The 'Ahoe'itu Dynasty


Note: little is known about the early Tu'i Tonga, apart from their names. The succession is supposed to have gone from father to son, but no evidence for this is available, even from oral sources.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Tangaloa 'Eitumatupu'a, divine ruler of the skies. m. (first) Tamapo'uli. m. (second) 'Ilaheva Va'epopua, the mortal daughter of Sketoa, Tu'i Niu'atuputapu. He had issue:

'Ahoe'itu, 1st Tu'i Tonga.
Lolofakangalo, 2nd Tu'i Tonga.
Fanga'one'one, 3rd Tu'i Tonga.
Lihau, 4th Tu'i Tonga.
Kofutu, 5th Tu'i Tonga.
Kaloa, 6th Tu'i Tonga.
Ma'uhau, 7th Tu'i Tonga.
'Apuanea, 8th Tu'i Tonga.
'Afulunga, 9th Tu'i Tonga.
Momo, 10th Tu'i Tonga
(with whom we treat)

CCCCCCMomo, 10th Tu'i Tonga, son of  'Afulunga, 9th Tu'i Tonga. m. Nua, Ma'itaki, former wife of Ngongokilitoto, of Malapo, and daughter of Lo'au Tuputoka, Tu'i Ha'amea. He d. at Heketa, having had, amongst other issue:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
CCCCCCTu'itatu'i, 11th Tu'i Tonga, son of Momo, 10th Tu'i Tonga, by his wife, Nua, Ma'itaki, daughter of Lo'au Tuputoka, Tu'i Ha'amea. Succeeded on the death of hisfather. Forced to flee to 'Eua, after seducing his sister Latutama. m. Nua, a maiden from Eueiki. He d. at 'Eua, ca. 1200 (bur. Langileka, Malapo), having had issue, five sons and one daughter:
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CCCCCCTala'atama, 12th Tu'i Tonga, eldest son of Tu'itatu'i, 11th Tu'i Tonga, by his wife, Nua. Succeeded on the death of his brother. Removed his capital to Mu'a. He d.s.p.m. (succ. by his brother).
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CCCCCCTu'i Tonganui Koe Nui Tama-tou' (fictitious wooden king).
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CCCCCCTala-'i-Ha'apepe, 14th Tu'i Tonga, second son of Tu'itatu'i, 11th Tu'i Tonga, by his wife, Nua. Succeeded on the death of his elder brother after he had installed a fictitious wooden idol as king and who then "died". The wooden king's "son", Tala-'i-Ha'apepe, then succeeded. He had issue:
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1250 Talakaifaiki, 15th Tu'i Tonga, son of Tala-'i-Ha'apepe, 14th Tu'i Tonga. A haughty and cruel king, he treated the Samoans as slaves. Defeated and expelled from Samoa, by Tuna and Fata. He d. ca. 1250, having had issue:
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CCCCCCTalafapite, 16th Tu'i Tonga, son of Talakaifaiki, 15th Tu'i Tonga. Succeeded on the death of his father, ca. 1250. He had issue:
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CCCCCCMa'akatue, 17th Tu'i Tonga. He had issue, a son:
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CCCCCCTu'i Tonga-'i-pui-pui, 18th Tu'i Tonga. He had issue, a son:
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CCCCCCTupou Havea I, 19th Tu'i Tonga, eldest surviving son of Tu'i Tonga-'i-pui-pui, 17th Tu'i Tonga. He was k. by a Fijian, having had issue, at least two sons:
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CCCCCCTata-fu'u-eiki-mei-mu'a [Lomiae Tupou Havea], 20th Tu'i Tonga, eldest son of Havea I, 18th Tu'i Tonga. Succeeded on the death of his father. He had issue:
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CCCCCCLomi'aetupu'a, 21st Tu'i Tonga, younger son of Tata-fu'u-eiki-mei-mu'a [Lomiae Tupou Havea], 20th Tu'i Tonga. Succeeded on the death of his father. He had issue, a son:
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CCCCCCHavea II, 22nd Tu'i Tonga, son of Lomi'aetupu'a, 20th Tu'i Tonga. He was k. by a Fijian named Tuluvota, having had issue:
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CCCCCCTakalau'a, 23rd Tu'i Tonga, son of Havea II, 22nd Tu'i Tonga. Succeeded on the death of his father. m. (first) Va'elaveamata, Ma'itaki, of Ata Island. He was k. at Fotuna, ca 1535, by descendants of Talafale, elder brother of 'Aho'eitu, the 1st Tu'i Tonga, having had issue, fourteen sons:
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CCCCCCKau'ulu'fonua I Fekai, 24th Tu'i Tonga, eldest son of Takalau'a, 23rd Tu'i Tonga, by his first wife, Va'elaveamata, Ma'itaki. Succeeded on the death of his father, but refused to be installed untill he had captured and punished his assassins. Conquered Eua, Ha 'apai, Vava'u, Niu'atuputapu, Niu'afo'ou and Uvea. Surrended temporal power to his younger brother, ca. 1470. m. (first) Taufa'itoa, Ma'itaki, a Samoan lady. m. (second) Taupo-i-Masina, daughter of Lefano of Amoa, in Savai'i, Samoa. He was k. having had issue, five sons and four daughters:
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CCCCCCVakafuhu, 25th Tu'i Tonga. His exact relationship to the ruling house remains unknown.
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CCCCCCPui-Pui-Fatu, 26th Tu'i Tonga, eldest son of Kau'ulu'fonua I Fekai, 23rd  Tu'i Tonga, by his first wife, Taufa'itoa, Ma'itaki. He had issue:
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CCCCCCKau'ulu'fonua II, 27th Tu'i Tonga, fourth son of Kau'ulu'fonua I Fekai, 23rd  Tu'i Tonga, by his second wife, Taupo-i-Masina, of Samoa. m. Vainu'ulasi, Ma'itaki, of Samoa. He had issue, a son:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
CCCCCCTapu'osi I, 28th Tu'i Tonga, eldest surviving son of Kau'ulu'fonua II, 26th Tu'i Tonga, by his second wife, Vainu'ulasi, Ma'itaki. Succeeded on the death of his father. m. (first) Vaetapu, daughter of 'Ahom'e. m. (second) Vaenopo, Ma'itaki, daughter of Aoleleva, Lavaka. He had issue, a son:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
CCCCCC'Uluakimata I ['Uluakimata-i-Langi Tele'a], 29th Tu'i Tonga, eldest surviving son of Tapu'osi I, 28th Tu'i Tonga, by his second wife, Vaenopo, Ma'itaki, daughter of Aoleleva, Lavaka. Succeeded on the death of his father. m. (first) Talafaiva (d.s.p?, bur. 'Eukafa, Vava'u). m. (second) Nanasi Lapaha (d.s.p?). m. (third) Mata'ukipa, Ma'itaki, daughter of Kau'ulefonu'ahuo. He d. at Maufanga (bur. Langi Paepae-o-Tele'a, Lapaha, Mu'a), having had issue, including:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
continued on the next page.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. Please contact me at: Copyright© Christopher Buyers

Copyright© Christopher Buyers, May 2001 - July 2008