1999 H.M. Muhammad VI, King of Morocco, and Amir al-Mu’minin, GCVO (27.10.1980). b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 21st August 1963, elder son of H.M. Hassan II, King of Morocco, and Amir al-Mu’minin, GCB, by his second wife, Lalla Latifa Amhourak, educ. l’École Princière, Royal Coll, Rabat, and Muhammad V Univ (LLB 1985), Agdal, Morocco, and Univ of Nice Sophia Antipolis (PhD 1993), Alpes-Maritimes, France. Appointed as Heir Apparent and Crown Prince (Sahib Sumuw al-Malaki Wali al Aahd al-Amir), 21st August 1963. Presdt Pan Arab Games 1985, and the High Council of Culture 1994-1999. Cmsnd as Colonel-Major RMA 26/11/1985, Co-ordinator of the Offices and Services of the Royal Armed Forces 1985-1994, prom Lieut-Gen 12/7/1994, C-in-C RMA 1994-1999. Succeeded on the death of his father, 23rd July 1999. Enthroned at the Royal Palace, Rabat, 30th July 1999. General of the Army and Supreme C-in-C of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces since 30/7/1999. Author of “La coopération entre l’Union européenne et les pays du Maghreb” (1994). Rcvd: the Collars of the Orders of Hussein ibn ‘Ali of the Jordan (x.3.2000), Mubarak the Great of Kuwait (22.10.2002), and the Chrysanthemum of Japan (28.11.2005, GC 7.3.1987), Grand Collar of the Orders of the Seventh of November of Tunisia (x.5.2000), al-Khalifa of Bahrain (28.7.2001), the Southern Cross of Brazil (26.11.2004), Bernardo O’Higgins of Chile (3.12.2004), the Liberator San Martin of Argentina (7.12.2004), Aztec Eagle of Mexico (11.2.2005), and Independence of Equatorial Guinea (17.4.2009), GC of the Orders of Legion of Honour of France (5.1.1975), Carlos III with collar (14.1.2005, GC 23.6.1986), Isabella the Catholic with collar (16.9.2000) and Civil Merit with collar (2.6.1979) of Spain, the Republic of Tunisia (special class with collar 31.5.2014, GC x.8.1987), the Infant Dom Henrique (21.10.1993) and St Benedict of Aviz (5.3.1999) of Portugal, Merit of the Republic of Italy with collar (11.4.2000, GC 18.3.1997), National Merit of Mauritania (x.4.2000), National Order of Mali with collar (14.6.2000), Oumayid of Syria (9.4.2001), Merit of the Lebanon special class (13.6.2001), Independence of Qatar (25.10.2002), Nile of Egypt (28.10.2002), Valour of the Cameroon (17.6.2004), Equatorial Star of Gabon (21.6.2004, GO 7.7.1977), National Order of the Niger (24.6.2004), Leopold of Belgium (5.10.2004), of the Medal of Honour of the Congress of Peru (1.12.2004), Bikinabe of Bukina Faso (1.3.2005), Republic of the Gambia (20.2.2006), Merit of the Congo (22.2.2006), National Heroes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (28.2.2006), Three Stars with chain of Latvia (14.5.2007), and Abu Bakar Siddiq of the Red Crescent Soc (29.6.2001), the Order of Pakistan 1st class (Nishan-i-Pakistan) (19.7.2003), etc. Dr. honoris causa (George Washington Univ. 2000). m. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 12th October 2001 (nikah), and 21st March 2002 (zifaf),H.R.H. Princess Lalla Salama (b. at Fez, 10th May 1978), née Salama Bennani, educ. Lycée Hassan II, Lycée Moulay Youssef, and l’École Nationale Supériure d’Informatique et d’Analyse de Systèmes, Rabat, Information Services Engineer with Omnium Nord Africain (ONA) Group 1999-2002, granted the personal title of Princess Lalla with the style of HerRoyalHighness on her marriage 21st March 2002, rcvd: GC of the Orders of Leopold II of Belgium (5.10.2004), and Isabella the Catholic of Spain (17.1.2005), daughter of al-Haj ‘Abdu’l-Hamid Bennani, a teacher from Fez, by his wife, Naima, née Bensouda. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
1) H.R.H. Crown Prince Mulay Al-Hasan. b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 8th May 2003, educ. l’École Princière, Rabat. Rcvd: GC of the Order of the Republic of Tunisia (31.5.2014).
1) H.R.H. Princess Lalla Khadija. b. at the Dar al-Makhzin, Rabat, 28th February 2007.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at: