1961 - 1999 H.M. Hassan II, King of Morocco, and Amir al-Mu’minin, GCB (c 27.10.1980). b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 9th July 1929, elder son of H.M. Sidi Muhammad V, King of Morocco, and Amir al-Mu’minin, by his first wife, H.H. Lalla Abla bint Tahar [Um Sidi], educ. Royal Coll and the Institute of Law, Rabat (dipl. Law 1951), and at Univ of Bordeaux, France (dipl. Higher Studies in Civil Law 1952). Appointed as Heir Apparent by his father, 1931. Hon Presdt Hassani Scouts 1933, Col Sultan’s Bodyguard 1936, served in the French Navy aboard the battleship Jeanne d’Arc, exiled to Madagascar with his father 1953-1956, General and C-in-C Royal Army 1956-1961. Formally invested as Heir Apparent and Crown Prince (Sahib Sumuw al-Malaki Wali al Aahd al-Amir) 9th January 1957. Vice-Presdt of the Council of Ministers 1957-1961, Minister for Defence 1960-1961, Prime Minister 1961-1964 and 1965-1967. Succeeded on the death of his father, 16th February 1961. Enthroned at the Royal Palace, Rabat, 3rd March 1961. Chair Organization of African Unity (OAU) 1972, Presdt al-Qods Cttee of Islamic Conference 1979, Chair Arab League 1986. Hon Presdt Anciens Elèves Musulmans de Casablanca 1949. Hon Dr. honoris causa Univs of Bordeaux (France), Georgetown (USA), and Al Azhar (Egypt). Rcvd: Grand Collar of the Orders of Idris I of Libya (1965), Pahlavi of Iran (11.6.1966), and the Nile of the Republic of Egypt (GC 1958), the Collar of the Orders of Hussein ibn ‘Ali of Jordan, Independence of Qatar, Mubarak the Great of Kuwait, the Seventh of November of Tunisia, and the Federation of the United Arab Emirates, the Badr Chain of Saudi Arabia, and the Chain of Honour of the Republic of the Sudan, GC of the Orders of the Legion of Honour of France, the Two Rivers of Iraq, Merit of the Republic of Italy with collar (25.11.1961), Omyyad of Syria, Redeemer of Greece, Merit of the Lebanon special class, National Order of Mali with collar, Royal Order of Cambodia, Leopold of Belgium, the Netherlands Lion, Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany special class, Carlos III of Spain with collar (25.9.1989), National Merit of Mauritania, the Grand Star of the Decoration of Honour for Merit of Austria, the Yugoslavian Grand Star (1.4.1961), the Orders of Khalifa of Bahrain 1st class, Pakistan 1st class (Nishan-i-Pakistan), the Civil Order of Oman 1st class, etc. m. (first) at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 1961, Lalla Fatima Amhourak, daughter of Kaid Ould Hassan Amhourak, from the Zaiane tribe. m. (second) at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 1961, Lalla Latifa Amhourak (b. 1946), cousin of Lalla Fatima, and niece of Kaid Ould Hassan Amhourak. He d. at Avicenne Hospital, Rabat, 23rd July 1999 (bur. there at the King Muhammad V Mausoleum), having had issue, two sons and three daughters by his second wife:
1) H.M. Muhammad VI, King of Morocco, and Amir al-Mu’minin (s/oLalla Latifa) - see below.
2) Major-General H.R.H. Prince Mulay Rashid, GCVO (14.7.1987). b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 20th June 1970 (s/oLalla Latifa), educ. Royal Coll, and King Mohammed V Univ, Rabat (DEUG 1991, dipl. Comparative Law 1993), and Académie de Bordeaux, France (DCL 1996). Cmsnd as Colonel-Major RMN 1/7/1994, prom Maj-Gen 1/7/2000. Appointed as Heir Apparent and Crown Prince, 23rd July 1999. Presdt Moroccan National Scouting Fed since 1997, Royal Moroccan Golf Assoc, Moroccan Hunting & Shooting Fed (FRMTAC), Marrakesh International Film Festival Fndn, and the UN Children’s Cmsn. Hon Presdt Royal Moroccan Yachting Fed, Royal Moroccan Skiing and Mountaineering Fed, Moroccan Environmental Protection Assoc, Maroccan-Far East Assoc, Spanish Social Service Assoc, the Maghreb Assoc for Research and the Fight Against AIDS, Moroccan Assoc of Law Students in France, etc. Rcvd: GC of the Orders of the Throne of Morocco, Merit of the Republic of Italy (18.3.1997), National Merit of France, Leopold II of Belgium (5.10.2004), and the Aztec Eagle of Mexico (11.2.2005), the Order of Honour 1st class (Nishan-i-Imtiaz) of Pakistan (19.7.2003), King Abdul-Aziz Decoration 1st class of Saudi Arabia, etc. m. at the Royal Palace, Rabat, 15th June 2014 (nikah) and 13th November 2014 (zifaf), Lalla Um Kalthum Boufares (b. at Marrakesh, 1987), educ. Mission Française (Lycée Victor Hugo), Marrakesh, Royal Coll, Rabat, and Ecole des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Paris, France (BAC), granted the personal title of Lalla 15th June 2014, youngest daughter of H.E. Mulay Al-Mamoun Boufares, Wali in the Ministry of the Interior. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
a) H.H. Prince Mulay Ahmad. b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 23rd June 2016.
1) H.R.H. Princess Lalla Myriam, GCVO (27.10.1980). b. at Rome, Italy, 26th August 1962 (d/oLalla Latifa), educ. Royal Coll, and Univ Mohammed V, Rabat. Hon Col Royal Moroccan Army. Presdt Royal Armed Forces Social Services and Social Work Assoc since 1982, Moroccan Women’s Assoc for the Support of UNICEF, National Observatory for the Rights of Children, Hassan II Foundn. for Moroccans Resident Overseas since 1996, and National Union of Moroccan Women since 2003; UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador since 2001. Rcvd: GC of the Orders of the Throne of Morocco, the Infant Dom Henrique of Portugal (25.8.1994), Isabella the Catholic of Spain (16.9.2000), Merit of the Lebanon (17.7.2001), etc. m. at Fez, 15th September 1984 (div. 1999), Fuad Filali (b. 1957), sometime Presdt Omnium Nord-Africain (ONA) 1988-1999, son of H.E. Dr ‘Abdu’l-Latif Filali, GCMG, GCVO, sometime Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Co-operation, by his wife, Anne Belghmi Filali-Zwobada, putative daughter of Jacques Zwobada, the sculptor, of Fontenay-aux-Roses, Hauts de Seine, France, by his wife, Antonia Fiermonte (then wife of René Letourneur, sculptor). She had issue, one son and one daughter:
a) Mulay Idris Filali. b. at Rabat, 11th July 1988, educ. Royal Coll, Rabat, and Al-Akhawayn Univ, Ifrane, Morocco.
2) H.R.H. Princess Lalla Asma, GCVO (14.7.1987). b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 29th September 1965 (d/oLalla Latifa), educ. Royal Coll, Rabat. Hon Presdt Lalla Asmaa Foundation, and the Soc for the Protection of Animals and Nature (SPANA). Rcvd: GC of the Order of the Throne of Morocco, Leopold II of Belgium (5.10.2004), etc. m. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Marrakesh, 5th November 1986 (nikah) and at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 7th June 1987 (zifaf), Khalid Bouchentouf, CVO (14.7.1987), sometime Adstr and Dir-Gen Soc d’exploitation de la verrerie au Maroc (SEVAM), Hon Presdt Chamber of Moroccan Film Distribution, son of Al-Haj Belyout Bouchentouf, of Casablanca, sometime Presdt Central Career Assoc, Moroccan Boxing Fed, etc. She has issue, one son and one daughter:
3) H.R.H. Princess Lalla Hasna. b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 19th November 1967 (d/oLalla Latifa), educ. Royal Coll, Rabat. Hon Presdt National League of Female Civil and Semi-Civil Servants, Moroccan Assoc for the Aid of Sick Children (AMAEM), Moroccan SOS Children’s Village, Al-Ihsane Assoc., and the Moroccan Anti Pyopathy Assoc. Presdt Muhammad VI Foundn for Environmental Protection, Moroccan Archaeology and Patronomy Assoc (SMAP), etc. Rcvd: GC of the Order of the Throne of Morocco, Isabella the Catholic of Spain (25.9.1989), Leopold II of Belgium (5.10.2004), the Aztec Eagle of Mexico (11.2.2005), and the Order of Zayd 1st class of the UAE (2.2.2002), etc. m. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 13th December 1991 (nikah) and at Fez, 8th September 1994 (zifaf), Dr Khalid Benharbit (b. 1959), MD. She has issue, two daughters:
a) Lalla Oumaima Benharbit. b. 15th December 1995.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: