
The Itúrbide Dynasty
- Don Pedro de Itúrbide, of Irisarry, Lower Navarre. b. ca 1610. m. Doña Graciana de Churitegui (aka Churruqueta or Churubeque) (b. ca 1615). He had issue:
- 1) Don Bernardo de Itúrbide é Churitegui. b. ca 1635. Removed from Irisarry to Villa de Falces, Navarre. m. at Falces, Navarre, 20th October 1660, Doña Isabel de Mendiondo y Sola (b. at Falces, Navarre, 26th November 1640), daughter of Migel Mendiondo, of Falces, Navarre, by his wife, Catalina Sola y Luengo, daughter of Arnaut Sola, of Falces, Navarre, by his wife, Margarita Luengo. He had issue, a son and a daughter:
- a) Don José de Itúrbide é Mendiondo. bapt. at Templo de Sta María, Falces, Spain, 21st February 1666. m. at Peralta, Spain, 27th May 1691, Doña Antonia de Irigaraya é Orduña (b. ca 1670), daughter of Don Juan de Irigaraya, by his wife Doña María Josefa de Orduñal. He had issue:
- i) Don José Salvador de Itúrbide é Irigaraya. bapt. at the Church of San Juan Evangelista, Peralta, Spain, 5th May 1693. m. 8th February 1711, Doña Magadalena Alvarez de Eulate é Bicuña (b. at Peralta, ca 1695), daughter of Don Pedro Alvarez de Eulate by Doña Josefa de Bicuña. He had issue:
- (1) Don José de Itúrbide é Alvarez de Eulate. b. at Peralta, Spain, 3rd November 1711 (bap. 5th November 1711). m. at Peralta, Spain, 8th December 1737, Doña María Josefa de Arreguí é Castelú (b. ca 1715), daughter of Don José de Arreguí é Chocorro, of Lumbier, Spain, by his wife, Doña Josefa de Castelú é Esnor, daughter of Don José de Castelú. He had issue:
- (a) H.H. Don José Joaquín de Itúrbide é Arreguí, Prince of the Union. bapt. at Peralta, Spain, 6th February 1739, educ. privately. Emigrated to New Spain between 1763 and 1766 and settled at Valladolid (now called Morelia). Mbr Municipal Council 1786, appointed Hon Regent of Mexico 1st June 1822, Granted the title of Principe de la Union with the style of His Highness by the Mexican Congress, 22nd June 1822. Rector of the Archicofradia Noble de los Caballeros de la Santa Veracruz, Mayor de la Secretaria de Negocios Eclesiàsticos. Rcvd: GC of the Order of Our Lady of Guadalupe (13.8.1822). m. (first) in Spain, Doña Vicenta de Auzla (d. ca 1765). m. (second) at Pueblo de Sta Clara de los Cobres, Michoacàn, Mexico, 21st November 1772, Doña María Josefa de Arámburo é Carrillo de Figueroa (b. in Michoacàn, Mexico, ca 1740; d. at Mexico City, 3rd December 1820, bur. Panteon de San Pablo), daughter of Don Sebastiàn de Aràmburo é Urisibar, of Oyarzùn, Guipuzcoa, Spain, by his wife, Doña Micaela Nicolasa Carrillo de Figueroa é Villaseñor, 7th degree niece of Captain Don Juan de Villaseñor Orozcp, Conquistador of New Spain, and daughter of Don José Joaquín Carrillo de Figueroa, of Acámbaro, New Spain. He d. 19th November 1825, having had issue, six sons and four daughters: Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- (i) Don Guilhermo de Itúrbide é Auzla [Guillaume d’Yturbide]. b. at Cambo, 27th June 1764, educ. privately. RepFrench of Lower Navarre in the States General 1789. m. 1802, Jeanne, née Deyhins. He d. at Bayonne, 10th October 1831, having had issue, a son:
- 1. Michel d’Yturbide. b. at Bayonne, 29th May 1810, educ. privately. Ship owner and businessman. m. Marie-Louise (b. at Bayonne, 17th December 1824; d. at Biarritz, 18th April 1903), daughter of Victor Boucard-Fasquel, by his wife, Philippine Agustíne Pétronille Sophie, née d’Imtrong. He d. at Bayonne, 27th November 1865, having had issue, a son:
- a. Charles d’Yturbide. b. at Bayonne, 26th May 1846, educ. Chief Judge at Bayonne, and Russian Vice-Consul there. Rcvd: Knt. of the Order of St Stanislas 4th class of Russia, and Officer of the Order of the Liberator of Venezuela. m. (first) 27th March 1878, Catherine née Moreau (d. 1881). m. (second) at Biarritz, 15th September 1883, Catherine Marie (b. at St Servan; d. at Biarritz, 13th January 1925), daughter of Pierre Charles Dumont, by his wife, Jeanne Jenny née Viviez. He d. at Eaux-bonnes, Lower Pyrénées, 10th August 1907, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:
- i. Captain Albert d’Yturbide. b. at Paris, 30th September 1878 (s/o Catherine), educ. Sous-Lieut 3rd Regt de chasseurs d’Afrique, served in the Great War 1914-1918 with the 3rd Colonial Corps and distinguished himself at the Battles of Rossignol 22nd August 1914 and the Marne 9th September, prom Capt 77th Regt of Infantry. Rcvd: MID, Knt of the Order of the Legion of Honour, Croix de guerre, etc. m. at Cholet, Maine and Loire, 1909, Christine, née de Thénaisie (d. at Angers, April 1971). He d.s.p. at Angers, 1948.
- ii. Captain Pierre d’Yturbide. b. at Biarritz, 4th January 1887 (s/o Catherine Marie), educ. capitaine de corvette in the French Navy, sometime Naval attaché at Helsinki, and cmdr. of the Senégalais. Rcvd: Knt. of the Orders of the Legion of Honour, White Rose of Finland, and Cross of Virtuti Militari of Poland, Croix de guerre, Moroccan Campaign Medal, etc. He d. unm. at Brest, 29th November 1926 (bur. Biarritz).
- i. Claire. b. at Biarritz, 4th January 1887 (d/o Catherine Marie), educ. m. at Biarritz, 13th July 1923, Professor Léon Goa, DSc (b. at Biarritz, 27th June 1873; d. there, 14th October 1943), Professor of Natural History at Lycées of Sens, Besancon, Pau and Bayonne, son of Blaise Goa, by his wife, Marguerite, née Haramburo. She d. at Bayonne, 26th December 1973, having had issue, an only daughter.
- (ii) Don José Francisco de Itúrbide é Arámburo. b. at Vallodolid, Michoacán, 25th November 1775 (s/o María Josefa), educ. Seminary of Vallodolid de Michoacán. Advocate. He d.s.p.
- (iii) Don José Apolinario Cristobal de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario Vallodolid, Michoacán, 25th July 1777 (s/o María Josefa). He d.s.p. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- (iv) Don Agustín Cosme Damiàn de Iturbide é Arámburo, who became Agustin I, Emperor of Mexico (s/o María Josefa) - see below.
- (v) Don Francisco Manuel de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario Vallodolid, Michoacán, 6th October 1785.
- (vi) Don José Mariano Ilarion de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario, Vallodolid, Michoacán, 23rd October 1790.
- (i) H.H. Princess Doña María Nicolasa de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario Vallodolid, Michoacán, 15th September 1774 (d/o María Josefa). Granted the title of Princess de Itúrbide with the style of Her Highness by the Mexican Congress, 22nd June 1822. She d. unm. at Mexico City, 4th February 1840.
- (ii) Doña María Ignacia Juana de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario Vallodolid, Michoacán, 26th November 1778. She d. unm.
- (iii) Doña María Josefa Simphorosa de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario Vallodolid, Michoacán, 23rd July 1780 (d/o María Josefa). m. at Valladolid, Michoacàn, 18th September 1797, Don José Antonio Sánchez de Manzanera é Ponce de Leon (b. at Lorca, Spain, 1739; d. at Canatlan, Durango, Mexico, 4th May 1826). She d. at Canatlan, Durango, Mexico, 1820, having had issue, two sons and six daughters:
- 1. Don José Joaquín de los Desamparados de Manzanera é Itúrbide. bap. at the Metropolitan Sagrario, Victoria de Durango, 15th May 1804.
- 2. Don Francisco de Manzanera é Itúrbide. b. at Santiaguillo, Canatlan, Durango, 1812. m. Doña Juana Rocha. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
- a. Don Florencio de Manzanera é Rocha.
- a. Doña Carlota de Manzanera é Rocha.
- 1. Doña María Ignacia de Manzanera é Itúrbide. m. Don Eduardo García. She d.s.p.
- 2. H.H. Princess Doña María Josefa de Manzanera é Itúrbide. b. at Valladolid, Michoacàn, 6th October 1800. m. at Canatlán, Durango, 18th November 1817, Colonel Señor Don Juan Bautista de Landa y Mendieta (b. at Durango, Nueva Vizcaya, 26th June 1789; d. 18xx), rcvd: Knt of the Order of Guadalupe, son of Don Antonio Ramón de Landa y Ibarreche, of Durango, Nueva Vizcaya, by his wife, Doña Loreto Mendieta y Soto, daughter of Don Antonio Mendieta, of Ayamonte, Seville, Spain. She had issue:
- a. Don Aciano de Landa y Manzanera. b. at Mexico City, 7th September 1820.
- b. Don Agustín de Landa y Manzanera. b. at Mexico City, 17th February 1824.
- c. Don Pedro de Landa y Manzanera. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- a. Doña María de la Concepción de Landa y Manzanera. b. at Mexico City, 1832. m. at the Oratorio del Obispo de Tenagra, Mexico City, 15th June 1855, Don Juan María de Icaza é Iturbe (b. at the Hacienda del Ojo, Durango, 1825; d. at Durango, 30th April 1898), fifth son of Don Mariano de Icaza é Iraeta, by his wife, Doña Ignacia Iturbe é Iraeta, daughter of Don Gabriel Iturbe é Iraeta. She d. at Mexico City, 22nd February 1915 (bur. there at the Panteón Francés), having had issue, four sons:
- i. Don José Ignacio de Icaza y Landa. b. at Mexico City, 7th March 1857. Deputy of the Mexican Congress. Auditor of State Bank of Mexico and the Mexican Bank for Trade and Industry 1907-1911, Dir State Lottery 1912. Hon Vice-Consul for Peru in Mexico City 1912, Consul-Gen for the Republics of Panama 1922 and Peru. Dir Mexican National Life Insurance Co 1887. Rcvd: Knt of the Orders of the Iron Crown of Austria and the Sun of Peru, etc. m. at Santa Brígida, Mexico City, 16th May 1881, Doña Valentina María Guadalupe Camacho y Pizarro (b. at Mexico City, 15th February 1860; d. there 16th February 1941, bur. in the crypt of Mexico City Cathedral), youngest daughter of Don Sebastián Camacho y Zulueta, by his wife, Doña María Loreto Atanasia Geronima Rita de la Cruz Pizarro y Mayor del Valle, daughter of Don Andrés Avelino Pizarro y Martínez, of Veracruz. He d. at Mexico City, 10th May 1933 (bur. in the crypt of Mexico City Cathedral), having had issue, two sons and one daughter:
- 1a. Don José Ignacio de Loyola Eulogio José de Arimatea Luis Gonzaga Tomás de Aquino Eduvigen Matías Domingo del Dulce Nombre de los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y de María de Icaza y Camacho. b. at Mexico City, 11th March 1886. m. at Santa Brígida, Mexico City, 13th January 1912, Doña María Catarina Cabrera y Ordeñana (b. at San Francisco, California, USA, 27th May 1884; d. Standford, California , 5th March 1975), daughter of Don Eduardo Cabrera y García, of San Francisco, California, by his wife, Doña María Isabel Ruperta Ordeñana y Vega, daughter of Don José Bernardo Máximo de Jesús Ordeñana y Palacio, of Álamos, Sonora. He d. at Ross, California, USA, 18th December 1930, having had issue, three sons and three daughters.
- 2a. Don Juan de Icaza y Camacho. b. at Mexico City, 1st July 1889. m. (first) Doña María de la Concepción Icaza-Mayora, youngest daughter of his paternal uncle, Don Rafael María de Icaza y Landa, by his wife, Doña Manuela Mayora y Carpio. m. (second) Doña Rosario Martínez. He d. at Mexico City, 17th November 1953 (bur. there at the Panteón Francés), having had issue, one son by his first wife.
- 1a. Doña María Guadalupe Eufrasia Josefa Luisa Gonzaga Encarnación de Icaza y Camacho. b. at Mexico City, 13th March 1882. m. 1st October 1904, Albino Acereto y Cortés (b. at Cansahcab, Yucatán, 5th June 1875; d. at Mexico City, 19th August 1948), son of Crescencio Acereto y Pérez, by his wife, Felipa Cortés Canto. She d. at Mexico City, 14th December 1954, having had issue, four daughters.
- 2a. Doña María de la Concepción Dolores Matea Luisa Gonzaga Ignacia de los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María de Icaza y Camacho. b. at Mexico City, 16th September 1883. She d. young. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- ii. Don Francisco Javier de Icaza y Landa. b. at Mexico City, 6th March and d. 7th March 1859.
- iii. Don Francisco Javier Inés Anselmo Guadalupe Federico Tomás de Aquino Juan de Dios Domingo Fausto Francisco de Paula Agustín Eduviges Matias Pascual Luz Ignacio Juan Francisco Regis del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Icaza y Landa. b. at Mexico City, 20th April 1860. Deputy for Durango in the Mexican Congress 1910-1912, Mayor of Mexico City, Dir National Bank in Durango, Banking Mngr and Bank Works Real Estate Mngr, Adviser to the Central Bank, the Loan Fund for Irrigation & Agricultural Development SA, and the Company Carboniferous of San Blas SA, Dir La Aurora SA, Counsellor to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Light & Power Co, Pachuca Mining Co, and Cunhard Shoe Co. m. at Durango, 8th January 1892, Doña María de los Dolores Trinidad López de Negrete y Salcido (b. at Durango, 15th October 1874; d. at Mexico City, 6th August 1948), daughter of Don Ladislao de la Concepción Joaquín López de Negrete y Porras, of Durango, by his wife, Doña María Petra Salcido y Avilés. He d. at Mexico City, 22nd May 1934 (bur. there in the crypt of Mexico City Cathedral), having had issue, three sons and three daughters:
- 1a. Don Xavier de Icaza y Lopez de Negrete. b. at Durango, 2nd October 1892, educ. National Preparatory Sch and Excuela Libre de Derecho (LLB 1917). Attorney at Law, Professor of Law & Literature at Veracruz Univ, Professor of History & Literature UNAM, Deputy for El Aguila in the Veracruz state assembly 1922, Justice of the Supreme Court 1935-1940, Dir Sch of Labour Law 1939, Dir Workers’ Univ. m. Doña Ana Guido (b. 9th April 1904; d. at Mexico City, 18th March 1990). He d. at Mexico City, 1969, having had issue, an only daughter.
- 2a. Don Luis de Icaza y Lopez de Negrete.
- 3a. Don Juan de Icaza y Lopez de Negrete. b. at Mexico City, 16th May 1902. m. Sadie Mae Conrey. He d. 19th June 1967, having had issue, two sons and two daughters.
- 1a. Doña Dolores de Icaza y Lopez de Negrete. m. Ventura Martínez-del-Río y Bermejillo (d. 19th January 1954). She d. 27th June 1962, having had issue, two sons and one daughter.
- 2a. Doña María de Lourdes de Icaza y Lopez de Negrete. m. Eustaquio Martínez-del-Río. She had issue, one son and one daughter.
- 3a. Doña María de Guadalupe de Icaza y Lopez de Negrete. b. at Mexico City, 25th May 1910. m. Joaquín Arregunaga. She d. 21st May 1975, having had issue, one son and one daughter.
- iv. Don Rafael María de Guadalupe Eduviges Ignacio de Loyola Luis Gonzaga Juan Francisco Regis Domingo de Guzmán Trinidad Francisco de Paula Manuel del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Fausto Federico Vicente Ferrer Isidro Antonio de Icaza y Landa. b. at Mexico City, 24th October 1863. Accountant in the State Treasury, Paymaster Interior Dept, Inspector-Gen of Bank and Real Estate Works. m. at the Templo de la Encarnación, Mexico City, 19th October 1889, Doña Manuela Mayora y Carpio (b. at Mexico City, before 4th February 1868), daughter of... Mayora, by Guadalupe Carpio y Berruecos, daughter of Manuel Carpio y Hernández. He had issue, seven children, including one son and three daughters who survived infancy:
- 1a. Don José Ramón de Icaza y Mayora. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- 2a. Don Isidro Antonio de Icaza y Mayora.
- 3a. Don Juan María de Icaza y Mayora.
- 4a. Don Rafael de Icaza y Mayora.
- 1a. Doña María Manuela de Icaza y Mayora. m. Néstor Fuentes. She had issue, three sons and three daughters.
- 2a. Doña María de la Luz de Icaza y Mayora.
- 3a. Doña María de la Concepción de Icaza y Mayora. m. as his first wife, Don Juan de Icaza y Camacho (b. at Mexico City, 1st July 1889; m. second, Doña Rosario Martínez, and d. at Mexico City, 17th November 1953, bur. there at the Panteón Francés), younger son of her paternal uncle, Don José Ignacio de Icaza y Landa, by his wife, Doña Valentina María Guadalupe Camacho y Pizarro, youngest daughter of Don Sebastián Camacho y Zulueta. She had issue, one son – see above.
- b. Doña Petra de Landa y Manzanera. b. at Mexico City, 30th June 1819.
- c. Doña Dolores de Landa y Manzanera. b. at Mexico City, 3rd March 1822.
- 3. Doña María Eduwigis Sánchez de Manzanera é Itúrbide. b. at Santiaguillo, Canatlan, Durango, 1804. m. Don Nicolás Coronel. She d.s.p.
- 4. Doña María Remigia de Manzanera é Itúrbide. m. at San Diego De Alcala, Canatlan, Durango, 25th May 1823, Don Manuel Manzanera. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- 5. Doña María Isidra de Manzanera é Itúrbide. m. Don Rafael Castañeda. She d.s.p.
- 6. Doña María Perfecta de Manzanera é Itúrbide. b. at Cacaria, Canatlan, Durango, 1810. m. (div. 1849) Don Francisco Lopez de Zubiría y Escalante [El Diablo] (b. at Arizpe, 1798; m. second, Petra Riopedre, by whom he had one son), brother of the José Antonio Laureano de Zubiría y Escalante, Archbishop of Durango, and youngest son of Don Martín de Zubiría y Albisu, by his wife, Doña María Gerónima Escalante y Corella. She had issue:
- a. Don Antonio Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. A priest.
- b. Don Martín Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. m. Doña Victoria Peña.
- c. Don Santiago Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. b. 29th November 1834. Ordained as a priest 1858, Archbishop of Durango 1895-1909. He d. unm. at Durango, 25th January 1909.
- d. Don Francisco Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera.
- e. Don Andrés Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. m. Doña Rosa Macedo.
- a. Doña Petra Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. m. Licenciado Don Tomás Chávez.
- b. Doña Perfecta Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera.
- c. Doña Isabel Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera [Sister Teresa]. A nun.
- d. Doña Luisa Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. m. Don Francisco Alvarez.
- e. Doña Carmen Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera.
- f. Doña Clemencia Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera.
- g. Doña Paulina Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. m. Don Juan de Zubiría.
- h. Doña María Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera.
- i. Doña Valentina Lopez de Zubiría é Manzanera. m. Licenciado Don Manuel Ríos.
- (iv) Doña María Ana Ignacia de Itúrbide é Arámburo. bap. at Vallodolid, Michoacán, 3rd August 1788 (bap 4th August). She d. young.
- (b) Doña Angela Itúrbide é Arreguí. b. at Peralta, ca 1740. m. at Peralta, 6th November 1757, Don Domingo Malo y Marcilla (bap. at Villafranca, 29th May 1735), younger son of Don Domingo Fermin Malo y Ydalgo, of Villafranca, by his wife, Doña Polonia Marcilla y Lissarri, daughter of Don Marcos Marcilla y Azcona. She d. at Villafranca, 27th October 1797, having had issue, five sons and three daughters:
- (i) Don Antonio María Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Peralta, 29th March 1761. m. (first) at Villafranca, 20th March 1791, Doña Raphaela Urzainqui y Diez, daughter of Don Domingo Urzainqui y Esparz, by his wife, Doña Manuela Diez de Olloqui. m. (second) at Villafranca, 14th November 1814, Doña Maria Bienzobas y Garcia, a widow, daughter of Don Nicolas Bienzobas y de Torres, by his wife, Doña Antonia Garcia y de Aro. He had issue, four sons and three daughters by his first wife. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
- (ii) Brigadier The Most Excellent Señor Don Domingo Hermenegildo Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Peralta, 16th April 1764. Adjutant to Emperor Agustín. Rcvd: KGC of the Order of Guadalupe (1822). m. Doña Maria Francisca Ortiz. He had issue.
- (iii) Don Juan de la Cruz Joseph Xavier Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Villafranca, 26th November 1766. m. (first) at Villafranca, 21st May 1792, Doña Maria Peralta y Mañas, daughter of Don Pedro Peralta y Muñoz, by his wife, Doña Maria de Mañas y Segura. m. (second) at Villafranca, 4th November 1794, Doña Gregoria Robres y Germauta, daughter of Babil Robres, master surveyor, of Mendavia, by his wife, Gregoria Germauta. He had issue, one son and one daughter by each wife.
- (iv) Don Felipe Santiago Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Villafranca, 1st May 1771. m. at Villafranca, 1st May 1815, Doña Angela Peralta y Bartholome-Ros, daughter of Andres Peralta, by his wife, Antonia Bartholome-Ros. He d. 6th August 1833, having had issue, one son and one daughter.
- (v) Don Placido María Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Villafranca, 5th October 1777.
- (i) Doña Ysidra Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Villafranca, 16th May 1769.
- (ii) Doña Felipa María Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Villafranca, 26th May 1773.
- (iii) Doña Josepha Florentina Malo é Iturbide. bap. at Villafranca, 15th March 1780. m. at Villafranca, 30th June 1803, Don Josef Aniceto Arrondo y Frago (bap. at Villafranca, 20th March 1781; d. there, 4th July 1826), eldest son of Don Roque Arrondo y Segura, by his first wife, Doña Josefa Frago y Perez, daughter of Don Joseph Frago y Zinita. She d. at Villafranca, 20th March 1848, having had issue, five sons and two daughters.
- a) Doña Isabel de Itúrbide é Mendiondo. b. at Falces, Navarre, 24th June 1664. m. as his second wife, Joseph Yrigoyen y Los Arcos (b. at Falces, Navarre, 30th March 1659; d. at Traibuenas, 15th September 1715), son of Carlos Yrigoyen y Latasa, by his wife, Ana Los Arcos y Zala, daughter of Juan Los Arcos. She d. at Traibuenas, 6th December 1712, having had issue, four daughters.
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