1706 - 1713 H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatKinkidsarajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [King-Kitsarath], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao Luang Prabang, elder son of H.H. Prince Indra Brahma, Chao RajaYudha, by his wife, Princess Chandra Kumari, educ. privately. He fled to his mother’s family in Muang Phong, in Sipsòng Panna in 1700. Returned to Luang Prabang at the head of an army in 1705 and expelled Sethathirat’s Viceroy. Took control of the northern provinces of the kingdom, established his capital at Luang Prabang and proclaimed as King. Crowned with the title of SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatKinkidsarajaSriSadhanaKanayudha, at Luang Prabang, 1706. Unable to gain control over the rest of the kingdom, he was forced to accept the intervention of the King of Siam, who negotiated the establishment of the two realms of Lan-Xang Vientiane and Lan-Xang Luang Prabang 1707. He d. at Luang Prabang, 1713, having had issue, one son and two daughters, by different wives, the daughters of Mandarins:
1) Princess (Chao Fa Nying) Dhanakama [Taen-Kham]. m. H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatParamaKhattiyaVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha, King of Lan Xang Hom Khao (d. at Lan-Na, 1731), son of Prince Indra Kumara, of Kenghung, by his Lao wife, Nang Gami [Kam]. She had had issue, two sons and three daughters – see below.
1713 - 1723 H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatParamaKhattiyaVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Ong-Kham], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, son of Prince Indra Kumara, of Kenghung, by his Lao wife, Nang Gami [Kam]. Styled Prince (BrhatChao Anga) Naksha [Ong Nok] Kumara Nawi [Khamane Nai], before his accession. Succeeded his cousin and father-in-law, and assumed the title of King 1713. Deposed by his cousin, who seized the capital while he was out hunting, 1723. Disgruntled by the desertion of his nobles, he left his wives and sons and entered at Wat Suan Dok, where he remained a monk for several years. He was invited to become ruler of Chiengmai, after Thep Sin had assassinated the local Burmese governor. The Burmese garrison was withdrawn soon after, he entered the city of Chieng Mai and was proclaimed as ruler of Lan Na, 1727. m. (first) Princess (Chao Fa Nying) Dhanasavuni [Taen Sao] (m. second, at Luang Prabang, 1725, H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao – see below), eldest daughter H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatKinkidsaraja SriSadhanaKanayudha [King-Kitsarath], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao. m. (second) Princess (Chao Fa Nying) Dhanakama [Taen-Kham] (m. second, at Luang Prabang, 1725, H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao – see below), younger daughter of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatKinkidsaraja SriSadhanaKanayudha [King-Kitsarath], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao. m. (third) Nang Devi Puspa [Thep Boupha] (m. second, at Luang Prabang, 1725, H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao – see below). m. (fourth) at Chiang Mai, 1727, ... He d. at Lan-Na, 1759, having had issue, seven sons and five daughters, including:
1) Prince (Chao Fa Mom) Nawi [Mom Nai]. b. at Luang Prabang, before 1723.
2) Prince (Chao Fa) Jayasena [Saïa-Sane]. b. at Luang Prabang, before 1723. Rebelled 1740. He was k. (executed) at Houei-Hop, 1740, having had issue, two sons:
1723 - 1749 H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, younger son of Prince Indra Brahma [Enta-Prohm], Chao RajaYudha, by his wife, Princess Chandra Kumari [Chanta Khouman], educ. privately. He marched on Luang Prabang after learning of the death of King-Kitsarath in 1713, believing that he had a superior claim to his cousin. However, instead of going to war, the two cousins agreed to share power and he was invested as Viceroy with the title of Maha Upparaja. After ten years of joint rule, he tired of his subordinate position and seized power in 1723 by shutting the gates of captal city against Khattiya Varman, after he had gone out to hunt turtle doves. As a counterweight to the growing power of the Burmese, relations with China were opened with the dispatch of a tribute mission in 1723, followed by two others in 1734 and 1753. m. (first) at Luang Prabang, 1725, H.M. Queen (Mahadevi) Dhanasavuni [Taen Sao], by whom he had three sons and a daughter, former wife of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatParamaKhattiyaVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Ong-Kham], eldest daughter H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatKinkidsaraja SriSadhanaKanayudha [King-Kitsarath], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao. m. (second) at Luang Prabang, 1725, H.M. Queen (Mahadevi) Dhanakama [Taen-Kham], by whom he had two sons and three daughter, former wife of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatParamaKhattiyaVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Ong-Kham], younger daughter of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatKinkidsaraja SriSadhanaKanayudha [King-Kitsarath], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao. m. (third) at Luang Prabang, 1725, Nang Devi Puspa [Thep Boupha], former wife of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoBrhatParamaKhattiyaVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Ong-Kham], by whom he had two sons and one daughter. He d. 1749, having had issue, ten sons and six daughters (of whom nine sons and six daughters survived at his death):
1) H.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Mangkara [Mang]. b. at Lan-Na, 1733 (s/o Dhanasavuni), educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent by his step-father in 1727, as a condition of his marriage to his mother. He d. from congestion after catching a chill when his boat capsized in the Mekong, 1749, aged fifteen years.
2) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Jathika Kumara [Sotika Koumane], who succeeded H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoDevabangsaJathikaKumaraRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Thieu-phong Sotika Koumane], King of Lan Xang (s/o Dhanasavuni) – see below.
3) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Ekka [Ong-Ek].
4) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Anuruddha [Anurut], who succeeded as H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoMahaUdamaVarmanKrungSriSadhanaKanayudhaUdarattanapuriRamaBrahmaChakrapatiMahanayakaMaharajadhanaLanjangKrungKlaoAnuradhuratta [Anurathurat], King of Luang Prabang (s/o Dhanakama) – see below.
5) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Naraksha [Nark]. He m. and had issue, one son:
a) H.R.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Abhaya [Aphai]. Raised to the title of SamdachChaoMahaUparaja by the King of Siam in 1820, but degraded in 1838. He d. at Bangkok.
b) H.R.H. Prince (Sadet Chao) Kinikama [Kenekham], Chao Raja Putra [Ratsabout]. He had issue:
i) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kamalaksha [Khamlek]. He had issue:
(1) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Vamsakatra [Vongkoth]. m. (first) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Duangkama [Doungkham] (d.s.p.), third daughter of H.R.H. SamdachChaoMahaUparaja Suvarna Brahma [Souvanna Phromma], Viceroy of Luang Prabang, by his first wife, H.H. Princess Dharma Kamabuvani [Thammakhamboua]. m. (second) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Ratnavati [Rattanavadi], fourth daughter of H.R.H. SamdachChaoMahaUparaja Suvarna Brahma [Souvanna Phromma], Viceroy of Luang Prabang, by his first wife, H.H. Princess Dharma Kamabuvani [Thammakhamboua]. He had issue:
(a) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kumara Vamsakatra-Ratna [Khammanh Vongkoth Rattana]. b. at the Vang Na Palace, Luang Prabang, 1890 (s/o Ratnavati), educ. Wat That Luang, Front Palace and French Sch, Luang Prabang. Adviser and interpreter to the Dir of Compagnie des Messageries Fluviales 1907-1927, joined the Luang Prabang Administrative Service 1927, Chao Muang of Phong Saly 1927-1933, and in the Ministry of Religion and Public Instruction 1933-1943, Chief Justice at Vientiane 1943-1945, Sec National Buddhist Inst 1949-1969. Author of “Biography and Relations of Tiao Rajvout Kenekham” (1940), “History of the Vang Na” (1949), “Phongsavadan Muang Phouan” (1952), “Phongsavadan Sat Lao” (1962), “A History of Phong Saly Province” (1971), etc. m. (first) (div.) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Sangiankama [Sangienkham] (m. second, her half brother H.H. Prince Suvarnaraja [Souvannarath], ChaoKrumMahasenapati), daughter of H.R.H. SamdachChaoMahaUparaja Buvanagunga [Boun Khong], Viceroy of Luang Prabang, by his second wife, H.R.H. Princess Dungsiri [Thongsy], daughter of H.M. Samdach Brhat Chao Maha Sri Vitha Lan XangHomKhaoLuangPrabangParamaSidhaKhattiyaSuriyaVarmanBrhatMahaSriSakarindra Ridhi Dharma Varman [Zakarinth], King of Luang Prabang. m. (second) Chao Mom Bhumini [Phoumy]. m. (a) Sao Khamtan. m. (b) Sao Thong. He had issue, four sons and eight daughters:
(i) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Somsanitra Vamsakatra-Ratna [Somsanith Vongkoth Rattana]. b. at Ban Vathat, 19th April 1913 (s/o Sangiankama), educ. Sch of Law and Admin., Luang Prabang. Entered Civil service 1935, prom. 3rd class 1936, 2nd class 1938, Attaché Inspectorate of Political Affairs & Admin 1935-1938, prom. 1st class 1942, ChaoMuang of Vientiane 1942-1945, Assessor Provincial Tribunal 1942-1945, Minister for the Interior 1945, exiled to Thailand 1947-1949, Minister in Lao Issara Govt. in exile 1946-1949, Minister for Finance 1949, Head of the Cabinet at the Ministry of Justice 1950-1952, ChaoKhoueng of Houakhong 1952-1954, Dir-Gen of Police 1954-1957, Sec of State for the Interior 1957-1959 (Minister 1959-1960), Prime Minister June-August 1960, Presdt of the National Assembly 1961-1963, Deputy 1965, Mbr King’s Council 1973-1975. Rcvd: GC of the Order of the Million Elephants & White Parasol (1960, Cdr 1953, Officer 1951, Knt 1941), Medal of the Reign 1st class, Officer of the Order of Civic Merit (1956), and the Medals for Combattants (2957) and Government Gratitude (1962), Cdr of the Order of the Crown of Thailand (1955). m. (first) his first cousin, H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kambuyi [Kham-Phiu] (d.s.p. at Vientiane, 1943), eldest daughter of H.R.H. SamdachChaoMahaUparaja Butsaraja Ratna Varman [Phetsarath Ratnavongsa], Viceroy of Laos, by his first wife H.R.H. Princess Kamavani, eldest daughter of H.M. Samdach Brhat Chao Maha Sri Vitha Lan XangHomKhaoLuangPrabangParamaSidhaKhattiyaSuriyaVarmanBrhatMahaSriSakarindra, King of Luang Prabang. m. (second) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kamana [Khamon] (b. 1923), daughter of H.H. Prince Apunayadeva [Panyathip], by his wife, H.H. Princess Kamabhaya [Khamphai], daughter of H.H. Prince Kammadaya [Khammatha]. He d. 1975, having had issue, ten children, including five surviving sons and three daughters:
2. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Nidraraja Somsanitra [Nitharath Somsanith] (s/o Princess Kamana). Dir-Gen. Meteorology and Hydrology Dept of the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry 2003-2004.
3. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Nidrasana Somsanitra [Nithasan Somsanith].
4. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Nidramara Somsanitra [Nithaman Somsanith].
5. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Nidrakanga Somsanitra [Nitthakhong Somsanith]. b. at Luang Prabang, 1958 (tenth and youngest child), educ. National Sch. of Medicine, Vientiane, Inst of Visual Arts, Univ d’Orleans (MA), and the Univ of the Sorbonne, Paris, France (Ph.D. Psychology). Settled in France 1985, mental health counsellor until 2002. A folk artist specialising in Lao court embroidery.
(ii) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kamavana Vamsakatra-Ratna [Khamvaen Vongkoth Rattana]. m. Mom Kamabani [Kham-Phan], a commoner. He had issue, two sons and six daughters:
1. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Ambala Sri Svasdi Vamsakatra-Ratna [Amphalsisvasdi Vongkoth Rattana].
(iii) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Vanathinga [Vantheng Vongkoth]. b. 10th March 1914. m. his cousin, H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Bukami [Phokham]. He d. at Chicago, Illinois, 30th March 1992, having had issue, four sons and two daughters:
(iv) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Somsavatta Vamsakatra [Somsavath Vongkoth] (s/oChao Mom Bhumini). Adopted by his uncle, Prince Dr Singha Kaeva, when aged four years. Dep Dir of Agriculture 1959-1969, Dir-Gen of Agriculture in the Ministry of National Economy 1969-1973, Commercial Counsellor Bangkok 1973-1975. m. H.R.H. Princess (SadetChaoNying) Banda Rangsiri [Phantha Rangsi] (b. 15th August 1939), eldest daughter of H.R.H. Prince Sri Subandha Rangsiri [Sisouphantharangsi], sometime Chancellor and Sec-Gen of the Royal Household, by his wife, H.H. Princess Suvarnakama Vamsakatra-Ratna [Souvankham Vongkoth Rattana], daughter of H.H. Prince Singha Kaeva [Singkeo]. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
1. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Butsa Subandharanga [Photsouphantharang].
(ii) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kamabuyi [Kham-Phouy] (d/o Chao Mom Bhumini). Joined FAR. She d. at Crhu, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 17th December 2002, aged 79.
(v) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kamabangi [Kham-Pheng] (d/o Chao Mom Bhumini). m. (first) 1943 (div. 1957), H.E. Phagna Toulia Lyfoung, educ. French Sch, Xieng Xouang, French High Sch, Vinh, Vietnam, and Sch of Admin, Vientiane, MNA 1947, rcvd: Knt of the Orders of the Million Elephants & White Parasol, and the Legion of Honour of France, French War Cross, Indochina, Colonial, and Franco-Lao Resistence medals, etc, son of Ly Foung, sometime Kaitong and District Chief of Keng Khoi, in Xieng Xouang, by his first wife, Va Yang. m. (second) in St Petersburg, Florida, USA, ... She had issue, three sons by her first husband.
(vii) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kamabungi [Kham-Phong]. b. at Luang Prabang, 10th February 1925 (d/o Chao Mom Bhumini), educ. Luang Prabang Girls’ Sch, and the Grand Palace Schs, Luang Prabang, and the Lycée Pavie, Vientiane. m. at Luang Prabang, 1946, Lieutenant-Colonel H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kambhaya Jitharaja [Khamphai Chittarath], RLAMC, son of H.H. Prince Jitharaja [Chittarath]. She d. at Ban Sibounheuang, Tassèng Sikhay, Muang Sikhottabong, 7th September 2007, having had issue, five sons and four daughters – see below.
(viii) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kamabangi [Kham-Pheng] (d/o Chao Mom Bhumini). Adopted by her uncle, Prince Sri Indrakama and his wife Princess Latthi, when aged seven months.
(b) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Sri Indrakama [Singkham]. Surgeon-General 1945, Mbr King’s Council 1972-1975. Rcvd: GO of the Order of the Million Elephants & White Parasol, Medal of the Reign 1st class, Officer of the Orders of the Crown, and Public Instruction, and the Legion of Honour of France. m. (first) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Ridhisvastri [Rithisvasti], fourth daughter of H.H. Prince Rajavadiya [Ratsavady]. m. (second) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Latthi. He had issue, a son and a daughter:
(c) H.R.H. Prince (Sadet Chao Jaya) Singha Kaeva Vamsakatra [Singkeo Vongkoth Rattana], Prince Murajaya (Krom Pramorsai Sadet Chao). b. 27th March 1897. Raised to the rank of Chao Krom Pramorsai with the style of Sadet Chao Jaya or His Royal Highness by King Sisavang Vong. m. (first) Nguyen Thi Giao (b. 1895; d. 3rd August 1950). m. (second) H.R.H. Princess (Sadet Phra Jaya Chao) Sudhajani [Sudachan] (b. 1898), styled Sadu Chao Nying at birth and raised to the rank of Sadet Phra Jaya Chao at the same time as her husband’s promotion to Krom rank, daughter of H.H. Prince Bhuma [Phouma], by his wife H.H. Princess Sundra Maha Siri [Sunmasi]. m. (third) 10th September 1943, H.H. Princess Novanarasy (b. 20th November 1917), daughter of …?, by his wife, …? m. (fourth) H.R.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kuanthi [Cuanthy] (s.p.), daughter of H.R.H. Prince Tri Sirisubarna [Ti-Sisouphanh], ChaoRaja Varman (Ratsavong). m. (fifth) Mom Dhani [Than] (s.p.), daughter of …?, by his wife, …? m. (sixth) Mom Buvanathunga [Bovathong] (s.p.), daughter of …?, by his wife, …? m. (seventh) Princess (Chao Nying) Daeng, of Muang Sing, daughter of …?, by his wife, …? He d. 19th November 1975, having had issue, one son and three daughters:
(i) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao) Kaeva Manivarman Vincent Vamsakatra-Ratna [Keo Manivane Vongkoth Rattana]. b. at Luang Prabang, 20th June 1948. m. 13th March 1976, Mom Armelle Carnoy (b. 28th April 1951). He had issue, one son:
(i) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Singhathunga Vamsakatra-Ratna [Sing Dung Vongkoth Rattana]. b. at Luang Prabang, 16th December 1920 (d/o Thi Giao). m. 31st December 1936, Antoine Plusquellec (b. 4th July 1904; d. 18th June 1977), son of Julien Plusquellec. She had issue, five sons and five daughters.
(ii) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Suvarnakama Vamsakatra-Ratna [Souvankham Vongkoth Rattana]. b. at Luang Prabang, 16th June 1922 (d/o Princess Sudhajani). m. 1936, H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Sri Subandha Rangsiri [Sisouphantharangsi] (b. 6th July 1912; d. in detention, ca. February 1980), sometime Chancellor and Sec-Gen. Royal Household, son of H.M. Samdach Brhat Chao Maha Sri Vitha Lan XangHomKhaoPhra Rajanachakra Lao ParamaSidhaKhattiyaSuriyaVarmanBrhatMahaSriSavangsaVarman [Sisavangvong], King of Laos, by his first wife, H.M. Queen Kamana [Kham-Oun], daughter of H.R.H. Prince Ko. She d. at Caen, Calvados, France, 4th January 1995, having had issue – see below.
(iii) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Suvarndhani Vamsakatra-Ratna [Souvanthone Vongkoth Rattana]. b. at Luang Prabang, 11th March 1956. m. 28th July 1979, Philippe Platon (b. 14th March 1944). She had issue, one son.
(d) H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Kenkama [Ken-kham]. m. (first) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Unga [Oun], son of H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kamdana [Khamtha]. m. (second) as his second wife, H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Samudya Jayakara [Samutsaikon], eldest son of H.R.H. SamdachChaoMahaUparaja Buvanagunga [Boun Khong], Viceroy of Luang Prabang, by his wife, Mom Kamigimi, a commoner. She had issue, one daughter by her first husband and had further issue, by her second – see below. She also had issue, by her first husband, a son:
(i) H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kamagana [Kham-Khan]. m. H.H. Princess (Sadu Chao Nying) Sundhara Varman [Sunthavong], daughter of Prince Kamangana [Kham-Ngan]. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
1. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Sundhayidana [Sunthaithan].
2. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Sundhasena [Sunthasen].
3. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Sundhararatna [Suntharatana].
7) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Setha Varman [Chetthawong].
8) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Indrabrahma [Intha-prom], who succeeded as H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoIndraVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Inthara Vongsa], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao – see below.
9) H.M. SamdachBrhatChao Suriya Varman [Suryavong II], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao (s/o Princess Dhanasavuni) – see below.
10) H.R.H. Prince (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya) Surana Varman [Soravong]. b. 1750.
1) H.R.H. Princess (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya Nying) Kaeva Ratna Bhima Fa [Keo Rattana-Phimpha].
2) H.R.H. Princess (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya Nying) Sri Kamakungi [Sikamkong].
6) H.R.H. Princess (Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya Nang) Vanga Kaeva Soma Buvani [Nang Wen Keu-Sam Phiu]. m. H.H. Prince (Sadu Chao Jaya) Kamasadha [Kham-Sattha], Prince of Muang Phoueune (d. 1751), grandson of H.H. Prince Kamasana [Kham-Sanh], Prince of Muang Phoueune. She had issue, a son – see Laos (Xieng Khoang.
1749. H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoIndraVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Inthara Vongsa], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao. b. as Prince Indrabrahma [Intha-prom], son of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, educ. privately. Commander-in-Chief of the Army sent to defend the country against the Annamite invasion in 1749. Acclaimed by the people after returning victorious after destroying the invaders, he was proclaimed as king by the nobles and ministers, in preference to his older brothers. However, he only reigned for eight months before abdicating in favour of his elder brother. He d. 1776.
1749 - 1768 H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoDevabangsaJathikaKumaraRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Thieu-phong Sotika Koumane], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, eldest surviving son of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, by his wife, H.M. Queen (Mahadevi) Dhanasavuni. Succeeded on the abdication of his younger brother, 1749. Abdicated in favour of his younger brother, 1768. He d. 1771, having had issue, a son:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Sadet Chao Fa Jaya Anga) Mahkuta Rajakumara [Ong Manhku Rajakoumane]. b. ca. 1778. Captured and taken prisoner to Vientiane with his mother. They escaped and returned to Luang Prabang, 1791.
1768 - 1791 H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoSuriyaVarmanRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Suryavong II], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, ninth son of H.M. SamdachBrhatChaoRajaIndraSenaParamaPavitraSriTatanaUdanaChakrapatirajaChaoAngaRajaSriSadhanaKanayudha [Intha Son], King of Lan Xang Hom Khao, by his wife, Princess Dhanasavuni. Succeeded on the abdication his elder brother, 1768. Defeated by the Burmese after having attacked their ally, Vientiane, 1771. Luang Prabang becoming a Burmese vassal state. Through-off his allegiance to Burma in 1778 but was forced to accept Siamese sovereignty in 1779. Taken to Bangkok as a hostage by order of the Siamese King in May 1788. Detained there with the rest of the Royal Family until his own death. m. 1782, H.M. Queen (Mahadevi) Dhanakama [Taenkham], a princess of Muang-La. He d. in detention at Bangkok, 1791 [perhaps having had issue, two sons - Finestone]:
1) H.R.H. Prince (Sadet Chao Fa Jaya Anga) Beng, Prince Suprasit. Governor of Lampang.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: