issue, an only son:
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
1567 - 1608 Great King Son-jo [So-gyong T'ae-wang] [Yon], King of Korea. b. 6th December 1552, as Yi Ku-weng, third son of Prince Tok-hung, educ. privately. Styled Grand Prince Hansung (Hansung T'ae-gun) before his accession. Adopted by Queen In-sun and selected to succeeded his uncle, 12th August 1567. Enthroned at the Kunjong-jon, Kyongbok Palace, Seoul. Reigned under the Regency of Queen In-sun and then Yun Minjong until he came of age and assumed full ruling powers. Faced a great Japanese invasion under Lord Hideyoshi in 1592 and again in 1597. Enthroned at the Chukjo-dang, Kyongun Palace, after his return to the capital, 1593. m. (first) Queen Pak [Uin Wang-hu] (b. 15th May 1555; d.s.p. at the Kyong-un Palace, Seoul, 5th  August 1600, bur. Mok-nung, Yangju). m. (second) Lady Kim, the In-bin (b. February 1555; d. 29th October 1613, bur. Sunkang-won, Yangju). m. (third) 1602, Queen Kim [In-mok Wang-hu] (b. 15th December 1584; d. 13th August 1632, bur. Mok-nung, Yangju), daughter of Prince (Pu-won-gun) Kim Che-nam. m. (fourth) Lady Kim, the Kong-bin (b. 11th October 1553; d. 11th May 1578, bur. Song-myo, Kumgok). m. (fifth) Lady Kim III. m. (sixth) Lady Han. m. (seventh) Lady Min, the Chung-bin. m. (eighth) Lady Hong. He d. at the Kyong-un Palace, Seoul, 16th March 1608 (bur. Mok-nung, Yangju), having had issue, fourteen sons and eleven daughters:
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
continued on the next page.
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Copyright©Christopher Buyers, August 2000 - August 2010