AAG Assistant
AC Member of the second class or, Companion of the
Order of Australia. Ashok Chakra (India).
ACF Army Cadet Force
ACM Air Chief Marshal
AD Anno Domini, i.e. in the year of our Lord,
Christian calendar. Member of the first class or, Dame of
the Order of Australia.
ADC Aide de Camp
ADC Gen. Aide de Camp General
Adj. Adjutant
Adm. Admiral
Admin. Administrator, administration
ADO Assistant District Officer
AE Recipient of the Air Efficiency Award
AF(I) Auxiliary Force (India)
AFC Recipient of the Air Force Cross
AFM Recipient of the Air Force Medal
AFSM Recipient of the Australian Fire Service Medal
AG Adjutant-General
AGC Adjutant-General's Corps
Agric. Agriculture
AH Anno Hegirae, i.e. in the year of the
Hijra, the Muslim calendar
AK Member of the first class or Knight of the Order
of Australia
aka also known as
ALH Australian Light Horse
AM Recipient of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Class of the
Albert Medal. Member of the fourth class of the Order of
A/M Air Marshal
AMS Army Medical Service
AO Member of the third class or, Officer of the
Order of Australia
AOC Air Officer Commanding
AOE Member of the Alberta Order of Excellence
APM Australian Police Medal
APTC Army Physical Training Corps
ARA Associate of the Royal Academy
arm. armoured
ARRC Member of the second class or Associate of the Royal
Red Cross
ASEN Association of South East Asian Nations
ASP Assistant Superintendant of Police
Assist. Assistant
Assoc. Associate, association
AStJ Honorary Associate (Brother or Sister) of the
Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms
ATM Ahmudan gaung Tazeik ya Min = Recipient
of the the Medal for Good Service (Burma)
ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service
Ave. Avenue
AVM Air Vice-Marshal
AVSM Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (India)
b. born
BA Bachelor of Arts, British Airways
BAAF Bahrain Amiri Air Force
BAOR British Army of the Rhine
Barr Barrister
Bart. Baronet
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BC Before Christ, British Columbia
BCL Bachelor of Civil Law
BD Bachelor of Divinity
Bde. brigade
BE Buddhist Era
Beds. Bedfordshire
BEM Recipient of the British Empire Medal
Berks. Berkshire
BGM Recipient of the Burma Gallantry Medal
BIOT British Indian Ocean Territory
BL British Library
BM Recipient of the Barbados Bravery Medal.
Recipient of the Bravery Medal (Australia). Bachelor of
BMA British Military Administration
BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation
BPM Recipient of the Burma Police Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service (unoffical postnominal
BR Burma Rifles
BRCS British Red Cross Society
Brig. Brigadier
Brig-Gen. Brigadier-General
Bros. Brothers
BS Bachelor of Surgery
BSc Bachelor of Science
BSIP British Solomon Islands Protectorate
BSM Holder of the Medal Grade of the Barbados
Service Award of the Order of Barbados. Battery
BSS Holder of the Star Grade of the Barbados
Service Award of the Order of Barbados
Bt. Baronet
Btn. battalion
bur. buried
BVI British Virgin Islands
ca. circa, i.e. about
CAF Citizen Air Force (Australia)
Camb. Cambridge
CAS Chief of the Air Staff
Cav. Cavalry
CB Member of the third class, Companion of the Most
Honourable Order of the Bath
CBE Member of the third class, Commander of the
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
CC Member of the first class, Companion of the
Order of Canada. County Coincillor.
CCC Member of the first class or Companion of the
Order of the Caribbean Community
CCF Combined Cadet Force
CD Recipient of the Canadian Forces Decoration.
Member of the first class or Commander of the Order of
Distinction (Jamaica).
CE Civil Engineer
cdt. commandant
Cdr. Commander
Cdre. Commodore
CDS Chief of the Defence Staff
Cent. central
CENTO Central Treaty Organisation
CFSM Recipient of the Colonial Fire Service Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service
CGC Recipient of the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross
CGH Recipient of the Castle of Good Hope Decoration
(South Africa)
CGM Recipient of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
(Sea or Air)
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CH Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour.
Commander of the The Most Precious Order of Princely
Heritage (Antigua & Barbuda).
Ch. Chief
Ch. Cmsnr. Chief Commissioner
Chair. Chairman, or chairwoman
Chanc. Chancellor
Chap. Chaplain
CHB Member of the second class or Companion of
Honour of the Order of Barbados
CHM Company Havildar Major
CI Lady of the Imperial Order of the Crown of India
CIE Member of the third class or Companion of the
Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff
C-in-C Commander in Chief
civ. civil
CJ Chief Justice
CM Commander of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit
(Antigua & Barbuda). Member of the third class of the
Order of Canada (since 1972). Recipient of the Medal of
Courage of the Order of Canada (1967-1972). Recipient of
the first, second, or third class of the Chaconia Medal
(Trinidad and Tobago). Master in Surgery.
CMG Member of the third class or, Companion of the
Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George
CMM Member of the first class or, Commander of the
Order of Military Merit (Canada)
CMS Church Missionary Society
Cmsnr. Commissioner
Cncl. Council
CNZM Member of the third class or, Companion of the New
Zealand Order of Merit
Co. Company, as in a trading company or
manufacturer. County.
CO Commanding Officer
c/o child of
COAS Chief of the Army Staff
Col. Colonel
Coll. College
COM Member of the first class or, Commander of the
Order of Merit (of the Police Forces of Canada)
Comp. Companion
Coron. Coronation
Corp. Corporation
COS Chief of Staff
Cos. Companies
coy. company, as in a military unit
CP Central Provinces (India), Cape Province (South
CPM Recipient of the Colonial Police Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service
CPO Chief Petty Officer
CQ Member of the third class or, Chevalier of the
Ordre national du Québec (Canada).
cre. created
CSC Recipient of the Conspicuous Service Cross
(UK). Conspicuous Service Cross (Australia).
CSI Member of the third class or, Companion of the
Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Recipient of the
Cross of the Distinguished Order of the Solomon Islands.
CSL Member of the second class or Cross of the
Order of St Lucia
CSM Conspicuous Service Medal (Australia).
Companion of the Star of Merit (St Christopher &
Nevis). Company Sergeant-Major.
CSS Recipient of the second class, or Companion of the
Order of the Star of Sarawak
CStJ Member of the fourth class or Commander
(Brother or Sister) of the Most Venerable Hospital of the
Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
Cttee. Committee
CV Cross of Valour (Australia). Cross of Valour
CVO Member of the third class or Commander of the
Royal Victorial Order
d. died
DA Member of the first class or Dame of St Andrew
of the Order of Barbados
DAG Deputy Adjutant-General
dau. daughter
DBE Member of the second class or Dame Commander of
the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
DCB Member of the second class or, Dame Commander
of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
DCL Doctor of Civil Law
DCLI Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
DCM Recipient of the Distinguished Conduct Medal
DCMG Member of the second class or, Dame Commander of the
Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George.
DCN Dame Commander of the Most Distinguished Order
of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
DCNZM Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of
DCO Duke of Cambridge's Own, or Duke of Connaught's
DCVO Member of the second class or, Dame Commander of the
Royal Victorial Order.
DD Doctor of Devinity
DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery
deleg. Delegate, delegation
dep. deputy
dept. department
desig. designate
DFC Recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross
DFM Recipient of the Distinguished Flying Medal
DG Dragoon Guards
DGCN Dame Grand Commander of the Most Distinguished Order
of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
DGN Dame Grand Collar of the Most Distinguished
Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
DGNH Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the National Hero
(St Christopher & Nevis).
DH District Head
DIG Deputy Inspector-General
dip. Diploma
Dir. director
div. divorced
DJAG Deputy Judge Advocate-General
DJStJ Member of the third class or, Dame of Justice of
the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms.
DK Darjah Kerabat, the highest order of
chivalry in a Malay state
DL Deputy Lieutenant
D.Litt. Doctor of Literature
D.Mus. Doctor of Music
DNH Dame Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the
National Heros (Antigua & Barbuda).
DNZM Member of the second class or, Dame Companion of the
New Zealand Order of Merit.
DO District Officer
d/o daughter of
dpl. Diploma
DPPS Director of Public Prosecutions
Drags. Dragoons
DSC Recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross
DSc. Doctor of Science
DSO Companion of the Distinguished Service Order
DSM Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal
(UK). Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal
d.s.p. decessit sine prole, i.e. died
without issue
d.s.p.l. decessit sine prole legitima, i.e.
died without legitimate issue
d.s.p.m. decessit sine prole mascula, i.e.
died without male issue
d.s.p.s. decessit sine prole superstite,
i.e. died without surviving issue
DStJ Member of the third class or, Dame of Grace of
the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms
DTD Dekoratie Trouwe Dienst, i.e. Decoration
for Faithful Service (South Africa)
d. unm. died unmarried
d.v.m. decessit vita matris, i.e.
died in the lifetime of the mother
d.v.p. decessit vita patris, i.e.
died in the lifetime of the father
dvpt. development
DVR Decoratie Van Riebeeck (South Africa)
DVSc. Doctor of Veterinary Science
dvsn. division
DWR Duke of Wellington's Regiment
DYO Duke of York's Own
(EC) Emergency Commission
ED Recipient of the Efficiency Decoration
educ. educated
EEC European Economic Community
EGM Recipient of the Empire Gallantry Medal
ELR East Lancashire Regiment
ELS Europese Lagere School
EM Recipient of the Edward Medal
Env. Envoy
ERD Recipient of the Army Emergency Reserve
Officers' Decoration
Esq. Esquire
EStJ Esquire of the Most Venerable Hospital of the
Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
EU European Union
Exon. Exeter
Ext. Extraodinary
FAA Fleet Air Arm
FANY First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
Fdn. Foundation
Fed. Federation
FFR Frontier Force Regiment
FGS Fellow of the Geological Society
FM Field Marshal
FMS Federated Malay States
FMSVF Federated Malay States Volunteer Force
FMU Fellow of Madras University
FO Foreign Office
F/O Flying Officer
FRAM Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music
FRAS Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society
FRCM Fellow of the Royal College of Music
FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRGS Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
FRIBA Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects
FRS Fellow of the Royal Society
FSA Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries
Fus. Fusiliers
FZS Fellow of the Zoological Society
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GBE Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand
Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
GC Recipient of the George Cross. Grand Commander,
Grand Companion, or Grand Cross.
G/C Group Captain
GCB Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand
Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
GCH Member of the first class or, Knight Grand
Cross of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover.
GCIE Member of the first class or, Knight Grand
Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire.
GCM Grand Cross of the Most Illustrious Order of
Merit (Antigua & Barbuda). Holder of the Gold Grade
of the Crown of Merit of the Order of Barbados.
GCMG Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand
Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and
St George.
GCSI Member of the first class or, Knight Grand
Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India.
Member of the first class or, Grand Cross of the
Distinguished Order of the Solomon Islands.
GCSL Member of the first class, Knight or Dame
Grand Cross of the Order of St Lucia.
GCStJ Member of the first class, Bailiff or Dame Grand
Cross of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St
John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
GCVO Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand
Cross of the Royal Victorial Order
Gds Guards
Gen. General
Gib. Gibralta
Glam. Glamorgan
GM Recipient of the George Medal
GNZM Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand
Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
GO Grand Officer
GOC General Officer Commanding
GOI Government of India
GOM Grand Officer of the Most Illustrious Order of
Merit (Antigua & Barbuda).
Gov. Governor
Govt./govt. government
GOQ Member of the first class or, Grand Officier of
the Ordre national du Québec (Canada).
Grens. Grenadiers
GSO General Staff Officer
HAC The Honourable Artillery Company
Hants. Hampshire
HBC The Hudsons Bay Company
H.B.M. His or Her Britanic Majesty
HBM Recipient of the first, second, or third class
of the Humming Bird Medal (Trinidad and Tobago)
HBS Hogere Burger School, i.e. Citizens High
HC Honoris Crux (South Africa)
H.E. His or Her Excellency. His Eminence (Cardinals
of the the Church of Rome).
H.E.H. His Exalted Highness (Nizam of Hyderabad only)
HEIC The Honourable East India Company
H.G.D.H. His or Her Grand Ducal Highness Highness
H.H. His or Her Highness
H.I.H. His or Her Imperial Highness (sons and
daughters of Emperors)
H.Il.H. His or Her Illustrious Highness (mediatised
Counts of the Holy Roman Empre)
H.I.M. His or Her Imperial Majesty (Emperors and
H.I.R.H. His or Her Imperial and Royal Highness
HIS Hogere Indische School, i.e. Indian High
HLI Highland Light Infantry
H.M. His or Her Majesty
HMAS His or Her Majesty's Australian Ship
HMCS His or Her Majesty's Canadian Ship
HMCyS His or Her Majesty's Ceylon Ship
HMIS His Majesty's Indian Ship
HMNZS His or Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship
HMPS His or Her Majesty's Pakistan Ship
HMS His or Her Majesty's Ship
HO Home Office
Hon. Honorary, Honourable
HP Himachal Pradesh (India)
H.P.H. His Princely Highness
H.R.E. Holy Roman Empire
H.R.H. His or Her Royal Highness
HS Hogere School, i.e. High School
H.S.H. His or Her Serene Highness
Hunts. Huntingdonshire
Hus. Hussars
IA Indian Army
IAC Indian Armoured Corps
IAF Indian Air Force
IARO Indian Army Reserve of Officers
IAS Indian Administrative Service
ICC Imperial Cadet Corps (India)
ICS Indian Civil Service
i.d.c. passed Imperial Defence
IDSM Recipient of the Indian Distinguished Service
IGP Inspector-General of Police
IGS Indian General Service
IIAF Imperial Iranian Air Force
IIN Imperial Iranian Navy
IJN Imperial Japanese Navy
illegit. illegitimate
ILO International Labour Organisation
IMD Indian Medical Department
IMF International Monetary Fund
Imp. Imperial
IMS Indian Medical Service
IN Indian Navy
INC Indian National Congress
Inf. Infantry
info. information
INS Indian Naval Ship
Inst. Institute
Instn. Institution
IOM Member of first, second, or third class of the
Indian Order of Merit (military or civil); Isle of Man
ION Imperial Ottoman Navy
IOW Isle of Wight
IPM Recipient of the Indian Police Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service (unofficial
postnominal letters)
ISC Indian Staff Corps
ISF Indian States Forces
ISO Companion of the Imperial Service Order
JAG Judge Advocate-General
JAKLI Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (India)
JAKRIF Jammu and Kashmir Rifles (India)
Jam. Jamedar
JCD John Chard Decoration (South Africa)
JCM John Chard Medal (South Africa)
jnr. junior
JP Justice of the Peace
KA Member of the first class or, Knight of St
Andrew of the Order of Barbados
KAR King's African Rifles
KB Knight of the Bath (to 1666); Knight Companion
of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath (1725 -
KBE Member of the second class or, Knight Commander
of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
KBt Knight Banneret
KC One of His Majesty's Counsel learned in the law
(King's Counsel)
KCB Member of the second class, Knight Commander of
the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
KCH Member of the second class or, Knight Commander
of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover.
KCIE Member of the second class or, Knight
Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire.
KCMG Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of
the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George.
KCN Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
KCSI Member of the second class or, Knight
Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India.
KCVO Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of
the Royal Victorial Order.
KDG King's Dragoon Guards
KEO King Edward's Own
KEVIIO King Edward the Seventh's Own
KFSM Recipient of the King's Fire Service Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service
KG Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the
kg kilogram
KGCN Knight Grand Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
KGN Knight Grand Collar of the Most Distinguished
Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
KGNH Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the National Hero
(St Christopher & Nevis).
KGO King George's Own
KGVO King George the Fifth's Own
kgs kilograms
KH Member of the third class or, Knight of the
Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover.
KHDS King's Honorary Dental Surgeon
KHNS King's Honorary Nursing Sister
KHP King's Honorary Physician
KHS King's Honorary Surgeon
KHVS King's Honorary Veterinary Surgeon
k. killed
k-i-a. killed in action
KIH Recipient of the first, second, or third class
of the Kaiser-i-Hind Medal for Public Service in India
(unnoffical postnomial letters)
KJStJ Member of the second class or, Knight of Justice of
the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms.
km kilometre
KMA Royal Military Acadamy (the Netherlands)
KMC Recipient of the King's Medal for Chiefs
kms kilometres
KNH Knight Companion of the Most Exalted Order of
the National Heros (Antigua & Barbuda).
KNIL Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger,
i.e. the Royal Netherlands Indies Army
KNL Koninklijk Nederlands Leger, i.e. the
Royal Netherlands Army
Knt Knight
Knt Bach Knight Bachelor
KNZM Member of the second class or, Knight Companion of
the New Zealand Order of Merit.
KOM Recipient of the Kedah Order of Merit (Malaysia)
KORR King's Own Royal Regiment
KOSB King's Own Scottish Borderers
KOYLI King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
KP Knight Companion of the Most Illustrious Order
of St Patrick (Ireland)
KPM Recipient of the King's Police Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service
KRRC King's Royal Rifle Corps
KSI Knight of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of
KSLI King's Shropshire Light Infantry
KSM Kyet thaye zaung shwe Salwe ya Min =
Recipient of the Gold Chain of Honour (Burma)
KStJ Member of the third class or Knight of Grace
of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms
KT Knight Companion of the Most Ancient and Noble
Order of the Thistle
Lancs. Lancashire
LCJ Lord Chief Justice
Lect. lecturer
legit. legitimate
Leics. Leicestershire
LG Lady Companion of the Most Noble Order of the
Garter. Life Guards.
LH Light Horse
LI Light Infantry
Lieut. Lieutenant
Lieut-Cdr. Lieutenant-Commander
Lieut-Col. Lieutenant-Colonel
Lieut-Gen. Lieutenant-General
Lieut-Gov. Lieutenant-Governor
Lincs. Lincolnshire
LL.B. legum baccalaurus, i.e. Bachelor of
LL.D. legum doctor, i.e. Doctor of Laws
LL.M. legum magister, i.e. Master of Laws
Lncrs. Lancers
loc. cit. loco citato, i.e. in the place quoted.
LSE London School of Economics
LSH Lord Strathcona's Horse (Canada)
LT Lady Companion of the Most Ancient and Noble
Order of the Thistle
LTA Lawn Tennis Association
Ltd. Limited
LVO Member of the fourth class or, Lieutenant of
the Royal Victorial Order.
LWD Recipient of the Louw Wepener Decoration (South
M. Monsieur
m. married
MA Master of Arts
Mag. Magistrate
Maj. Major
Maj-Gen. Major-General
Mancun. Manchester
MAO Muslim Anglo Oriental, college, Aligarh
MAS Malay Administrative Service
matric. matriculation
MB Medal of Bravery (Canada), mediciniae
baccalaureus, i.e. Bachelor of Medicine
MBE Member of the fifth class or, Member of the
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
MC Recipient of the Military Cross
MCC Marylebone Cricket Club
MD mediciniae doctor, i.e. Doctor of Medicine
Mdsx. Middlesex
MEC Member of the Executive Council
MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MFH Master of Foxhounds
MG Medal for Gallantry (Australia). Holder of the
Medal of Honour for Gallantry (Jamaica).
MGC Machine Gun Corps
MH Member of The Most Precious Order of Princely
Heritage (Antigua & Barbados). Recipient of the Medal
of Honour (St Christopher & Nevis).
MHR Member of the House of Representatives
MID Mentioned in dispatches
Mil. Military
Min. Minister
MLA Member of the Legislative Assembly
MLC Member of the Legislative Council
MLI Mahratta Light Infantry
Mlle. mademoiselle
MM Recipient of the Military Medal. Member of the
Most Illustrious Order of Merit (Antigua & Barbuda).
Mme. madame
MMM Member of the third class of the Order of
Military Merit (Canada). Military Merit Medal (South
MMV Medal of Military Valour (Canada)
MNZM Member of the fifth class of the New Zealand Order
of Merit
MOH Ministry of Health
MOM Member of the Order of Merit (of the Police
Forces of Canada). Recipient of the first, second, or
third class of the Public Service Medal of Merit
(Trinidad and Tobago).
Mon. Monmouthshire
MP Member of Parliament
MR Mounted Rifles
Mr Mister
MRCP Member of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCS Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
MRCVS Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MSA Member of the State Assembly
MSC Member of the State Council. Recipient of the
Meritorious Service Cross (Canada).
MSM Recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal
msn. mission
MSS Recipient of the first class, or Master of the Order
of the Star of Sarawak
MULO Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs
MVC Maha Vir Chakra (India)
MVF Malay Volunteer Force
MVI Malay Volunteer Infantry
MVO Member of the fourth class (1897 - 1982) or
fifth class of the Royal Victorial Order
MWO Militaire Willems-Orde, i.e. the
Military Order of William (Netherlands)
MY Motor Yacht
NAAFI Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes
NASA North American Space Agency
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NB New Brunswick
Nb. Sub. Naib Subedar
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NE North East
NH National Hero
Northants. Northamptonshire
Northumb. Northumberland
Notts. Nottinghamshire
NR North Riding
NRR Northern Rhodesia Regiment
NS Nova Scotia
NSC Recipient of the Nursing Service Cross
(Australia). Recipient of the National Service Cross (St
NSM Recipient of the National Service Medal (St
Lucia). Nao Sena Medal (India).
NW North West
NWFP North West Frontier Province
NWP North West Provinces
NZ New Zealand
NZSC New Zealand Staff Corps
NZTAF New Zealand Territorial Air Force
NZTF New Zealand Territorial Force
OAM Recipient of the Medal of the Order of
OB Member of the Order of Burma. Member of the
Order of Belize.
OBC Member of the Order of British Columbia
OBE Member of the fourth class or, Officer of the
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
OBI Member of the first or second class of the
Order of British India
OBLI Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
OC Member of the second class or, Officer of the
Order of Canada. Officer Commanding.
OCC Member of the second class or, Officer of the
Order of the Caribbean Community.
OCTU Officer Cadets Training Unit
OD Member of the Order of Distincion (Antigua &
Barbuda). Member of the Order of Distincion (St
Christopher & Nevis). Member of the second class or
Officer of the Order of Distinction (Jamaica).
OECD Organisation for European Co-operation and
Ofcr. Officer
OH Member of The Most Precious Order of Princely
Heritage (Antigua & Barbuda)
OJ Member of the Order of Jamaica
OM Officer of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit
(Antigua & Barbuda). Member of the Order of Manitoba
(Canada). Member of the Order of Merit (Jamaica). Member
of the Order of Merit (UK).
OMM Member of the second class or Officer of the
Order of Military Merit (Canada)
ON Member of the Order of the Nation (Antigua and
Barbuda). Member of the Order of the Nation (Jamaica).
ONZ Member of the Order of New Zealand
ONZM Member of the fourth class or Officer of the New
Zealand Order of Merit
OOM Member of the second class or, Officer of the
Order of Merit (of the Police Forces of Canada)
OOnt Member of the Order or Ontario (Canada).
ops. operations
OQ Member of the second class or, Officier of the
Ordre national du Québec (Canada).
Org. Organisation
OStJ Member of the fifth class, or Officer (Brother
or Sister) of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of
St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
OSS Recipient of the third class, or Officer of the Order
of the Star of Sarawak
OSVIA Opleiding School Voor Indische Artsen
OTC Officer Training Corps
Oxon. Oxford
PARA Parachute (Regiment)
Parl. Parliament, parliamentary
PAV Prince Albert Victor's
PC Privy Councillor. Police Constable.
PCNZM Principal Companion of the New Zealand Order of
PEI Prince Edward Island
PEPSU Patiala and Eastern Punjab States Union
Ph.D. philosophiae doctor, i.e. Doctor of
Plen. Plenipotentiary
PMRAFNS Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service
PO Petty Officer (Navy) or Pilot Officer (Air
POW Prince of Wales's
PPCLI Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
PR public relations
Preb. Prebendary
Presdt. President
Princ. Principal
Prof. Professor
prom. promoted
PSM Public Service Medal (Australia)
Pte. Private
PVC Param Vir Chakra (India)
PVSM Param Vishishta Seva Medal (India)
PWD Public Works Department
PWO Prince of Wales's Own
QAIMNS Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing
QARANC Queen Alexandra's Roayl Army Nursing Corps
QARNNS Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service
QC Queen's Counsel, i.e. one of Her Majesty's
Counsel learned in the law
QDG Queen's Dragoon Guards
QFSM Recipient of the Queen's Fire Service Medal
QGM Recipient of the Queen's Gallantry Medal
QHC Queen's Honorary Chaplain
QHDS Queen's Honorary Dental Surgeon
QHNS Queen's Honorary Nursing Sister
QHP Queen's Honorary Physician
QHS Queen's Honorary Surgeon
QHVS Queen's Honorary Veterinary Surgeon
QM Quartermaster
QMC Recipient of the Queen's Medal for Chiefs
QMG Quartermaster-General
QMO Queen Mary's Own
QO Queen's Own
QPM Recipient of the Queen's Police Medal for
gallantry or distinguished service
QRVSM Queen's Royal Volunteer Service Medal
QSM Recipient of the Queen's Service Medal for
community or public service (New Zealand)
QSO Companion of the Queen's Service Order for
community or public service (New Zealand)
QVO Queen Victoria's Own
RA Royal Academecian. Royal Regiment of Artillery.
RAA Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery
RAAC Royal Australian Armoured Corps
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAAMC Royal Australian Army Medical Corps
RAC Royal Armoured Corps
RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
RAE Corps of Royal Australian Engineers
RAEC Royal Army Educational Corps
RAEME Corps of Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical
RAF Royal Air Force
RAFVR Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Raj Rif Rajputana Rifles (India)
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RANR Royal Australian Naval Reserve
RANVR Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve
RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps
RAPC Royal Army Pay Corps
RAR Royal Australian Regiment
RAS Royal Asiatic Society
RASC Royal Army Service Corps
RAuxAF Royal Auxiliary Air Force
RAVC Royal Army Veterinary Corps
RC Roman Catholic
RCA Royal Canadian Regiment of Artillery
RCAC Royal Canadian Armoured Corps
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RCAMC Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
RCAS Royal Central Asian Society
RCE Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers
RCEME Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical
RCH Royal Canadian Hussars
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCN Royal Canadian Navy
RCNR Royal Canadian Naval Reserve
RCNRVR Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
RCR Royal Canadian Regiment
RCT Royal Corps of Transport
Rcvd./rcvd. received
RCyAF Royal Ceylon Air Force
RCyN Royal Ceylon Navy
RD Recipient of the Royal Naval Reserve Officers'
Rd. Road
RDC Rural District Council
RE Corps of Royal Engineers
REAF Royal Egyptian Air Force
Rear-Ad. Rear-Admiral
Recce. Reconnaissance
Regt. Regiment
REME Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
REN Royal Egyptian Navy
repud. repudiated
Rev The Reverend (Priests, Vicars, Canons)
RFA Royal Regiment of Field Artillery
RFC Royal Flying Corps
RFD Recipient of the Reserve Forces Decoration
RGA Royal Regiment of Garrison Artillery
RGR Royal Garhwal Rifles, or Royal Gurkha Rifles
RHA Royal Regiment of Horse Artillery
RHG Royal Horse Guards
RHLI Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Canada)
RIA Royal Regiment of Indian Artillery
RIAF Royal Indian Air Force
RIC Royal Irish Constabulary
RIE Corps of Royal Indian Engineers
RIM Royal Indian Marine
RIMA Royal Indian Military Academy
RIN Royal Indian Navy
RIR Royal Irish Rifles
RM Corps of Royal Marines
RMA Royal Military Academy, Royal Marine Artillery,
Royal Regiment of Malta Artillery
RMAF Royal Malaysian Air Force
RMC Royal Military College
RMLI Royal Marine Light Infantry
RMN Royal Malaysian Navy
RN Royal Navy
RNC Royal Naval College, Royal Natal Carbineers
(South Africa)
RNLI Royal National Lifeboat Institution
RNR Royal Naval Reserve. Royal Norfolk Regiment.
RNVR Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
RNZA Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery
RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force
RNZAMC Royal New Zealand Army Medical Corps
RNZEME Corps of Royal New Zealand Electrical and
Mechanical Engineers
RNZN Royal New Zealand Navy
RNZNR Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve
RNZNVR Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve
RNZR Royal New Zealand Regiment
Roy. Royal
RPAF Royal Pakistan Air Force
RPN Royal Pakistan Navy
RR Rajputana Rifles (India)
RRC Member of the first class of the Royal Red
RRR Royal Rhodesia Regiment
RS Royal Society
Rs Rupees
RSA Royal Scottish Academy
RSigs Corps of Royal Signals
RSM Regimental Sergeant-Major
Rt Excellent The Right Excellent (Recipients of the
orders of the National Hero of Jamaica, Barbados, etc.)
Rt Hon The Right Honourable
Rt Rev The Right Reverend
RTC Royal Tank Corps
RTR Royal Tank Regiment
RU Rugby Union
RUC Royal Ulster Constablulary
RUR Royal Ulster Rifles
RVM Recipient of the Medal of the Royal Victorian
RWAFF Royal West African Frontier Force
RWF Royal Welsh Fusiliers
RYS Royal Yacht Squadron
SA South Africa, Salvation Army
Salop. Shropshire
SAN South African Navy
SAS Shrimant Akhand Soubhagyavati (India, title
for Maratha married ladies)
SASO Senior Air Staff Officer
SBStJ Member of the sixth class or Serving Brother of the
Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms
SC Recipient of the Star of Courage (Australia).
Recipient of the Star of Courage (Canada). State
SCC Sea Cadet Corps
Sc.D. scientiae doctor, i.e. Doctor of
Sch. School
SCM Holder of the Silver Grade of the Crown of
Merit of the Order of Barbados
SD Holder of the Southern Cross Decoration (South
SE South East
SEAC South East Asia Command
SEATO South East Asia Treaty Organisation
Sec. Secretary
SG Recipient of the Star of Gallantry (Australia).
Holder of the Barbados Star of Gallantry.
SGM Recipient of the Sea Gallantry Medal (The Board
of Trade Medal for Saving Life at Sea)
Sigs Signals
SJ Society of Jesus
SJAB Saint John's Ambulance Brigade
SLC Recipient of the Saint Lucia Cross
SLMH Recipient of the Medal of Honour of the Order of St
SLMM Recipient of the Medal of Merit of the Order of St
SLPM Recipient of the Les Pitons Medal of the Order of St
SM Recipient of the Medal of Service of the Order
of Canada (1967-1972). Recipient of the Southern Cross
Medal (South Africa). Sena Medal (India)
Smt Shrimati (India)
SMV Recipient of the Star of Military Valour
SO Staff Officer
s/o son of
SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies
Soc. Society
Som. Somerset
SOM Member of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit
SP Superintendant of Police
SS Saints
SSA Recipient of the 1st Class (Gold) of the Order
of the Star of South Africa
SSAF Straits Settlements Air Force
SSAFA Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmens ' Families
SSAS Recipient of the 2nd Class (Silver) of the
Order of the Star of South Africa
SSC Short Service Commission
SSStJ Member of the sixth class or Serving Sister
of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of
Jerusalem in the British Realms
St. Street, Saint.
St Kitts St Christopher
Staffs. Staffordshire
STOVIA School Tot Opleiding Voor Indische Artsen,
i.e. Indigeneous School for Medicine
Sub Maj. Subedar Major
succ. succeeded
Supt. Superintendant
SVM Recipient of the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal
SW South West
SWA South West Africa
SWB South Wales Borderers
SYSM Sarvottam Yudha Seva Medal (India)
TA Territorial Army
TC Recipient of the Trinity Cross (Trinidad and
TD Recipient of the Territorial Officers'
Decoration (1908-1932). Recipient of the Colonial
Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration conferred in New
Zealand (1911-1927). Recipient of the Territorial
Officers' Efficiency Decoration (1932-1967, 1982).
Recipient of the Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve
Officers Efficiency Decoration (1967-1982).
TDM Thuye gaung ngwe Da ya Min = Recipient
of the Silver Sword for Bravery (Burma).
Temp. temporary
TF Territorial Force
TJFF Trans Jordan Frontier Force
TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia, i.e. the
national army of Indonesia
TPS Taing kyo Pyi kyo Saung = One who has
promoted the welfare of his country (Burma)
TRI Tentara Republik Indonesia, i.e.
army of the Republic of Indonesia 1945-47
UAE United Arab Emirates
UCL University College London
UDC Urban District Council
UK United Kingdom
Univ. University
unm. unmarried
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organisation
UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency
UNO United Nations Organisation
UP United Presbyterian, United Press, United
Provinces (India), Uttar Pradesh (India after 1956)
US United States of America
USA United States
USAAF United States Army Air Force
USAF United States Air Force
USN United States Navy
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
UYSM Uttam Yudh Seva Medal (India)
VA Lady of the first, second, third, or fourth
class of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert
VAD Voluntary Aid Detachment
VC Recipient of the Victoria Cross
VCO Viceroy's Commissioned Officer
VD Recipient of the Volunteer Officers' Decoration.
Recipient of the Indian Volunteer Forces Officers'
Decoration. Recipient of the Colonial Auxiliary Forces
Officers' Decoration. Recipient of the Royal Naval
Volunteer Reserve Officers' Decoration (1902-1948).
Ven Venerable
Vice-Ad. Vice-Admiral
VIP Very Important Person
VM Vayu Sena Medal (India)
VOC Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, i.e.
the United East India Company of the Netherlands
Vol. Volunteer
Vols. Volunteers
Vr.C. Vir Chakra (India)
VR Volunteer Rifles
VRD Recipient of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Officers' Decoration
VRM Recipient of the Van Riebeeck Medal (South
VSM Vishishta Seva Medal (India)
WAAF Women's Auxiliary Air Force
War. Warwickshire
WC West Central
W/Cdr. Wing Commander
WHO World Health Organisation
WI West Indies, Women's Institute
Winton Winchester
WO Warrant Officer. War Office.
Worcs. Worcestershire
WRAC Women's Royal Army Corps
WRAF Women's Royal Air Force
WRNS Women's Royal Naval Service
WRVS Women's Royal Voluntary Service
WS Writer to the Signet
(WS) War Service
WVS Women's Voluntary Service
WWII World War Two
WW2 World War Two
Xmas Christmas
Xtian Christian
Yeo Yeomanry
YMCS Young Men's Christian Association
Yorks. Yorkshire
yr. younger
YSM Yudh Seva Medal (India)
yst. youngest
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association
ZH Zeine Hoogheid, i.e. His Highness
ZVH Zeine Vorstelijke Hoogheid, i.e. His
Princely Highness
Copyright© Christopher Buyers, August 2000 - January 2025