1972 - 1995 H.H. Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, GCB (c 12.11.1985), GCMG (21.2.1979). b. at Al-Rayyan, January 1932, fourth son of H.e. Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Abdu’lah Al-Thani, Heir Apparent and Deputy Ruler of Qatar, by his third wife, a sister of Nasser al-Attiya, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Presumptive by his grandfather, 30th June 1948. Appointed as Heir Apparent and Deputy Ruler, 24th October 1960. Minister for Education 1957-1960, Finance 1960-1972, Petroleum 1970-1972, and Foreign Affairs 1971-1972, Prime Minister 1970-1977. Chair Provisional Confederation Brd of the Arab Gulf States 1968, and Investment Brd. 1972. Succeeded on the deposition of his cousin, 22nd February 1972. Deposed in favour of his eldest son, 27th May 1995. Rcvd: the Collars of the Orders of the Republic of Egypt (5.6.1971), Honour of the Sudan (29.4.1972), Badr al-Kubra of Saudi Arabia (1.5.1973), Nile of Egypt (24.8.1973), Husain ibn Ali of Jordan (18.7.1974), Independence of Tunisia (22.7.1975), Muhammadiya of Morocco (24.7.1975), Pahlavi of Iran (13.11.1975), Mubarak the Great of Kuwait (15.2.1982), and the Chrysanthemum of Japan (23.4.1984), GC of the Orders of Muaritania (x.5.1974), the Legion of Honour of France (27.10.1975), Lion of Senegal (20.11.1975), Isabella the Catholic of Spain (3.11.1980), Merit of the Lebanon (extraordinaire) (22.6.1986), and Merit of the Republic of Italy (15.1.1992), the Civil Order of Oman 1st class (20.12.1975), Liberator Simon Bolivar of Venezuela (21.4.1977), Anapurna 1st class of Indonesia (12.10.1977), the Order of Pakistan 1st class (Nishan-i-Pakistan) (16.4.1984), and the Grand Order of Mugunghwa of Korea (21.4.1984). m. (first) Shaikha Aisha bint Hamad Al-Attiya (d. in childbirth, at Doha, 1st January 1952). m. (second) Shaikha Amina bint Hasan al-Suwaidi, daughter of Shaikh Hasan bin ‘Abdu’llah al-Suwaidi. m. (third) Shaikha Rawhda bint Jasim bint Jabor Al-Thani (d. at Doha, January 1998, bur. there at Al-Rayyan Cemetery), daughter of Shaikh Jasim bin Jabor Al-Thani, by his wife, Shaikha Sheikha bint Ibrahim Al-Nasir. m. (fourth) 1976, Shaikha Mooza bint ‘Ali Al-Thani (b. 1939; d. at Doha, 13th October 2004, bur. there at Al-Rayyan Cemetery), daughter of Shaikh ‘Ali bin Saud bin ‘Abdu’l-Aziz Al-Thani. He d. at Doha, 23rd October 2016 (bur. there at Al-Rayyan Cemetery), having had issue, five sons and thirteen daughters:
1) H.E. Shaikh ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Khalifa Al-Thani, GCMG (12.11.1985). b. at Al Rayyan, 12th December 1948 (s/o Amina), educ. Northern Indiana Univ, USA (MA). Minister for Finance and Petroleum 1972-1992 (Dep Minister 1972), Chair Supreme Council for Investment 1972-1989, Higher Cttee for Co-ordination and Follow-up 1973-1988, Supreme Council for Planning 1977-1990, and of OPEC 1977-1979, Presdt Qatar Monetary Agency and National Petroleum Co 1972. Settled in Saudi Arabia 1992, later moved to France. m. (first) (div.) (either Shaikha bint Ahmad Al-Thani, daughter of Shaikh Ahmad bin ‘Ali Al-Thani or Shaikha Luluwa bint Jasim Al-Thani, daughter of Shaikh Jasim bin Hamad Al-Thani). m. (second) (div.) Aisha bint Nasir Al-Suwaidi. m. (third) at Paris, France, 2004, Kasia Al-Thani (b. 1976), previously Mrs Qasip, a lady of Polish descent. He had issue, ten sons and seventeen daughters:
a) Shaikh Jassim bin ‘Abdu’l Aziz Khalifa Al-Thani. He has issue, ten children, including five sons and three daughters:
i) Shaikh ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Jasim Khalifa Al-Thani.
m) Shaikha Shaikha bint ‘Abdu’l Aziz Khalifa Al-Thani. m. Shaikh Faleh bin Khalid bin Ahmad bin ‘Ali Al-Thani.
n) Shaikha Rihab bint ‘Abdu’l Aziz Khalifa Al-Thani.
o) Shaikha Malak bint ‘Abdu’l Aziz Khalifa Al-Thani. b. 2005 (twin with her sister Yasmin) (d/o Kasia).
p) Shaikha Yasmine bint ‘Abdu’l Aziz Khalifa Al-Thani. b. 2005 (twin with her sister Malak) (d/o Kasia).
q) Shaikha Reem bint ‘Abdu’l Aziz Khalifa Al-Thani. b. 2006 (d/o Kasia).
2) H.H. Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar (s/o Aisha al-Attiya) - see below.
3) Brigadier H.H. Shaikh ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 25th December 1959 (s/o Shaikha Rawdha), educ. RMA Sandhurst. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Qatari Armed Forces 1/12/1976, prom Lieut-Col and Deputy C-in-C Armed Forces 1989, Minister for the Interior 1989-2001, Deputy Prime Minister 1995-1996, Prime Minister 1996-2007, Special Adviser to the Amir since 2007. Chair Qatar Olympic Cttee 1979-1989. m. (first) Shaikha Hessa bint Nasser Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Nasser bin Khalid Al-Thani. m. (second) Shaikha Amina bint Suhaim Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Suhaim bin Hamad Al-Thani, sometime Minister for Foreign Affairs. m. (third) Shaikha Lulwa bint Jasim Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Jasim bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani, sometime Minister for Education. He had issue, nine sons and nine daughters:
a) Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Hessa). m. at Doha, 19th February 2006, Shaikha Jawaha bint ‘Abdu’l Aziz Al-Thani, daughter of Shaikh ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Jasim bin Hamad Al-Thani. He has issue, two sons:
i) Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani.
b) Shaikh ‘Abdu’llah bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani.
b) Shaikh Muhammad bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Hessa). m. and has issue, three sons.
c) Shaikh Saud bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Hessa). m. and has issue.
d) Shaikh Jasim bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Hessa).
e) Shaikh Khalifa bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Hessa).
f) Shaikh Suhaim bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Amina).
g) Shaikh Fahd bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Amina).
h) Shaikh Nasser bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Lulwa). m. and has issue.
i) Shaikh ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Lulwa). m. and has issue.
a) Shaikha Nasma bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Hessa). m. Shaikh Jasim bin Khalifa Al-Thani, son of Shaikh Khalifa bin Hasan Al-Thani.
b) Shaikha Hind bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Hessa).
c) Shaikha Zamzam bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Amina). m. Shaikh Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani, son of Shaikh Khalifa bin Hasan Al-Thani.
d) Shaikha Latifa bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Amina). m. Shaikh Jasim bin Saud Al-Thani (b. at Doha, 12th January 1981), son of Shaikh Saud bin ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Hamad Al-Thani, by his wife, a daughter of H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin Hamad Al-Thani, sometime Ambassador to the Lebanon and Minister for Education - see above.
e) Shaikha Tamadar bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Amina).
f) Shaikha Misha’el bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Amina).
g) Shaikha Jawad bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Lulwa). m. Shaikh Jasim bin ‘Abdu’l Aziz Al-Thani, son of Shaikh ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Jasim bin Hamad Al-Thani - see above.
h) Shaikha Salwa bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Lulwa).
i) Shaikha Asma’a bint ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Lulwa).
4) H.H. Shaikh Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 1965 (s/o Shaikha Rawdha), educ. Tariq Ibn Ziyad and Al Yarmook Schs, Doha, and George Washington Univ, USA. Under Sec for Finance & Petroleum 1989-1992, Minister for Finance & Trade 1992-1998, and the Economy 1996-1998, Deputy Prime Minister 1998-2007, Adviser to the Amir since 2007 (with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister). Granted the personal style of His Highness 21st January 1998. m. (first) Shaikha Nof bint Khalifa bin Ahmad Al-Thani. m. (second) Shaikha Hessa bint Muhammad bint Fahd Al-Thani. m. (third) Shaikha Maha bint Jasim bin Hamad Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Jasim bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani, sometime Minister for Education. He has issue, five sons and seven daughters:
a) Shaikh Hamad bin Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Nof).
b) Shaikh Jassim Bin Muhammad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Nof).
c) Shaikh Khalifa Bin Muhammad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Nof).
d) Shaikh Suhaim bin Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Hessa).
a) Shaikha Kindergarten (Nurah?) bint Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Nof).
b) Shaikha Jawahar bint Mohammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Nof).
c) Shaikha Hind bint Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Nof).
d) Shaikha Lulua bint Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Hessa).
e) Shaikha Sara bint Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Hessa).
f) Shaikha Noora Bint Muhammad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Hessa).
g) Shaikha Aisha bint Muhammad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Hessa).
5) H.E. Shaikh Jasim bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 1977 (s/o Shaikha Mooza). m. at al-Rayyan, 25th April 2008, Shaikha Maryam bint ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh ‘Abdu’llah bin Muhammad bin ‘Ali Al-Thani.
1) H.E. Shaikha Al-Jafla bint Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Aisha al-Attiya). m. and had issue, two daughters:
a) Lamiya.
b) Salma.
2) H.E. Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Aisha al-Attiya), educ. Qatar Public Univ (BA 1985), and Helena Univ, Egypt (MA 1999). Employed with the Documentation and Humanities Research Centre at the Univ of Qatar 1994-1998, Asst Dir Office of the Consort of the Emir, and Dir of International Affairs at the Supreme Council for Family Affairs 1998-2001, Vice-Presdt Supreme Council for Family Affairs ranking as Minister and granted the style of Her Excellency, 8th November 2002. UN Special Rapporteur for Disability since 2003-2005. Mbr National Cttee for People with Special Needs since 1998, Family Development Centre (Qatar), the Qatari Soc for People with Special Needs, the Arab Network of Non-Governmental Organizations (Egypt) and the Arab Council for Childhood & Development (Egypt).
4) H.E. Shaikha Aisha bint Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Rawdha). Chair Qatar Red Crescent Soc, and Permanent Election Cttee (PEC) since 2004. m. as his fifth wife, H.E. Shaikh Hamad bin Suhaim bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani (b. at Doha, 1958), sometime Minister of State without portfolio, son of H.E. Shaikh Suhaim bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani, sometime Minister for Foreign Affairs. She had issue, one daughter - see above.
6) H.E. Shaikha Amal bint Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 1950 (d/o the al-Attiya lady). m. H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Thani, sometime Minister for Trade and Chief of Police, exiled to Bahrain.
1995 - 2013 H.H. Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani [Abu Mashal], Amir of the State of Qatar, GCB (c 26.10.2010), GCMG (22.7.1997, KCMG 21.2.1979). b. at Doha, 1st January 1952, second son of H.H. Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, GCB, GCMG, by his first wife, Shaikha Aisha bint Hamad Al-Attiya, educ. RMA Sandhurst. Cmsnd as Lieut-Col Qatar Armed Forces 1971, c/o 1st Mobile Regt 1971-1972, prom Maj-Gen 1972, C-in-C 1972-1995, Minister for Defence 1977-1995, Chair Supreme Council for Youth Welfare 1979-1991 and the Higher Planning Council 1989-1995, Prime Minister 1995-1996. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Crown Prince and the personal style of His Highness 30th May 1977. Installed as Amir of the State of Qatar following the deposition of his father, 27th June 1995. Abdicated in favour of his fourth son by his second wife, 25th June 2013. Styled His Highnessthe Amir Father since then. Rcvd: the Collars of the Orders of Hussein ibn Ali (1995) of the Jordan, Mubarak the Great of Kuwait, the Republic of the Yemen (5.8.2000), Mohammadiya of Morocco (2002, GC 1981), and Lakandula of the Philippines (11.4.2012), the Civil Order of Oman 1st class (1995, 2nd class 1975), GC of the Orders of the Nile of Egypt (1976), the Seventh of November of Tunisia (1997), Legion of Honour of France (2.6.1998, GO 1980), the Lion of Senegal (11.6.1998), Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (27.5.1999), the Cedars of the Lebanon (8.8.1999), Merit of the Republic of Italy with collar (26.4.2000), the White Rose of Finland with collar (22.4.2007), Redeemer of Greece (20.6.2007), Merit of the Dominican Republic (5.11.2008), the Liberator Simon Bolivar of Venezuela (23.1.2010), and the Netherlands Lion (9.3.2011), GO of the Order of the Merit of the Lebanon (1986), the Orders of King ‘Abdu’l-Aziz of Saudi Arabia (1976), Diagam Tanda Kehormatan of Indonesia (1977), Francisco de Miranda of Venezuela (1977), Pakistan 1st class (Nishan-i-Pakistan) (6.4.1999), National Star of Rumania (24.10.1999), José Marti of Cuba (14.9.2000), the Great Star of the Ivory Coast (2002), “Stara Planina” 1st class of Bulgaria (7.11.2007), Temasek 1st class of Singapore (16.3.2009), DMN of Malaysia (13.12.2010), etc. m. (first) H.H. Shaikha Mariam bint Muhammad bin Hamad Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani, sometime Ambassador to the Lebanon and Minister for Education. m. (second) at Doha, 1977, H.H. Shaikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Misnad, DBE (c 26.10.2010) (b. at Al-Khor, Qatar, 1959), educ. Qatar Public Univ (BA Sociology 1986), Presdt of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs since 1998, Chair Qatar Fndn for Education, Science and Community Development since 1995, Sidra Medical and Research Centre, “Your Link”, Arab Democracy Fndn since 2007, Vice-Chair Supreme Council for Education since 2002, UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic & Higher Education 2003, Mbr Acad des Beaux-Arts (France) 2009, and UN High Level Group on the Alliance of Civilizations, Hon Dr (Humane Letters) Virginia Commonwealth Univ (2003), Univ of Texas, Landam, Carnegie-Mellon Univ, and Georgetown Univ, Washington DC, etc, rcvd: GC of the Order Merit of the Republic of Italy (12.11.2007), daughter of Shaikh Nasser bin ‘Abdu’llah bin ‘Ali al-Misnad. m. (third) after 1989, H.H. Shaikha Noura bint Khalid Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al-Thani, sometime Minister of the Interior. He has issue, eleven sons and thirteen daughters:
1) H.E. Shaikh Misha’al bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 2nd July 1972 (s/o Shaikha Mariam). Charge d’affaires Luxembourg 2007, Ambassador to Belgium and the EU since 2008. Presdt Arab Equestrian Fed. Chair Al-Rayyan Sports Club. Mbr Qatar Racing & Equestrian Club (QREC). He has issue, three sons and three daughters:
a) Shaikh ‘Abdu’llah bin Misha’al bin Hamad Al-Thani. Racehorse owner. Mbr Qatar Racing & Equestrian Club (QREC).
b) Shaikh Hamad bin Misha’al bin Hamad Al-Thani. Racehorse owner.
c) Shaikh Muhammad bin Misha’al bin Hamad Al-Thani. Racehorse owner.
a) Shaikha Mariam bint Mishaal bin Hamad Al-Thani. Racehorse owner.
b) Shaikha Rowdha bint Mishaal bin Hamad Al-Thani. Racehorse owner.
c) Shaikha Aisha bint Mishaal bin Hamad Al-Thani.
2) H.E. Shaikh Fahd bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mariam), educ. RMA, Sandhurst. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Qatar Armed Forces. Apparently stripped of his military appointments after showing signs of religious extremism. m. Shaikha Rodha Al-Misnad. He has issue, one son and three daughters:
3) H.H. Shaikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 25th August 1978 (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. RMA, Sandhurst. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Qatar Armed Forces 9/8/1996. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Crown Prince and style of His Highness 22nd October 1996. Renounced his rights in favour of his younger brother, 5th August 2003. Personal Representative of the Amir of Qatar. Hon Presdt Qatar National Cancer Soc (QNCS) since 1997. Chair High Committee for Coordination & Follow Up since 1999, Supreme Council for the Environment & Natural Resources since 2000. Patron of the Aspire Academy of Sports Excellence since 2003, etc. Rcvd: GC (special grade) of the Orders of the Renaissance of Jordan (1997), Merit of the Lebanon (2000), and the Order of al-Nahayan 1st class of the UAE (2000). m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 30th March 2006, H.H. Shaikha Buthaina bint Ahmad Al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Ali Al-Thani. He has issue, three sons and two daughters:
a) Shaikh Fahad bin Jasim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 2008.
b) Shaikh Hamad bin Jasim Al-Hamad Al-Thani.
c) Shaikh Tamim bin Jasim Al-Hamad Al-Thani.
a) Shaikha Mozah bint Jasim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. February 2007.
b) Shaikha Hind bint Jasim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. December 2009.
4) H.H. Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar (s/o Shaikha Mozah) - see below.
5) H.E. Shaikh Joa’an bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. 1984 (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. l’École speciale militaire de St Cyr, Paris, France. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Qatar Armed Forces 2007. Torch Relay Ambassador 15th Asian Games 2006. m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 24th April 2008, Shaikha Al-Maha bint Salem Al-Rumual Al-Mannai, daughter of Shaikh Salem Al-Rumual Al-Mannai, Vice-Chair Tashyeed Properties Company B.S.C. He has issue, three sons and one daughter:
a) Shaikh Hamad bin Joa’an Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 2009.
b) Shaikh Tamim bin Joa’an Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 2010.
c) Shaikh Khalifa bin Joa’an Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 3rd March 2014.
6) H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noura). Presdt Motor Sports and Motorcycle Club. m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 18th December 2008, Shaikha Maryam bint Nasser Al-Ahmad Al-Thani, daughter of Shaikh Nasser bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Ahmad Al-Thani. He has issue, two daughters:
a) Shaikha Noora bint Khalid bin Hamad Al-Thani. b. September 2009.
b) Shaikha Moza bint Khalid bin Hamad Al-Thani. b. September 2010.
7) H.H. Shaikh ‘Abdu’llah bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Deputy Amir of Qatar. b. at Doha, 9th February 1988 (s/o Shaikha Noura), educ. Qatar Acad, and Georgetown Univ Sch of Foreign Service (BSc 2010), Doha. Appointed as Deputy Amir with the style of His Highness by his elder brother, 11th November 2014. Chief of the Amiri Diwan (with the rank of Minister) and General Supervisor of the Private Amiri Diwan since 2011. Presdt Al-Rayyan Sports Club. Chair Qatar Satellite Co since 2011. Dir International Bank of Qatar, QSC, and Vodafone Qatar QSC since 2011. m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 22nd March 2012, H.E. Shaikha al-Maha bint Muhammad Al-Attiyah, educ. Qatar Univ Coll of Engineering & Computer Science, Doha, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin ‘Abdu’llah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, Premier and Chair of the Administrative Control & Transparency Authority. He has issue, two sons:
a) Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Hamad Al-Thani.
b) Shaikh Tamim bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 3rd March 2015.
8) H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 18th April 1988 (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad and Georgetown Univ Sch of Foreign Service (BSc 2009), Doha, and Harvard Univ, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Sometime interim Deputy Minister for the Interior. Chair Supreme Cttee of Qatar 2022. Capt Qatar Equestrian Team 2006.
9) H.E. Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. b. at Doha, November 1991 (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad, Doha.
10) H.E. Shaikh Thani bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noura).
11) H.E. Shaikh Al-Qa’qa bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noura).
2) H.E. Shaikha Al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad, Doha, and Duke Univ (BA 2005), Durham, North Carolina, USA. Chair Reach Out to Asia (ROTA) Appeal Fund since 2005, and The Council of Trustees of Qatar Museums Authority (QMA) since 2005. Vice-Chair Doha 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Bid Cttee since 2010. Dir Fitch Qatar since 2006. m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 6th January 2006, as his first wife, Shaikh Jasim bin ‘Abdu’l Aziz Al-Thani, elder son of Shaikh ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Jasim bin Hamad Al-Thani. She has issue, four sons and one daughter – see above.
3) H.E. Shaikha Hussah bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mariam), educ. Qatar Acad, Doha, and Saratoga Univ, San Jose, California, USA (grad 2005).
4) H.E. Shaikha Hind bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, DCVO (26.10.2010). b. 15th August 1984 (d/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad, Doha, and Duke Univ (BA 2005), Durham, North Carolina, USA, and Univ Coll, London (MA 2007). Joined the staff of the Amir‘s Office 2007, Dir of the Amir’s Office since 2008. Chair Exec Ctee and the Joint Oversight Brd of the Coll of the North Atlantic-Qatar, and the Brds of Dirs of the Global Social Responsibility Alliance. Co-Chair Joint Advisory Board of Northwestern Univ in Qatar. Mbr Governing Council of Interpeace. m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 2nd April 2010, Shaikh Faisal bin Thani Al-Thani.
5) H.E. Shaikha Lulwa’a bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Noura). m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, April 2009, Shaikh Jasim Al-Thani.
6) H.E. Shaikha Sara bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mariam). Program Coordinator Reach Out to Asia-Qatar (ROTAQ).
2013 H.H. Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar. b. at Doha, 3rd June 1980, fourth son of H.H. Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani [Abu Mashal], Amir of the State of Qatar, GCB, GCMG, by his second wife, H.H. Shaikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Misnad, DBE, educ. Sherborne Sch, Dorset, Harrow Sch, Mdsx, and RMA Sandhurst. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Qatar Armed Forces 1998. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Crown Prince and style of His Highness 5th August 2003. Deputy C-in-C Qatar Armed Forces 2003-2013. Chair Supreme Councils for the Environment and Natural Reserves, for Education, and for Information & Communication Technology. Chair Public Works Authority, Urban Planning & Development Authority, Qatar Investment Authority, the Board of Regents of Qatar Univ, and Doha Asian Games Organising Cttee (DAGOC) 2006. Presdt Qatar National Olympic Cttee. Deputy Chair Ruling Family Council and Supreme Cttee for Co-ordination & Follow Up 2003-2013. Vice-Presdt Supreme Council for Economic Affairs & Investment 2003-2013. Head of Doha 2020 Olympic Bid Cttee. Mbr International Olympic Cttee (IOC), “Sports for All”, etc. Succeeded on the abdication of his father and formally installed as Amir of the State of Qatar, at Doha, 25th June 2013. Rcvd: the Collar of Merit of the State of Qatar (5.8.2003), and the Collars of the Shaikh Zaid bin Sultan Al-Nahyan Order of Honour of the UAE (6.1.2005), and Mubarak the Great of Kuwait (28.10.2013), the Orders of Khalifa Distinguished Class of Bahrain (23.2.2004), Nila Utama 1st class of Singapore (16.3.2009), GO of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France (4.2.2010), etc. m. (first) at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 8th January 2005, H.H. Shaikha Jawahar bint Hamad Al-Thani, Chief Patron Hima Fund, Patron ‘My Country‘s Bird’ Project, etc, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Hamad bin Suhaim bin Hamad bin ‘Abdu’llah Al-Thani, sometime Minister of State without portfolio, by his first wife, Shaikha Hessa bint Ahmad Al-Thani daughter of Shaikh Ahmad bin Saif Al-Thani. m. (second) at Doha, 3rd March 2009, Shaikha Al-Anoud bint Mana Al-Hajri (b. 1990), daughter of H.E. Mana bin ‘Abdu’l Hadi Al-Hajri, sometime Qatari Ambassador to Jordan. m. (third) at Doha, 25th February 2014 (div. there 24th July 2017?), Shaikha Dr Noora bint Hazal Al-Rajabani Al-Dosari. m. (fourth) another lady from the Al-Thani family. He has issue, six sons and four daughters:
1) H.E. Shaikh Hamad bin Tamim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 10th October 2008 (s/o Jawahar).
2) H.E. Shaikh Jasim bin Tamim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 12th June 2012 (s/o Jawahar).
3) H.E. Shaikh ‘Abdu’llah bin Tamim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 29th September 2012 (s/o Anoud).
4) H.E. Shaikh Joa’an bin Tamim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 27th March 2015 (s/o Noora).
5) H.E. Shaikh al-Qaqa bin Tamim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. 3rd October 2015 (s/o Anoud).
6) H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin Tamim Al-Hamad Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 17th July 2017 (s/o Noora).
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: