The Al-Qasimi Dynasty


continued from previous page.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
1948 - 1962 H.M. Al-Nasir-li-din Allah Ahmad bin Al-Mutawakkil 'Ala Allah Yahya, Imam and Commander of the Faithful, and King of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of the Yemen. b. 1891, eldest son of H.M Amir al-Mumenin Al-Mutawakkil 'Ala Allah Rab ul-Alamin Imam Yahya bin Al-Mansur Bi'llah Ahmad ud-din Muhammad Hamid ud-in, Imam and Commander of the Faithful, and King of the Yemen, by his first wife, Fatima, Al-Washali, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Wali Ahad 1927. Governor of Ta'izz 1918-1948. Succeeded on the deposition of 'Abdu'llah bin Ahmad Al-Wazir, 15th March 1948. Altered the name of the kingdom to the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of the Yemen, 1948. (first) Sayyida Safia bint Muhammad Al-Ezzi (b. 1898; d. in England, February 1983/1988), daughter of Sayyid Muhammad Al-Ezzi, of Shahara. m. (second) Wahabia bint Muhammad Raghib, daughter of H.E. Qadi Muhammad Raghib Bey, sometime Minister for Foreign Affairs. m. (third) Mutia bint Muhammad Bashir. m. (fourth) Sayyida Amat Al-Karim bint Ahmad, daughter of Sayyid Ahmad bin Abbas, sometime Governor of Jebel Sabr and Dep. Minister for Foreign Affairs. m. (fifth) 1948, Layla Mufta (d. 1991), an Ehiopian muslim lady. m. (sixth) June 1960, Asma bint Ahmad, daughter of Qadi Ahmad Al-Mujahid. m. (seventh) Sayyida Amat Al-Rahman bint 'Ali, daughter of Sayyid 'Ali bin Yahya Nassar. He d. in his sleep, at Dar Al-Bashair, Bir Al-Azab, San'a, 18th September 1962, having had issue, four sons and two daughters:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
1962 - [1996] H.M. Al-Mansur Bi'llah Muhammad Al-Badr bin Al-Nasir-li-dinu'llah Ahmad, Imam and Commander of the Faithful, and King of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of the Yemen. b. at Hajjah, 25th February 1926, eldest surviving son of H.M. Al-Nasir-li-dinu'llah Ahmad as-Shams bin Al-Mutawakkil 'Ala Allah Yahya, Imam of the Yemen, by his first wife, Sayyida Safia bint Muhammad Al-Ezzi, educ. at Hajjah and Taizz Madrassas. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Crown Prince, April 1955. Dep. Governor of Hudaidah 1949-1955, Dep. Prime Minister, Minister for Defence and Foreign Affairs 1955-1962. Succeeded on the death of his father, 18th September 1962. Received the oath of allegiance, 19th September 1962. Deposed by a military coup d'etat at San'a, 26th September 1962, but continued a Royalist government in resistance in the countryside and from  Saudi Arabia. Went into exile England after the final defeat of the Royalists in 1972. Rcvd: GC of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy (28.11.1957). m. (first) 1948 (div.) ... m. (second) 1956 (div.), ... m. (third) a daughter of Yahya Al-Hirsi Al-Ban, of Al-Hamra, in Lahej. He d. from pneumonia at a London hospital, 6th August 1996 (bur. Brookwood Cemetery, Woking, Surrey), having had issue, two sons and two daughters, including:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
[1996] H.R.H. Prince 'Ageel bin Muhammad Al-Badr Hamidaddin, Saif Al-Islam, Head of the Royal House of the Yemen. b. 1974, eldest son of H.M. Al-Mansur Bi'llah Muhammad Al-Badr bin Al-Nasir-li-dinu'llah Ahmad, Imam of the Yemen, by his fourth wife, a daughter of Yahya Al-Hirsi Al-Ban, of Al-Hamra, educ. Succeeded on the death of his father, as Head of the Royal House of the Yemen, 6th August 1996. He has issue, one son:
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
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 Copyright© Christopher Buyers

Copyright© Christopher Buyers, January 2001 - December 2011