1744 - 1783 H. H. Sayyid Ahmad bin Sa’id bin Muhammad bin Khalaf bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Azdi Al-Ammani Al-Ibadhi (so styled on his grave), Imam of Oman. b. at Adam, 1710, son of Sayyid Sa’id bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Appointed as Governor of Sohar under the Ya’rubi Imams in 1737. He repulsed the Persian attack upon Sohar, later defeated and expelled them from Muskat and assumed control over Oman, in late 1744. Elected as Imam, at Rustaq, 9th June 1749. Relinquished his personal control over day-to-day administrative affairs to his son, retaining his position as Imam, 1st February 1775. m. (first) an Indian lady. m. (second) before 1741, Sayyida Ghani bint Khalfan Al-Busaidiyah, daughter of H.E. Sayyid Khalfan bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi, sometime Governor of Muscat. m. (third) ca 1749, Sayyida Ya’arubin bint Saif, daughter of Imam Saif II bin Sultan, of the former Yarubid Dynasty. m. (fourth) a sister of Shaikh Muhammad bin Nasir al-Jabry al-Ghafiry, of Zhahirah, a prominent leader of the Nizariyah faction and sometime Governor of Bahrain under the Yarubi. He d. at Al-Batinah Fort, Rustaq, 15th December 1783 (bur. there at the Western Fort, near the Great Mosque), having had issue, seven sons and three daughters:
1) Sayyid Hilal bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi (s/o an Indian lady). Disqualified from the succession due to his blindness. He d.v.p. at Diu, Portuguese India, having had issue, an only son:
2) Al-Wasiq Billah al-Samad Imam al-Musliman Sayyid Sa’id bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi, Imam of Oman (s/o Ghani) – see below.
3) H.E. Sayyid Qais bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi (s/o the Ya’arubin), educ. privately. Governor of Sohar 1783-1808. Made himself independent of Imam Sa’id and was elected as Imam at Mesna’a, on the Batineh coast, early 1785, by a small number of dissident kazis and mullahs. Subsequently reconciled and confirmed as Governor of Sohar. He was k. in battle with Shaikh Sultan Al-Qasimi of Sharjah, at Khor Fakkan, May 1808, having had issue, a son and a daughter:
a) H.E. Sayyid ‘Azzan bin Qais bin Imam Ahmad Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Sohar 1808-1814. He d. while returning from the Haj, at Mokha, Yemen, before 22nd February 1814 , having had issue, three sons:
i) H.E. Sayyid Hamud bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Sohar 1829-1833. Rebelled against Sayyid Sa’id bin Sultan in 1830 and again in 1832, took control of Rustaq, and eventually recognised as autonomous ruler by him in 1839. Elected Imam but declined the throne, 1846. Captured and imprisoned by Thuwaini bin Sa’id. He d. in prison at Fort Jelali, Muscat, 23rd April 1850, having had issue, four sons:
(1) H.E. Sayyid Saif bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. ca.1827, educ. privately. Deputy Governor of Sohar 1836-1849. Captured the Buraimi oasis 1848. He was k. by his father at Sohar, 1849, having had issue, a son:
(2) Sayyid Shanun bin Hamud Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He d. 1846.
(3) Sayyid Hilal bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1840, educ. privately. He d. 1889, having had issue:
(a) Sayyid Sa’id bin Hilal Al-Busaidi. He had issue:
(i) Sayyid Muhammad bin Sa’id bin Hilal Al-Busaidi. He d.at Rustaq, before 14th March 1937 (but. there at the Western Fort, near the Great Mosque).
(4) H.E. Sayyid Faisal bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1840, educ. privately. Governor of Rustaq 1870-1873. He had issue, two sons:
(a) Sayyid Muhammad bin Faisal Al-Busaidi. He was k. with his brother at Rustaq for the murder of the Governor there, March 1911 (but. there at the Western Fort, near the Great Mosque).
(b) Sayyid Ibrahim bin Faisal Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He was k. with his brother at Rustaq for the murder of the Governor there, March 1911 (but. there at the Western Fort, near the Great Mosque).
ii) H.E. Sayyid Qais bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidi. b. 1813, educ. privately. Governor of Sohar 1850-1851, and Rustaq 1850-1861. He was k. in battle by Hilal bin Muhammad at Suwaiq, 1864, having had issue, three sons and two (or three?) daughters:
(1) H.H. Sayyid ‘Azzan bin Qais bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidi, Imam of Muscat and Oman and dependencies – see below.
(2) H.E. Sayyid Ibrahim bin Qais bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Sohar 1871-1873, and of Rustaq 1873-1898. Captured and lost Masua’ah in 1873 and 1882. Rebelled against Turki bin Sultan in 1877, but yielded and accepted a pension in 1883. Rebelled again in 1887 and captured ‘Awabi in 1888. m. (first) Sayyida Azzah bint Muhammad Al-Busaidi, elder daughter of H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Azam Al-Busaidi, sometime Wazir. . (second) a daughter of Sayyid Hamid/Hamad bin (Ahmad?) bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi. He d. at Al-Batinah Fort, Rustaq, May 1898, having had issue, three sons and one daughter:
(a) Sayyid Sa’id bin Ibrahim Al-Sa’id (brother-in-law of the Sultan). b. 1877, educ. privately. Expelled from Rustaq to Hazam on the death of his father in 1898. Lost ‘Awabi to the Sultan in 1900, but recovered possession of Rustaq in 1903. He was k. at Rustaq by his cousins, March 1911, having had issue, two sons:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Faisal bin Sa’id Al-Sa’id. b. at Rustaq, 1910. educ. Saiyyadah Sch, Muscat. Governor of Birka to 1940. He had issue:
1. H.E. Sayyid Hamud bin Faisal Sa’id Al-Busaidi. b. 1960. Minister for Cabinet Affairs, for the Environment & Climate Affairs. He has issue, four sons:
(ii) H.E. Sayyid Ibrahim bin Sa’id Al-Sa’id. Governor of Birka 1940-1941. He d. at Muscat, 10th June 1941, had issue, a daughter:
1. Sayyida Mahfuza bint Ibrahim Al-Busaidiyah. m. Sayyid Sultan bin Hamad Al-Sa’id, son of Sayyid Hamad bin Faisal Al-Sa’id.
(b) Sayyid Hamad bin Ibrahim Al-Sa’id. b. at Rustaq, 1894, educ. privately.
(c) H.E. Sayyid Ahmad bin Ibrahim Al-Busaidi. b. at Rustaq, 1896, educ. privately. Governor of Rustaq 1912-1917, and of Suwaiq 1917-1939, Minister for the Interior 1939-1970. m. (a) Leann, a Baluchi lady from Pakistan. m. (b) ... m. (c) ... He had issue:
(i) A daughter. m. (div. after seven days) H.E. Ismail bin Khalil Al-Rasasi, Dir of Education, Governor of Matrah 1939, Inspector of Governorates 1946, Ambassador to Iran 1974-1976, a Palestinian.
(ii) A daughter. m. (div. the following morning) Ismail bin Khalil Ar-Rasasi, the former husband of her elder sister.
(d) Sayyid Ibrahim bin Ibrahim Al-Busaidi. b. posthumously, at Rustaq, 1898, educ. privately.
(a) Sayyida Zayariah bint Ibrahim Al-Busaidiyah. m. at Muscat, 1898, as his third wife, H.H Sayyid Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, GCIE (b. at Bombay, 1864; d. at Muscat, 15th October 1913), second son of H.H. Sayyid Turki bin Sa’id, Sultan of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, GCSI. She d. at Muscat, 4th December 1941, having had issue – see below.
(1) Sayyida ... bint Qais bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidiyah (same as ‘Azza?). m. H.H. Sayyid Salim bin Thuwaini, Sultan of Muscat and Oman and dependencies. b. at Muscat, 1839; d. at the Fort, Hyderabad, Scind, 7th December 1876), eldest son of H.H. Sayyid Thuwaini bin Sa’id, Sultan of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, by his wife, Sayyida Ghaliya bint Salim Al-Busaidiyah, daughter of H.H. Sayyid Salim bin Sultan bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Yemeni Al-‘Omani Al-Azdi, Sayyid of Muscat and Oman. She had issue, – see below.
(2) Sayyida Asillah bint Qais bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidiyah. b. at Rustaq, educ. privately. She d. at Rustaq, 10th August 1873 (but. there at the Western Fort, near the Great Mosque).
(3) Sayyida ‘Azza bint Qais bin ‘Azzan Al-Busaidiyah. b. at Rustaq, educ. privately. She d. at Rustaq, before 1st May 1900 (but. there at the Western Fort, near the Great Mosque).
iii) Sayyid Muhammad bin ‘Azzan bin Qais Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He had issue, a daughter:
a) Sayyida ... bint Qais bin Imam Ahmad Al-Busaidiyah. m. H.E. Sayyid Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Sa’id (d. at Muscat, 1819), sometime Governor of Muscat, eldest son of Al-Wasiq Billah al-Samad Imam al-Musliman Sayyid Sa’id bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Azdi Al-Ammani Al-Ibadhi, Imam of Oman. She had issue – see below.
4) Sayyid Saif bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi. b. at Adam, 17xx (s/o the al-Jabry lady), educ. privately. He left for East Africa immediately after the death of his father, where he sought to seize his territories for himself. He succeeded in taking Fort Jesus, in Mombasa, but was forced to retire to Lamu when Ahmad bin Sa’id the younger marched in and seized the fort 23rd January 1785. m. Sayyida Muza bint Ahmad Al-Busaidiyah, daughter of H.E. Sayyid Ahmad bin Imam Sa’id Al-Busaidi, sometime Governor of Muscat and Rustaq, by his wife, a daughter of H.E. Sayyid Qais bin Imam Ahmad Al-Busaidi, sometime Governor of Sohar. He d. at Lamu, in East Africa, early 1785, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:
a) H.E. Sayyid Badr bin Saif Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Proclaimed as Regent for the young brothers Sayyids Salim and Saif, 20th November 1804. Deposed for attempting to seize supreme power, 31st July 1806. He was k. by adherents of Sayyid Sa’id, at Na’aman, near Birka, 31st July 1806, having had issue, two sons:
i) Sayyid Hamud bin Badr Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Deputy Governor of Rustaq in 1833.
ii) Sayyid Saif bin Badr Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He had issue, three sons:
(2) Sayyid ‘Ali bin Saif Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He d. 1863.
(3) Sayyid Muhammad bin Saif Al-Busaidi. b. 1855, educ. privately. He had issue, two sons:
(a) Sayyid Hamud bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi. b. 1887, educ. privately. m. (first) Sayyida Athmu bint Hamad Al-Busaidiyah, daughter of Sayyid Hamad bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi. m. (second) Sayyida Na’ama bint Thabit Al-Sa’id, daughter of Sayyid Thabit bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Busaidi. He had issue, four sons:
(i) Sayyid Saif bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1908 (s/o Sayyida Athmu).
(ii) Sayyid ‘Ali bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1919 (s/o Sayyida Na’ama).
(iii) Sayyid Badr bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1922 (s/o Sayyida Na’ama).
(iv) H.E. Sayyid Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1926. Sec to the Sultan 1970-1972, Head of Diwan Affairs 1972-1973, Minister for Diwan Affairs 1973.
b) H.E. Sayyid ‘Ali bin Saif Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Kilwa and Mafia 1785, and Lamu. He was k. (assassinated) at Lamu, 1850, having had issue:
i) H.E. Sayyid Sa’ud bin ‘Ali Al-Busaidi [Su’ud/ Sa’id/ Sa’ud], educ. privately. Governor of Birka 1830-1832, and of Rustaq 1832-1833, Mbr of the Council of Regency 1832. m. Sayyida Zuwayna bint Sa’id Al-Busaidiyah (d. at the Bait al-Mtoni, Zanzibar, aged over 80 years, before 1883), eldest daughter of H.H. Sayyid Sa’id bin Sultan bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Yemeni Al-‘Omani Al-Azdi, Sultan of Muscat, Oman and Zanzibar, by a junior wife. He was k. by Sultan bin Ahmad, at Rustaq, before 21st May 1833, having had issue, a son:
(1) Sayyid ‘Ali bin Saud Al-Busaidi. b. at Muscat, 1814 (s/o Zuwayna), educ. privately. He d.s.p. at the Bait al-Mtoni, Zanzibar, 11th April 1884 (bur. there).
a) H.H. Sayyida Azza bint Saif Al-Busaidiyah (d/o Muza). m. at Muscat, before 1823, as his first wife, H.H. Sayyid Sa’id bin Sultan bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Yemeni Al-‘Omani Al-Azdi, Sultan of Muscat, Oman and Zanzibar (b. at Sumail, 9th July 1792; d. on board the Kitorie, off the Seychelles, 19th October 1856, bur. Zanzibar), second son of H.H. Sayyid Sultan bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Yemeni Al-‘Omani Al-Azdi, Sayyid of Muscat and Oman, by his first wife, Sayyida Ghanneyeh bint Saif Al-Busaidi, daughter of H.E. Sayyid Saif bin Muhammad bin Sa’id bin Muhammad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Busaidi, sometime Wali of Muscat. She d.at the Bait al-Mtoni, Zanzibar, after 1859, having had issue an only child who died young – see below.
5) H.H. Sayyid Sultan bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi, Sayyid of Muscat and Oman (s/o the al-Jabry lady) – see below.
6) Sayyid Talib bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi. Governor of Nakhl 1814-1815, and of Rustaq 1815 (confirmed 1821)-1832. He d. at Al-Batinah Fort, Rustaq, before 10th September 1832, having had issue:
a) H.E. Sayyid ‘Ali bin Talib bin Al-Imam Ahmad Al-Busaidi. Governor of Sumail. He had issue:
i) Sayyid Nasir bin ‘Ali bin Talib Al-Busaidi.
7) H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi (s/o Sayyida Ya’aruli). Governor of Suwaiq during his father’s lifetime. Governor-General of Mombasa and the East African territories 1784. He d. at Lamu, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
a) H.E. Sayyid Hilal bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi. b. at Suwaiq, 1803, educ. privately. Governor of Suwaiq 1832-1861, of Nizwa and Bahlah. m. a daughter of H.E. Sayyid Saif bin ‘Ali Al-Busaidi, Governor of Gwadar, by his wife, Sayyida Aisha bint Sultan Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi, sometime Regent of Muscat and Oman, only daughter of H.H. Sayyid Sultan bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Yemeni Al-‘Omani Al-Azdi, Sayyid of Muscat and Oman. He was k. by his cousin, Sayyid Qais bin ‘Azzan, at Suwaiq, 1861, having had issue, three sons:
ii) Sayyid Hamad bin Hilal Al-Busaidi. b. at Suwaiq, 1860, educ. privately. He d. in East Africa, 1886, having had issue, four sons and one daughter:
(1) Sayyid Muhammad bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. b. 1877, educ. privately. Governor of Nakhl.
(2) H.E. Sayyid Saud bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. b. 1880, educ. privately. Governor of Izki. He had issue, four sons:
(a) Sayyid Ahmad bin Saud Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He had issue, two sons:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Busaidi. b. 1920, educ. Sayyidiya Sch, Nizwa. Minister for Justice 1970-1972, for Lands 1972-1976, and the Interior 1976-1979, Adviser on Religious and Historical Affairs to the Sultan 1979. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 2nd class (23.11.2010). He had issue, three sons:
1. H.E. Sayyid Hilal bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi. He had issue, one son:
a. H.E. Sayyid Mohiddin bin Hilal Al-Busaidi.
2. Sayyid Nuh bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi.
3. Sayyid Zaki bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi.
(ii) Sayyid Hamid bin Ahmad Al-Busaidi, educ. UK.
(b) H.E. Sayyid Badr bin Saud Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Khassab 1945, and of Gwadur 1945-1947. He had issue, two sons:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Bashir bin Badr Al-Busaidi. He had issue, a son:
(c) H.E. Sayyid Ibrahim bin Saud Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Khassab 1947. He had issue, four sons:
(i) Sayyid Ghalib bin Ibrahim Al-Busaidi.
(ii) H.E. Sayyid Sa’id bin Ibrahim Al-Busaidi. He had issue, a son:
1. Sayyid Sultan bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi.
(iii) H.E. Sayyid Saud bin Ibrahim Al-Busaidi.
(iv) H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Busaidi.
(d) H.E. Sayyid Hilal bin Saud Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Khassab 1945-1947, and of Gwadur 1947. He had issue, five sons:
(i) Sayyid Hamad bin Hilal Al-Busaidi. Governor of Sur 1925 and 1945-1946, Quriyat 1941, Gwadur 1941-1945, and Sohar 1946-1947. He d. August 1947.
(ii) Sayyid Rafi’ bin Hilal Al-Busaidi.
(iii) Sayyid Sultan bin Hilal Al-Busaidi.
(iv) Sayyid Majid bin Hilal Al-Busaidi.
(v) Sayyid Saif bin Hilal Al-Busaidi.
(3) Sayyid Badr bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. He d.s.p. 1904.
(4) H.E. Sayyid Hamud bin Hamad Al-Busaidi Rathabia. b. 1883, educ. privately. Governor of Sur, and of Suwaiq 1925-1928. He d. at Muscat, 19th July 1928, having had issue, two sons:
(a) H.E. Sayyid Nasir bin Hamud Al-Busaidi Rathabia. Governor of Saham 1918, Suwaiq 1928-1932, Masnah 1932, and Luwa to1944. He had issue, five sons and a daughter:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Hamud bin Nasir Al-Busaidi. Deputy Governor of Muttrah. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 2nd class (23.11.2010). He had issue, three sons:
1. H.E. Sayyid Al-Mutassim bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Minister for the Regions & Municipality Affairs 1985-1987, Minister of State for Defence, Minister for Labour & Vocational Training, Minister of State and Governor of Muscat from 1991. Presdt Musandam Development Cttee. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 2nd class (23.11.2010).
(i) H.H. Sayyida Shawana bint Nasir Al-Busaidiyah [Umm Talal]. m. 19th June 1946, as his second wife, H.H. Sayyid Tariq bin Taimur Al-Sa’id (b. at Bombay, India, 30th June 1921; d. 1980), sometime Prime Minister of Oman, third son of H.H. Sultan al-Wasik Billah al-Majid Sayyid Taimur bin Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of the Sa’idi State of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, KCIE, CSI, by his third wife, Kamila Khanum, née Ilgiray, a Circassian lady from Turkey. She had issue, two sons and one daughter – see below.
(b) H.E. Sayyid Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Private Sec to Sultan Sa’id bin Taimur and Sec Ministry of External Affairs 1965-1970, Cabinet Sec 1971-1972, Minister of the Royal Diwan 1972-1986, Personal Adviser to Sultan Qaboos 1986-2002. He d. 2002, having had issue, four sons and four daughters, including:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Sa’ami bin Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Chair Sami & Bros Co (SABCO) LLC. He d. 1988, having had issue, five sons:
5. Sayyid Ibrahim bin Sa’ami bin Hamad Al-Busaidi.
(ii) H.E. Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. at Muscat, 30th May 1960, educ. Sa’ideyya Schs, Muscat and Salalah, privately in North Wales and London, and at St Catherine’s Coll, Oxford (M.Lit 1988). Joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1988, First Sec 1989, Counsellor 1990, Anbassador 1996, Chief of Staff to the Minister 1997-2000, Under Sec Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2000, Sec-Gen Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2010. Chair Sami & Bros Co (SABCO) LLC 1988-2000 (principal shareholder), MEDRC Exec Council since 1996, etc. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 2nd class (23.11.2010). m. 1979 (div. 1993) Noora bint ‘Abdu’llah Al-Daher (b. 1964), daughter of ‘Abdu’llah bin Mahawish Al-Daher, a Saudi national. He had issue, one son and three daughters:
1. Sayyid Nasir bin Badr bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. b. at Muscat, 1980.
1. Sayyida Aseelah bint Badr bin Hamad Al-Busaidiyah. b. at Muscat, 1982.
2. Sayyida Salsabeel bint Badr bin Hamad Al-Busaidiyah. b. at Muscat, 1987.
3. Sayyida Mazan bint Badr bin Hamad Al-Busaidiyah. b. at Muscat, 1988.
(iii) H.E. Sayyid Khalid bin Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. at Muscat, 7th June 1964, educ. Sa’ideyya Schs, Muscat and Salalah, Sultan’s Sch, Seeb, Oxford Univ (BA 1986), and Henley Management Coll (MBA 1997). Dir-Gen of Admin & Finance in the Ministry of Social Affairs & Labour until 1996, Chair Sami & Bros Co (SABCO) LLC since 1998, National Mineral Water Co, and Al Ahli Bank SAOG. Chair Oman Football Assoc since 2007. Vice-Chair Oman Song Festival. Mbr World Business Council. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 3rd class (21.1.2009). m. 14th December 1992, ... He has issue, one son and one daughter:
1. Sayyid Hamad bin Khalid Al-Busaidi. b. 8th June 2000.
1. Sayyida Khulud bint Khalid Al-Busaidiyah. b. 14th October 1994.
(iv) H.E. Sayyid Aymen bin Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Vice-Chair Sami & Bros Co (SABCO) LLC.
(i) H.E. Sayyida Wafa bint Hamad bin Hamud Al-Busaidiyah.
(1) Sayyid Asila bint Hamad Al-Busaidi.
iii) Sayyid Mathi bin Hilal Al-Busaidi.
a) Sayyida Jokha bint Muhammad Al-Busaidiyah. She seized Suwaiq in 1828 but was defeated by her aunt, Sayyida Moza.
1) Sayyida Moza bint Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidiyah. She played a very prominent part in the affairs of Oman, in particular as guardian and support of her nephews Salim and Sa’id, after the death of their father.
2) Sayyida Mira bint Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidiyah.
3) Sayyida M... bint Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidiyah.
1783 – 1811 Al-Wasiq Billah al-Samad Imam al-Musliman Sayyid Sa’id bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi, Imam of Oman. b. 1741, second son of Sayyid Ahmad bin Sa’id bin Muhammad bin Khalaf bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Azdi Al-Ammani Al-Ibadhi, by his wife, Sayyida Ghani bint Khalfan Al-Busaidiyah, daughter of H.E. Sayyid Khalfan bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Assumed control over administrative affairs from his father January 1775. Proclaimed as Imam, after the death of his father, at Rustaq 15th December 1783. He relinquished his personal control over day-to-day administrative affairs to his third son, Hamad, the Governor of Muscat, who assumed the regency by 1789. At Hamad’s death in 1792, he resumed direct control oncemore, but retreated to a life of indolence and allowed his surviving sons and other relations almost total freedom to govern as they saw fit. He remained the traditional capital in Rustaq and continued to hold the title of Imam until his death, the last of the Busaidi family to enjoy that position and rank. He d. at Al-Batinah Fort, Rustaq, 1811 (bur. there), having had issue, four sons:
1) H.E. Sayyid Ahmad bin Imam Sa’id Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He took possession of Zanzibar in 1784 and Fort Jesus, Mombasa, on behalf of his father, 23rd January 1785. Governor of Muscat 1792-1811, and of Rustaq 1811-1812. m. a daughter of H.E. Sayyid Qais bin Imam Ahmad Al-Busaidi, sometime Governor of Sohar. He d. at Muscat, 1819, having had issue, five sons and a daughter:
a) General (Amir) H.E. Sayyid Hamad bin Ahmad al-Busaidy ‘Wad Sammar’. Governor of Bandar Abbas, Generalissimo of the Zanzibar Army, who subdued Barawa, Patta, Siwi and Marika on the Somali Coast in 1822, and Mombasa, Pate and Pemba from the Mazrui in 1824, and sacked Mogadishu in 1828, Governor of Nakhl 1832-1843. He was k. in a hail of arrows after the unsuccessful assault on Siyu, at Faza, Pate, 6th January 1844 (bur. Rasini), having had issue:
i) Sayyid Ahmad bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. b. 1821, educ. privately. Counsellor of State to Sayyid Sa’id bin Sultan in 1854. He had issue:
(a) Sayyid Ahmad bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. m. a daughter of Sayyid Harub Al-Busaidi, by his wife, Sayyida Khula bint Badr Al-Busaidiyah, daughter of Sayyid Badr bin Hamid Al-Sa’id. He had issue, a daughter:
(i) Sayyida Nour bint Ahmad bin Hamad bin Ahmad bin Hamad bin Ahmad Al-Busaidiyah [Nunuu] [H.H. Sultana of Zanzibar]. b. at Muscat, Oman, educ. privately. Patroness Sayyida Ma’atuka Coll, Sultana Nunuu Traning Coll, Sayyida Ma’atuka Maternity Home, Zanzibar Ladies’ Club, etc, rcvd: the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar 1st class (5.10.1956), and Queen Elizabeth II Coron (1.6.1953) medal. m. at the Sultan’s Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 1940, as his second wife, H.H. Sultan Sayyid Sir Khalifa II bin Harub, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCB, GCMG, GBE (b. at Muscat, Oman, 26th August 1879; d.at the Sultan’s Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 9th October 1960),only son of Sayyid Harub bin Thuwaini Al-Said, of Muscat, by his wife, Sayyida Turkiya bint Turki Al-Said, former wife of H.H. Sultan Sayyid Hamad bin Thuwaini, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCSI, and eldest daughter of H.H. Sayyid Turki bin Sa’id, Sultan of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, GCSI. She d. at Muscat, Oman, before 2004 – see Tanzania (Zanzibar).
(b) ? Sayyid Hilal bin Hamad Al-Samar Al-Busaidi. He had issue:
(i) Sayyid Hamad bin Hilal bin Hamad Al-Samar Al-Busaidi. He had issue:
1. H.H. Sayyid Hilal bin Hamad Al-Samar Al-Busaidi. b. at Sur, 1927, educ. privately. Governor of Nizwa, Minister for Justice and the Interior 1973-1982, Minister for Justice, Religious Trusts & lslamic Affairs 1982-1987, State Counsellor for Judicial Affairs, Chair State Security Court 1994 & 2005, State Adviser for Justice since 2005. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 2nd class (23.11.2010). He had issue, six sons and three daughters, including:
a. H.H. Sayyid Hamad bin Hilal bin Hamad Al-Samar Al-Busaidi. Governor of Muscat 1983-1991, Under-Sec for Labour Affairs in the Ministry of Manpower 2005, Permanent Representative to UN General Assembly New York.
b. H.H. Sayyid Saud bin Hilal bin Hamad Al-Samar Al-Busaidi. Governor of Musandam since 2010. Rcvd: the Civil Order of Oman 3rd class (24.11.2010).
2. H.H. Sayyid Sultan bin Hamad Al-Sammar Al-Busaidi. Governor of Sur, and of Muscat 1983-1991, Advisor for Foreign Affairs 1991-1992, Ambassador to the UAE 1992.
c) Sayyid Sultan bin Ahmad al-Busaidi . He d. 1874.
d) Sayyid ‘Abid bin Ahmad al-Busaidi . He d. before 1907.
e) Sayyid Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Busaidi . He d. 1856, having had issue, a son:
i) Sayyid Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Busaidi . He d. 1899.
a) Sayyida Muza bint Ahmad Al-Busaidiyah. m. Sayyid Saif bin Al-Imam Ahmad bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi (b. at Adam, 17xx; d. at Lamu, in East Africa, early 1785), fourth son of H.H. Sayyid Ahmad bin Sa’id bin Muhammad bin Khalaf bin Sa’id Al-Busaidi Al-Azdi Al-Ammani Al-Ibadhi, by his wife, a sister of Shaikh Muhammad bin Nasir al-Jabry al-Ghafiry, of Zhahirah, sometime Governor of Bahrain. She had issue, two sons and one daughter – see above
b) Sayyida ... bint Ahmad Al-Busaidi. m. Shaikh Nasir bin Muhammad al-Ghafiry as-Shakily al-Ghafiry, of Zhahirah, son of Shaikh Muhammad bin Nasir al-Jabry al-Ghafiry, of Zhahirah, sometime Governor of Bahrain.
2) H.E. Sayyid Hamad bin Imam Sa’id Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He took control of Muscat in 1786, gradually extended his control of the other forts and towns until he had assumed complete temporal power from his father, and becoming Regent and C-in-C in 1789. His father remained as spiritual and supreme leader with the title of Imam at the traditional capital in Rustaq, leaving the cares of administration and foreign trade to his able son. He d.v.p. from small-pox, at Muscat, 13th March 1792 (bur. there on the slope of the central Wadi), having had issue, two sons:
a) Sayyid Hilal bin Hamad bin Imam Sa’id Al-Busaidi.
b) Sayyid Hamid bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. He had issue:
i) Sayyid Hilal bin Hamid Al-Busaidi. b. 1809. Counsellor of State to Sultan Sayyid Thuwaini in 1854. He d. 1868, having had issue, a son:
(1) H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Hilal Al-Busaidi. Governor of Sib. He d. 1904, having had issue, one son:
(a) Sayyid Hilal bin Muhammad Al-Busaidi. b. 1885, educ. privately.
ii) Sayyid Badr bin Hamid Al-Busaidi. He d. 1873, having had issue, five sons and one daughter:
(1) Sayyid Ahmad bin Badr Al-Busaidi. He had issue, two sons:
(b) H.E. Sayyid Hamud bin Ahmad Al-Busaidi. Governor of Masna’ah 1930, of Muttrah 1930-1931, Sib 1941-1946, Dhofar 1946-1948, and Sib 1948. He had issue, four sons:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Sultan bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Governor of Rustaq 1959. He had issue, four sons:
1. Sayyid Saif bin Sultan Al-Busaidi. He had issue, one son:
a. Sayyid Hamud bin Saif Al-Busaidi.
2. H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Sultan Al-Busaidi. Ambassador to France.
3. Sayyid Sa’id bin Sultan Al-Busaidi.
4. Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah bin Sultan Al-Busaidi.
(ii) H.E. Sayyid Badr bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Governor of Qurayat 1930. He had issue, two sons:
1. Sayyid Ghalib bin Badr Al-Busaidi.
2. H.E. Sayyid Hilal bin Badr Al-Busaidi. Presdt of the Municipalities of Muscat and Muttrah 1938-1945, Mbr Council of State 2004-2007.
(iii) Sayyid Ahmad bin Hamud Al-Busaidi.
(iv) H.E. Sayyid ‘Ali bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. Governor of Saham 1927, and of Gwadur 1927-1931. He d. at Birka, 9th August 1931.
(c) ? Sayyid Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Ghasham Albu Sa’id. Governor of Sohar and Sur under Sultan Faisal, subsequently he accompanied young Taimur to India in 1903, and served as Governor of Matrah, Financial Minister and as President of the Council of Ministers under Taimur.
(2) Sayyid Hamud bin Badr Al-Busaidi. He d. 1886, having had issue, two sons:
(a) H.E. Sayyid Hilal bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1880, educ. privately. Governor of Birka 1918. He had issue, one son:
(b) Sayyid Ya’arub bin Hamud Al-Busaidi. b. 1886, educ. privately. He had issue, five sons:
(i) Sayyid Talib bin Ya’arub Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He had issue, three sons:
1. Sayyid Muhammad bin Talib Al-Busaidi.
2. Sayyid Hamud bin Talib Al-Busaidi.
3. Sayyid ‘Ali bin Talib Al-Busaidi.
(ii) H.E. Sayyid Saif bin Ya’arub Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Dhofar 1897.
(iii) Sayyid Nasir bin Ya’arub Al-Busaidi, educ. privately.
(iv) Sayyid Hilal bin Ya’arub Al-Busaidi, educ. privately.
(v) Sayyid Muhammad bin Ya’arub Al-Busaidi, educ. privately.
(3) Sayyid Muhammad bin Badr Al-Busaidi. He d. 1901.
(4) H.E. Sayyid ‘Ali bin Badr Al-Busaidi. b. 1853, educ. privately. Governor of Birka. He d. having had issue, four sons:
(a) H.E. Sayyid Hilal bin ‘Ali Al-Busaidi. b. 1881, educ. privately. Governor of Shinas 1918, and of Rustaq. He d. September 1942, having had issue, two sons:
(i) H.E. Sayyid Muhammad bin Hilal Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Sur 1947.
(ii) Sayyid Ahmad bin Hilal Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. He had issue, one son:
1. Sayyid al-Mardas bin Ahmad Al-Busaidi.
(b) Sayyid Mansur bin ‘Ali Al-Busaidi. b. 1893, educ. privately.
(c) H.E. Sayyid Saud bin ‘Ali Al-Busaidi, educ. privately. Governor of Dhofar to 1940, and Sur 1940-1945. He d. at Muttrah, 2nd November 1945.
(5) H.E. Sayyid Saif bin Badr Al-Busaidi al-Ghasham. b. 1861, educ. privately. Governor of Khahurah 1906, of Quryat 1915-1918, of Gwadur 19xx-1915, 1918-1927, Sohar 1927-1930, and Sur 1930-1932. He d. ca. 1932, having had issue, a daughter:
(a) Sayyida ... bint Saif Al-Busaidiyah al-Ghasham. m. (first) (div. 1927), H.E. Sayyid Salim bin Faisal Al-Sa’id (b. at the Beit al-‘Alam, Muscat, 1897; d.s.p.), sometime Governor of Gwadur, seventh son of H.H. Sultan al-Wasik Billah al-Majid Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of the Sa’idi State of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, GCIE . m. (second) at Muscat, 7th October 1927, H.E. Sayyid Hamad bin Faisal Al-Sa’id (b. at the Beit al-‘Alam, Muscat, 1893), sometime Minister for Internal Affairs, elder half-brother of her first husband and fifth son of H.H. Sultan al-Wasik Billah al-Majid Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of the Sa’idi State of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, GCIE . She had issue, by her second husband – see below.
(1) Sayyida Khula bint Badr Al-Busaidiyah. m. Sayyid Harub Al-Busaidi. She had issue:
(a) Sayyid Ahmad bin Harub Al-Busaidi. He had issue, a son and a daughter:
(i) Sayyid Saud bin Ahmad Al-Busaidi. Urban Dist Cmsnr for Zanzibar in 1958. m. Sayyida Samira bint Seif Al-Busaidi, educ. at Cairo, Egypt, and the Univ of Chicago, Illinois, USA, teacher in mathematics and literature, younger daughter of Sayyid Saif. He had issue, two daughters, including:
1. H.E. Sayyida Dr Rawya bint Saud Al-Busaidiyah. b. in Kenya, educ. Oxford Univ (PhD). Minister for Higher Education in Oman since 2004, when she became the first woman in Arabia to head a government ministry. Chair Sultan Qaboos Univ Governing Council, and the Coll of Law Governing Brd. Deputy Chair Council for Higher Education, Science Research Council, etc.
(a) Sayyida ... bint Harub Al-Busaidiyah. m. Sayyid Ahmad bin Hamad Al-Busaidi, son of Sayyid Hamad bin Ahmad Al-Busaidi. She had issue – see above.
3) Sayyid Nasir bin Imam Sa’id Al-Busaidi. He d. 1812, having had issue, three sons:
a) H.E. Sayyid Hamad bin Nasir Al-Busaidi. Governor of Sohar 1884 and 1888-1893. He d. at Sohar, 1893.
b) Sayyid Saif bin Nasir Al-Busaidi. He d. 1896.
c) Sayyid Ahmad bin Nasir Al-Busaidi.
4) Sayyid Saif bin Imam Sa’id Al-Busaidi. He d. 1809.