Akhara (or Akkha): chief or principal.
Akkhara Maha Sri (or Akkha Mahesi): the formal title of the Queen, or principal consort of the sovereign.
Anga (or Ong, Agna): originally, a title signifying Prince, but more lately applied by courtesy to government officials.
Anyi (or Agni): originally, a title signifying Princess, but more lately applied by courtesy to the wives of government officials.
Anya Mahkuta Raja Kumara (or Ong Mongkut Ratsakoummanne): 'the great crown and royal son', the formal title of the Heir Apparent.
Bana Dhana (or Phana Thane): 'Excellency', a style used for high ranking officials not of Royal rank.
Brhat (or Pha): august, eminent, sacred.

Brhat Raja
(or Pha Rassa): one of the titles of the King.
Brhat Maha Kshatriya (or Pha Maha Kasat): Royal language used for the King.

Brhat Raja Orot
(or Pha Rassa Olot): Royal language used for a Prince.
Brhat Raja Thida (or Pha Rassa Thida): Royal language used for a Princess.

Sadu Chao Jaya
(or Sathou Tiao Sai): Prince, with the style of His Highness.
Chao: prince, lord.
Chao Fa: celestial prince, celestial lord.
Chao Krum: title granted to a prince appointed to a high administrative or government office.
Chao Mom (or Tiao Mom): princess, after marriage.
Chao Muong: Head of a province, often a member of the Royal family but sometimes from the leading noble family of the province concerned.
Chao Nang: Princess by birth, before marriage (southern provinces).
Chao Phagna (or Tiao Phagne): the highest title of nobility conferred by the King.
Chao Raja Bhaktinaya (or Tiao Ratsaphakhimay/Tiao Ratsapakhinai): a title usually borne by the Heir Apparent to the Maha Uparaja.
Chao Raja Mabanda (or Tiao Ratsamphan): a title bestowed on senior princes of the Royal house.

Raja Mabanda Varman (or Tiao Ratsamphanthavong): a title bestowed on senior princes of the Royal house.
Chao Raja Putra (or Tiao Ratsabut): a title bestowed on the second most senior prince of the Royal house.
Chao Raja Varman (or Tiao Ratsavong): a title bestowed on the senior prince of the Royal house.

Chom Phon
: Field Marshal.
Itsariyaphon: decoration of honour, order of knighthood.
Lian: medal.
Loi Tho: First Lieutenant.
Loi Tri: Second Lieutenant.
Maha: great.
Mahadevi: 'great goddess', colloquial term for Queen.
Maharaja: 'great prince', colloquial term for King.
Mandarin: senior nobles in charge of the government and administration.
Mom: lady of low estate married to princes, mandarins or nobles.
Mom Nying: daughter of a Mom, by right of birth.
Mun: title of nobility, the lowest in the hierarchy.
Nai: title for a man of low estate.
Nai Phon Chattava: Brigadier General.
Nai Phon Ek: full General.
Nai Phon Tho: Lieutenant General.
Nai Phon Tri: Major General.
Nang (or gNying): lady.
Nang Sanum: concubine of the King.
Nang Sanum Ek(ka): first, or principal concubine of the King.
Orot (or Urat): prince.
Phagna: title of nobility, usually granted in recognition of service to the state.
Phan Ek: Colonel.
Phan Tho: Lieutenant Colonel.
Phan Tri: Major.
Phya: title of nobility, one rank below Phagna.

Rajadhanadha (or Ratsa Ta Nyat: 'royal heir', Royal language for the Heir Apparent.
Sadet: a style used for senior princes and usually equated with 'Royal Highness'.
Sadet Chao Fa Jaya (or Sadeth Tiao Fa Sai): the style of the most senior princes, sons of the sovereign.
Sadet Chao Jaya (or Sadeth Tiao Sai): prince, with the style of His Royal Highness.
Sadet Chao Fa Nying (or Sadeth Tiao Fa gNing): the style of the most senior princesses, daughters of the sovereign.
Sadet Chao Nying (or Sadeth Tiao gNing): princess, with the style of Her Royal Highness.

Sadu Chao Nying (or Tiao gNing): Princess by birth, before marriage, with the style of Her Highness.
: title of nobility, one rank below Phya.
(or Sathou/Thou): a style used for princes and usually equated with His or Her Highness.
Sao: title for a woman of low estate.
Sen Luang Xieng Lo: Prime Minister.
Senam: Privy Council.
Samdach (or Somdetch): 'The Most Excellent'.

Chao Maha Uparaja (or Upahat): 'the most excellent lord, the great secondary king'. A title held by the most senior Prince of the Royal House, the Viceroy.
Brhat Chao (or Sem Dak Brhat Tiao): 'the most excellent and sacred lord', the formal style of the King, equated with His Majesty.
Samdach Brhat Chao Maha Sri Vitha (or Sem Dak Phra Tiao Maha Sivit): 'the most excellent and sacred great lord of lives', one of the titles of the Kings of Lan-Xang.

Brhat Chao Lan Xang Hom Khao Luang Prabang: 'the most excellent and sacred lord of the kingdom of the million elephants and the white parasol of Luang Prabang', one of the principle titles of the King.
Samdach Brhat Rajini (or Sem Dak Phra Rassini): 'the most excellent and sacred royal lady', the formal style of the Queen, equated with Her Majesty.
Thao: titles of Mandarins or, sons of Mandarins.
Tiao: see Chao.
Tiao Si Vit Vang Na: 'the lord of lives who goes in front', a phrase used to describe the Viceroy.
Tiao Si Vit Vang Lang: 'the lord of lives who goes behind'.
Tiao Si Vit Vang Kang: 'the lord of lives who goes in the middle', governor of Luang Prabang.
Triam Nai Loi: Officer Cadet.
Uparaja (or Upparath): "secondary king", or Viceroy. A title frequently conferred on the designated Heir Apparent, but usually held by a junior branch of the Royal Family.
Upa Yuvaraja (or Ouphagnauvarath): "joint king". A title sometimes conferred on the designated Heir Apparent when he shared joint powers with the reigning king.

I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: Copyright© Christopher Buyers

Copyright© Christopher Buyers, August 2001 - July 2010