Tu-nui-e-a’e-i-te Atua Tutaha [Ari‘i-paea Faofaofa], Ari‘i of Pare and Arue and Head of the Te Porionu’u *, son of Tetumatauroa, Ana’a Atoll, by his wife, Tetua-nui. A famous warrior on the island of Tuamotu, who established control over the Fakarava atoll, but following a reversal of fortunes he migrated with his family to Tahiti during the early part of the eighteenth century. He settled at Ta’aone, in the district of Pirae, where he became and intimate friend and associate of Ari‘i Manahiti of the Porionu’u clan, who adopted him and settled his titles and territories on Tu at his death. m. Te-ra’i-atua [Te-’ura-o-te-atua], of Te Potuari-marae [Puna’auia], eldest daughter of Tu-hei-arii, of Tuamotua, by his wife, Teri’i-e-’ura. He had issue, a son:
1) Teuruarii. m. Marurai. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
a) Tu-nui-e-a’e-i-te Atua Ta’aroa-manahune Teu [Tu-moe-hania], Ari‘i of Pare and Arue and Head of the Te Porionu’u. b. ca. 1705. m. (first) Tetua-huria [Tetua-e Huri-i-Taiarapu-vahine], daughter of Vehi-atua-i-te-mata’i, Ari‘irahi of Te-ahu-upo’o [Taiarapu]. m. (second) Tetua-umeretini-i-Vairao [Mataitatia] of Marae Nu’utere, from the family of the chiefs of Mataoae. He d. ca 1767, having had issue, four sons and three daughters:
i) Tu-nui-e-a’e-i-te Atua Tei-homo’eroa-i-Matahihae Teu Hapai, Ari‘i of Pare and Arue and Head of the Te Porionu’u. b. ca. 1728 (s/o Tetua-e Huira). m. ca. 1740, Tetua-i-huri Te-tu-paia-vahine, Ari‘i of Opoa, eldest daughter of Tamatoa III, Ari‘irahi of Ra’iatea, by his first wife, Mai-he’a. He d. at Arue, 23rd November 1802, having had issue, four sons and four daughters:
(1) Tu-nui-e-aa-i-te Atua-i-Tarahoi Vaira’atoa Teina Mate, who became H.M. Pomare I, King of Tahiti (s/o Te-tu-paia) – see below.
(2) Teri’i-fa’atau Pomare a Tu Ari‘i-paea Vehiatua, Ari‘i of Pare. b. 1759 (s/o Te-tu-paia). Granted the title of Ari‘i-paea, 1780. Viceroy of Te-peva under his brother, King Pomare I. He instigated the attack on the Bounty at Matavai Bay, 6th February 1789. m. Ari‘i-paea Vahine Metua [Ino Metua] Teri’i-tua-i-Hitia’a (b. ca. 1762; m. second, before 1802, Te-tamai-ia-Rua, and d.s.p.m.), the principal great chieftainess in Tahiti and Morea who transferred her rights, but not her precedence to Pomare I and then his son Pomare II in 1790, eldest daughter of Aromaiterai (II), of Papara. He d. 1797.
(3) Te Tupuai-o-te-ra’i Pa’iti-a Vaetua Maioro, Ari‘i of Ha’apaino’o. b. 1763 (s/o Te-tu-paia). He d. September 1803.
(4) Te-pa’u Ari‘i-i-Tarahoi, Ari‘i of Fa’a’a. b. 1769 (s/o Te-tu-paia). He d. before March 1797.
(2) Tetua te ‘Ahura’i Ari‘i-paea-vahine Fataua. b. ca. 1750 (d/o Te-tu-paia). She d. 1790.
(3) Tetua-te-hamai-vahine. b. after 1751 (d/o Te-tu-paia). She d. young.
(4) Auo Terereatua Vau’o-vahine, Ari‘i of Ha’apaino’o. b. ca 1768 (d/o Te-tu-paia). m. (first) before 1782, Teri’i Tapunui Metua’aro Mahau Ta’aro-ari‘i, Ari‘irahi of Mo’orea and Ari‘i of Varari (d. at Matavai, 12th January 1792), son of Teihotu-i-Ahurai, by his wife Vavea Tetua-nui-rei-a-ite Ra’iatea, daughter of Punua Teraitua-i-Nu‘urua, of Mo’orea. m. (second) 1792/1797, Mauroa, a petty chief. She d. March 1808, having had issue, one son and two daughters, by her first husband:
(a) Metua’aro, Ari‘irahi of Mo’orea. b. 1788. Succeeded as Ari‘irahi of Mo’orea on the death of his father, 12th January 1792. Reigned under the regency of his mother until deposed by Pomare I in 1793. Appointed as Ari‘i of Ahonu, in Tahiti, in exchange.
(a) H.M. Queen Tetua-nui Taro-vahine, Ari‘i of Varari. b. 1782. Succeeded as Ari‘i of Varari on the death of her father, 12th January 1792. m. before March 1797 (betrothed January 1792), as his first wife, H.M. Tu Tunuiea’aite-a-tua Pomare II, By the grace of God, King of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies (b. 1782; d. at Motu Uta, Moorea, 7th December 1821 (bur. Pomare Royal Cemetery, Papa’oa, Arue), eldest son of H.M. Tu-nui-ea’a-i-te-Atua-i-Tarahoi Vaira’atoa Taina [Outu] Pomare I, King of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies, by his second wife, H.M. Queen Tetua-nui-rei-a-ite Ra’iatea-i-Nu’urua [Itia], Ari‘irahi of Varari, eldest surviving daughter of Teihotu-i-Ahurai. She d.s.p.l. at Arue, 21st July 1806 (bur. Pomare Royal Cemetery, Papa’oa, Arue), having had issue several children by common men (all strangled at birth as a consequence) – see below.
(b) Terano. b. 1788. m. H.R.H. Teri’i Tapa-nui Vehiatua VIII Teri’i -na-vaho-roa-tane, Ari‘irahi of Taiarapu (b. 1786; d. from tuberculosis, at Pare, 19th June 1803) second son of H.M. Tu-nui-ea’a-i-te-Atua-i-Tarahoi Vaira’atoa Taina [Outu] Pomare I, King of Tahiti, Moorea and its dependencies, by his second wife, H.M. Queen Tetua-nui-rei-a-ite Ra’iatea-i-Nu’urua [Itia], Ari‘irahi of Varari, eldest surviving daughter of Teihotu-i-Ahurai – see below.
iii) Te Fana Mua-i-Tarahoi Tefana-nui-a-huri-taua (s/o Tetua-umeretini). m. Fanautuoro. He had issue, one son and two daughters:
(1) Tehahatu Pomare a Tu Vaira’atoa. b. ca 1759. Chief Justice of Taiarapu and District Judge of Tautira 1826-1832. m. (first) Haururu Anae, from Ahui, in Tautira district. m. (second) a lady from the Tau family of Papara. He d. at Tautira, March 1832, having had issue, a son and a daughter by his first and a son by his second wife:
(a) Hamarura’i Vaira’atoa Pomare a Tu Ari‘i-paea Haumure, Ari‘i of Atimaono. b. 1819 (s/o Haururu). ADC to the Prince Consort. Initially opposed the French in 1844 but later submitted to Bruat and appointed as Ari‘irahi of Porionu’u 26th November 1846. Suspended for three months, December 1849. Retired 15th May 1879. m. at Pirae, 1843, Tetua-nui-mata’uta’u a Afa’ita’ata a Temaehuatea, a niece of the Regent Paraita Teri’itanoa a Temaehuatea. He d.s.p. 11th November 1896.
(b) Ruatepua Pomare a Tu Taimetua Fanau’e. b. at Atimaono, 1831 (s/o the second wife). Adopted by Fanau’e a Aro’a of Mahaena. Joined in the insurrection against the French in 1846-1846 and submitted to Bruat 1847. He d. at Hitia, after 1878.
(a) Fa’atere’au Te’eva-vahine Teri‘ifa’atau a Vaira’atoa Pomare a Tu. b. 1823 (d/o Haururu). m. (first) 1837, as his first wife, Tahitoe, Ari‘i-rahi of Ra‘iatea and Taha’a (b. at Pare, Huahine, 1813; d. 1881), only son of Hihipa Tahitoe, by his wife, Teopua. m. (second), Ta’atari’i Tairapa a Hou, sometime Chief Justice of Mo’orea. She d. at Papeete, Tahiti, 3rd July 1871, having had issue, one son and five daughters by her first (see Raiatea), two sons by her second and a further child by a liason with a Frenchman:
(i) Umarea Ta’atari’i.
(ii) Teuratuihotu Pupere Ta’atari’i. b. at Maharepa, Mo’orea, 1860. He d. at Arue, Tahiti, 3rd December 1918.
b) Tutaha Ha’amanemane [Hercules], Ari‘i of Atahuru. b. ca. 1708. He was instrumental in advancing the cause of his great nephew and securing his rise to supreme power by defeating Purea and Amo at Papara in December 1768. He then carried off the standard and feathered girdle from the Marae of Tooarai and Mahaiatea, placed it in the Marae of Maraetaata in Attahuru and forced them to recognise Pomare’s right to the sacred girdle or Maro-ura. Deputy or Viceroy for Pomare in Pare until his own death. Received Cook and Banks in great state and splendour in 1769. He was k. in battle, at the Isthmus of Taravao, Taiarapu, March 1773 (bur. Tarahoi).
* Although at least two lists of predecessors survive (see Henry), neither the gender of all the individuals named, nor their relationship to one another can be established with any degree of clarity. Few, if any, of the names on one list correspond with those on the other. When they do, the intervening generations can differ by up to five. Therefore, I have decided to omit any reference to any of them here.