Tau-niua. m. Ha'apai-taha'a-vahine, former wife of Va-ave-roa, third son of Maua, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, and eldest daughter of Ari'i-rua, of Ra'iatea, by his wife, Tetua-nui-i-tahu-ea. He had issue, three sons:
1) Te-Ari'i Fa'atau (s/o Ha'apai-taha'a-vahine). m. Varivari-vahine, former wife of Ro'otama, and eldest daughter of Rofa'i, by his wife, Marama. He had issue, seven sons and one daughter:
a) Aue (s/o Varivari-vahine).
b) Mairo (s/o Varivari-vahine).
c) Ahu-rari (s/o Varivari-vahine).
d) Te-upo'o-pa'ari (s/o Varivari-vahine).
e) Maro-ni'au (s/o Varivari-vahine).
f) Tau-mai (s/o Varivari-vahine).
g) Te-ha'amana (s/o Varivari-vahine).
h) Mo'o-hono (d/o Varivari-vahine).
2) Mano-tahi (s/o Ha'apai-taha'a-vahine). m. (first) Te-i'oa-tua. m. (second) Fare-tou. He had issue, three sons and two daughters:
a) Ta'o-ata, Ari'i-rahi Consort of Bora Bora (s/o Te-i'oa-tua). m. Maeva-rua, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, daughter of Uru-a-tu, by his wife, Tetua-ti'i-roa. He had issue, one son and two daughters - see below.
b) Metua-'aro (s/o Te-i'oa-tua).
c) Mahuru (s/o Fare-tou).
d) Te-tu-paia (d/o Te-i'oa-tua).
e) Te-na-ni'a (d/o Te-i'oa-tua).
3) Tino-rua (s/o Ha'apai-taha'a-vahine).
Maeva-rua I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, daughter of Uru-a-tu, by his wife, Tetua-ti'i-roa. m. Ta'o-ata, Ari'i-rahi Consort of Bora Bora, eldest son of Mano-tahi, by his first wife, Te-i'oa-tua. m. She had issue, one son and two daughters:
1) Te-Ari'i Noho-rai Tapoa I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora - see below.
1) Rere-ao Vahine. m. 'Ote, of Hitia'a. She had issue, three daughters:
a) Moea-vahine.
b) Teri'i-tua-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Hitia'a. m. Te-'ohu (d. 1863). She d.s.p. 3rd June 1849, having adopted Prince Joinville Pomare as her son and successor - see Tahiti (Tahiti 3).
c) Nara'i-vahine.
2) Vaea Pere-ra Vahine. m. as his first wife, Mahine Te-hei-'ura, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (b. ca. 1761), second son of Mato Teri'i-te Po Are'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine. m. (first) as her second husband, Te-ha'apapa I Fatu'ara'i Te-i'oa-tua Teri'i-tari'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, widow of his elder brother, Rohi-a-nu'u, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. m. (second) after 1763, Te-tu-ave-roa, daughter of Mo'o-hono, High Priest of Huahine. She had issue - see Tahiti (Huahine).
17xx - 1812 Te-Ari'i Noho-rai Tapoa I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, eldest son of Maeva-rua I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, by her husband, Ta'o-ata, Ari'i-rahi Consort of Bora Bora. A great warrior, he invaded and subdued Taha'a and Ra'iatea for a time, but was forced to retire to Bora Bora. m. Ai-mata, daughter of Pa, of Bora Bora. He d. 1812, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
1) Tapoa II, Ari'i-rahi of Taha'a and Bora Bora - see below.
1) Te-Ari'i Maeva-rua-vahine. She d. 1809, having had issue.
1812 - 1860 Tapoa II, Ari'i-rahi of Taha'a and Bora Bora. b. ca. 1806, only son of Te-ari'i-noho-rai'i Tapoa I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, by his wife, Ai-mata, daughter of Pa, of Bora Bora. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1812. Styled Prince Consort (Pomare-Tane) of Tahiti with the style of His Royal Highness, December 1822 to 1834. m. (first) at Huahine, December 1822 (sep. 1829, div. 1834?), H.M. 'Aimatta Pomare IV Vahine-o-Punuateraitua, Queen of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies (b. at Pare, 28th February 1813; m. second, 5th December 1832, H.R.H. Prince Te-na-ni'a Ari'i-Fa'aite-a-Hiro, and d. at Papeete, 17th September 1877 (bur. Royal Mausoleum, Papa'oa, Arue), only surviving daughter of H.M. Tu Tunuiea'aite-a-tua Pomare II, King of Tahiti, by his second wife, H.M. Queen Te-ri'to'-o-te-rai Tere Moemoe Pomare-vahine. m. (second) Tapoa-vahine, from a noble family of junior rank. He d.s.p. March 1860, having adopted Princess Teari'i-maeva-rua, the only surviving daughter of his first wife as his heiress and successor:
H.R.H. Princess Teari'i-maeva-rua I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora - see below.
1860 - 1873 H.R.H. Princess Teari'i-maeva-rua I, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora. b. at Ra'iatea, 23rd May 1841, eldest daughter of H.M. 'Aimatta Pomare IV Vahine-o-Punuateraitua, Queen of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies, by her second husband, H.R.H. Prince Te-na-ni'a Ari'i-Fa'aite-a-Hiro [Pomare-Tane], educ. privately. Succeeded her mother's former husband as Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, 26th July 1860. Crowned by The Rev Platt, 3rd August 1860. m. at Papeete, 28th February 1866, Tapua Te-maui-Ari'i Ha'amanahia-a-mai (b. at Fa'aa, 1849, m. second, 1885, Tehuiari'i-a-Mai-vahine, and d. at Papeete, 1911 leaving six children by his second wife), eldest son of Te-He-papai Ma-hea-nu'u-a-Mai, of Fa'aa, Judge of the High Court, Pastor and Mbr. Supreme Cncl. of Churches, by his wife, Teri'i Tau-ma-ite-ra'i Tepau-a-Tati Ma-hea-nu'u-vahine, Ari'i of Fa'aa, youngest daughter of Tetapu-a-Ta'aroa [Tepa'u], the eldest son of Tati Taura-atua-i-Patea, Ari'i-rahi of Papara. She d.s.p. at Bora Bora, 12th February 1873, having adopted her niece:
H.R.H. Princess Ari'i-'Otare Teari'i-maeva-rua II, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora - see below.
1873 - [1932] H.R.H. Princess Ari'i-'Otare Teari'i-maeva-rua II, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora. b. 28th May 1871, third daughter of H.R.H. Prince Tamatoa-a-tu [Tamatoa V], Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea and Taha'a, by his wife, H.R.H. Princess Moe-a-Mai. Succeeded on the death of her aunt as Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, 12th February 1873. Deposed by the French, 19th March 1888. m. at Bora Bora, 9th January 1884 (div. 1887), H.R.H. Prince Teri'i Hinoi-a-tua Pomare, Ari'i-rahi of Hitia'a (b. 2nd August 1869; d. 28th May 1916), eldest son of H.R.H. Prince Teri'i-tua Tuariva [Joinville], Ari'i-rahi of Hitia'a, by his wife Isabelle Vahine-tua-vira [H.R.H. Princess Joinville], Ari'i of Arue, natural daughter of William Shaw - see below. She d.s.p. at Bora Bora, 19th November 1932, having adopted her two younger step daughters:
1) H.R.H. Princess Rehu-rehu Tuheiava. Adopted by Teari'i-maeva-rua II, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora. She adopted the only daughter of her eldest sister, Princess Tetuanuimoeari'i Tetuanuitarahoi Moearu, and her husband, William I. Cowan:
Te-vahine Ahu'ura Vaiotaha. Adopted by her aunt, Princess Rehu-rehu.
2) H.R.H. Princess Itia Tuheiava. Adopted by Teari'i-maeva-rua II, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora. She adopted the only son of her eslest sister, Princess Tetuanuimoeari'i Tetuanuitarahoi Moearu, and her husband, William I. Cowan:
a) Tunuiea'aiteatua Pomare Ari'i Tarahoi Alxander Cowan. Adopted by his aunt, Princess Itia.