1713 – 1738 H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoJaya Sri Samudra Buddhangkura [Soi Si Samout Phouthong Koun], King of Champa Nagapurisiri [Nakhon Champa Nakhaburisi]. b. posthumously, in the hills of Poosangor Horkam, 1693, as Prince (Chao) Nakasatra Sungaya [Nokasat Song], youngest son of H.R.H. Princess Sumangala Kumari, daughter of H.M. SomdetchBrhatChaoSuriyaVarmanDharmikaRajaParamaPavitraPrasidhadhirajaSriSadhanaKanayudha, King of Lan Xang, by Na Bua, PhyaSenadivya. Proclaimed as King of the State of Champa Nagapurisiri [Nakhon Champa Nakhaburisi] by Phra Krum Bunsamek in 1713. Installed at the site of the Wat That Monastery, Champa Nagapurisiri, 1713. His reign saw the widespread introduction of Buddhism in the south by the monk, Ponsamek. Renounced his executive powers in favour of his eldest son, 1725. m. at Champa Nagapurisiri, ca. 1709, a daughter of H.M. SamdachBrhatJayaJathaParamaSurendraRajadhirajaRama [Jaya Jatha IV], King of Cambodia. He d. at Khorat, 1738, having had issue, four sons:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Chao) Jaya Kumara [Sayakouman], who succeeded as H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoBrhatBodhiChao Angka Luang Jaya Kumara [Photi], King of Champa Nagapurisiri [Nakhon Champa Nakapurisi] – see below.
2) H.R.H. Somdetch Brhat ChaoMahaUparaja Dharmadeva Budhisada Katingnaraja [Tammatevo Pudisatkhattinarat] (s/o the Queen of the Left) (full-brother of Suriya), educ. privately. Appointed as Deputy Ruler and invested with the title of Somdetch Brhat ChaoMahaUparaja by his brother, 1728. Quarreled with him over a legal matter in 1758, raised a rebellion together with the Chao Muong of Khong and advanced on the capital, but was persuaded by the sangha into reconciliation. He d. from an illness, 1768, having had issue, four sons and one daughter:
a) H.H. Prince (BrhatChaoUparaja) Unga [O]. Appointed as Deputy Ruler by the King of Siam and invested with the title of Uparaja, 1778. He was k. on the orders of the King of Siam, at Attapeu, ca 1781, having had issue, two sons:
i) H.H. BrhatChao Naraksha Negara Champasakti [Nak], Prince of Champasakti – see below.
ii) H.H. Prince (BrhatChao) H’ui [Houy], Prince of Champasakti – see below.
b) Prince (Chao) Indra [In], Prince of Attapeu. Appointed as Prince Governor (Chao Muang) of Attapeu, by the King of Siam, 1778. He was k. on the orders of the latter, at Attapeu, ca 1781, having had issue, one son:
i) H.H. Prince (Brhat ChaoUparaja) Suriya [Sura], Uparaja. Appointed as Deputy Ruler and invested with the title of Uparaja, 1840. Regent of Champasakti during the succession dispute 1853-1855. He d. 1855, having had issue, two sons:
(1) Prince (Chao) Nukama [No Kham], Raja Varman (cre. 1863). Appointed as Chao Muang of Ubon, after the death of that ruler.
(2) Prince (Chao) Bhanya [Phan], Uparaja. Appointed as Deputy Ruler and invested with the title of Uparaja, 1878. Styled Raja Yudha 1870-1878.
c) H.R.H. Somdetch Brhat ChaoMahaUparaja Dharmakirtikaya [Thammathika]. Appointed as Deputy Ruler and invested with the title of Somdetch Brhat ChaoMahaUparaja, 1813. He soon quarrelled with the King and was ordered to reside in Bangkok in 1814. Subsequently pardoned and allowed to return to Champa, he rebelled for a second time in 1817, but was defeated and fled into the jungles. Captured, divested of his titles and sent into exile in Bangkok.
e) Princess (Chao Heuane) Tulini [Tui]. m. 1779, Thao Kamapunga [Kham Phong], Brhat Padma Suriya Ratana, younger son of Brhat Ta. She had issue, two sons and four daughters – see Laos (Suvarnkut).
3) H.H. Prince (BrhatChaoAngka Luang) Budhisara [Photisane] (s/o the Cambodian princess), educ. privately. Passed over for the position of Raja Varman in favour of his younger brother in 1738.
4) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Suringha [Sourinhô], Raja Varman (full-brother of Dharmadeva), educ. privately. Raised to the title of Raja Varman by his brother, 1728. He had issue, a son:H.H. Prince (Chao) Maha Nawi [Ma Noi], who succeeded as H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoBhumi Maha Nawi [Phom Ma Noi], King of Champasakti – see below
1738 – 1791 H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoBrhatBodhiChao Angka Luang Jaya Kumara [Pha Photi Chao], King of Champa Nagapurisiri [Nakhon Champa Nagapurisiri]. b. 1710, eldest son of H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoJaya Sri Samudra Buddhangkura [Soi Si Samout Phouthong Koun], King of Champa Nagapurisiri, educ. privately. Governor of Srilambong, before his accession. Assumed executive powers as Regent, 1725. Succeded on the death of his father, 1738. Crowned with the title of Somdetch BrhatChaoBrhatBodhiChao Angka Luang Jaya Kumara, 1738. Removed his permanent seat to Champa Nagapurisiri. A serious legal dispute with his eldest brother escalated into an armed conflict in 1758, when the latter marched on the capital and forced him to flea with his family to Don Mote Daeng, before a reconciliation was arranged between them by the sangha. He fled from the capital again when Siamese troops attacked in 1778, took refuge on the island of Don Sai, but was captured and marched to Bangkok in golden chains. Confined there for two years and only returned to Champa Nagapurisiri in 1780 after accepting the position of a vassal of the Siamese king. Despite his many faults, a rare example of a Buddhist ruler free of the usual trait of cruelty, who adhered to his religious principles, and eschewed war or violence not only because of the potential loss of human life but also to prevent the death, mutilation and suffering of large numbers of horses and elephants. m. H.M. Queen (Maharani Devi Kumari)... He d. at Champa Nagapurisiri, 1791, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Anuramangkara [No-Muang]. He had issue, five sons, including:
a) H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoAnuya [Nou], King of Champasakti – see below.
1811 H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoAnuya [Nu], King of Champasakti, eldest son of Prince Anuramangkara [No-Muang] and a nephew of H.H. Chao Brhat Vijaya Raja Khatiya Varman, educ. privately and at Bangkok. Restored to the throne by the Siamese, 1811. He d. three days after his nomination as King, 1811, having had issue, three sons.
1813 – 1820 H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoBhumi Maha Nawi [Phom Ma Noi], King of Champasakti, son of H.R.H. Prince (Chao) Surinha, Raja Varman, educ. privately and at Bangkok. Appointed as Chao MuangNakhon Champassak (Prince Governor of the State of Champasakti) by the King of Siam, after the death of his cousin, 1813. Failed to deal with a serious rebellion by Kha from the southern districts in 1820 and fled to Bangkok, where he remained there for the rest of hs days. He d. at Bangkok, 1821, having had issue, six sons:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Anga [Un].
2) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Nudha [Nud]. He had issue, a son:
a) H.H. Prince (BrhatChaoUparaja) Bima Bisana Buvanarabarna [Phimphisan Bualaphan], Brhat Savadhi Voralaksana (cre. 1874). Appointed to the rank and title of Raja Varman by the King of Siam, and prom to Deputy Ruler with the title of Uparaja 1870. He d. 1876.
3) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Singha [Saeng], Uparaja. He disputed the succession with Prince Sena 1853-1856. Appointed as Deputy Ruler and invested with the title of Uparaja, 1863. He d. 1870, having had issue:
4) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Buna [Boun].
5) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Chandra [Chun], Chao Raja Varman (cre. 1870).H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Chula [Chu], Uparaja (cre. 1855). Administrator of the principality 1858-1862. He d. before 1870.
1820 – 1827 Interregnum under Siamese rule, Champassak, Yasoton, Khemaratta and Ubol erected into separate provinces directly dependent on Bangkok with the Uaparaja Yo of Vientiane ruling as Governor until the town was captured by the Siamese. Yo escaped and was pursued to a pagoda, where he sought but failed to secure sanctuary, subsequently committed suicide by leaping off the roof.
1827 – 1841 H.H. Prince (Brhat Chao) H’ui, Prince of Champasakti. b. 1780, younger son of H.H. Prince (Chao) Unga [O], Prince (Chao Muang) of Attapau, educ. Royal Corps of Pages, Bangkok, Siam. A General in the Siamese forces, he was sent to hunt down and capture the Uparaja Yo, and was subsequently appointed to replace him as Chao Muang Nakhon Champassak (Prince Governor of the State of Champasakti) by the King of Siam, 1827*. A disastrous fire forced him to abandon Meaung Kaokhankeng in 1837 and remove his capital to Himlot (Himrod). He d. after a fall from an elephant, at Himlot, Champassak, 1841 aged 63 years (6th day of the waxing moon of the 5th month, 1202 CS, the year of the mouse, the second decade) (crem. at Muong Cau Hin Lot), having had issue, seven sons and seven daughters:
1) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Soma [Som], Chao Sri Suratta [Sisurat], educ. Royal Corps of Pages, Bangkok, Siam. Appointed as Chao Muang (Prince Governor) of Dat and invested with the personal title of Chao Sisurat, 1840.
2) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Indra [Inh]. He had issue, a son:
a) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Dharma Anurudha [Thommo Anurut], Chao Raja Vudha (cre. 1878).
4) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Kamasukti [Kham-Suk], who succeeded as H.H. BrhatChaoYudhi Dharmadhana Negara Champasakti [Youtti Thammathone], Prince of Champasakti – see below.
5) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Kamasuriya [Kham-Sui].
6) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Nawi [Noi].
7) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Buma [Phomma].
One of these princes enjoyed the title of ChaoRajaBaktinaya, and had issue, at least three daughters:
a) Princess (Chao Heuane Nhing) Thungaguni [Thong Khoun]. m. as his second wife, H.H. BrhatChaoBuvanarabarna Rajadhanaya Negara Champasakti [Bua Laphan Ratsadany], Prince of Champasakti (b. 1874; d. from cancer, at Bassac, November 1945), son of her paternal uncle, H.H. BrhatChaoYudhi Dharmadhana [Youtti Thammathone], Prince of Champasakti. She d. at Bassak, 1909, having had issue, one son and one daughter – see below.
b) Princess (Chao Heuane Nhing) Yim. m. as his third wife, 1909, H.H. BrhatChaoBuvanarabarna Rajadhanaya Negara Champasakti [Bua Laphan Ratsadany], Prince of Champasakti (b. 1874; d. from cancer, at Bassac, November 1945), son of her paternal uncle, H.H. BrhatChaoYudhi Dharmadhana [Youtti Thammathone], Prince of Champasakti. She d. at Bassak, 1910, having had issue – see below.
c) Princess (Chao Heuane Nhing) Sudhi Saramuni na Champasakti [South Samone]. m. as his sixth wife, at Bassac, 1912, after the birth of her son, H.H. BrhatChaoBuvanarabarna Rajadhanaya Negara Champasakti [Bua Laphan Ratsadany], Prince of Champasakti (b. 1874; d. from cancer, at Bassac, November 1945), son of her paternal uncle, H.H. BrhatChaoYudhi Dharmadhana [Youtti Thammathone], Prince of Champasakti. She d. at Bangkok, 1960 (crem. there), having had issue – see below.
* The Siamese chronicles state that seven women from the Uparaja of Vientiane’s harem were gifted to him by the Siamese King, but this is a lie. It is clear that these ladies were sent to Bangkok and there distributed amongst the harems of the King himself, the Viceroy, other Siamese princes and officials.
1841 – 1851 H.H. BrhatChao Nagaraja Negara Champasakti [Nak], Prince (Chao Muang) of Champasakti [Nakhon Champassak]. b. 1774, eldest son of H.H. Prince Unga [O], Prince of Attapeu, educ. privately. Appointed as Deputy Ruler and raised to the title of Uparaja by the King of Siam, 1828. Regent for his brother Prince H’ui 1840. Appointed as Chao Muang Nakhon Champassak (Prince Governor of the State of Champasakti) by the King of Siam, on his death, 1841 (confirmed 1842). He d. from cholera, at Bangkok, Siam, 1851 (4th day of the rising moon, the 4th month), aged 76 years, having had issue six sons and four daughters:
1) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Sena [Sen], Chao Raja Varman (cre. 1840). He disputed the succession with Prince Singha 1853-1856.
2) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Jaya [Sa], Chao Raja Putra (cre. 1840).
3) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Mina [Mi], Chao Budhisana.
4) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Putra [But], Chao Indrasidha [Inthatsith]. He had issue, three sons:
a) Prince (Chao) ...
b) Prince (Chao) Buya [Phouy]. m. Princess (Chao Heuane) Bounlouane. He had issue:
i) Prince (Chao) Bunswan na Champasakti [Bounsouane na Champassak]. m. Mom Onechanh na Champassak. He had issue, four sons:
(1) Prince (Chao) Sri Sukti na Champasakti [Sisouk na Champassak]. b. at Pakse, 29th March 1928, educ. l’Institut des Sciences Politiques, l’Institut international d’etudes et de recherches diplomatiques, Paris, France, and at the Acad of International Law, the Hague, Netherlands. Joined Lao Foreign Service 1954, Rep on the International Control Cmsn 1954, and of the Royal Govt to the Pathet-Lao 1955-1956, Sec-Gen to the Cabinet 1956-1957, Deputy Permanent Rep and Alternative Delegate to UN 1957-1958, Sec of State for Information & Youth 1958-1960, Permanent Rep at the UN 1960-1961, Minister for Finance 1965-1971, and Defence 1972-1975. Author: ”Storm Over Laos” (1961). m. (first) (div. ca 1970) Christiane Guida(m. second, ... de Vaublanc, and had issue a further daughter), styled Mom Christiane na Champasakti during her marriage, a lady of French nationality. m. (second) 27th February/23rd April 1974, H.R.H. Princess (Sadet Chao Nhing) Marina Rangsiri [Marina Rangsi] (b. 6th June 1948), fifth daughter of H.R.H. Prince Sri Subandha Rangsiri [Sisouphantharangsi], sometime Chancellor and Sec-Gen Royal Household, by his wife, H.H. Princess Suvarnakami Vamsakatra-ratana [Souvankham Vongkotrattana], daughter of H.H. Prince Singha Kaeva [Singkeo]. He d. at Santa Ana, California, USA, 10th May 1985, having had issue, two sons and two daughters by his first wife, and two daughters by his second wife:
(a) Prince (Chao) Saranasukti Philippe Albert na Champasakti [Mr Philippe Albert Sarasouk Na Champassak]. b. 1955 (s/o Christiane), educ. New York, USA, Delhi, India, Vientiane, Laos, Geneva, Switzerland, and Sydney, NSW, and the Australian National Univ (ANU), Canberra, ACT. Employed with UNO in New York, Cotonou, and Port Moresby, joined Australian Dept of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT), State Dir for DFAT in Tasmania 2007-2010, Chair Penguin Visitor Services Group since 2011. Editor ”Australians at the UN: Architects for a Better World”. m. (first) (div.) Mom Nang Erica Louise na Champasakti [Mrs Erica Na Champassak], Librarian at the Defence Central Library in Canberra, ACT. m. (second) Mom Nang Amanda na Champasakti [Mrs Amanda Na Champassak], educ. Canberra Girls’ Grammar Sch, ACT, and the Northern Territory Univ, Darwin, Australia, former wife of ... Uren, and daughter of Felix Pocius. He has issue, three sons:
(i) Prince (Chao) Christophe Suriya na Champasakti [Christophe Souriya Na Champassak]. b. October 1986 (s/o Erica), educ. Radford Coll, Bruce, ACT, and the Univ of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.
(ii) Prince (Chao) Robert Tristan Devanika na Champasakti [Robert Tristan Devanika Na Champassak]. b. 24th November 1989 (s/o Erica), educ. Telopea Park Sch, and Radford Coll, Bruce, ACT, Australia.
(iii) Prince (Chao) Luc Ryan na Champasakti [Luc Na Champassak]. b. at the Hobart Private Hospital, Tasmania, Australia, 7th March 2007 (s/o Amanda). He d. from acute bronco-pneumonia, at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania, Australia, 8th March 2007.
(b) Prince (Chao) Vorana na Champasakti [Vorana na Champassak]. b. 3rd October 1968 (s/o Christiane), educ. Centre International de Glion, Switzerland. Employed with Le Meridien group for eleven years, Four Seasons and Melia Hotels in Costa Rica, and Resident Mngr at Vincci Hotels in the Canary Islands, Food & Beverage Mngr at Victoria Hotels & Resorts 2007-2008, Resident Mngr Victoria Angkor Resort & Spa since 2008. m. (first) (div.) Danna L. Palmisano (b. 18th March 1967), née Birnbaum. m. (second) June 2007, Mom Nang Eugenia na Champasakti [Mrs Eugenia na Champassak], née Abozina. He had issue, one son and one daughter by his first and two sons by his second wife:
(i) Prince (Chao) Etienne Yann na Champasakti [Etienne Yann na Champassak]. b. 29th November 1994 (s/o Danna). He d. at the Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from gunshot wounds inflicted by an armed gunman, 9th November 1995.
(ii) Prince (Chao) Daniel Sri Sukra na Champasakti [Daniel Sisouk na Champassak]. b. 6th March 2009 (s/o Eugenia).
(iii) Prince (Chao) Vorana Claude na Champasakti [Vorana Claude na Champassak]. b. 26th May 2010 (s/o Eugenia).
(i) Princess (Chao Heuane) Vinaya na Champasakti [Vinaya na Champassak]. b. 30th June 1993 (d/o Danna).
(a) Princess (Chao Heuane) Nanda na Champasakti [Nanda na Champassak] (d/o Christiane). Information Officer for the UNHCR at Ottawa, Canada (retd). m. Charles Fayet. She has issue, one daughter.
(b) Princess (Chao Heuane) Soraya na Champasakti [Soraya Na Champassak- Stackler] (d/o Christiane), educ. Coll Du Lèman, Versoix, Switzerland. Settled in Quebec, Canada. m. Bruno Stackler. She has issue, one son and four daughters.
(c) Princess (Chao Heuane) Sirina na Champasakti [Sirina na Champassak]. b. November 1974 (d/o Marina), educ. l’École Centrale de Lille, France.
(d) Princess (Chao Heuane) Malissa na Champasakti [Malysa na Champassak] (d/o Marina), educ. Univ of Paris, Dauphine (BBM 2000), Univ of the Sorbonne (MBM 2001), Paris IV, France. European Account Mngr at Laura Ashley Ltd 2001-2003, SSC Account Mngr (Continental Europe) at Unysis Corp 2003-2006, EMEA Financial Planning Analyst at NetAPP in Amsterdam since 2007. m. September 2009, Oscar Martinigh, educ. Univ degli Studi di Trieste, Finance & Accounting Mngr at Unysis Corp in Amsterdam since 2003.
(2) Colonel Prince (Chao) Phomma Nachampassak [Raymond]. b. at Pakse, 20th January 1936, educ. Coll de Paksè. Settled in Austin, Texas, USA. m. 1956 (second, at Travis, Texas, USA, 29th April 2005), Mom Susan L. Phitsamay Nachampassak (b. 8th February 1936; d. at Austin, Texas, 17th April 2010), daughter of Ke Siriphanh, by his wife, Samane. He had issue, five daughters:
(a) Soutsada Joutsadal Nachampassak [Sue Bouphasavanh]. b. 29th April 1958, educ. John Marshall High Sch, Glendale, West Virginia. m. (first) 27th May 1989, Philip Bounchanh Bouphasavanh (b. 1962), educ. Ironside High Sch, New Brighton, Minnesota, son of Manichan Bouphasavanh, of St Paul, Minnesota, USA. m. (second) Prince (Chao) Prasiènesak Nachampassak. She had issue, two daughters by her second husband - see below.
(b) Vimala N Nachampassak. b. 19th July 1962. m. at Austin, Texas, 16th August 1985, Spyridon Nikolaos Barouxis (b. 1962), son of Nikolaos G. Barouxis, of Huntington, West Virginia, by his wife, Panagiota N. She has issue, one son and two daughters.
(c) Sengchanthala Nachampassak [Sengchanth Nachampassak]. b. 23rd October 1963. She d. at Bexar, West Virginia, USA, 14th February 1997.
(d) Thatsana Nachampassak. b. 6th October 1964. m. at Travis, Texas, USA, 5th August 1997, Frank Habib Noshari (b. 1956). She has issue, two daughters.
(e) Douangdara Nachampassak [Douan Mandi Thomas]. b. 30th April 1969. Licensed Acupuncturist in Austin, Texas. m. at Travis, Texas, USA, 23rd July 2004, David L. Thomas, jnr. She has issue, one son.
(3) Prince (Chao) Sisanga Nachampassak de Rajvong. b. at Pakse, 8th July 1938. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Lao government in exile, a former official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Settled in Ile-de-France, France. Representative of the Phak Pasaxone Lao Lanexang organisation in France. m. (first) Mom Manivanh. m. (second) Mom Sommay. He had issue, two sons and five daughters by his first wife, and three sons by his second wife:
(a) Prince (Chao) Praseutsack na Champassak [Roger Nachampasak] (s/o Manivanh). Employed with Air France. Rcvd: Medal of Honour for Work in Silver (1.1.2008).
(b) Prince (Chao) Praseutsith na Champassak [Bernard Nachampasak] (s/o Manivanh).
(c) Prince (Chao) Sridamrongdeth na Champassak [Robert Na Champassak]. b. 1977 (s/o Sommay), educ. l’École Paul Eluard, Coll Gustave Monod and Coll Saint Nicolas, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Lycée Adolphe Chérioux and Lycée Jean Macé, Vitry-sur-Seine, and Univ of Paris 12, France. Front Office Assist Crédit Agricole Asset Management 2000, Credit Risk Analyst Dexit Credit Local de France 2000-2006, Risk Management Consultant with Cognitis 2006-2007, Financial Consultant Investance Consulting 2007-2011, Mngr-Risk Management Opus Finance since 2011.
(d) Michel na Champassak [Mike Nachampassack]. b. at Bordeaux, France, 15th March 1980 (s/o Sommay), l’ÉcolePrimaire Emile Zola, and Lycée Bâtiment-Saint-Lambert, Paris, France.
(e) Alain na Champassak (s/o Sommay).
(a) Princess (Chao Nang) Chindamany na Champassak [Liliane na Champassak] (d/o Manivanh).
(b) Princess (Chao Nang) Sirattana na Champassak [Marianne na Champassak] (d/o Manivanh).
(c) Princess (Chao Nang) Daravanh na Champassak [Elizabeth na Champassak] (d/o Manivanh).
(d) Princess (Chao Nang) Daravieng na Champassak [Florence na Champassak] (d/o Manivanh).
(e) Princess (Chao Nang) Daravone na Champassak [Béatrice na Champassak] (d/o Manivanh).
(4) Prince (Chao) Phatsada K. Nachampassak. b. at Pakse, 27th October 1942. Settled in Rochester, NY, USA. m. Mom Vanmaly Nachampassak (b. 1943). He had issue, one son:
(a) Darasak K. David Nachampassak. b. 28th February 1968. Mbr US Tennis Assoc. m. (first) (div.) Lee L. Pathammavong (b. 1964). m. (second) at Travis Co, 13th September 2007, An T. Pham (b. 1964). He had issue, a daughter:
(i) Valerie Nachampassak. b. at Austin, Texas, 8th September 2004. She d. there, 30th March 2006 (bur. Capital Parks Cemetery).
c) Prince (Chao) ...
5) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Kamasingha [Kham Sing].
1851 – 1853 H.H. BrhatChaoBuwana [Boua], Prince of Champasakti, son of H.M. Somdetch BrhatChaoAnuya [Nu], King of Champasakti, educ. Corps of Pages, Bangkok, Siam. Succeeded on the death of his cousin, 1851. Appointed as Chao MuangNakhon Champassak (Prince Governor of the State of Champasakti) by the King of Siam in 1852. He d. before the golden tray for his appointment was prepared and dispatched, at Bangkok, Siam, 1853, having had issue, two sons:
1) Prince (Chao) Indra [In]. He had issue, a son:
a) Prince (Chao) Bitra [Phet]. m. Princess (Chao Nang) Pengchan, daughter of his paternal uncle, Prince (Chao) Bhimasura Dharmadeva Khamphouy [Ya Chao Tham], by his first wife, Mom Kongphong. He had issue:
i) Princess (Chao Heuane) Khamkip (only daughter of Tham's only daughter). m. Prince (Chao) Dungpaya [Thongbay], from another branch of the royal family. She had issue, a son:
(1) Prince (Chao) Anujaya [Nouchay]. m. H.H. Princess (Sadet Chao Heuane Nhing) Rattanary na Champasakti, daughter of H.R.H. Somdet BrhatChao Buvanarabarna RajadhanayaNegara Champasakti [Bua Laphan Ratsadany], Prince of Champasaktiby his fifth wife, Mom Chandra Samudhi na Champasakti [Chan Samouth]. He had issue, a son:
2) Prince (Chao) Bhimasura Dharmadeva Khamphouy [Phimmasone Thammatheva] [Ya Tham Chao] [Chao Tham Phoui]. b. ca 1845. Commanded by Chao Yudhi Dharma Sundhara (his “uncle”) to establish control in the Sesan River Basin in the 1880s, he established Siamese suzerainty there, but later switched allegiance to France after that nation established its control in the area. Native Governor of Stung Treng (Sieng Teng in Lao) 1906-1907, 1910-1911, 1915-1917 and 1918-1920. m. (first) Mom Kongphong, who had five sons and one daughter. m. (second) Mom Anugama [Noukham], who had one son, daughter of Thao Phommabut. m. (third) Mom Fong, who also had one son. He d. at Voeunsai, early 1930, having had issue, seven sons and one daughter:
a) Prince (Chao) Bandhara [Phanh] (s/o Kongphong). m. H.H. Princess (Sadet Chao Heuane Nhing) Koumaly, daughter of H.H. BrhatChaoYudhi Dharmadhara,
Prince of the State of Champasakti. He d.v.p.
b) Prince (Chao) Buya [Phouy] (s/o Kongphong). He d.v.p.
c) Prince (Chao) Suri [Sone] (s/o Kongphong). m. Mom Kura [Koun]. He was k. in Battambang, before 1930, having had issue, a son:
i) Prince (Chao) Aryajaya [Anya Sai].
d) Prince (Chao) My (s/o Kongphong). Governor of Moulapoumak (Stung Treng) 1920-1925. m. Nang One Keo. He d.v.p. at Voeunsai, 1925.
e) Prince (Chao) Anura [Nhou] (s/o Kongphong). Governor of Moulapoumak (Stung Treng) 1925. He d.v.p. at Voeunsai, late 1925, having had issue (who returned to
Champassak, in Lao territory after his death).
f) Prince (Chao) Liamagama [Liamkham] (s/o Anugama).
a) Princess (Chao Nang) Pengchan (d/o Kongphong). m. Prince (Chao) Bitra [Phet], son of her paternal uncle, Prince (Chao) Indra [In]. She had issue, an only daughter – see above.
One of the above, had issue, a daughter:
i) Princess (Chao Nang) Oudone. m. Ouch Khamkorn, Phagna Virakara [Ya (Vira) Korn], an ethnic Khmer from Phum Krakor, Kratie.
One of the above had issue, a son :
i) Prince (Chao) Noudeng (grandson of Ya Chao Tham). m. a daughter or granddaughter of Thao Bimaputra [Phommabut]. He had issue, a daughter: Prince (Chao Nang) Kinkham. b. 1922. Fl May 2008. m. Me Srok Thouay.
1856 – 1858 H.H. BrhatChao Yudhi Dharma Sundaragana Negara Champasakti [Youtti Thammasunthon], Prince of Champasakti. b. at Himlot, 1830, as Prince (Chao) Kamanaya [Kham Nhai], third son of H.H. Prince (BrhatChao) H’ui, Prince of Champasakti, educ. Bangkok, Siam. Appointed as Chao MuangNakhon Champassak (Prince Governor of the State of Champasakti) by the King of Siam, 1856. Invested with the personal title of Chao Yudhi Dharmasundara Negara Champasakti [Youtti Thammasunthon Nakorn Champassak] 1856 and later promoted to Chao Yudhi Dharma Sundaragana Negara Champasakti. He d.s.p.m. at Himlot, 1858 , having had issue, two daughters:
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