The Al Bu-Said Dynasty


continued from the previous page.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
1911 - 1960 H.H. Sultan Sayyid Sir Khalifa II bin Harub, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCB (c 5.10.1956), GCMG (22.12.1936, KCMG 1.1.1914), GBE (c 3.6.1935, KBE c 1.1.1919). b. at Muscat, Oman, 26th August 1879, only son of Sayyid Harub bin Thuwaini Al-Said, of Muscat, by his wife, Sayyida Turkiya bint Turki Al-Sa’idiyah, former wife of H.H. Sultan Sayyid Hamad bin Thuwaini, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCSI, and eldest daughter of H.H. Sayyid Turki bin Sa’id, Sultan of Muscat and Oman and dependencies, GCSI, educ. privately. Settled in Zanzibar at the invitation of Sultan Sayyid Hamad bin Thuwaini in 1893. Proclaimed on the abdication of his cousin and brother-in-law as Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, 9th December 1911. Installed at the Bait al-Ajaib, Stone Town, Unguja, 16th December 1911. Presdt Protectorate Council 1911-1926, the Executive Council 1926-1954, and the Sultan’s Privy Council 1954-1960. He established an Executive and a Legislative Councils in 1926 to administer his realm, and a Privy Council in 1954 to advise him on important matters of state. Attended the Coronations of King George V and Queen Mary 1911, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 1937, and Queen Elizabeth II 1953, and the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of King George V and Queen Mary 1935, at Westminster Abbey, in London. Sovereign of the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar (Wisam al-Kawkab al-Durri al-Zanzibari). Rcvd: King George V (22.6.1911), King George VI (11.5.1937) and Queen Elizabeth II (1.6.1953) Coron medals, and King George V Silver Jubilee medal (3.6.1935), the Sa’idi Order of the State of Oman (Wisam ud-Daula Al-Saidiya Omaniya), Cdr of the Order of the Shield & Spears of Buganda, etc. m. (first) at the Bait al-Ajaib, Stone Town, Unguja, 1900, H.H. Sayyida Ma’atuka bint Hamud Al-Sa’idiyah, Sultana of Zanzibar (b. at Zanzibar, 1882; d. there, at the Sultan’s Palace, 2nd July 1940), granted the title of Sultana of Zanzibar with the style of Her Highness 16th December 1911, rcvd: Sultan Khalifa II Silver Jubilee (9.1.1937), King George V Silver Jubilee (3.6.1935), and King George VI Coron (11.5.1937) medals, eldest daughter of H.H. Sultan Sayyid Hamud bin Muhammad bin Said, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCSI, by his wife, Sayyida Khanfora bint Majid Al-Sa’idiyah, daughter of H.H. Sultan Sayyid Majid bin Said, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies. m. (second) at the Sultan’s Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 1940, H.H. Sayyida Nour bint Ahmad al-Busaidiyah [Nunu], Sultana of Zanzibar (b. at Muscat, Oman, 1916), granted the title of Sultana of Zanzibar with the style of Her Highness 1940, Patroness of the Sayyida Ma’atuka Coll, Sultana Nunu Traning Coll, Zanzibar Ladies’ Club, etc, rcvd: the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar 1st class (5.10.1956), and Queen Elizabeth II Coron (1.6.1953) medal, daughter of Sayyid Ahmad bin Hamad bin Ahmad bin Hamad bin Ahmad al-Busaidy. He d. at the Sultan’s Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 9th October 1960 (bur. Makusurani Cemetery), having had issue, three sons by his first wife:
H.H. Sultan Sayyid Sir Khalifa II and H.H. Sultana Sayyida Nunu, also adopted a daughter:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
1960 - 1963 H.H. Sultan Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah bin Khalifa, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, KBE (c 1.1.1959), CMG (22.12.1936). b. at the Sultan’s Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 12th February 1910, second son of H.H. Sultan Sayyid Sir Khalifa II bin Harub, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCB, GCMG, GBE, by his first wife, H.H. Sayyida Matuka bint Hamud Al-Sa’idiyah, Sultana of Zanzibar, elder daughter of H.H. Sultan Sayyid Hamud bin Muhammad, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCSI, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent by his father, 1929. Proclaimed on the death of his father as Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, 9th October 1960. Installed at the Bait al-Ajaib, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 17th October 1960. Mbr Zanzibar Executive Council (MEC) 1942-1956, PC 1956-1960, Presdt Sultan's Privy Council 1960-1963. Sovereign of the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar (Wisam al-Kawkab al-Durri al-Zanzibari). Rcvd: the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar 1st class (22.12.1936), Sultan Khalifa II Silver Jubilee (9.1.1937), King George V Silver Jubilee (3.6.1935), King George VI Coron. (11.5.1937), and Queen Elizabeth II Coron. (1.6.1953) medals. m. at the Sultan's Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 1924, as his only wife, H.H. Sayyida Tohfa bint ‘Ali Al-Sa’idiyah [H.H. the Dowager Sultana of Zanzibar] (b. at Unguja, Zanzibar), granted the title of Sultana of Zanzibar with the style of Her Highness 17th October 1960, and became the Dowager Sultana of Zanzibar 1st July 1963, Patroness Zanzibar Ladies’ Club 1960-1963, rcvd: the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar 1st class (17.10.1963), and Sultan Khalifa II Silver Jubilee medal (9.1.1937), younger daughter of H.H Sultan Sayyid ‘Ali II bin Hamud, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies. He d. at the Sultan's Palace, Stone Town, Unguja, Zanzibar, 1st July 1963 (bur. Makusurani Cemetery), having had issue, three sons and three daughters:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
1963 - H.M. Sultan Sayyid Jamshid bin ‘Abdu’llah , Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, GCMG (29.12.1963). b. at Unguja, Zanzibar, 16th September 1929, eldest son of H.H. Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah  bin Khalifa, Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, KBE, CMG, by his wife, H.H. Sayyida Tohfa bint ‘Ali Al-Saidiyah, educ. Govt Secondary Sch, Stone Town, Victoria Coll, Alexandria, Egypt, the American Univ of Beirut, Lebanon, and RNC Dartmouth. Received administrative training in the UK 1955-1956. Appointed as Heir Apparent by his father, 9th October 1960. Proclaimed on the death of his father as Sultan of Zanzibar and its dependencies, 1st July 1963. Proclaimed the Independence of Zanzibar and assumed the style of His Majesty, 9th December 1963. Presdt Sultan's Privy Council 1963-1964, and Mbr Executive Council 1963-1964. Fled from the islands with his family, during the armed revolt led by the former bricklayer "Field Marshal" John Okello, on 12th January 1964. Deposed in absentia and banned from the islands for life by the revolutionary government on 17th January 1964, Zanzibar being declared a "People's Republic" on the 18th, and a "one-party" state on 30th January 1964. He settled in London after the revolution, later moving to Portsmouth, in Hampshire. Presdt Zanzibar Organisation (UK).  Sovereign of the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar (Wisam al-Kawkab al-Durri al-Zanzibari) since 1st July 1963 (rcvd: 1st class 30.3.1960). Founder and Sovereign of the Most Illustrious Order of Independence of Zanzibar (Wissam al-Istiqlal) in five classes on 9th November 1963.  m. (first) at Zanzibar, June 1955 (div. at Portsmouth, Hampshire, 1968) Sayyida Anisa bint Salim Al-Saidiyah (b. 9th February 1938; m. second, at Southsea, Hants, 4th April 1972, Flight Lieut Michael Perkins, late RAF), styled Her Majesty the Sultana of Zanzibar from 9th December 1963 to 1968, Patroness Zanzibar Ladies’ Club 1963, daughter of The Hon Sayyid Salim bin Kindeh Al-Busaidi, sometime MLC Zanzibar, by his second wife, Bibi Saida. m. (second) at Portsmouth, Hants, 1970 (relig.) and 1972 (civil), Zuleika bint ‘Abdu’llah al-Khamas (or Gharib), daughter of ‘Abdu’llah bin Muhammad al-Aufy. He had issue, five sons and two daughters:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
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Copyright© Christopher Buyers

Copyright© Christopher Buyers, June 2001 - September 2012