1845 - 1893 H.M. Sia’osi Taufa’ahau Tupou [George Tupou I], By the grace of God, King of Tonga. b. at Niu‘ui, Lifuka, Ha’apai, 4th December 1797, as Maeakafa Nginigini Ofolanga, only surviving son of H.H. Tupouto’a, 17thTu’i Konokupolo, by his first wife, Taufa Ho’amofaleono, daughter of Malu’otaufa, 4thMa’afu-‘o-Tukui’aulahi, of Vaini. Given the name of rsquo;ahau, after he was saved from a serious illness by the deity Taufa’itahi, of ‘Ahau. Appointed as Tu’i Ha’apai by his father in 1820, and continued to hold that territory after his death. Defeated Laufilitonga, Tu’i Tonga, at the battle of Velata in 1826. Baptised with the name of Sia’osi (George), in honour of the late King George III, 7th August 1831. Succeeded his father-in-law as Tu’i Vava’u 1833. Proclaimed the end of serfdom in his domains in 1835. Published the Vava’u Code 16th May 1838, and publicly promulgated at Pouono, Neiafu, Vava’u, 20th November 1839, the first written laws in Tonga. Succeeded on the death of his uncle as the 19thTu’i Konokupolo, 19th November 1845 (confirmed by the chiefs 2nd December 1845). Installed at the Pangai Green, Kolovai, Tongatapu, taking the title of Tupou, 4th December 1845. Recognised as ‘O Tu’i Tonga thereafter. Established his capital at Nuku’alofa. Removed the capital to Lifuka in 1847 but returned to Nuku’alofa in 1851. Defeated the last of his opponents at Bea and consolidated his position as undisputed ruler of all Tonga, 10th August 1852. Visited Australia and New Zealand in 1853. Concluded a Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 9th January 1855 (thereby securing the first recognition as King of Tonga as well as Tongan independence by a world power). Abolished serfdom throughout Tonga (the Edict of Emancipation) and established the first Parliament 4th June 1862. Installed at Vava’u as the 40thTu’i Tonga, 1865. Confirmed as ‘O Tu’i Tonga (King of All Tonga) on the establishment of the first written constitution, 4th November 1875. As King-in-Parliament, declared himself Tu’i Ha’atakalaua 1895 (thus uniting all three ancient kingly titles in his person). General and C-in-C of the forces 4/11/1875-1893. Entered into treaty relations with France (1855), Germany (1876), Britain (1879) and the USA (1886). Established the Wesleyan Free Church and made it the state church of Tonga, 1885. Founder and Sovereign of the Royal Order of King George Tupou I in four classes after 1882. Rcvd: Knt of the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia 1st class (18.7.1878). m. (first) ca. 1823 (repudiated 1834) Finau Kaunanga, eldest daughter of Finau-‘Ulukalala-‘i-Pouno-Tuapasi’i Sefaria, Tu’i Vava’u and 3rdFinau-‘Ulukalala, by his first wife, Tupouto’a, daughter of H.H. Tupou Lahisi’, 10thTu’i Konokupolo. m. (second) 1833 (pagan rite) and 27th March 1834 (Christian rite), H.M. Queen Salote Lupe Pau‘u [H.M. Queen Charlotte] (b. 1815; d. at the Royal Palace, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 8th September 1889, in her 75th year, bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai), former wife of H.H. Samuelio Fatafehi Laufilitonga, 39thTu’i Tonga, younger daughter of Tamatau’hala, Makamalohi, by his wife Hala‘evalu Mohe’ofo, daughter of Finau-‘Ulukalala-‘i-Feletoa, Tu’i Vava’u and 2nd Finau-‘Ulukalala. He had previously married several secondary wives (a) ca. 1823 (repudiated 1834) Kalolaine Fusimatalili [‘Caroline Fusi the bad tempered’] (m. second, Tu’ia Pakai, by whom she had further issue), daughter of ‘Ufimatamoana, Fusitu’a, by his wife, Tu’imatamoana, daughter of Kamoto. m. (b) ca. 1826 (repudiated 1834) Selia Pasikole, daughter of Sione Hikehika’imoa To’imoana, by his wife, Fielea Tofilau, daughter of Sosifa Tokolahikovi. m. (c) 1824 (repudiated June 1832) Salata [Charlotte] (b. at Monono, Samoa, ca 1812), daughter of High Chief Tuilaepa Matetau, of Monono, Samoa. He d. at the Royal Palace, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 18th February 1893 (bur. Mala’e Kula, Tongatapu), having had issue, four sons and a daughter:
1) Colonel H.R.H. Crown Prince Tevita ‘Unga Motangitau’. b. at Ha’apai, ca. 1824 (s/o Kalolaine), (David), 7th August 1831. Legitimated and named as His Royal Highness Crown Prince (Tama Pilinisi Kalauni) under the terms of the first written constitution, 4th November 1875. Viceroy of Vava’u 1851-1875, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and Prime Minister for Tonga 1st January 1876-1879. Composer of “Koe Fasoi Oe Tu’i Oe Out Tonga”, the Tongan National anthem adopted in 1874. Patron The Nuku’alofa Regatta 1875-1879. Col Tonga Royal Guards 1875-1879. Rcvd: Knt of the Royal Order of the Crown of Prussia 2nd class with star (18.7.1878). m. (first) Hulita Tušifua Fifita-&rlsquo;o-Vava’u (b. 1835; d. 1860), second daughter of The Hon Toe Fanau ‘a Liufau, Ha’a’gana Ngata, by his second wife, Hulita Tu’ifua ‘o Tonga, daughter of Finau Tupouni‘ua, sometime Governor of Vava’u. m. (second) Teisa Palu (m. second, Malakai Vakameitangako. m. third, Moeakiola, and d. 1902, leaving further issue – see above), eldest daughter of Mahe‘uli‘uli, 1stFangupo, by his first wife, Le Vave. m. (third) Kalisi Mafi Kaunanga. He d. at Auckland, New Zealand, 18th December 1879 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai), having had issue, two sons and three daughters by his first wife, and two further daughters by his other wives:
a) General H.R.H. Crown Prince ‘Uiliamu ‘Uelingatoni Ngu Tupou-Malohi. b. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 3rd August 1854 (s/o Fifita Vava’u), educ. privately and at Tupou Coll, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu. Named as Heir Presumptive after his father under the terms of the first written constitution 4th November 1875, and raised to the title of Prince together with the style of His Royal Highness. Succeeded his father as Heir Apparent and named as His Royal Highness Crown Prince (Tama Pilinisi Kalauni), 22nd December 1879. Capt of the Forces and ADC to the King 1/1/1876-1877, Governor of Vava’u and Ha’apai 1877-1885. Col Tonga Royal Guards 1879-1885, General and C-in-C of the forces. Plenipotentiary and first signatory for the Anglo-Tongan Treaty 29th November 1879. Rcvd: KGC of the Royal Order of King George Tupou I, and Knt of the Royal Order of the Crown of Prussia 2nd class with star (18.7.1878). m. (a) Mele Tangikinalahi (m. Penisimani Katavake Naufahu, and d. at Na’amalata, Kolonga, Tongatapu, 4th March 1940, having had issue, three sons and four daughters – see Vava’u), daughter of Sosaia Finefeuiaki, 9thNuku, by his wife, Akosita Tu’imatamoana, daughter of Sosaia Ma‘u Kumaikuvalu. m. (b) ‘Ana Vaokolo, daughter of Sateki Vuna. m. (c) Kaloline [Kalo], daughter of Matelita, by his wife, Batimosi Nau. m. (d) ‘Asupa Funaki (d. 1931), daughter of Babanga Moala. m. (e) ‘Ana Malia Kato’one, Tama Fefine Lapaha. m. (f) ‘Alilia Tuiafitu. m. (g) ‘Ana Seini Loiloi, daughter of Ratu Sione Faupula, by his wife, Haliote. m. (h) Finau. m. (i) Tafolosa. m. (l) Fifita Vava’u (b. 1850). He d.s.p.l. suddenly from heart failure while in conversation with the Premier, at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 11th March 1885 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai), having had issue:
i) Moimoikimofuta (s/o ‘Ana Vaokolo).
ii) Siaosi Maeakafa Finefeuiaki. b. 1872 (s/o Mele Tangikinalahi). m. (first) Finau. m. (second) at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 1852, ‘Eleanoa Talau Toto Koloa, daughter of Sione Katoa Koloa, of Hihifo, by his wife, Pauline Papa, from Kolomotuša, Tongatapu. He d. 1st December 1918, having had issue, three sons and two daughters:
(1) Liuaki (s/o Finau).
(2) Siaosi Pakola ‘Aileva Finefeuiaki. b. 1909 (s/o ‘Elenoa). m. (first) Kolotita, daughter of The Rev Pita Tangata ‘o Tonga Vi, by Mele Halaevalu Tonga. m. (second) Loisi Taumoepeau (b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 9th January 1912; d. 11th November 1962), daughter of Vainikolo Taumoepeau, by his wife, ‘Elisiva ‘Uafu Takitoa, daughter of He d. 1969, having had issue:
(a) Vungakoto.
(3) Siaosi Vilaimi Tupoumalohi. b. at Kolomotu’a, Tongatapu, 1920 (s/o ‘Eleanoa). m. (first) Latuniua Lavulo. m. (second) ‘Uila Palu Ilangana (b. at Kotu, Ha’apai,). He d. 1962, having had issue, three sons and four daughters by his first wife, and one son by his second wife:,
(a) Siaosi Vilai Folauhola ki Uiha Tupoulahi (s/o Latuniua). m. Liliani Luani.
(a) ‘Ofa ki Ahononou (d/o Latuniua). m. Seleti Holani
(b) Alisi Simoa (d/o Latuniua). m. Taumoefolau Vaaivaka.
(c) Kalolaine Fatafdhi (d/o Latuniua). m. (first) Semisi Funaki, of Api ko Toafa Hala Siuilikutapu, Kolomotu’a, Tongatapu.
(d) Elenoa Tupoulahi (d/o Latuniua). m. Soloasa Fifita.
(1) The Hon Salote Halaevalu Kalasini Fielakepa. b. at Kolomotu’a, Tongatapu, 25th April 1913 (d/o Eleanoa). m. 1934, The Hon Siosaia Tupou (Aleamotu’a), 3rdFielakepa (b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 24th June 1912; d. at Kolomotu’a, Tongatapu, 13th November 1963, bur. there at the Painitu‘ua Cemetery), son of The Hon Siaosi Tongaliuaki (Aleamotu’a), 1stFielakepa, by his wife, The Hon ‘Elenoa Veatokelau Fielakepa), daughter of Tevita Fekika. She d. at Kolomotu’a, Tongatapu, 15th November 1996 (bur. there at the Painitu‘ua Cemetery), having had issue, four sons and two daughters – see below.
(2) Hulita Tu’ifua (d/o Elenoa).
iii) Seteone Hopoate Fua‘atonga. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1877 (s/o ‘Ana Malia). m. 1899, Milise Kaufoou (d. 17th August 1908?), daughter of Lolomanaia. He d. 10th July 1966 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai), having had issue:
(1) Felemi Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1900.
(2) Sosaia Lausi’ Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 10th November 1902 (d/o Kaufo’ou). m. 1944, Mele Tatafu Lango. He d. 20th May 1971, having had issue, a daughter:
(a) Menitela Katoone Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1945. She d. there, 1946.
(3) Pita Vaisima Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1903 (s/o Kaufo’ou). He d. 1980, having had issue, a son:
(a) Lausi’i Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1948.
(4) Lomano Tupouniua Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1905 (s/o Kaufo’ou). He d. at Mua, Tongatapu, 8th July 1910.
(5) Sipukako Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1907 (s/o Kaufo’ou). He d. at Mua, Tongatapu, 21st July 1930 (bur. there).
(7) ‘Anamalia Kato’one Veiongo Lata’iholevafo’ou Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1906 (d/o Kaufo’ou). m. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 1927, Sioeli ‘Alokuo’ula Payne Kaho (b. 1905; d. 1997). She d. in New Zealand, 21st February 2009, having had issue, two sons and seven daughters:
(a) Toutai Tokotaha. He had issue, a daughter:
(i) ‘Anamalia Kato’one Veiongo Lata’iholevafo’ou Kaho. Student Mentor The Village Community Services Trust, New Lynn, Auckland, NZ.
(b) Soane Hopoate Fua’atonga Kaho. b. 23rd November 1950. m. January 1972, Mele Lotolua, daughter of Tevita Setefana ‘Alatini, by his wife, Mele Tonga Tatafu. He d. 14th June 2001, having had issue, four children, including a son:
(i) Sosiua Kaho. b. at Vaiola Hospital, Tofoa, Tongatapu, 11th October 1976. He d. 6th September 1980.
(a) ‘Anaise ‘Anaukihesina Tu’imala Tautala-ki-Mamana Kaho. b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 17th April 1939, educ. St Joseph’s Catholic Sch. The celebrated Tongan singer and songwriter, known as the Nightingale of the Pacific. Author of ŞSongs of Love, by Tušimala Kahoş (1998). Rcvd: Mbr Order of Queen Salote Tupou III (31.7.2008), and King George Tupou V Coron (31.7.2008). m. 1958, The Hon Tevita ‘Unga Motangitau Lausi’i Ma’afu Tukui’aulahi, 6thMa’afu-‘o-Tukui’aulahi, of Vaini and Tokomololo (b. at Vaini, Tongatapu, 29th August 1928; d. at Vaini, Tongatapu, 24th October 1997, bur. Lo’amanu Cemetery), Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, eldest son of The Hon Siosaia Siotame Lausi’i, 5th Ma’afu-‘o-Tukui’aulahi, of Vaini, by his wife, The Hon ‘Anau Kihesina Ma’afu, elder daughter of Sione Lamipeti Sunia Mafile’o, of Kolomotu’a, Tongatapu. She d. at ‘Api ko Loloniu, Kolofo’ou, Tongatapu, 14th October 2023, having had issue, five children by her husband, and one daughter, by The High Chief Matagialalua Tavana Salmon Anderson [Barry T. Anderson] (b. June 1934; m. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 28th December 1962, Maeva Maltihe), dancer with Groupe Madeleine Tahiti 1950’s and Queen’s Surf Club at Waikiki, court dancer Tonga Royal Palace 1958-1960, Dir & Producer Tavana’s Polynesian Spectacular, son of a Tahitian father and Norwegian mother:
(i) Seiloni Heimata‘ula Kaho [The Hon Heimata‘ula Ma’atu]. b. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 12th February 1957. m. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 21st July 1980, as his first wife, The Hon Fatafehi ‘Alaivahamama’o Tuku’aho, Ma’atu (b. at the Royal Palace, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 17th December1954; m. second, 11th July 1989, Alaile’ula Jungblut, and d. at Vaiola Hospital, Nuku’alofa, 17th February 2004, bur. Mala'e Kula), second son of H.M. Sia’osi Taufa’ahau Tupou IV, King of Tonga, GCMG, GCVO, KBE, KStJ, by his wife, H.M. Queen Halaevalu Mata’aho, eldest daughter of The Hon Tevita Manu-‘o-pangai, 'Ahome'e, sometime Governor of Vav’au and Ha’apai and Minister for Police. She d.s.p. from cancer, at Vaiola Hospital, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 19th September 1985 (bur. Loamamu) - see below.
(e) Latu Sokopeti Kaho. b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 1958. m. Vea Simione, fifth and youngest son of Pelaki Lokotui, of Tungua, by his wife, Lesila, daugther of Angakehe Vaha’i, by his wife, Kalolaine of Fo‘ui. She d. in New Zealand, 5th February 2004, having had issue, seven children.
(f) Hoamofaleono.
(8) ‘Ana Seini Takipo Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1909 (d/o Kaufo’ou). m. Salesi Fevaleaki (Laolao) Takai (b. at Fo’ui, 1902). She d. at Kolofo’ou, Tongatapu, 1980 (bur. there, at Mua), having had issue, two sons and one daughter.
(9) ‘Okaleti Hopoate. b. at Mua, Tongatapu, 1911 (d/o Kaufo’ou).
iv) Lausi’i (s/o ‘Ana Malia).
v) Asipeli ‘Ula (s/o fefine Kolomotu’a).
vi) Viliami Pasono (s/o ‘Ana Faupala).
vii) Si‘le ‘Ataongo (s/o ‘Akanesi).
i) Vaisima (d/o ‘Ana Malia).
ii) Finau Halaevalu (d/o Kaloline).
iii) Kalisitiane Tutoe (d/o ‘Asupa).
iv) Fine Hafo’ou (d/o Finau).
v) ‘Ana Tupou (d/o Tafolosa). She had issue, a son.
b) H.R.H. Crown Prince Nalesoni Laifone. b. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 1859 (s/o Fifita Vava’u), educ. privately. Raised to the title of Prince and the style of His Royal Highness, 4th November 1875. Succeeded his brother as Heir Apparent, 11th March 1885. Governor of Vava’u 1885-1889. m. at Neiafu, Vava’u, before 14th June 1885, H.R.H. Crown Princess Luseane Anga-‘ae-fonu (b. 1871; d.s.p. 16th May 1941), eldest daughter of The Hon ‘Inoke Matafonua Fotu, sometime Judge of Vava’u, by his second wife, Princess Lavinia Veiongo Mahanga, daughter of H.H. Samuelio Fatafehi Laufilitonga, 39thTu’i Tonga. m. (a) The Hon Mele Seini ‘Ahome’e (b. 2nd July 1859; d. 16th July 1899), daughter of The Hon Tupou Tevita, ‘Ahome’e, of Ha’avakatolo, sometime Chief Justice, by his wife, The Hon Lavinia Longoa’ame‘e‘Ahome’e. m. (b) Lu’isa Ma’ukakalafo’ou Lauaki Nau (b. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 5th June 1853; d. at Masilamea, Tongatapu, 4th July 1936), wife of Henele Finau, and daughter of Simione ‘Onevela Nau, by his wife, Tapaita Fainga’anuku Mapu ‘o Talau. m. (c) Tulakava. m. (d) Siutaisa Teu Teufo’ou. m. (e) Finau Tuava’inga. m. (f) Sepiuita. He d.s.p.l. after a few months illness, at the Royal Palace, Neiafu, Vava’u, 6th June 1889 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai), having had the following natural issue:
i) Siaosi Finehafo’ou Laifone Tauhi Fonua [Kamoto]. b. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 1879 (s/o Lu’isa). m. (first) 1898, Manu Hu’akava. m. (second) Melaia Tohušia Fifita Tonu (b. 1879; d. 1939), daughter of Taniela Tonu Nau, by his wife, daughter of Mele Mafile’o, daughter of Tevita Songia Mafile’o. He s/o. 1941, having had issue:
(1) ‘Enele Ma’afu Tu’itonga Kamoto. b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 7th August 1902 (s/o Melaia). He d. 1930.
(2) Sione Fuapau Kamoto. b. 9th September 1910 (s/o Melaia). He d. 1990.
(3) Mosa’ati Kamoto. b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 30th April 1910 (s/o Melaia). He d. 1926.
(4) Sisilia Fonuku Kamoto. b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 3rd June 1900 (d/o Melaia).
(5) Fusi Kamoto. b. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 9th October 1904 (d/o Melaia). She d. 1930.
(6) Salote Kalasini Kamoto. b. 1906 (d/o Melaia). She d. 3rd October 1926.
(7) Losaline Tuitofa’i Malaekula Kamoto. b. 1916 (d/o Melaia).
(8) Kalolaine Fusimatalili Tu’imatamoana (d/o Manu). m. Siaosi Taholo Tai Lasike (d. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 25th November 1930), son of She had issue, six children.
ii) ‘Uotavake Laifone (s/o Tulakava).
iii) Sione Kuma. b. at Ha’ano, Ha’apai, 1895 (s/o Siutaisa). m. Mele Naupoto Kuma (b. at Leimatu’a, Vava’u, 1899; d. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 1984), daughter of Tukuhau Naupoto, by his wife, Liku. He s/o. at Leimatu’a, Vava’u, 11th October 1948, having had issue, three sons and three daughters:
(1) Siaosi Fine Hafo’ou Kuma. b. at Leimatu’a, Vava’u, 31st December 1926. m. 1950, Tupou Fusipala Feki (b. 2nd May 1930; d. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 25th December 1991), daughter of Tevita Fekitaki, by his wife, Ane Funaki. He s/o. at Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2011, having had issue, three sons:
(a) Siaosi Maeakafa Kuma. b. at Leimatu’a, Vava’u, 21st November 1951. He d. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 21st January 2012.
(b) ‘Alofataua Kuma. b. 1956. He d. 2015.
(c) Pala Tavake Kuma. b. 14th May 1958. He d. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 13th May 1996.
(2) ‘Ofa-ki-Pangai Kuma. b. at Leimatu’a, Vava’u, 30th August 1934. m. Valingi Lau’i. He d. October 1996.
(3) Viliami Tuifu’a Kuma. b. at Leimatu’a, Va’a’u, 30th March 1937. m. 8th October 1958, Noma Lousa Angilau (b. at Mu’a, Tongatapu, 8th August 1938; d. 6th September 1991), daughter of Vilisoni Tohi Koula Angilau, by his wife, Mele Eleni Tupou. He s/o. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 13th November 1980 (bur. Laie, Oahu, Hawaii).
(4) ‘Anaseini Liumeitupou Kuma. b. at Leimatu’a, Vava’u, 3rd May 1929. m. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 26th July 1956, Siosiua Foueti Fakava. She d. at Madera, California, USA, 17th August 1985 (bur. Laie, Oahu, Hawaii).
(5) Fipe Fatafehi ‘o-Lapaha Kuma. b. 1930. m. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 15th June 1951, Sione Foueti Manu (b. at Vaotu’u, Tongatapu, 16th June 1922; d. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 1980), son of Fine Ahivao Tomasi, by his wife, Finaumeipulotu Samani. She s/o. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 20th February 2008.
(6) Siutaisa Teuteufo’ou Kuma. b. 29th April 1942. She d. at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 26th February 2008.
iv) Liliani Tu’itu’ivao Mafile’o (d/o Mele Seini). m. ‘Alipate Tutae Tupoulahi Mafile’o (d. 19th October 1932), third son of The Hon Sunia ‘Akaveka Mafile’o, sometime Treasurer and Minister for Finance, by his second wife, The Hon Fane Tupouvava’u Mafile’o, younger daughter of Finau-‘Ulukalala-‘i-Pouno-Tuapasi’i Sefaria, Tu’i Vava’u and 3rdFinau-‘Ulukalala. She d. 1920, having had issue – see above.
v) Silia Tupou (d/o Nau Tuava’inga). She d. 22nd November 1918 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai).
vi) Vika Veiongo (d/o Sepiuita).
vii) Mele Tupou (d/o Siutaisa). She d. 3rd August 1956.
a) H.R.H. Princess Elisiva Fusipala Tauki’onetuku. b. 18th May 1850 (d/o Fifita Vava’u), educ. Raised to the title of Princess and the style of His Royal Highness, 4th November 1875. Became Heiress Presumptive, on the death of her younger brother, 6th June 1889. m. 1870, as his first wife, H.H. Prince Sia’osi Fatafehi Toutaitokotaha, 4thTu’i Pelehake (b. 2nd July 1842; m. second, Lepetimalo, and d. in the influenza epidemic, 20th November 1912, bur. Mala’e Kula, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu), sometime Prime Minister, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly & Vice-Presdt of the Privy Council, only son of H.H. Prince Sia’osi Filia’ipulotu, 3rdTu’i Pelehake, sometime Governor of Ha’apai, by his wife, H.R.H. Princess Salote Pilolevu Mafile’o, daughter of H.M. King Sia’osi Taufa’ahau Tupou I, by his wife Finau Kaunanga, eldest daughter of Finau-‘Ulukalala-‘i-Pouno-Tuapasi’i Sefaria, Tu’i Vava’u and 3rdFinau-‘Ulukalala. She d. at Pangai, Lifuka, Ha’apai, before 22nd September 1889 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai), having had issue, an only surviving son:
i) H.M. Sia’osi Taufa’ahau Tupou II, King of Tonga – see below.
b) Salote Halaevalu-Kalasini (d/o Fifita Vava’u). She d. from measles during a severe epidemic, at Pangai, Lifuka, Ha’apai, before 5th August 1bur93 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai).
c) Kato’one-‘o-‘etau (d/o Teisa Palu). m. Sione Tovi Velata, sometime Adtr of the Tungi estates at Tatakamotonga, son of The Hon ‘Uiliame Tungi Halatu’itu’ia, 1stTungi, also had a natural son, by Ane, daughter of Valu, matapule. She had issue, two daughters – see Tonga (Tu’i Ha’atakalua).
d) Fale’aka (d/o Kalisi Mafi Kaunanga).
2) Sia’osia Tu’akitau Tupou. b. 1839 (s/o Queen Salote). He d. young, 12th February 1841 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai).
3) H.R.H. Prince Sia’osi Vuna Takitakimalohi Tupou, Prince of Ha’afaluhao. b. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 20th June 1844 (s/oQueen Salote), educ. privately. Heir Presumptive to his father from 4th December 1845 (confirmed 1856). He d.v.p. unm. at the Royal Palace, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 2nd January 1862 (bur. Mala’e Lahi, ‘Uiha, Ha’apai).
4) H.R.H. Prince Sione Tupou (s/o Queen Salote). He d. young.
1) H.R.H. Princess Salote Pilolevu Mafile’o. b. at Ha’apai, 1823 (d/o Finau Kaunanga). Baptised with the name of Salote (Charlotte), 7th August 1831. Exiled to Fiji for her refusal to join the Wesleyan Free Church 1887-1890. m. at Neiafu, Vava’u, 14th May 1837, H.H. Prince Sia’osi Filia’ipulotu, 3rdTu’i Pelehake, sometime Governor of Ha’apai, son of ‘Uluvalu, 2ndTu’i Pelehake, by his first wife, Tupou Veiongo, daughter of H.H. Mumui’i Topou’ila Mapatongiamanu, 13thTu’i Konokupolo. She d. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 18th September 1891, having had issue, one son and one daughter – see above.
4) Sosaia Sipu Vungakoto [Josiah Sebu] (s/o Fusipongi Laukau, daughter of Fakitu’u, 2ndFalekaono). Baptised with the name of Sia’osia (Josiah), 7th August 1831. He d. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, before 30th August 1893, having had issue, a natural daughter:
a) Taipo. m. David Jaffa Solomon (b. at Auckland, New Zealand, 1859), educ. Fort Street Sch, Sydney, NSW, Australia, a British Jew with business interests in New Zealand, Samoa and Tonga, settled in Fiji 1879, auctioneer and commission agent, Warden of Levuka 1900-1901, Mbr Levuka Municipal Council, Levuka Sch Brd, Sec Levuka Chamber of Commerce, Mayor of Levuka 1910-1911 & 1922-1925, eldest son of The Hon Philip Samuel Solomon, QC, JP, sometime MLC, Attorney-Gen of Fiji, and Warden of Levuka, by his wife, Catherine, daughter of Philip Joseph Cohen, of Sydney, NSW, Australia. She had issue, one son and three daughters (who all settled in New Zealand).
5) ‘Isileli Tupou. b. at Ha’apai, 15th August 1827 (s/o Selia Pasikole). Baptised with the name of ‘Isileli 7th August 1831. m. (first) 1850, Veisinia Moalapau‘u (b. 1825; d. 1885), daughter of The Hon Onetangata Kemoe’atu, Fulivai, by his second wife, The Hon ‘Ilaisa’ane Tupou‘Ahau, daughter of Palu Ma’eliu’aki Fatu-ki-motulalo [Fatu], Chief of the Mu’a and Heir to the Tu’i Ha’a Takala‘ua title. m. (second) Princess Lavinia Veiongo Mahanga (b. at Ha’apai, 10th November 1828; m. second, The Hon ‘Inoke Matafonua Fotu, sometime Judge of Vava’u, and d. at Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 7th April 1907, bur. Langi Paepae-‘o-Tele’a, Lapaha, Mu’a, leaving a further three sons and three daughters – see Tonga (Tupou) and Tonga (Tu’i Ha’a Takala‘ua)), daughter of H.H. Samuelio Fatafehi Laufilitonga, 39thTu’ Tonga, by his second wife, Luseane Halaevalu Mata’aho, Mohe’ofo, daughter of Tupouto’a, 17thTu’i Kanokupulu. He d.v.p. at sea, before 1893, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
i) Ema Luisa Manu. b. at Felemea, Ha’apai, 21st August 1879. m. 1904, Herbert James Hozier Brown (b. at Auckland, New Zealand, 5th November 1872; m. second, at Nuku’alofa, 1923, Tina Katalina Tofaeono,band d. at Pangai, Ha’apai, 30th October 1951), son of William Thomas Brown, by his wife, Elizabeth Charlotte, daughter of George William White, of Matata, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. She d. at Matahiva, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, 14th April 1972 (bur. Mala’e’a Loa), having had issue, four sons and five daughters.
a) Mele Tupou Mohe’ofo Tupou. b. at Mua, 1860 (or 20th July 1871?) (d/o Princess Lavinia Veiongo). Baptised into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at Tongatapu, 15th July 1911. m. (first) Ratu The Hon Josefa Lalabalavu, 9th Tuši Cakau (b. at Cakaudrove, Fiji 1st November 1860; d. at Somosomo, Taveuni, 6th June 1905, bur. there), educ. Morven Coll, Double Bay, Sydney, NSW, succeeded on the death of his father 11th April 1879, installed as Roko Tui Cakaudrove at Wairiki, August 1880, MLC April-June 1905, elder son of Ratu Quleanavanua, 8thTu’i Cakau, of Cakaudrove, by his principal wife, Adi ‘Elenoa Mila, a daughter of King Cakobau (**). m. (second) Viavia Sueuga Manuma, of Tutuila, Samoa, by whom she had one son. m. (third) Siale ‘Ataongo [Charles Ma’afu], only son of Ratu ‘Enele Ma–afu–o-Tušitonga, Tu–i Lau, by his wife, Adi Elenoa Gataialupe, daughter of The Hon Lutui, Fakatulolo. She d. in the influenza epidemic, at Nuku–alofa, Tongatapu, 24th November 1918 (bur. Langi Paepae-‘o-Tele’a, Lapaha, Mu’a), having had issue, one daughter by her first husband, one daughter by her second, and a son by King George II – see above and below.
'Isileli Tupou, had further issue, a natural son and daughter by Nanise Lepolo:
b) 'Uiliami Lausi'i Tupou. b. ca. 1850. m. (first) Pau Taisia. m. (second) 1931, Ngakiloumaile Alipete (b. 30th September 1910), natural daughter of The Hon Solomone 'Otukolo, 'Ahome'e of Ha'avakatolo, by Mele. He had issue, a son:
i) Tevita Lausi'i Tausinga. b. 18th June 1880 (s/o Pau Taisia). He d. 26th February 1953.
c) Lepolo Tupou. b. ca. 1852.
2) Milika Tupou. b. ca. 1821 (d/o Selia Pasikole).
** Although it has proved impossible to identify this individual properly, the only Tu'i Cakau during this period was: Ratu The Hon Josefa Lalabalavu, Tu'i Cakau. b. 1st November 1860, elder son of Ratu Quleanavanua, Tu'i Cakau, of Cakaudrove, by his wife, Adi Elenoa, a daughter of King Cakobau, educ. Morven Coll., Double Bay, Sydney, NSW. Appointed as Roko Tui Cakaudrove 1880, MLC April-June 1905. m. 1880, Adi Furi (d. 1903), a lady from "the Royal House of Tonga". He d. at Somosomo, Taveuni, 6th June 1905 (bur. there), having had issue, one son and two daughters by Adi Furi:
1) Ratu Glanville Wellington Lalabalavu. b. ca. 1896. Appointed as Roko Tui Cakaudrove 1925. m. Adi Susu (d. at Suva, 5th April 1961). He d. 1946, having had issue, one son:
a) Ratu Josefa Ratavo Lalabalavu. Appointed as Roko Tui Cakaudrove 1946. He had issue, two sons:
i) Ratu Glanville Wellington Lalabalavu, Tu'i Cakau. b. 1929. Installed as 15thTu'i Cakau 1993. He d. at Suva, 29th October 1999 (bur. Somosomo, Taveuni), having had issue, a son:
(1) Ratu The Hon Naiqama Lalabalavu. Installed as 16thTu'i Cakau, of Cakaudrove, 8th May 2001. MP for Cakaudrove 2001-2005, Minister for Lands & Minerals 2001-2005.