Mau'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, only son of Ari'i-mao, of Ra'iatea, by his wife, Te-'e'eva, daughter of Teri'i Tahi, of Papara - see Tahiti (Ra'iatea). m. Te-atua-nui-marama, of Huahine. He had issue, four sons and three daughters:
1) Rohi-a-nu'u, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine - see below.
2) Moe-tu.
3) Va-ave-roa. m. Hapai-taha'a (m. second, Tau-niua), eldest daughter of Ari'i-rua, by his wife, Tetua-nui-i-tahu-ea. He had issue, one son:
a) Metua-aro.
4) Mato Teri'i-te Po Are'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine. m. (first) Te-tu-ave-roa, daughter of Mo'o-hono, High Priest of Huahine. m. (second) as her second husband, Te-ha'apapa I Fatu'ara'i Teri'i-tari'a Te-i'oa-tua-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, widow of his elder brother, Rohi-a-nu'u, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. m. (third) Tetuanui, daughter of Teri'i Marotea, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora. He had issue, three sons and two daughters:
a) Te-na-ni'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (s/o Te-tu-ave-roa) - see below.
b) Mahine Te-hei-'ura, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (s/o Te-tu-ave-roa) - see below.
c) Teri'i-tari'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (s/o Te-ha'apapa I) - see below.
a) Tu-ra'i-Ari'i Ehe-vahine (d/o Te-ha'apapa I). m. Tamatoa-fa'o [Tamatoa IV], Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea, eighth son of Vete'a-ra'I Uru, by his second wife, Rere-ao, of Bora Bora. She had issue, one son and five daughters - see Tahiti (Ra'iatea).
b) Rere-ao (d/o Te-tu-ave-roa).
1) Tu-ra'i-Ari'i-vahine. An ancestor of the Pomare dynasty.
2) Vari-vari-vahine. m. Te-Ari'i-fa'atau, son of Tau-niua, by his wife, Hapai-taha'a, eldest daughter of Ari'i-rua. She had issue, seven sons and one daughter.
3) Fa'a-rau-rau-vahine [Fa'a-o-roma'i].
Rohi-a-nu'u, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, eldest son of Mau'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, by his wife, Te-atua-nui- marama, of Huahine. m. Te-ha'apapa I Fatu'ara'i Teri'i-tari'a Te-i'oa-tua-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (m. second, her husband's younger brother, Mato Teri'i Tepoara'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine - see below). He had issue, one son:
1) Teri'i-tari'a.
17xx - 17xx Teri'i-tari'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. b. ca. 1763, youngest of Mato Teri'i-te Po Are'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine, by his second wife, Te-ha'apapa I Fatu'ara'i Teri'i-tari'a Te-i'oa-tua-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. Succeeded on the death of his uncle. Usurped by his elder half-brothers.
17xx - 1814 Te-na-ni'a, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, eldest son of Mato Teri'i-te Po Are'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine, by his first wife, Te-tu-ave-roa, daughter of Mo'o-hono, High Priest of Huahine. Deposed his younger half-brother, and assumed sovereignty jointly with his younger brother. m. (first) Tohe-ma'i Te-heu-atua. m. (second) before 1810, H.M. Queen Tetua-nui Rei-i-te Ra'iatea [Itia] (b. 1744; d. 1814), former wife of H.M. Tu-nui-ea-i-te Atua-i-Tarahoi Vaira'atoa Taina [Outu] Pomare I, King of Tahiti, daughter of Teihotu-i-Ahurai, by his wife, Vavea, daughter of Punua Teraitua [Nu'urua]. He d. 1814, having had issue, two daughters:
2) Teri'i-a'e-tua-vahine (d/o 'Itia). She d. young.
1814 - 1838 Mahine Te-hei-'ura, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. b. ca. 1761 , second son of Mato Teri'i-te Po Are'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine, by his first wife, Te-tu-ave-roa, daughter of Mo'o-hono, High Priest of Huahine. Deposed his younger half-brother, and assumed sovereignty jointly with his younger brother. m. (first) Vaea Pere-ra, younger daughter of Ta'o-ata, Ari'i-rahi of Bora Bora, by his wife, Maeva-rua, daughter of Uru-a-tu. m. (second) Tetua-apua, a commoner, who's children were all consequently strangled at birth. m. (third) Tao'a, Ari'i-rahi of Fareihi, in Huahine. m. (fourth) Mahine-vahine (d.s.p.). He d. at Huahine, 2nd February 1838, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
1) Ta'aroa-ari'i (s/o Tao'a). m. Te-mata-fainu'u-vahine, daughter of Me-hao, by his first wife, Taura'a. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
a) Te-uru-ra'i Ari'i-mate, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (s/o Te-mata-fainu'u) - see below.
a) Ma'i-hara Te-ma-ri'i Ari'i-peu-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (d/o Te-mata-fainu'u) - see below.
1) Tu-'ai-tara (d/o Pere-ra). She d. young.
1852 Teri'i Tari'a II Ari'i-paea-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. b. 1790, eldest daughter of Tamatoa IV, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea, by his wife, Tu-ra'i-Ari'i E-he-vahine, eldest daughter of Mato Teri'i-te Po Are'i, High Priest of Ra'iatea and Huahine. Regent of Tahiti for her step-son King Pomare III 7th December 1821 to 8th January 1827. m. (first) as his fourth wife, H.M. Tu Tunuiea'aite-a-tua Pomare II, King of Tahiti (b. 1774; d. at Motu Uta, 7th December 1821, bur. Royal Mausoleum, Papa'oa, Arue), eldest surviving son of H.M. Tu-nui-ea-i-te Atua-i-Tarahoi Vaira'atoa Taina [Outu] Pomare I, King of Tahiti, by his first wife, H.M. Queen Tetua-nui Rei-i-te Ra'iatea [Itia], daughter of Teihotu-i-Ahurai. m. (second) Ari'i-paea. She d.s.p. at Papeete, 1858, having adopted King Pomare V as her successor.
1852 - 1854 Ma'i-hara Te-ma-ri'i Ari'i-peu-vahine, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. b. on Huahine, 1822, only daughter of Ta'aroa-ari'i, by his wife, Te-mata-fainu'u-vahine, daughter of Me-hao. Deposed by her brother, 18th March 1854. m. Paraupapaa Te-ra-tane Ari'i-peu-a-Hiro, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, younger son of Ari'i-peu-a-Hiro, by his wife, Princess Te-iho-tu Ta-ve'a-vahine, youngest daughter of Tamatoa IV, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea. She d. at Arue, 22nd October 1877, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
1) Ta'aroa-ari'i Te-ra-tane Ari'i-peu-a-Hiro. b. 1850, Ari'i of Arue September 1877-1888. Pastor. m. Tahi-toe-vahine, of Ra'iatea. He d. 1888, having had issue, a son:
a) Tahi-toe, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea and Taha'a - see below.
1) 'Ai'mata-vahine.
2) Te-iho-tu-vahine.
1854 - 1868 Te-uru-ra'i Ari'i-mate, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, only son of Ta'aroa-ari'i, by his wife, Te-mata-fainu'u-vahine, daughter of Me-hao. Deposed his sister and assumed the sovereignty, 18th March 1854. Deposed in favour of his wife, 1868. m. (first) ca. 1836, Te-ha'apapa II, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (d. 7th August 1891), elder daughter of Moe-'ore Teri'i Tino-rua Te-ari'i Noho-ra'i, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea and Huahine, by his wife, Mahuti Harua-po-a-te-varua-metua, a commoner from Papeari, in Tahiti. m. (second) Te-ra-tane Ari'i-peu-vahine, daughter of Ari'i-peu-a-Hiro, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, by his wife, Princess Te-ihotu Ta-ve'a, daughter of Tamatoa IV, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea. He d. 14th April 1874, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
1868 - 1888 Te-ha'apapa II, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, elder daughter of Moe-'ore Teri'i Tino-rua Te-ari'i Noho-ra'i, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea and Huahine, by his wife, Mahuti Harua-po-a-te-varua-metua. Raised to the Chieftaincy on the deposition of her husband, 1868. Deposed on the annexation of Huahine by the French, 16th March 1888. m. ca. 1836, Te-uru-ra'i Ari'i-mate, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine (d. 14th April 1874), son of Te-mata-fainu'u, by his wife, Ta'aroa-ari'i, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, daughter of Mahine Te-hei-'ura, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. She d. 7th August 1891, having had issue, four sons and eight daughters:
1) Marama Teri'i-fa'atau-a-Te-'uru-rai. Regent of Huahine for his daughter, 22nd February 1888. b. at Huahine, 17th December 1851. m. (first) Te-tua-marama Te-ramana-Ari'i-a-Te-'uru-Ari'i, daughter of the Ari'i of Rurutu. m. (second) at Tefarerii, 30th April 1907, Te-tua-nui-marama, daughter of Ati-ti-o-roi, Ari'i of Papeno'o. He d. at Tefarerii, 7th June 1909, having had issue, four sons and four daughters:
a) Amai-te-ra'i (s/o Te-tua-marama). He d. before 1905.
b) Te-uru-ra'i.
c) Teri'i Teporou-'a-rai. He d. before 1905.
d) Teri'i Hoatapu-i-te-ra'i.
a) Teri'i-na-vaha-roa Teri'i Ta-tia Te-ha'apapa III, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine - see below.
b) Te-anu-nui-ata-vahine.
c) Te-mata-'ura-Ari'i-vahine. She d. before 1905.
d) Tetua-marama-vahine.
2) Te-uru-ra'i Ari'i-mate Tamatoa VI, Ari'i-rahi of Ra'iatea and Taha'a - see Tahiti (Ra'iatea).
3) Teri'i Te-po-rou-'a-ra'i. b. at Tefarerii, 1857. m. Piho. He d. at Huahine, 14th March 1899, having had issue, four sons and four daughters:
a) Te-uira-ari'i.
b) Taumi-hau.
c) Auta'o.
d) Ahu-pu.
a) Ireni-vahine.
b) Mate-rua-vahine.
c) Tetua-nui-vahine.
d) Ra'i-hau-vahine.
4) Fatino Te-tua-nui-marae-ta'ata. m. Tetua-mere-tini-a-Ari'i-tiria, daughter of Taea-tua, of Vaira'o, in Tahiti, by his wife, Teri'i Ta-va-roa. He had issue, four sons and three daughters:
a) Utami. b. at Pueu, 19th October 1885. He d. at Papeete, 6th March 1947.
b) Tu-tea-ari'i. b. at Pueu, 9th September 1888. He d. 9th June 1935.
c) Tu-mata-roa. b. at Pueu, 23rd February 1890. Served in the French Pacific Btn. during the Great War. He was k. 1918.
d) Toa. b. at Pueu, 8th October 1895. He d. at Tautira, 21st November 1924.
a) Hapai-taha'a-vahine. b. at Pueu, 15th February 1894. m. at Pueu, 13th October 1923, Orei-a-Tevatoto.
b) Tau-tu Mo'e-roa-vahine. b. at Pueu, 7th October 1892. She d. at Pueu, 27th May 1967.
c) Tetua-nui-vahine.
1) Te-mari'i-a-Teurura'i Ma'i-hara Te-uhe, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine - see below.
2) Te-ari'i-fa'aite-vahine. She d. young.
3) Te-rerera'a-tu'a Tapiria-vahine. b. at Huahine, ca. 1850. She d. at Arue, 25th October 1888, having had issue, an only daughter:
a) Te-mata-fa'ainu'u-vahine. She d. young.
4) Vaira'a-toa-vahine. m. and had issue, one son and one daughter:
a) Tahi-mana-ari'i. He d. before 1905.
a) Ehe. She d. before 1905, having had issue, five children.
5) Ari'i-ati-tai-vahine. She d. young.
6) Tu-ra'i-ari'i-vahine. She had issue, four sons and one daughter:
a) Ta-va'ea-ra'i.
b) Tu-tei-ra-Ari'i.
c) Te-'unu.
d) Mato.
a) Te-mari'i-vahine.
7) Teri'i-na-vaho-roa Te-hei-'uru-rai-vahine. b. at Huahine, 1866. m. at Papeete, 19th January 1896, Etienne Alexandre (b. 1871; d. December 1918), son of Alexis Alexandre, of Tipaerui, by his wife, Victoire, elder daughter of Antoine Vidal, of Teahupoo, Papeete. She had issue, five sons and three daughters:
a) Teri'i-hiti-mai-te-ra.
b) Maru-ra'i.
c) Tava'e-ra'i.
d) Tu-manu-tea.
e) Te-mata'i-ato-Ari'i.
One of these sons was also named Alphonse Alexandre. Corporal French Pacific Btn., and served in the Great War. Rcvd: Military Medal. He was k-i-a. unm. at Saconin, Aisne, France, 20th July 1918.
Another son was also named Alexis Alexandre. He also served as a Corporal in the French Pacific Btn., and served in the Great War.
a) Tau-tiare-vahine.
b) Te-'ura-ma-te-ata-vahine.
c) Tetua-nui-vahine.
8) Te-fa'aora-vahine. m. and left issue, one son and two daughters:
a) Te-ma-ri'i.
a) Te-fa'aora-vahine.
b) Tau-vavau-vahine.
1888 - 1890 Te-mari'i-a-Teurura'i Ma'i-hara Te-uhe, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. b. at Huahine, ca. 1838, eldest daughter of Te-ha'apapa II, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine, by her husband, Te-uru-ra'i Ari'i-mate, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. Proclaimed as Ari'i-rahi Te-uhe during an insurrection against the French, 22nd February 1888. Fled to Tahiti to seek protection under her former husband, Pomare V, 22nd July 1890. m. (first) as his first wife, at Huahine,11th November 1857 (div. 5th August 1861), H.M. Pomare V, King of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies (b. at Afa'ahiti, 3rd November 1839; d. at the Royal Palace, Papeete, 12th June 1891, bur. Tomb of the King, Utu'ai'ai, Arue), eldest surviving son of H.M. Pomare IV Vahine-o-Punuateraitua, Queen of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies, by her second husband, H.R.H. Prince Te-na-ni'a Ari'i-Fa'aite [Pomare-Tane], Prince Consort of Tahiti, by whom she had issue one son and one daughter - see Tahiti. m. (second) 26th November 1877, Afai-au-Tatahi, from the Tuamotus. She d.s.p.l. at Papeete, 21st August 1891, having had issue, an only daughter:
1) Te-na-ina. b. 1st September 1862. She d. young.
1890 - 1893 interregnum?
1893 -1895 Teri'i-na-vaha-roa Teri'i Ta-tia Te-ha'apapa III, Ari'i-rahi of Huahine. b. at Fare, 8th August 1879, eldest daughter of Marama Teri'i-fa'atau-a-Te-'uru-rai, Regent of Huahine, by his first wife, Te-tua-marama Te-ramana-Ari'i-a-Te-'uru-Ari'i, daughter of the Ari'i of Rurutu. Crowned with the reign name of Te-ha'apapa III, 1893. Deposed when Huahine was annexed by the French, September 1895. m. (firs) at Fare, 15th May 1895 (div. 6th August 1897), Teri'i-te-vae-a-ra'i-a-Mai, a descendant of the Mai family of Bora Bora. She d. at Fare, 27th April 1917, having had issue, an only son by her first husband:
1) Ari'i of Fare. b. at Fare, 1896.
Ari'i-rahi Te-ha'apapa III, also had further issue, eleven natural children through an irregular union with Tinitua-a-Tu-Ari'i-hi-ona, one of whom left a descendant: